Chitosan-Carboxymethyl-5-Fluorouracil-Folate Conjugate Particles: Microwave Modulated Uptake by Skin and Melanoma Cells

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Folate Conjugate Particles: Microwave
Modulated Uptake by Skin and
Melanoma Cells
Asif Nawaz1,2 and Tin Wui Wong1,2

5-Fluorouracil delivery profiles in the form of chitosan-folate submicron particles through skin and melanoma
cells in vitro were examined using microwaves as the penetration enhancer. The in vivo pharmacokinetic
profile of 5-fluorouracil was also determined. Chitosan-carboxymethyl-5-fluorouracil-folate conjugate was
synthesized and processed into submicron particles by spray-drying technique. The size, zeta potential,
morphology, drug content, and drug release, as well as skin permeation and retention, pharmacokinetics,
in vitro SKMEL-28 melanoma cell line cytotoxicity, and intracellular trafficking profiles of drug/particles, were
examined as a function of skin/melanoma cell treatment by microwaves at 2,450 MHz for 5 þ 5 minutes. The
level of skin drug/particle retention in vitro and in vivo increased in skin treated by microwaves. This was
facilitated by the drug conjugating to chitosan and microwaves fluidizing both the protein and lipid domains of
epidermis and dermis. The uptake of chitosan-folate particles by melanoma cells was mediated via lipid raft
route. It was promoted by microwaves, which fluidized the lipid and protein regimes of the cell membrane, and
this increased drug cytotoxicity. In vivo pharmacokinetic study indicated skin treatment by microwave-
enhanced drug retention but not permeation. The combination of microwaves and submicron particles syn-
ergized skin drug retention and intracellular drug delivery.
Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2018) 138, 2412e2422; doi:10.1016/j.jid.2018.04.037

INTRODUCTION biological effects as a function of field strength, frequency,

Microwaves are a nonionizing electromagnetic wave char- wave form, and duration of exposure (Rai et al., 1994a,
acterized by frequencies between 300 MHz and 300 GHz 1994b). These effects are mainly attributed to microwave
(Wong, 2014). This is not a form of heat but a form of energy heating (Banik et al., 2003). However, recent reports have
that interacts with materials in a thermal or nonthermal shown or suggested that there are nonthermal microwave
fashion. Medically, microwave technology has been adopted effects leading to various types of molecular transformations
as a part of cancer treatment programs. In recent medical and alterations (Herrero et al., 2008).
advances, microwaves are used in hyperthermia ablation for Microwave radiation has been shown to enhance skin
treatment of renal cancer (Castle et al., 2011), hepatocellular penetration. It enhances drug permeation transdermally with
carcinoma (Liu et al., 2013), intrahepatic primary chol- no significant temperature rise on skin. The drug permeation
angiocarcinoma (Yu et al., 2011), hepatic colorectal metas- is promoted by microwaves through exerting spacing of lipid
tases (Jones et al., 2011), metastatic liver cancer (Hompes architecture of stratum corneum into structureless domains
et al., 2010), benign thyroid nodules (Yue et al., 2013), (Wong and Anuar, 2013). Melanoma accounts for about 80%
dysfunctional uterine bleeding (Bain et al., 2002), and lung of skin cancer-associated deaths worldwide (Chen et al.,
cancer (Vogl et al., 2011). Microwaves can induce different 2010). It originates from melanocytes, which are pigment-
producing cells located in the basal layer of epidermis
(deep skin layer). Most anticancer drugs are hydrophilic and
Non-Destructive Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Research Centre, have low oil/water partition coefficients (Souza et al., 2011).
iPROMISE; and 2Particle Design Research Group, Faculty of Pharmacy, Their usefulness in the treatment of melanoma is hindered by
Universiti Teknologi MARA, Puncak Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
inadequate depth of penetration into the dermis (peripheral
Correspondence: Tin Wui Wong, Non-Destructive Biomedical and
skin layers), where tumors are usually located (Taveira &
Pharmaceutical Research Centre, iPROMISE, Universiti Teknologi MARA,
Puncak Alam, 42300, Selangor, Malaysia. E-mail: wongtinwui@salam.uitm. Lopez, 2011). or Chitosan is a cationic biopolymer with amino and
Abbreviations: C-5-FU-F, chitosan-carboxymethyl-5-fluorouracil-folate; C-F- hydroxyl moieties available in its parent structure for chem-
FU-F-NP, chitosan-carboxymethyl-5-fluorouracil-folate conjugate submicron ical modification. Chitosan and its derivatives have been
particles; CMFU, carboxymethyl-5-fluorouracil; FTIR, Fourier transform
infrared spectroscopy
reported to exhibit anticancer activities (Huang et al., 2006;
Xia, 2003, 2011), including antimelanoma action (Gibot
Received 31 January 2018; revised 15 April 2018; accepted 16 April 2018;
accepted manuscript published online 30 May 2018; corrected proof et al., 2015). Chitosan interacts with lipids in the skin via
published online 8 August 2018 its negatively charged moieties (Taveira et al., 2009). Using

