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PII: S 0 3 0 7 - 4 4 1 2 ( 9 6 ) 0 0 0 8 9 - 1 programs in FORTRAN which included routines for cal-

culating the errors of the fitted parameters. Detailed dis-
Current Statistical M e t h o d s for Estimating the Km cussions of least squares fitting techniques applied to
and Vma~ of M i c h a e l i s - M e n t e n Kinetics biochemical problems are available. 2'5'9'15-I7
RAYMOND J. RITCHIE 1 and TANIA PRVAN 2 An important aspect of the problem of making reason-
able estimates of Km and Vmaxis to appreciate the limita-
~Botany Department tions imposed by routine biochemical practice. Our recent
School of Biological Sciences simulation studyis showed that for realistic levels of
The University of Sydney experimental errors in measured velocities, at least 10
Sydney, NSW 2006 data points were needed for estimates of I ~ to be nor-
Australia mally distributed. A survey of current practice showed
and that the mean number of data points being used in pub-
2Statistics and Operations Research Unit lished data is about sixTMwhich is no improvement over
School of Mathematical Sciences practice 30 years ago? Typical biochemical kinetic data
University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) sets are therefore small. This makes more sophisticated
Broadway, NSW 2007 statistical methods such as 'bootstrap '19 and various 'jack-
Australia knife' methods 2° either inapplicable or not providing any
theoretical advantage over the non linear least squares
Introduction method.
Methods for determining the Km and Vma~ of the Parametric statistics are the more familiar statistics
Michaelis-Menten equation (eqn 1) and similar rect- used by biologists. Non-parametric fitting methods have
angular hyperbolae, are very important to modern been developed. "'21 23It is possible to calculate confidence
biology, l-s° Much effort has been put into developing limits for median estimates of Km and Vmax.24-26 Since for
mathematically rigorous methods for obtaining the 'best' normally distributed data, the median and mean are not
estimates of I ~ and Wmax.4'6'7'10-14 Most standard bio- significantly different, non-parametric methods are a con-
chemistry texts do not warn students that estimates of K~ venient check for estimates of parameters made using
and Vmax have inherently large errors, even though the parametric methods and will give usable estimates of I ~
statistical limitations of the Km and Vma~parameters have and Vmaxunder the widest experimental conditions. Non-
been known for a long time. ~'2'4'5'15 parametric estimators need to be treated with caution: for
Calculation of the variances or standard errors of Km example, it is not valid to calculate an overall mean and
and Vm~, has generally been neglected, even though error of a set of median estimates of I ~ . A non-para-
methods for determining them have long been avail- metric estimate of I ~ must not be confused with a para-
able. 1'2'4"s'8'1°'14-16It is just as important to know the errors metric estimate.
of estimates of Km and Vm~x as it is to have the 'best' The ready availability of statistical packages is not
estimates of these parameters. The statistics of I ~ and entirely a good thing because statistical packages are now
Vmax are critical to the identification of competitive and often used with no visual inspection of the data and the fit
non-competitive inhibition because these phenomena are obtained is often taken at face value 5. The user might not
defined in terms of significant effects upon Km and/or Vma~ be made aware of the statistical limitations or validity of
of an inhibitor. 6 Without valid estimates of Km and Vm~ weighting routines incorporated into commercially avail-
and their errors, it is not possible confidently to identify able p a c k a g e s . 2'5'1°'27
inhibitors or what class of inhibitor they belong to.
Calculation of standard errors of parameters of non-
linear equations is a routine part of modern statistical Theory
packages such as Minitab ® and SigmaPlot®. Dowd and The Michaelis-Menten equation is,
Riggs 4 warned that computer simulations showed that the
errors of Km and Vm~x,determined using double reciprocal [S]Vm~
and Hofstee plots were often very large and heavily
v (1)
biased. Cleland ~ discussed the use of least squares fitting
methods to estimate Km and Vma~and matrix algebra to where, V is the velocity of the reaction, Vm~ is the satura-
calculate their errors, but at the time such techniques tion velocity, [S] is the concentration of the substrate and
were unsuited to routine work or class work. Cleland 2 I ~ is the Michaelis constant. Eqn (1) has an error term
later published a wide selection of non-linear least squares (el) for the measured velocities. In this paper we have
assumed that it is a statistically independent, normally
Abbreviations: E(V~), is the expected velocity at substrate concentration distributed error.
(i), K~, the Michaelis constant, MSRes, mean square residual, r, correla-
Difficulties in making accurate determinations of I ~
tion coefficient, s2, variance, SE, standard error of the mean, [S~], the (i)th
substrate concentration, SSReg, sum of squares of the regression, SSRes, and Vm~, from simple graphs of velocity (V) vs [S] led to
sum of squares residual, SST, total sum of squares, V~, the (i)th velocity the extensive use of three linear transformations of the
measurement, Vm=, the saturating velocity Michaelis-Menten equation, the double reciprocal plot



