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Sustainable Development of Green Fields: Greenhouse Emissions

and Project Footprint as low as reasonable possible

Jami J., Arteaga F., Guamán A. Central University of Ecuador (UCE) Chiluisa P. University
of the Armed Forces (ESPE)
This paper study the viability for the construction of a greenfield in Ecuador in relation to the oil and gas industry,
for which an investigation of the characteristics of a greenfield has been carried out, also it has been studied the
principal’s environmental impacts in the upstream activities such as exploration, drilling, production, workover and
activities of EOR and IOR to take advantage of the existing problems and create a sustainable field in Ecuador,
reducing its carbon footprint, greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating existing social conflicts a Leopold matrix was
used, which is a tool to measure the environmental impact according to the different components that are operational
activities in the oil and gas industry through a weighted rating, which was based on a bibliographic investigation of
the current status quo, the rating takes into account the magnitudes of extension, reversibility, duration, magnitude
and importance that allows identifying impacts highly significant, significant, despicable and beneficial.
The research shows that the main impacts are found in the initial phases of the construction of ways and platforms,
drilling campaign, transportation and in the inefficiency of resource management, also it generates social conflicts
and even legal claims.
As alternative solutions that allow mitigating the impacts presented, the use of technologies and processes is necessary
with the sustainable development objectives that should be implemented in the construction of the Greenfield in
exploration and exploitation areas and in the operational activities carried out in the upstream oil and gas.

Keywords: Greenfield, Un-SDGs, Leopold Matrix, Smart Building, Technology

Desarrollo Sostenible de un Greenfield: Emisiones de Efecto

Invernadero y Huella del Proyecto tan bajas como sea posible

En este trabajo se estudia la viabilidad para la construcción de un greenfield en Ecuador en relación a la industria de
petróleo y gas, para lo cual se ha realizado una investigación de las características de un greenfield, también se han
estudiado los principales impactos ambientales en las actividades del upstream tales como exploración, perforación,
producción, reacondicionamiento y actividades de EOR e IOR para aprovechar los problemas existentes y crear un
campo sustentable en Ecuador, reduciendo su huella de carbono, emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero y
mitigando los conflictos sociales existentes se utilizó una matriz de Leopold, que es una herramienta para medir el
impacto ambiental de acuerdo a los diferentes componentes que son actividades operativas en la industria de petróleo
y gas a través de una calificación ponderada, la cual se basó en una investigación bibliográfica del status quo actual,
la calificación toma en cuenta las magnitudes de extensión , reversibilidad, duración, magnitud e importancia que
permite identificar impactos altamente significativo, significativo, despreciable y beneficioso.
La investigación muestra que los principales impactos se encuentran en las fases iniciales de la construcción de
caminos y plataformas, campaña de perforación, transporte y en la ineficiencia del manejo de recursos, además genera
conflictos sociales e incluso reclamos legales.
Como soluciones alternativas que permitan mitigar los impactos presentados, es necesario el uso de tecnologías y
procesos con los objetivos de desarrollo sustentable que se deben implementar en la construcción del Greenfield en
las áreas de exploración y explotación y en las actividades operativas que se llevan a cabo en el upstream del petróleo
y gas.

Palabras clave: Greenfield, ODS, Matriz de Leopold, Construcciones inteligentes, Tecnología