2412 Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2018), Volume 138 ª 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier, Inc. on behalf of the Society for Investigative Dermatology.
A Nawaz and TW Wong
Microwave Modulated Nanoparticle Delivery

chitosan as the drug carrier improves the propensity of drug C-5-FU-F conjugate
diffusion into the peripheral skin layers. The effectiveness of Modified low molecular weight chitosan was used as the
skin drug penetration and retention has been reported to be backbone for 5-fluorouracil and folic acid conjugation. The
aided by the submicron-sized chitosan matrix (Nawaz & C-5-FU-F conjugate was characterized by Fourier transform
Wong, 2017). Tumor-targeted drug delivery has been infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and nuclear magnetic resonance
executed using chitosan particles via surface decoration of spectroscopy techniques (Figure 1). The conjugate was
the matrix with targeting ligands such as antibodies, hor- characterized by smaller FTIR wavenumbers of the spectral
mones, peptides, and small compounds like folic acid and band at 1,626.8  7.6 cme1 than those of chitosan
hyaluronic acid (Jain et al., 2010). Folic acid is well known as (1,645.2  6.1 cme1), carboxymethyl-5-fluorouracil (CMFU)
a cancer-targeting ligand that is less expensive, more easily (1,683.6  2.5 cme1), and folic acid (1,694.8  0.6 cme1).
conjugated to drug carriers, and physicochemically more This was ascribed to the development of amide linkage after
stable in applications (Byrne et al., 2008). It has been cova- polymer-drug-folate conjugation. The presence of CMFU in
lently linked to chitosan particles with the aim of selectively chitosan was reflected by proton signals at 4.3 p.p.m. and
delivering anticancer drugs to tumor cells (Wu et al., 2006). 7.7 p.p.m. attributable to CH2 and CH moieties of CMFU and
Folate receptor exists in malignant tumors, combining with folic acid by proton signal at 2.7 p.p.m. due to H-22 of folic
glycosyl phosphatidylinositol as a membrane glycoprotein acid (Li et al., 2011). The characteristic peaks at 3.7 and
connection (Reddy et al., 2005). Its expression is highly 3.1 p.p.m. were ascribed to H-2/H-5/H-6 of chitosan.
inhibited in normal tissues and highly expressed or overex-
Conjugate submicron particles
pressed in several human cancers (Weitman et al., 1992a,
Near-spherical C-5-FU-F-NP were produced (Figure 2d).
1992b), including melanoma (Skinner et al., 2016;
They exhibited a smooth surface morphology. The average
Sánchez-del-Campo et al., 2009). Melanoma cells have
drug content of the submicron particles was 13.4  1.2%,
a-folate receptors (Rodriguez-Lopez et al., 2011; Sánchez-
whereas their encapsulation efficiency was 90.1  8.6%.
del-Campo et al., 2009). These folate receptors bind folate
The average size and zeta potential of the submicron
and folate-drug conjugates with very high affinity and shuttle
particles were 781.7  33.5 nm and 9.0  3.2 mV,
these bound molecules inside cells via an endocytic mech-
anism (Leamon, 2004).
Thus far, magnetic-based core shell particles, electrospun Drug release, permeation, and retention
mats, liposomes, nanofibers, and microemulsion have been The covalent conjugation of drug onto chitosan reduced
developed for the purpose of melanoma treatment (Naves its detachment propensity from the polymer chain and
et al., 2017). Using chitosan as the solid submicron particu- lowered the in vitro drug dissolution extent of C-5-FU-F-NP
late matrix material aids skin drug delivery and provide ther- (P ¼ 0.005) (Figure 2a). With reference to in vitro skin
apeutic effects benefiting local disorders such as malignant diffusion, the percentages of drug permeation and retention
melanoma. Melanoma cells have overexpressed folate of C-5-FU-F-NP were nonetheless larger than free CMFU
receptors (Skinner et al., 2016). Using folic acid as the targeting (Figure 2b and c). The cationic chitosan enabled conjugate
ligand, the binding affinity of particles with melanoma cells submicron particles to interact with anionic domains of skin
can be promoted. The skin and melanoma uptake of chitosan lipids and proteins. This resulted in lipid lamella disorgani-
particles covalently conjugated with folic acid has not been zation, secondary structural changes of keratin, formation of
investigated to the best of our knowledge. Its uptake profiles as larger aqueous pores, and membrane fluidization. The sum-
a function of skin/melanoma treatment by microwave have not mative effects increased the intercellular and/or transcellular
been evaluated with respect to the anticancer activity penetration extent of drugs (He et al., 2009; Yeh et al., 2011).
expression of drug. This study examines the effectiveness of In addition, the Tween (Fisher Scientific, Leicestershire, UK)
microwave-assisted drug delivery of chitosan-carboxymethyl- and Span (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) contained in the
5-fluorouracil-folate conjugate (C-5-FU-F) submicron parti- submicron particles fluidized and extracted skin lipid,
cles (C-5-FU-F-NP) through skin and into the melanoma cells. increased the stratum corneum’s water content, and
The possibility of combining chitosan-folate submicron parti- increased its aqueous pore size (López et al., 2000). The
cles with microwaves in melanoma cancer treatment is eval- physicochemical changes reduced the epidermis barrier
uated with respect to in vitro drug release, retention, and function and facilitated transdermal drug transport. Nearly all
permeation, as well as in vivo pharmacokinetics profiles. The drug released from the conjugate submicron particles
endocytotic uptake profiles of submicron particles are assessed permeated across the skin (Figure 2a and b).
in vitro against the cellular viability of melanoma cells. Pretreatment of skin by microwaves at 2,450 MHz for 5 þ
5 minutes further elevated the extent of drug permeation to
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 55.2  15.9% after 24 hours (P ¼ 0.037) (Figure 2b;). This
The main chain and amide linkages between the amino was due to an increase in submicron particles permeating
functional group of parent chain and acetyl moiety were across the skin bringing together 5-fluorouracil covalently
lysed under the influence of microwaves. The formed linked to chitosan in the matrix, based on FTIR imaging
chitosan was characterized by molecular weight ¼ 15,370  analysis (Figure 2e). The skin treated by microwaves was
544 Da, degree of deacetylation ¼ 92.5  2.7%, solution characterized by a higher level of drug retention (P ¼ 0.036)
viscosity ¼ 3.9  0.0, particle size ¼ 97.3  10.1 nm, and (Figure 2c). In skin treated with microwaves, a higher par-
zeta potential ¼ 71.1  2.1 mV. It was used as the precursor ticulate fraction was found in both epidermis (3.5  1.2%)
for conjugate and submicron particle synthesis. and dermis (10.9  2.9%) compared with untreated skin 2413
A Nawaz and TW Wong
Microwave Modulated Nanoparticle Delivery