(eqn 2), the Hanes-Woolf plot (eqn 3) 28'29and the Eadie- fourth power of the velocity (V?), where (i) is the (i)th
Hofstee plot (eqn 4). 29 data value. 3'4'1° ~2.2v,32This weighting dates back to Line-
weaver, Burk and Deming 34 and Lineweaver and Burk 33
1 Km 1 but is really no more than an a d h o c approximation.
- - - +-- (2)
V Vm~[S ] Vm~ The Hanes-Woolf plot is rarely u s e d . 28'29'35 It is a semi-
reciprocal plot of [S]/V vs [S]. The independent variable
IS] 1 Km appears on both sides of the equation but the x-axis is IS]
-- IS] + - - (3) not 1/[S] as in the double reciprocal plot. Vm,xand Km are
V Vmax V .... not read directly off the plot, the y-intercept is Km/gma x
and the slope m is l/Vma, the errors of which can be
KmV calculated by standard linear regression methods. 25'26Only
V= --- +Vm,x (4)
[s] approximate calculations of the errors of Km and Vma~can
be made (as for the double reciprocal plot). The primary
The double reciprocal, Hanes-Woolf and Eadie- advantage of the Hanes-Woolf plot is that a plot of [S]/V
Hofstee plots allow the determination of Km and Vm~x vs IS] is not as heavily biased by velocities at very low
from straight lines of best fit, usually fitted by linear substrate concentrations as the double reciprocal plot.
regression using unweighted data. However, all these The Eadie-Hofstee Plot 29is a semi-reciprocal plot of V
transformations impose limitations not found when using vs V/[S] (eqn 4). The advantage of this linearization
a non-linear fit to eqn (1). The double reciprocal and method is that Vm~xand Km can be read directly off an
Hanes-Woolf plots (eqns 2 and 3) both involve the Eadie-Hofstee plot, the y-intercept is the Vm~ and the
inverse of V and eqn (4) the inverse of [S]. Zero or even slope m is -Km. The fundamental disadvantage of the
negative velocity values are valid data for eqn (1) but 1 / V Eadie-Hofstee equation is that Vappears on both sides of
and [S]/V are both undefined if V= 0 and V/[S] is unde- eqn (3); V/[S] is not an independent variable. This is a
fined for IS] = 0. If the calculation of velocities involves serious and unfortunately, intractable, statistical problem.
the subtraction of a control zero (for example a spon- A standard linear regression of Y upon X assumes that X
taneous breakdown rate of a substrate), occasional small is an independent variable, measurable without error, and
negative velocities will be found in data sets. Such values Y is a function of X, with a normally distributed e r r o r . 25'26
are valid data if a non-linear least squares fit is used but The use of a least-squares linear regression technique to
cannot be used if eqns (2) or (3) are used for fitting. determine Km and Vmaxfrom a plot of V vs V/[S] violates
Selwyn3° discusses non-linear curve fitting to a Michaelis- the inherent assumptions used to calculate the least-
Menten curve where there is a non-zero velocity at zero squares linear regression fit.
substrate concentration. More recently, Studnicka7 published a method he
The error terms in eqns (2), (3) and (4) are all different termed 'hyperbolic regression'. The method does not treat
from (el) and so give biased fits, when compared to a non- IS] as the independent variable and V as the dependent
linear least squares fit (eqn 1). The double reciprocal plot variable with a constant error variance. The fitting method
is still the most popular linear transformation even though used by Studnickav is not a valid least squares fit because
it is known to be the most unsatisfactory method for deter- the covariance associated with the fit is a function of [S]
mining K~. 1'2'4'5'13'14 The y intercept of the graph is 1/Vm~x and the unknown K~. Since the variance is a function of
and so the standard error of l/Vine, (SE(1/Vm~)) can be IS], the least squares approach is inappropriate. Fortu-
calculated by using the standard formulae for calculating nately, the method has not come into widespread use, but
the error of the y-intercept of a linear regression.25'26 Vm~, could find its way into a biochemical statistics package.
and the standard error of Vmax (SE(Vm~x)) are calculated
by inversion of 1/Vmaxand its error; the resulting standard
error of the Km is only approximate. The Km constant can Non-linear curve fitting to the Michaelis-Menten
be read off a double reciprocal plot as the x-intercept equation
(-1/Km). However, the calculation of the error of the The general availability of personal computers means that
x-intercept of a linear regression results in error-bars tedious iterative procedures involved in non-linear least
which are asymmetrical25'26 making the estimation of the squares fitting of curves are no longer a deterrent to their
errors of the inverse of 1/Kin impractical. The most prac- routine use. Least-squares fitting routines, using calculus
tical way of calculating the Km and SE(Km) is to divide the and matrix inversion, incidentally provide estimates of the
slope m of the double reciprocal plot (Km/Vm~x)by 1/Vm,x. errors of Km and Vmax.Asymptotic standard errors of Km
Estimates of SE(Km) will contain errors contributed by the and Vm~,were calculated as previously described, 1'2'5'~5the
errors of both K J V .... and X/Vmax. limitations of which are discussed by Johnson and Faunt 5
The bias of the unweighted double reciprocal plot can and Straume and Johnson? 7 Standard routines are avail-
be partially corrected by assigning the correct weighting to able in common computer languages used on personal
the elements of the set of data. There are several opinions computers (FORTRAN, BASIC, PASCAL and C). Some
on the most appropriate weighting.2'31'32 The most com- commercially available statistical and graphics packages,
monly used weighting of each data pair (1/[Si], l/G) is the for example SigmaPlot®, use the more rapidly converging