1 1. INTRODUCCION Drilling and Completion is an activity that build a well to
connect the reservoir with the surface to start the production
At national level according to estimates Ecuador has 5 Billion Production is an activity consists of bringing the oil in the
Barrels of reserves, these resources are located in protected reservoir to the surface, there are two methods depending on
areas due to the biodiversity that exists, this generates social the energy of the reservoir: natural flow and artificial flow.
conflicts, which establish that will not be allowed to enter these Workover is an activity an activity that seeks to recover or
areas by the current mode of operation of the oil industry, this improve the productivity of a well through a series of works
is where the new framework of sustainable development that such as repairing the well for any damage, changing or
aims to innovate in relation to the current mode of operation repairing damaged equipment, stimulating the well or even for
of the industry to a transition to renewable energy sources closing and abandoning wells.
enters. EOR and IOR is an activity to increase the production, for that
According to BP, the energy demand increases with each year, reason we have the EOR Enhanced Oil Recovery and IOR
so it is expected that within the next 25 years this demand will Improve Oil Recovery.
increase, in which the role of conventional energies such as oil IOR is a method of enhanced oil recovery using techniques
will have a fundamental role in meeting these requirements in such as waterflooding and gasflooding and EOR is a method
which it must be coupled to the various international to improve oil recovery through techniques that alter the
agreements such as Zero Share Flaring 2030, the Sustainable original properties of the oil, restoring formation pressure and
Development Goals as well as in the optimization of its improving the displacement of reservoir fluid (Jose Condor
facilities and its operations through the research and 2021)
application of new technologies such as smart building, IOT,
among other technologies of the digital revolution It is also Environmental impact
important to collaborate between the different stakeholders
such as company, state, university and global organizations, In this way it can be said that the environmental impact (ia)
which allow the establishment of research projects for specific implies the adverse effects on ecosystems, climate and society
areas or fields, allowing integration of innovation projects in a due to activities such as excessive extraction of natural
more economically profitable way, reducing environmental resources, inadequate disposal of waste, emission of pollutants
impacts in the industry. of oil, generating a better r and change in the use of soil, among others. Direct and indirect
visualization of the company, mitigating social conflicts and impacts are recognized (by the side effect of the previous
achieving lower carbon footprints and greenhouse gas ones), which have three common dimensions of magnitude,
emissions.(Cortés & Peña, 2014) importance and significance (Perevochtchikova, 2013)

2. MARCO METODOLÓGICO Sustainable development

A Green Field is a totally new project, where there is no
infrastructure, place or resources, likewise a company raises a After the world Commission on Environment and
company from an initial phase with the study, design and development (CMMAD), emerged in 1987 the document "Our
construction of the infrastructure and operations that allows it common future", better known as Brundtland report, which it
to execute all the Activities proposed taking into account all maintains the idea that the concepts of environment and
the stakeholders of the project and presenting a positive impact development cannot be separated, as they advance in pro of the
of the economy in the execution area (Bayar 2017) same goal and meet inevitably bound. Document it states that
" development is not maintained if the environmental resource
Processes and operations in the Oil and Gas industry base is deteriorates; the environment cannot be protected if
growth does not take in account for the consequences of
The Oil and Gas industry divide in three phases: Upstream: destruction environmental(Ortiz & Arévalo, 2016)
dedicated to exploration and exploitation activities, Sustainable management
Midstream: dedicated to the activities of transportation and
storage of crude oil and derivatives and Downstream: The most cited definition of sustainable development is that of
dedicated to refining and marketing activities (EP the Brudtland Commission (WCED 1987, p. 8)” progress that
PETROECUADOR 2013). meets the needs of the present without compromising the
Due to the extension of the oil and gas industry phases, this ability of future generations to meet their own needs". It is
investigation will proceed to analyze the activities of the Oil worth noting that this definition highlights the legacy of one
and Gas upstream activities. generation to the next is in terms of well-being and not only a
The Upstream activities includes: set of natural resources, so this definition is the one most often
Exploration is an activity dedicated to the search for oil using cited, as sustainable development is understood as the constant
geophysical and geological methods in order to collect improvement of human well-being over time.
information, define the exploitation area and confirm the (Bayar 2017)
existence of oil. Sustainable Development Objectives

Objective 1. Ending poverty in all its forms around the world.