a Chitosan OH OH

NH OH Folic acid



Chitosan-CMFU-Folic acid Conjugate




1H, OH
1H, N-H

1683.6±2.5 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ppm


Transmission (%)

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ppm

d H-22

13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ppm


2926.4±2.4 Chitosan Peaks

4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 650 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ppm
Wavenumber (cm-1) Chemical shift (ppm)

Figure 1. Chitosan-CMFU-folate conjugation. Profiles of (a) chemical structure of chitosan-CMFU-folate conjugate with FITC labelling, FTIR (left) and
NMR (right) spectra for (b) CMFU, (c) chitosan, (d) folic acid, and (e) chitosan-CMFU-folate conjugate. CMFU, carboxymethyl-5-fluorouracil; FTIR, Fourier
transform infrared spectroscopy; NMR, nuclear magnetic resonance.

(epidermis, 1.3  0.5%; dermis, 4.3  2.1%). Most particles Attenuated total reflectance FTIR analysis indicated that
retained in skin were accumulated in the dermis. This was the skin, especially dermis, was vastly fluidized at O-H and/
deemed helpful for the local treatment of skin malignant or N-H (3,310e3,370 cme1) and asymmetric CH2
melanoma located in the deep skin layers. (2,850e2,950 cme1) domains of ceramide, keratin, and/or

2414 Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2018), Volume 138

A Nawaz and TW Wong
Microwave Modulated Nanoparticle Delivery

a b
120 CMFU C-5-FU-F-NP 80 CMFU C-5-FU-F-NP

Cumulative Drug Permeation (%)

C-5-FU-F-NP;2450 MHz, 5+5 min
Cumulative Drug Release (%)

* 60
80 50
40 20
0 0 300 600 900 1200 1500
0 300 600 900 1200 1500 Time (min)
Time (min)
c 14 d

Average CMFU Retention (%)


CMFU C-5-FU-F-NP C-5-FU-F-NP; 2450 MHz,
5+5 min

e Epidermis Dermis
1.3±0.5% 4.3±2.1%
-498.3 -59.3

(i) -250
-885.7 -446.7
-1703.9 -1600 -1500 -1400 -1300 -1210. 13822.1 13900 14000 14100 14200 14315.
Micrometers Micrometers

-1455.3 3.5±1.2% 10.9±2.9%



(ii) -1650
-1842.7 32.3
-1091.9 -1000 -900 -800 -700 -598.1 30716.1 30800 30900 31000 31100 31209.9
Micrometers Micrometers