and more 'rugged' Marquardt algorithm instead of the problem if only two parameters are to be fitted, but
Gaussian Least Squares m e t h o d . 5'36 becomes a major problem when there are three or more
fitted parameters, for example a Michaelis-Menten curve
Programming and methods with a constant non-enzymatic background rate for a
The BASIC program was developed by the authors using reaction. 3°
Microsoft® QuickBASIC for Apple ® Macintosh ® Systems The Km and Vmax values obtained using the 'Pattern
Version 1.0 (Binary Math) (Microsoft Corporation, Red- search' sub-program were then used as the starting point
mond, Washington State 98073-9902, USA) run on a for a second iterative least squares procedure using cal-
Apple ® Macintosh ® computer with 4.0 Meg RAM. The culus and matrix algebra (Gauss-Jordan Matrix Inver-
non-linear least squares fitting routine is available in com- sion) to obtain progressively refined values for Km and
piled or code forms in MicroSoft BASIC for Macintosh. Vm~xand estimates of their variances. 2'5 Once the optimum
The MonteCarlo simulator is also available for teaching values for Km and Vmax (minimum SSRes, eqn 5) have
purposes. Our own BASIC implementation of the non- been found, the final SSRes is calculated as well as the
parametric Cornish-Bowden fitting method H is also avail- sum of all Si and V~values and the sum of V~2. Since two
able upon request. parameters are calculated from the data, the Mean
Most commercially available statistics packages are Squares Residual (MSRes) has N - 2 degrees of freedom
capable of non-linear least squares fitting but may not (df). The correlation coefficient (r) is calculated as the
necessarily calculate the errors of the fitted parameters. square root of the ratio of SSReg to SST and is defined
We have found the following packages to be fully capable from r 2= 0 (no correlation) to r 2= 1 (perfect fit).
of non-linear least squares fitting and do calculate the The diagonal elements of the inverse matrix, M-l(1,1)
errors of the fitted parameters; Minitab 8®by Minitab Inc. and M-1(2,2), are then used to calculate the standard
(Pennsylvania State College, PA 16801-3008, USA), Sig- errors of the mean estimates of Km and Vmax,2'5'8 Sigma-
maPlot ® by Jandel Scientific Corp. (San Rafael, Plot ® and Minitab ® use the same method for calculating
California 94901, USA). the standard errors of fitted parameters.