Objective 2. Ending hunger, achieving food security and What are the last problems with oil and gas Industry?
improving nutrition and promoting sustainable agriculture.
Objective 3. Ensure healthy living and promote well-being for In eastern Ecuador there are at least 447 gas flaring distributed
everyone at all ages. between Napo, Orellana and Sucumbíos that have burned gas
Objective 4. Ensure quality inclusive and equitable education for decades and that people who live nearby associate with the
and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. main health problem due to lung cancer (Paz A., 2021)
Objective 5. Achieving gender equality and empowering all Such is the case presented in the provincial court of Sucumbíos
women and girls. on January 26, 2021 to eliminate gas flaring from the oil
Objective 6. Ensure the availability and sustainable industry, the case mentions that gas flaring cause lung cancer
management of water and sanitation for all. in this region, the complaint culminates in favor of the
Objective 7. Ensuring access to affordable, reliable, plaintiffs to extinguish the lighters where the company must
sustainable and modern energy for all.(“Amexhi | Objetivos de investigate new technologies to avoid the burning and venting
Desarrollo del Milenio,” n.d.) of the associated gas that comes from oil exploitation
Objective 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable (Ciuffardi T., 2021).
economic growth, full and productive employment and decent A main problem along with gas flaring is the rupture of the
work for all. OCP and SOTE pipelines and the Shushufindi Quito pipeline
Objective 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive in the San Rafael waterfall sector in April 2020, in which 4,000
and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation. barrels of crude were spilled on the Napo and Coca rivers due
Objective 10. Reducing inequality in and between countries to the erosion of the Coca river that will even affect the Coca
Objective 11. Making cities and human settlements inclusive, Codo Sinclair hydroelectric plant, the rupture of the oil
safe, resilient and sustainable. pipelines brings with it economic, environmental, technical
Objective 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production and social impacts (El Comercio, 2020).
Objective 13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and Estimation of environmental impacts
its impact.
Objective 14. Conserve and sustainably use oceans, seas and The estimation of environmental impacts generated in the
marine resources for Sustainable Development processes of the oil industry were identified through the
Objective 15. Protect, restore and promote the sustainable use Leopold Matrix, determining the character, extent,
of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat reversibility, duration, magnitude, importance and type of
desertification, halt and reverse land degradation and halt impact generated in the exploration phases. , drilling,
biodiversity loss. exploitation, production and enhanced recovery
Objective 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for
Sustainable Development, facilitate access to justice for all Identification of measures and solutions
and build effective and inclusive accountable institutions at all
levels. By determining the highly significant impacts in the five
Objective 17. Strengthen means of implementation and phases that were previously determined, prevention, control,
revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development. minimization and technology measures are proposed that can
(OIT, 2017, p.viii). help develop a Green Fields.

Status Quo 3. RESULTS

According to the grade of the matrix of Leopold, we identify
It is the situation or activity in which things are, in the case of some impacts in the upstream activities like as:
the oil and gas industry in Ecuador, exploration, production,
transportation, refining and marketing activities are carried out 3.1 Exploration Phase
from the first drilling of the well Ancon in 1911 in the Santa In this phase there are 4 highly impacts to alteration the
Elena Peninsula on the Ecuadorian Coast and the drilling of landscape, flora and fauna (Fig. 1)
the Lago Agrio well in 1967 in which a century of operations
in the sector have passed, in which a series of benefits have
been presented such as economic development and industrial
sector of the country but also disadvantages such as
environmental impacts, inefficiencies in activities, the
negative point is necessary to solve it in order to become a
sustainable and sustainable industry, with a social
responsibility for which it is necessary to challenge the current
status quo of the industry, establishing new processes,
technologies, improvement options, all with the aim of
deriving the current situation, with options to improve both or
the operational, technical, administrative and environmental Figure 1. Impact on Exploration activities.
scope (Sahin, Kalfa, & Celebioglu, 2008)
3.2 Drilling Phase
In this phase there are 7 impacts highly significant In the activities of production there are twelve problems with
highly significant about the construction of the facilities, gas
burning and flaring and the transport of the petroleum, this
alteration the flora and fauna, increase the gas emissions and
generate social conflicts.

Higly Significant
Significant ≤ 6,5;
Figure 2. Impact on drilling activities DESPRECIABLES ≤
3.3 Production Phase
In this phase we find twelve highly significant activities Benefits +

Figure 4. Impacts on production activities

3.8 Impacts on Workover
Higly Significant In the workover activities there are 2 problems with a
≥6,5 significant grade about consumption water and social
Significant ≤ 6,5; conflicts.

Benefits +

Figure 3. Impact on Production activities

3.4 Workover and EOR-IOR

In the workover activities there 2 activities with
significant impact

Workover & EOR Strategies

Higly Significant The best strategies to improve and include in a greenfield is
≥6,5 described in the table one to four in the annexes table 1 to table
1% 4 of this paper.
Significant ≤ 6,5;
4,5 • The principal environmental impacts are in the
building the field, facilities and the lines to transport
Benefits +
the oil, for that reason is necessary used the new
technology for example Smart Building to optimize
the area and the building operations.
3.5 Impacts on Exploration • The new fields must be including this operations and
The principal impacts in these activities are build platforms, technology to improve the productivity, economic
ways and civil works alteration the landscape, flora and fauna and environmental.
and there a incorrect production waste. • The sustainable development of technology is an
opportunity for that reason is make more
3.6 Impacts on Drilling investigation to apply this technology in Ecuador.
The principal impacts in these activity are in the construction • After evaluating each of the activities according to
the fields and plattforms, execute the drilling program the Leopold matrix, it was established that water
generate impacts and alterating the landscape, flora, flauna collection should be carried out using subway pipes,
and generating social conflict problems. in order to avoid the need to use trucks to transport
3.7 Impacts on Production water.
M. G. 1999. “National natural capital accounting with
• Another alternative analyzed for water collection is the ecological footprint concept”, Ecological
to collect rainwater and pre-treat it before using it in Economics, no. 29, pp.375-390.
the water utilization systems.