Figure 2. Drug release, permeation, retention and particle morphology. Profiles of (a) drug release of C-5-FU-F-NP against CMFU (*P < 0.05), (b) skin drug
permeation of C-5-FU-F-NP with untreated skin or skin treated by microwaves at 2,450 MHz for 5 þ 5 minutes against CMFU (*P < 0.05), (c) skin drug retention
of C-5-FU-F-NP with untreated skin or skin treated with microwaves at 2,450 MHz for 5 þ 5 minutes against CMFU (P < 0.05), (d) SEM image of C-5-FU-F-NP
(mean size ¼ 761.8  54.2 nm), and (e) FTIR imaging plots of epidermis and dermis on C-5-FU-F-NP distribution in (i) untreated skin and (ii) skin treated with
microwaves at 2,450 MHz for 5 þ 5 minutes. Population density of C-5-FU-F-NP is represented in the following order: red > pink > green > blue. C-5-FU-F-NP,
chitosan-carboxymethyl-5-fluorouracil-folate conjugate submicron particles; CMFU, carboxymethyl-5-fluorouracil; FTIR, Fourier transform infrared
spectroscopy; min, minute. 2415
A Nawaz and TW Wong
Microwave Modulated Nanoparticle Delivery

Epidermis Dermis

2918.5±0.2 2919.2±0.9

3355.8±5.1 3316.2±2.7

Transmission (%)

2919.0±0.9 2926.8±2.8


c 3323.1±5.9

2920.3±0.6 2926.1±2.4

3364.4±9.8 3350.0±7.2
2852.3±4.5 2852.9±1.6
2920.4±1.6 2926.7±2.0

3374.1±10.3 3360.6±13.1
80 80
4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 650 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 650

Wavenumber (cm-1)

Epidermis Dermis
e 3336.5±6.7 3333.7±2.4

2935.9±1.1 2875.9±0.3
2875.8±0.1 1537.9±0.5 1344.9±1.1 2727.4±5.4

f 3338.9±6.0

2900-2700 1600-1300

g 3357.8±3.4

2900-2700 2900-2700
1600-1300 1600-1300

3359.2±4.6 3349.3±10.4

2900-2700 2900-2700
1600-1300 1600-1300

3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 400 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 400

Raman Shift (cm-1)

Figure 3. ATR-FTIR and Raman spectra of epidermis and dermis. (aed) ATR-FTIR and (eeh) Raman spectra of epidermis (left) and dermis (right) of (a,e)
untreated skin and skin treated with (b,f) C-5-FU-F-NP, (c,g) 2,450-MHz microwaves for 5 þ 5 minutes, and (d,h) 2,450-MHz microwaves for 5 þ 5 minutes and
C-5-FU-F-NP. ATR, attenuated total reflectance; C-5-FU-F-NP, chitosan-carboxymethyl-5-fluorouracil-folate conjugate submicron particles.

lipids when C-5-FU-F-NP was applied (Figure 3a and b). calorimetry had the skin treated with submicron particles
Similarly, Raman spectroscopy studies were characterized by exhibiting a lower melting temperature at 64.2  0.7  C,
reduced band intensity at 3,333e3,337 cme1, 2,700e2,900 which suggested that the skin lipid was fluidized (Figure 4a
cme1, and 1,300e1,600 cme1 corresponding to the respec- and b). Overall, both skin lipid and protein domains could be
tive O-H and/or N-H, C-H, and N-H/C-N domains of skin fluidized by C-5-FU-F-NP. This was partly responsible for the
(Figure 3e and f). Further analysis by differential scanning increase in the extent of drug permeation and retention.

2416 Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2018), Volume 138

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Microwave Modulated Nanoparticle Delivery

Figure 4. DSC thermograms and SEM

DSC T=66.1±1.5
images. (aed) DSC thermograms and
(eeh) SEM images of (a,e) untreated
skin and skin treated with (b,f) C-5-
FU-F-NP, (c,g) 2,450-MHz
a T=64.2±0.7
microwaves for 5 þ 5 minutes,
and (d,h) 2,450-MHz microwaves
for 5 þ 5 minutes and C-5-FU-F-NP.
*P < 0.05 with reference to untreated
b skin thermogram. C-5-FU-F-NP,

T=63.1±0.8 chitosan-carboxymethyl-5-
fluorouracil-folate conjugate
submicron particles; DSC, differential
c T=61.9±1.9 scanning calorimetry; SEM, scanning
electron microscopy.