Non-linear least-squares fit to Michaelis-Menten equation SE(Km) = X/M 1(1,1)'MSRES (6)

The program was made up in two parts. The first part is a SE(Vmax) : x / M I(2,2)'MSRES (7)
generalized least squares fitting program. 3 Similar
updated versions of this program are available in FOR- Eqns (6) and (7) have been included because some
TRAN, PASCAL and C31'32and in B A S I C . 37 The second statistical packages give the solution matrix for a non-
part is a matrix inversion fitting routine that refines the linear curve fit [M 1(1,1) to M-l(n,n)] but the user is
estimates of I ~ and Vm~xand allows estimations of the expected to know how to calculate the standard errors of
errors of these estimations of Km and Vmax. Cleland 2 also the fitted parameters from this covariance matrix.
used a two-step procedure for his FORTRAN routines. Finally a mean, variance SSRes, Total SS (SST), mean
The random search method of Tseng and Hsu TMshould square residual (MSRes) and a correlation coefficient (r)
give equivalent results to the above, as it too is a search is calculated.
routine followed by matrix inversion.
The least-squares procedure used was very robust and Results
searches for new estimates of Km and Vm~xin a stepwise Example data No 1
fashion while the sum of squares residual, or SSRes, is Table 1 gives some sample data, originally from Atkinson,
reduced. 3 The magnitude of the SSRes is not used, only its Jackson and Morton 4°. These data have been used before
relative size. The program calculates the square of the as sample data in discussions of statistical estimations of
difference between the observed and calculated V values the errors of Km and Vmax6'10. We have used three signifi-
for given values of Km and Vmaxfor all the given values of cant figures in all the Tables. The set of substrate concen-
[S~] and then calculates SSRes, trations was spread out in an approximately inversely

Vmax[Si] ~2 Table 1 Sample Data No 1 for Comparison of Different Methods

SSRes = i=1
~' Vi ~---~N/] (5) of Estimating Km and Vm~.A set of sample enzymatic kinetic data,
originallyfrom Atkinson, Jackson and Morton 4°for comparison of
various methods for estimating K,~ and V,~ The approximate
where, N is the number of data points, V~is the observed position of the Km is shown by an arrow
velocity at [Si] and an expected velocity, E(V~), is cal-
culated using the current estimates of Km and Vm~x.The Substrate [S] Velocity V
program searches both upwards and downwards for more 0.138 0.148
favourable values of Km and Vmaxby adding or subtracting 0.220 0.171
0.291 0.234
an increment to Km and Vm~xand calculating the resulting 0.560 0.324
SSRes. The solution for Km and Vmaxis not necessarily the
optimum fit, it is the first SSRes minima or 'pit' encoun- 0.766 0.390
1.460 0.493
tered in the Km/Wmax space? This is usually not a great