• In relation to the gas transportation activity, one of

the main elements analyzed based on all the Bayar, Yilmaz. Greenfield and Brownfield Investments and
information gathered is that the Internet of Things Economic Growt: Evidence fron Central and
IOT can be used, i.e. converting to an intelligent Eastern European Union Countries. Turkey, 2017.
system monitored by sensors whose information is EP PETROECUADOR. «El petróleo en el Ecuador la nueva
collected and sent to a common access source where era .» El petróleo en el Ecuador la nueva era , 2013:
several people can perform the corresponding 146.
analysis to provide a preventive or maintenance Jose Condor, Gustavo Pinto, Achig Merino, Javier Romo.
solution. Identification of Enhanced Oil Recovery Potential in
Ecuador. Quito, Ecuador: SPE , 2021.
• The gases that are burned in the combustion plant to Trabajo, Organización Internacional del. «Objetivos de
avoid emitting directly to the environment, be Desarrollo Sostenible.» Manual de referencia
analyzed to perform an analysis to give it a use for Sindical sobre la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo
power generation. Sostenible, 2017: viii.

• In the drilling activity, noise is the cause of the

destruction of flora and fauna, for which it is ANNEXXES
proposed to make an acoustic insulation with
materials from the area or using earth.


We thank to Engineers Adolpho Souza and Annalyn Azancot

for the time spent and the knowledge imparted for the
completion of this project also we thank to Schlumberger and
Society of Petroleum Engineering (SPE) for make educational
projects that increase the skills from the students.


Cortés, H. G., & Peña, J. I. (2014). Modelo de desarrollo

sustentable para su implementación en políticas y
proyectos. Rev.Esc.Adm.Neg., Enero-Juni(78), 40–55.
Pierri, N. (2001). Chapter II: history of the concept of
sustainable development.In N. sustainability?
Disagreements over development sustainable (pp. 287-
81) Uruguay: Labor and Capital.

Soberanis, A. N. (2004). Matrix methodologies for

Environmental Assessment for developing countries: Leopold
Matrix and Mel-Enel method. Guatemala.

Tarco, J. A., Arteaga, G. R., Merino, S. Achig, and J. M.

Estrella. "Identification of Enhanced Oil Recovery
Potential in Ecuador." Paper presented at the SPE Latin
American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering
Conference, Quito, Ecuador, November 2015.

Wackernagel, M., Onisto, L., Bello, P., Callejas, A., López, I.

S., Méndez, J. Suárez Guerrero, A. I., Suárez Guerrero,


• Life on land, ecosystem • Species preservation and Environmental plans

Disappearance of
management, biodiversity reseeding Plan and activities of IPIECA
vegetation cover
offset, UN SDGs 15 Supervision and maintenance of
and soil erosion
• Sustainable construction
response, biodiversity focus, Use surrounding vegetation for Wire mesh buried 20 to 40 cm
impact reducing, Un SDGs 11 fencing systems below the earth's surface

Climate action resilience & Flashing lights and sensors Infrared sensors and light signals
adaptive capacity, Un SDGs adapted installed near speed signs

Avoid animal Industry, innovation and Efficient waste management, lean Green bridges
Construction, Alteration of crossings on the infrastructure, Un SDGs 9 and green program, research & Metal culverts and square
civil works landscape, road Life on land, ecosystem innovation concrete culverts
and adaptation flora and management, biodiversity Emulate surrounding habitat Opening ratio: (width * height /
work areas fauna offset, Un SDGs 15 conditions length)
Fences that guide animals to Length: 70 or 80 m
crossings and restrict road Width:> 12 m
access Height: 4 m
Fund conservation projects Analyze threatened species

• Locate forest curtains from

north to south on the edge of
• Attenuate the visual impact, the platform
Visual Impact integrate the platform into the • Forest curtain • Secure water supply
landscape according Un SDGs • Study for the number of rows
13, 15 according to the sectors to