d *
Temperature (°C)


e f

g h

In the case of microwave treatment, FTIR analysis showed rise to trans-lipid to gauche conformer transformation as
that the epidermis and dermis of skin treated by microwaves marked by the new FTIR peak at about 2,852 cme1 (Figure 3),
had larger wavenumbers at 3,310e3,370 cme1, corre- which is responsible for skin fluidization. Both epidermis and
sponding to O-H and/or N-H bonds of ceramide, keratin, dermis experienced the skin penetration enhancement effect
and/or lipids (Figure 3). The hydrogen bond strength of skin of microwaves. The effect was particularly marked when
could possibly be reduced through microwaves interacting microwave irradiation was used in combination with C-5-FU-
with the keratin and/or polar moieties of ceramide and lipid F-NP as the respective physical and chemical penetration
materials in stratum corneum. Similarly, the wavenumbers of enhancers (Figure 3). The Raman spectroscopy and differen-
FTIR peaks at 2,918.5  0.2 cme1 and 2,850.1  0.0 cme1 of tial scanning calorimetry analysis of skin provided similar
untreated epidermis and 2,919.2  0.9 cme1 of untreated outcomes as the FTIR evaluation. The skin treated with mi-
dermis increased in skin treated by microwaves (Figure 3). crowaves, especially with applied C-5-FU-F-NP, had a low
The transdermal drug diffusion was promoted by the sum- endothermic temperature at 61.9  1.9  C, an attribute of
mative skin fluidization effects. The microwaves irradiating at low skin matrix interaction strength (P ¼ 0.006) (Figure 4).
2,450 MHz for 5 þ 5 minutes could exert spacing of lipid The Raman spectroscopy peaks at 3,333e3,337 cme1,
architecture of the skin in a random manner with no buildup 2,700e2,900 cme1, and 1,300e1,600 cme1 corresponding
of specific structured domains, as suggested by the conver- to the respective skin O-H and/or N-H, C-H, and N-H/C-N
sion of skin epidermis into a smoother texture (Figure 4). With bonds were characterized by reduced band intensity
respect to dermis, the treatment of skin by microwaves gave (Figure 3). The skin applied with C-5-FU-F-NP and, to a larger 2417
A Nawaz and TW Wong
Microwave Modulated Nanoparticle Delivery

a C-5-FU-F-NP C-5-FU-F-NP; 2450 MHz, 5+5 min

30 10

Average Drug Retention (%)

25 8
Average Plasma Drug
Concentration (µg/ml)

15 5
10 3
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 C-5-FU-F-NP C-5-FU-F-NP; 2450 MHz, 5+5 min
Time (h)

c Parameter C-5-FU-F-NP C-5-FU-F-NP; 2450 MHz, 5 + 5 min

Cmax (µg/ml) 14.5 ± 10.5 16.4 ± 10.0
Tmax (h) 8 12

K (h )
0.057 0.036
t1/2 (h) 12.1 18.8
AUC0-t (µg/ml.h) 163.9 ± 22.3 174.4 ± 23.2

Cmax: Peak plasma drug concentration; Tmax : Time at which Cmax was observed
K: Elimination rate constant; t1/2 : Elimination half life
AUC0-t : Area under the plasma concentration-time plot from 0 h to time

Figure 5. Pharmacokinetics. CMFU concentrations in (a) plasma and (b) skin of rats in vivo with reference to rats treated with C-5-FU-F-NP or microwaves at
2450 MHz for 5 þ 5 minutes followed by C-5-FU-F-NP and its (c) pharmacokinetics parameters. *P ¼ 0.133 with reference to C-5-FU-F-NP. C-5-FU-F-NP,
chitosan-carboxymethyl-5-fluorouracil-folate conjugate submicron particles; CMFU, carboxymethyl-5-fluorouracil; h, hour; min, minute.

