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Assessment Criteria - Maths Research Homework Name: ______________________

Level Assessment criteria To achieve this you need to:

1 Draw simple conclusions from their work Describe your research.
Discuss their work using mathematical Use the correct terms and language when
language explaining your research.
Predict what comes next in a simple
2 number, shape or spatial pattern or
sequence and give reasons for their Look for a pattern in your table during your
opinions investigation.
Measure lots of different circles around the
Try different approaches and find ways of school. Try out more circles if you can't find a
overcoming difficulties that arise when they pattern. You should also record discussions
are solving problems where you discuss your work with a peer or
adult to help you find a pattern.
Organise your work into a table; check your
Begin to organise their work and check
3 results
working out to make sure that it's correct, e.g.
Trying it twice on your calculator.
Recognise the parts of a circle and use the
Use and interpret mathematical symbols
correct names for each part of a circle
and diagrams
throughout your research.

Review their work and reasoning You will show you have reviewed your work in
the conclusion that you write
Develop own strategies for solving
Present information and results in a clear Organise your work into a table with clear
4 and organised way categories; Round numbers correctly
Search for a solution by trying out ideas of
their own Think creatively!
e.g. Find out the information that is needed to
Identify and obtain necessary information to
solve a problem & come up with a way to find it
carry through a task and solve
out (e.g. In section C or D); decide on the best
mathematical problems
way to represent your conclusion.
Check results, considering whether they are check as they work, spotting and correcting
reasonable errors and reviewing methods
5 Show understanding of situations by
describing them mathematically using You may need to use symbols during your
symbols, words and diagrams investigation
You should include a clear conclusion after your
Draw simple conclusions of their own and investigation which should be written in full
give an explanation of their reasoning sentences. The conclusion should be related
clearly to your working out.
Solve problems and carry through
substantial tasks by breaking them into All of your answers should be rounded correctly
smaller, more manageable tasks, using a - you need to decide to how many decimal
range of efficient techniques, methods and places. For example, you might use Cabri II Plus
resources, including ICT to help you investigate areas of circles
Interpret, discuss and synthesise
information presented in a variety of e.g. use algebra to represent a general case or
6 mathematical forms use graphs to establish a pattern
Present a concise, reasoned argument,
using symbols, diagrams, graphs and If you include any diagrams, your writing should
related explanatory texts explain why you've used them.
Know and use the formulae for the
circumference and area of a circle

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