Table 2 Unweighted and Weighted Double Reciprocal and Eadie-Hofstee Plots Compared to a Non-Linear Least Squares Michaelis-
Menten Fit. Comparison of estimates of Kin and Vm~ using different fitting techniques using the data set shown in Table 1
Lineweaver-Burk Fit Hanes-Woolf Fit Eadie-Hofstee Fit Least Squares Weighted Inverse Transforms
Michaelis-Menten Fit Wilkinson's V i i 4 Weighting
(NB This weighting is not valid)
K,, _+SE 0.441 _+0.0906 0.583 _+0.0523 0.490 _+0.0834 0.597 _+0.0683 0.571 _+0.0481
V.~ _+SE 0.585 _+0.104 0.685 _+0.0384 0.626 _+0.0600 0.690 _+0.0368 0.680 + 0.0352
Regression (r) 0.979 0.994 -0.947 0.996 0.981
Probability (p) 0.06% 0.006% 0.42% 0.003% 0.03%
SSRes* 2.88 X 10 -3 747 x 10 6 1.39 x 10- 3 736 x 10-6 770 x 10 6
*SSRes calculated for fit of untransformed data to Michaelis-Menten equation.
proportional manner, with about the same number of data The weighted regressions on the double reciprocal
points above and below the Kin. The correlation coeffi- transformed data give estimates of Km and V ..... closer to
cients (r) and variances (s 2) obtained using transformed, those obtained using the non-linear least squares method
untransformed data, weighted and unweighted regres- (Table 2). If a fit to a data set is unbiased, squared devia-
sions are not easily comparable. For meaningful compari- tions from the fitted line (the residual squares) should be
sons, the sum of squares residual (SSRes; eqn 5) has been independent of the dependent variable 17. Pearson's r test
calculated using the untransformed V~ and [Si] data and the non-parametric Spearman's R H O test 25'26 both
(Table 1) and the Michaelis-Menten equation using the showed that weighted deviations from the fitted line for
estimates of K~ and Vm~, made using the different the data was not correlated with the velocity (V~).
methods. The SSRes provides an objective measure of Weighted deviations from the fitted line using VJ
how well the variously obtained estimates of Km and Vm~, weighted data 1°'32 was significantly correlated with Vi
fit the untransformed experimental data (the closer to ( R H O test p < 2 % ) and so the resulting Km and Vmax
zero the better the fit). values were biased, even though the SSRes was lowest of
the weighted linear fits (0.7 x 10 3).
Double reciprocal plot
By standard linear regression of 1/V upon 1/[S], Hanes- Woolf plot
1 / g m a x and K m / g m a x w e r e determined by standard linear
regression of [S]/V upon IS], then approximate errors for
- -1 = 0.798 ([-~]) + 1.708

V Vm= and Km calculated using eqns (8) and (9) above

(Table 2). These estimates of Km and Vm~xare much more
r=0.979, p =0.07%, n =6, 1/Wm~x=1.71-+0.303 (__ precise than those obtained using the double reciprocal fit
standard error of mean)Km/Vmax=0.758±0.0782 (q- and very close to those obtained using the non-linear least
standard error of mean) An approximate error for an squares fit. If we replace the standard errors by +_95%
inverse (Z = l/X) is confidence limits by multiplying them by the appropriate
students t value (t~2,00s,4~= 2.776), the relative errors of K m
and V~ax are +_25% and ___16% respectively. This is a
(8) great improvement over the double reciprocal method.
These errors are slightly smaller than those using the non-
linear-least squares method, however the SSRes is larger
If covariance terms are ignored, the approximate error showing that the H a n e s - W o o l f method is inferior to the
for a division (Z =X/Y) is, non-linear least squares method.

SE(Z) Eadie-Hofstee or Hofstee plot

The determination of Km and Vma~ using an E a d i e -
Hofstee plot is more straightforward, although obtaining
Using eqns (8) and (9) above, the estimates of Km and a line of best fit by a linear regression is not really valid.
Vm~xare,Kin = 0.441 _+0.0906 ( + standard error of mean) The determinations of Km and Vm~ from an unweighted
Vm,x =0,585 _____0.104( + standard error of mean). regression of V upon V/IS] are shown in Table 2. The
The above estimates of Km and Vm~ are very imprecise, Hofstee plot estimates of Km and Vmax have smaller
even though the correlation coefficient (r=0.979) indi- standard errors than those based on the unweighted
cates a very good fit. If we replace the standard errors by double reciprocal plot but the estimates of Km and Vm~x
+ 9 5 % confidence limits by multiplying them by the are not as close to those obtained using the non-linear
appropriate student's t value (t(2,0.05,4) : 2.776), the relative least squares fit as the H a n e s - W o o l f method (Table 2).
errors of K m and Vmaxare + 57% and -+ 49% respectively. Approximate transformations of the y-intercept and the
Such poor estimates of Km and Vmax are of limited slope m are not required to obtain the errors of Km and
utility. Vmax. Although the correlation coefficient (r) is not as



close to a perfect fit as in the double reciprocal plot, the Vmax= 0.659 (--0.126, + 0.089). These results are closely
apparent errors of Km and Vmax are smaller. comparable to those made using parametric methods.