extent, treated with microwaves had epidermal structure (P ¼ 0.133) (Figure 5b). The findings implied that pretreat-
domain collapse (Figure 4). This then enhanced the trans- ment of skin with microwaves followed by C-5-FU-F-NP
dermal drug delivery propensity. application was favorable for local skin melanoma treatment.
Subsequent experiments that examined the cytotoxicity and
Pharmacokinetics endocytosis profiles of C-5-FU-F-NP using melanoma cells,
Pharmacokinetics analysis in rats indicated that the C-5-FU- as a function of microwave treatment, were then conducted.
F-NP attained its maximum plasma concentration (i.e., Cmax)
of 14.5 mg/ml 8 hours after administration (Figure 5c). Unlike Cytotoxicity
the in vitro diffusion study, the in vivo skin drug permeation The anticancer property of a therapeutic agent is dependent
rate and extent did not vary significantly as a function of on its cytotoxicity. Both free 5-FU and drug-free submicron
pretreatment of rats with microwaves at 2,450 MHz for 5 þ 5 particles induced melanoma cell death, with 5-FU being
minutes, as suggested by insignificant differences between more potent than the drug-free submicron particles (Figure 6).
plasma drug concentration-time profiles of rats administered The latter were constituted of chitosan, a cationic biopolymer
with submicron particles (analysis of variance, P > 0.05) that had been reported to exhibit anticancer activity (Gibot
(Figure 5a). The area under the curve0et values were com- et al., 2015). 5-FU inhibits thymidylate synthase enzyme
parable in both cases (Figure 5c). Such observations could be and is mostly used against basal cell carcinoma and squa-
due to physiological differences between living and dead skin mous cell carcinoma. Recently, the human melanoma cell
tissue. The epithelial and endothelial barriers of living skin line SKMEL-28 was found to be responsive to 5-FU (Cosco
are provided by tight junctions. The tight junctions are et al., 2015). With reference to skin delivery, its usefulness
intercellular locks characterized by extracellular proteins against melanoma treatment is nonetheless hindered by the
such as claudins, occludin, tricellulin, and zonula occludin inadequate depth of penetration into the deep skin layers
(Sapra et al., 2012). Microwaves, with relatively long wave- (Neville et al., 2007). In the present investigation, the C-5-
length, could penetrate the skin volumetrically and are in- FU-F-NP was found to enhance drug penetration through
clined to interact with the polar moieties of a skin skin. Via in vitro cell culture study, C-5-FU-F-NP was asso-
constituent. The interaction between microwaves and skin ciated with a higher level of cell death than the free drug and
tight junctions is thought to reduce the width of the para- drug-free submicron particles (Figure 6). This was a resultant
cellular pathway. At the endothelium level, such a phenom- effect of the combination of the cytotoxic drug and submi-
enon could possibly reduce systemic drug availability, cron particles, as well as possibly an enhancement of intra-
thereby negating the rise in plasma drug level. A reduction in cellular 5-FU delivery through its conjugation to chitosan
the permeation tendency of the drug into systemic circulation submicron particles.
was corroborated by a tendency to have increased skin Microwaves negated the viability of SKMEL-28 cell line by
retention extent of CMFU in rats pretreated with microwaves 44.7  28.9% when the cell lines were treated with

2418 Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2018), Volume 138

A Nawaz and TW Wong
Microwave Modulated Nanoparticle Delivery

Death Percentage


Average Cell Death (%)

5-FU Blank C-5-FU-F-NP 2450 MHz, 5+5 min C-5-FU-F-NP;
nanoparticles 2450MHz, 5+5 min


Transmission (%)


3292.6±3.4 1651.7±2.3

2971.5±1.9 1404.3±0.6


4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 650
Wavenumber (cm-1)

Total Cellular Fluorescence

d e
50000 Endocytic Inhibitors
Total Cell Fluorescence

45000 2450 MHz 5+5 min; Endocytic Inhibitors

Total Cell Fluorescence




30000 30000

25000 25000

20000 20000
C-5-FU-F*-NP C-5-FU-F*-NP; Control Chlorpromazine Genistein Wortmannin Nystatin
2450 MHz, 5+5 min

Figure 6. In vitro cell culture studies. (a) Death percentage of melanoma cells after treatment with free drug, drug-free submicron particles, C-5-FU-F-NP, 2450-
MHz microwaves for 5 þ 5 minutes, and a combination of C-5-FU-F-NP and 2450-MHz microwaves for 5 þ 5 minutes. ATR-FTIR spectra of (b) melanoma cells
and (c) melanoma cells treated with microwave at 2450 MHz for 5 þ 5 minutes. Total cellular fluorescence of melanoma cells incubated with C-5-FU-F*-NP (d)
without and with pretreatment of cells with microwaves at 2450 MHz for 5 þ 5 minutes and (e) with pre-incubation of cells with different endocytic inhibitors
and with pretreatment of cells with microwaves at 2450 MHz for 5 þ 5 minutes followed by endocytic inhibitors. Chlorpromazine: clathrin pathway; genistein:
caveolae pathway; wortmannin: macropinocytosis; nystatin: lipid raft pathway. 5-FU, 5-fluorouracil; ATR, attenuated total reflectance; AU, arbitrary unit; C-5-
FU-F-NP, chitosan-carboxymethyl-5-fluorouracil-folate conjugate submicron particles; FTIR, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy.