• Life on land, ecosystem • Build more well in a pad • Multi Well Pad Drilling
The drilling field management, biodiversity as low reasonable. • More Horizontal and
need an extended
Highly offset, Un SDGs 15 • Reduce the number of directional wells
Alteration area for that reason
significant • Climate action resilience well and increase the • IA to optimize the well design
of flora and is necessary remove
de flora and fauna is
& adaptive capacity Un scope in the reservoir • Optimize the drilling
consequence of this
SDGs 10 • Use and storage data in operations
activity real time
Execution of
• Sustainable • Reduce the noise from Use acoustic barriers and acoustic
the drilling encapsulation
communities, Un SDGs activities from the

The drilling 11 equipment Implement shock absorbers and

Highly activities cause a lot • Quality Education, Un • Make social activities to anti-vibration inertia benches
Social significant of drawbacks, SDGs 4 increase the economic Virtuality of the fields and pads to
conflicts 8,39 because generate • Partnerships for the activities projects in the universities.
noise, waste, goals dialogue & • Reduce the waste from
invasion areas. coordination, Un SDGs activities

The field include • Responsible consumption • Smart Building

residential area, and production efficient, • Sensors for the activities in the
Design and Highly equipment, PADs, Un SDGs 9 rig, field and in residential
Alteration • Reduce the area
construction significant rig area, this area • Action resilience & areas.
of flora and • Smart fields
of camps and 7,50 generate problems adaptive capacity, low
when a well is near • Reduce the waste
carbon footprint, facilities
of protective areas management, Un SDGs
like as: ITT 10


The construction of • Life on Land Un SDGs 15 • Reduce the area of the
the platforms • Energy Efficiency Un platforms. • Smart Building
generates SDGs 7 • Optimize the area of • Predesign - Virtual reality
Design and Alteration Highly
construction of of flora, significan
environmental • Responsible operations and • Rainwater harvesting
impacts such as Consumption and residence. systems
facilities of fauna y t
invasion of flora production Un SDGs 9 • Minimize energy
production landscape 9,68
and fauna, • Climate action resilience consumption.
generation of noise & adaptative capacity Un • Optimal use of
and waste. SDGs 10 resources.
Increase the carbon • Minimizar la emisión de • Energy optimization Electricity generation
footprint, energy gases • Storage with combined cycle
inefficiency, social • Partnerships for the goals • Optimize production generators
Gas Highly
conflicts with legal Un SGDs 17 • Match the Zero Routine EOR with gas injection

Gas handling demands • Energy Efficiency Un Flaring by 2030 Construction of lines to

emissions significan take advantage of gas
(Gas burning SDGs 7 guidelines
and social t
and flaring)
conflicts 10 • Zero gas flaring 2030 and • Use of gas by the accumulated in the ring
economic projects community
• Climate action resilience • Use in the electrical,
& adaptative capacity Un industrial or residential
SDGs 10 sectors
• Life on land, ecosystem • Affiliate to Professional
management biodiversity Petroleum Data
offset, sustainable cities, • Preventive Management (PPDM)
Desde 1972 hasta la communities and • Intelligent lines
Alteration Maintenance
Highly actualidad 2021, se
of flora, factories, Un SDGs 15 • Ensure the integrity and • IA to design the way
Transport of significan registra 758MBP
fauna and and 11 operability of the lines • IOT
and gas t derramado en las •
9,25 rutas de los
Affordable and clean • Anticipate operational • 4G Technology
energy, energy efficiency, problems • Digitally the facilities of
impact reducing • Monitoring production
technology portfolio Un • Sensorizing valves,
SDGs 7 tubing, etc.


• Underground pipe
EOR consumes • Clean water, responsible • rainwater storage and
large amounts of consumption and treatment
water, this is production, Un SDGs 6
• Water strategy • Projects with
of obtained from and 12 universities to
catchment 5,24 • Water use efficiency
landscape water sources • Life on land optimize and
close to the recycling the

facilities resources available in

the field.
This activity • Water use efficiency, • Integrate community • Foundation
consumes a lot of recycling and integrate • Social projects • IPIECA
amount of water, water solution. Un SDGs • Knowledge divulgation • University,
also there are 6. • Investigation community and
myths about • Partnerships for the goals • Social with the factory
hydraulic dialogue & coordination community • Make social projects
conflicts fracturing. Un SDGs 17 • Monitoring activities to increase economic,
to integrate
community in sports
activities and
educational activities
• Data in real time

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