Non-linear Michaelis-Menten least squares fit

Graphs of data and fitted parameters
The unweighted least squares fit to the data is shown in
Fig la and lb present Data Set No 1 plotted as Vvs IS] and
Table 2. The correlation coefficient is much closer to 1
as a double reciprocal plot of 1/Vvs 1/[S]. The best fit (the
(r=0.9959) indicating a much improved fit. If the
non-linear least squares fit) is shown as a solid line and the
standard errors are replaced by + 95% confidence limits,
worst fit (the double reciprocal linear regression) is shown
the relative errors of K m and Vma~are + 3 2 % and _+15%
as a dotted line on both graphs. It is apparent from Fig 1
respectively. Estimates of K~ and Vm~ and their standard
that the double reciprocal regression method gives a
errors using the commercially available Minitab ® and Sig-
poorer fit at high substrate concentrations than the non-
maPlot ® packages were the same as the above.
linear fit. This is a result of the reciprocal transformation
Analysis of residuals 17 using Pearson's r test and the
(Fig lb).
non-parametric Spearman's R H O tests 25'26 both showed
that deviations from predicted velocities in the non-linear
Michaelis-Menten fit were not significantly correlated Example data No 2
with the velocity (Vi) (p ,,~40%). Michaelis-Menten type kinetics are often encountered in
Table 2 compares the estimates of Km and Vmax studies of ion uptake by plants? ~ Table 3 shows data for
obtained using unweighted and weighted double recip- 36C1- uptake flux (nmol m 2 s-l) vs [C1-]o (mmol m -3) by
rocal plots, the H a n e s - W o o l f Plot and the non-linear the blue-green alga, Synechococcus R-2 42 to serve as a
least squares methods. The errors for the Hofstee Plot can second worked example. The set of substrate concentra-
only be calculated assuming the term V/IS] has no signifi- tions were spaced in a logarithmic manner, with most of
cant error. Comparisons of the various estimates of K~ the data points below the K~. A Hofstee plot was used to
and Vm,x in Table 2 show that the double reciprocal plot estimate Km and Vm~ in the original publication? 3 Table 4
gave the worst fit and the largest error-bars. On the other shows a comparison of fitting methods using the data in
hand, the correctly weighted double reciprocal plot, the Table 3. The Hanes-Woolf and Eadie-Hofstee plots both
H a n e s - W o o l f and Hofstee plots and the non-linear least appear to give very good estimates of K m and Vmax. The
squares fits to the Michaelis-Menten equation yield esti- double reciprocal plot gives the worst estimates of Km and
mates of Km and V~,~xthat are not significantly different Vmax- The H a n e s - W o o l f technique again seems to give
but vary considerably in precision. overly optimistic estimates of the size of the errors of Km
Non-parametric estimates of Km and Vm,x were made and Vma~- The non-linear least squares fit gives the most
using methods described by C o r n i s h - B o w d e n u'12,23,z4 and precise estimates of Km and Vm~x.The SSRes of the double
approximate 95% error limits calculated 25"26.Median esti- reciprocal fit was 0.511 but weighting the data reduced the
mates of Km and Vma~were: K~ = 0.555 ( - 0.156, + 0.215); SSRes to about 0.38.

0.5 -(a) (b)


• Velocity Data Points
Michaelis-Menten Least
Squares Fit Z "

8 Double R e c i p r o c a l i l t ~ , ,"

6 • jJ
• Velocity Data Points
•8 ~ Michaelis-Menten Least Squares Fit
- - Double Reciprocal Fit
0.1 2

I i i I i i i I ,( I I I I I I I I i I
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Substrate 1/Substrate

Figure la presents Data Set No 1 plotted as Vvs IS]. The best fit (the non-linear least squares fiO is shown as a solid line and the
worst fit (the double reciprocal linear regression) is shown as a dotted line. The double reciprocal linear regression gives under-
estimations of V at higher substrate concentrations. Figure 1b presents Data Set No 1 plotted as 1/V vs 1/[S]. The double reciprocal
linear regression appears to be biased by velocities measured at low substrate concentrations