microwaves at the frequency of 2,450 MHz for 5 þ 5 mi- outcomes of attenuated total reflectance FTIR studies. The
nutes. The cytotoxic effect of microwaves was apparently FTIR peaks at 3,292.6  3.4 cme1 corresponding to an O-H
greater than that of the free drug and was comparable to that and/or N-H moiety and 2,963.2  2.4 cme1 corresponding to
of C-5-FU-F-NP. The cytotoxicity of microwaves could be an a CH2 moiety of both lipids and/or proteins of the untreated
attribute of its interaction with the cell membrane/nuclei of cells (Srisayam et al., 2014) were shifted to higher wave-
the melanoma. The microwaves could fluidize the lipid/ numbers at 3,370.5  15.3 and 2,971.5  1.9 cme1
protein regimes of melanoma cells, as reflected by the (Figure 6) when the cells were treated with microwaves. The 2419
A Nawaz and TW Wong
Microwave Modulated Nanoparticle Delivery

amide I and II of protein regimes at 1,651.72.3 and 1,547.2 their cytotoxicity were significantly enhanced by pretreating
 1.1 cm-1 similarly had their wavenumbers increased these cells with microwaves. The intracellular trafficking of
(Figure 6). The summative observations suggest that micro- submicron particles by melanoma cells was mediated via
waves interacted with the cells via O-H/N-H, CH2, and C-N clathrin, caveolae, macropinocytosis, and lipid raft endocy-
moieties, fluidizing the membrane and/or other cellular totic pathways. It was promoted by pretreatment of cells with
components. The level of cytotoxicity is ultimately dependent microwaves through facilitating the endocytosis of submicron
on the degree of membrane disruption (Weber et al., 2008). particles via lipid raft pathways. The combination of micro-
The combination of C-5-FU-F-NP and microwaves brought waves and submicron particle technology synergistically
about an average cell death rate of 67.4  16.7% (Figure 6). promoted drug/particle uptake by skin tissue and melanoma
The interaction of microwaves and lipid/protein contents of cells, as well as cytotoxicity, instead of being a mere sub-
the cells could induce cell death and synergistically increase micron particulate system.
the membrane permeability of cells toward submicron par-
ticles/drug, thereby enhancing the cytotoxicity of C-5-FU-F-
NP. The latter was evidenced by an enhanced intracellular MATERIALS AND METHODS
trafficking of fluorescence-labelled C-5-FU-F*-NP by mela-
Chitosan (Zhejiang Aoxing Co. Ltd., Zhejiang, China) was selected as
noma cells treated with microwaves (Figure 6).
the matrix polymer, with 5-FU AoBo Bio-Pharmaceutical Technology
Endocytosis Co. Ltd., Shanghai, China) as the anticancer drug and folic acid (Acros
Physicochemical properties such as particle size, shape, Organics, Morris, New Jersey) as the cancer-targeting ligand. Other
molecular weight, surface charge, and composition play a materials are listed in the Supplementary Materials online.
key role in the cellular uptake of polymeric nanoparticles
(Chavanpatil & Panyam, 2006). The submicron particles may Preparation of low molecular weight chitosan
enter cells via different pathways as a function of their Low molecular weight chitosan was prepared by subjecting 2%
physicochemical attributes. The C-5-FU-F*-NP was weight/weight solution of chitosan dissolved in 2% volume/volume
endocytosed by the melanoma cells via a combination of acetic acid (Merck, Germany) solution to microwave irradiation at
receptor-mediated pathways in the progress of lipid rafts > 800 W for 9 minutes in the presence of 0.04% weight/weight of
macropinocytosis > clathrin z caveolae (Figure 6e). As in sodium chloride and characterized as reported by Nawaz and Wong
previous studies (Huang et al., 2002), chitosan submicron (2016) (see Supplementary Materials).
particles tended to be endocytosed via the clathrin-mediated
pathway at the respiratory epithelium (A549 cells) and in- Preparation of C-5-FU-F-NP. For preparation of carbox-
testinal epithelium (Caco-2 cells) regardless of their sizes. It ymethyl-5-FU, we use the method reported by Tada (1975) with
was suggested that chemical composition can be more slight modifications as described by Nawaz and Wong (2017). The
important than size in defining the said pathway of endocy- C-5-FU-F conjugate was synthesized using the modified method of
tosis (Huang et al., 2002). The self-assembled cationic Li et al. (2011) (see Supplementary Materials). FTIR spectroscopy
nanoparticles of hydrophobically modified chitosan, on the (Spectrum RX1 system, PerkinElmer, Waltham, MA) and Ultra-
other hand, use multiple pathways for cellular entry shieldPlus 500 nuclear magnetic resonance (Bruker, Bremen,
including clathrin, caveolae, and macropinocytosis routes Germany) techniques were used to evaluate the conjugation status of
(Nam et al., 2009). In this study, conjugation of chitosan C-5-FU-F. High-performance liquid chromatography was used to
submicron particles with folate and 5-FU likewise rendered determine the carboxymethyl-5-FU content of the conjugate. At least
them with the ability to use multiple pathways for intracel- three replicates were conducted for each experiment, with the re-
lular trafficking by melanoma cells. The pretreatment of sults averaged. The conjugate submicron particles were prepared by
melanoma cells by microwaves before their incubation with nanospray-drying (TwinNanoSpray; UiTM, Puncak Alam, Malaysia)
C-5-FU-F*-NP promoted the submicron particles being 50 mg conjugate with 0.6% weight/weight Tween 20 and 0.4%
endocytosed via the lipid raft-mediated pathways and weight/weight Span 20 in 99.75 g of 1% volume/volume acetic acid
appeared to reduce the endocytosis tendency of particles by solution (see Supplementary Materials).
means of clathrin, caveolae, and macropinocytosis pathways
when compared with untreated melanoma cells (Figure 6e). Physicochemical characterization
This might be associated with microwaves enabling the The particle size and zeta potential of C-5-FU-F-NP were determined
fluidization of lipid domains of the cellular membrane, as by photon correlation spectroscopy technique (Malvern Zetasizer
inferred from the present studies of changes in skin epidermis Nano ZS 90, Malvern Instruments Ltd., UK). Scanning electron mi-
and dermis in response to microwave irradiation. croscopy (Quanta FEG 450; FEI, Eindhoven, The Netherlands) was
used to evaluate the surface morphology of C-5-FU-F-NP (Al-Azi
CONCLUSION et al., 2014). The C-5-FU-F-NP was subjected to acid hydrolysis and
The extent of skin drug penetration and retention of 5-FUe had its carboxymethyl-5-FU content determined by high-performance
and folate-conjugated chitosan submicron particles was liquid chromatography analysis (Zhang et al., 2010). The drug release
facilitated through treating the skin with microwaves (2,450 profile of C-5-FU-F-NP was assayed by Franz diffusion cell (Hanson
MHz, 5 þ 5 minutes), as a result of fluidization of epidermal MicroettePlus, Chatsworth, CA). Both drug content and encapsulation
and dermal protein/lipid domains, which in turn increased efficiency of the submicron particles were determined (Nawaz &
the diffusion of particles/drug into the skin tissue. The extent Wong, 2017). At least three replicates were conducted for each
of cellular uptake of submicron particles by melanoma and sample, and the results were averaged (see Supplementary Materials).

2420 Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2018), Volume 138

A Nawaz and TW Wong
Microwave Modulated Nanoparticle Delivery

Biological characterization San Diego, CA) (Chiu et al., 2010) were used to inhibit the formation
Skin C-5-FU-F-NP and 5-FU permeation and retention were exam- of clathrin vesicles, 200 mmol/L genistein (Calbiochem) (Perumal
ined in vitro using skin harvested from healthy male Sprague Dawley et al., 2008) to inhibit caveolae pinching, 500 nmol/L Wortmannin
rats (Anuar & Wong, 2013; Nawaz & Wong, 2017). Skin C-5-FU-F- (Calbiochem) (Chiu et al., 2010) to inhibit phosphatidylinositol
NP content and distribution were characterized with a PerkinElmer 3-kinase (macropinocytosis), and 25 mg/ml nystatin (Calbiochem)
Spotlight 400 imaging system (Nawaz & Wong, 2016). At least three (Ivanov, 2008) to interact with cholesterol (lipid rafts). At least three
replicates were conducted for each sample, and the results were replicates were conducted, and results were averaged (see
averaged (see Supplementary Materials). Supplementary Materials).

Microwave treatment of skin Statistical analysis

Microwaves were used to modify the physicochemical properties of Results were expressed as a mean of at least three experiments with
skin. They were applied to the top epidermal surfaces using a vector the corresponding standard deviation. Statistical data analysis was
network analyzer system (R&S ZVA, Rohde & Schwarz, Germany), carried out using SPSS software, version 18.0 (IBM, Armonk, NY)
where 1 mW of microwaves (0.14 mW/cm2) was delivered at 2,450 and a statistically significant difference was denoted by P less than
MHz for 5 þ 5 minutes nonthermally, with no observable skin 0.05. Student t test and analysis of variance/post hoc analysis by
damage and in the contact mode to avoid electromagnetic loss (Jain Tukey honest significance test were used when applicable.
et al., 2010). The permeation/retention profiles of drug/submicron
particles were characterized against untreated skin. The physico- CONFLICT OF INTEREST
The authors state no conflict of interest.
chemical changes of skin and their relations to skin drug/submicron
particle transport were assessed by subjecting skin to attenuated total
reflectance FTIR, Raman spectroscopy, differential scanning calo- The authors wish to thank MOSTI, MOHE, and UiTM (0141903; Bestari
rimetry, and scanning electron microscopy analysis (Nawaz & Perdana) for facility and fund support and Gomal University Pakistan for PhD
Wong, 2017). scholarship support.

Pharmacokinetics analysis SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL

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