Analysis of residuals 17 using Pearson's r test and the N o n - p a r a m e t r i c estimates of the median Km and Vmax
n o n - p a r a m e t r i c S p e a r m a n ' s R H O tests 25'26 b o t h showed (Km=44.6 ( - 4 . 4 0 , +5.54); Vm~x=18.7 (--0.712, +1.44))
that deviations f r o m the fitted line using all the fitting were very closely similar to the m e a n s obtained by using
m e t h o d s were not significantly correlated with the velocity p a r a m e t r i c methods but are little help in identifying the
(<). most satisfactory p a r a m e t r i c fitting method.
Figs 2a and 2b present D a t a Set No 2 plotted as Vvs [S]
Table 3 Sample Data No 2for Comparison of Different Methods and as a double reciprocal plot of 1/Vvs 1/[S]. In this case
of Estimating Km and Vm~. A set of sample data, originally from the fit to the M i c h a e l i s - M e n t e n relationship is so good
Ritchie. 42 This data set is from a study of nutrient uptake by algal that the best (non-linear least squares) and the worst fits
cells and is a case of where the Michaelis-Menten model has been (double reciprocal linear regression) are almost
used to model uptake of a nutrient by living whole cells. The
approximate position of the Km is shown by an arrow. indistinguishable.

Substrate [S] Velocity V Example data No 3

3.568 1.42 T h e third example is a set of data f r o m Tayyab and
7.213 2.51 Q a m a r 35 on the action of papain on milk casein. The data
10.87 3.51
14.44 4.78 set was kindly provided by D r Tayyab (Table 5). T h e
18.18 5.40 substrate concentrations ( m m o l m 3 casein) were
21.93 6.14 approximately evenly spaced and the velocity calculated
29.24 7.72
36.65 8.65 as m m o l m 3 min-1). Most of the data points are above
~K m the Km. T h e data set is an excellent example of the need to
55.33 9.96 plot up data and inspect it visually. 35 C o m p a r i s o n of Figs
109.8 13.28
3a and 3b shows a m a j o r unfortunate consequence of

Table 4 Unweighted and Weighted Double Reciprocal and Eadie-Hofstee Plots Compared to a Non-Linear Least Squares Michaelis-
Menten Fit. Comparison of estimates of K• and Vm~xusing different fitting techniques using the data set shown in Table 3
Lineweaver-Burk Hanes-Woolf Eadie-Hofstee Least Squares Weighted Inverse Transforms
Fit Fit Fit Michaelis-Menten Fit Wilkinson's Vi4 Weighting
(NB This weighting is not valid)
K~±SE 41.8+3.22 44.0 + 1.53 43.6 + 2.61 43.0 + 2.34 42.7 + 1.73
Vm~__SE 17.8 4-1.34 18.5 +0.461 18.5 +0.753 18.4_+0.506 18.4+0.502
Regression (r) 0.999 0.998 - 0.9860 0.999 0.999
Probability (p) < 0.001% < 0.001% < 0.001% 0.003% < 0.001%
SSRes* 0.511 0.366 0.363 0.357 0.361
*SSRes calculated for fit of untransformed data to Michaelis-Menten equation.

14 -- (a) (b)
n 0.5 --
13 -- i s s • Velocity Data Points
12 -- s~"
Michaelis-Menten Least
-- Squares Fit
11 0.4 -- _ _ Double Reciprocal Fit
10 -- v u
9 -- •

.~>. 8- • /" ~,03- /

2 7--
/ ,~

6- /
5 -- •¢" • Velocity Data Points
B f•
] ~ Miehaelis-Menten Least Squares Fit ~•
4 1

• - -- D o u b l e R e c i p r o c a l F i t 4,•
3 --/ _ •t•
2 "F 0.1 i f m r

I [ I I I I I
j I I i I I I
0 20 40 150 80 100 120 -0.04-0.02 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12

Substrate 1]Substrate

Figure 2a presents Data Set No 2 plotted as V vs [S]. The best fit (the non-linear least squares rio is shown as a solid line and the
worst fit (the double reciprocal linear regression) is shown as a dotted line. Figure 2b presents Data Set No 2 plotted as 1/V vs
1/[S]. On both graphs the two fits using the two methods are not readily distinguishable



using evenly spaced data points and inverse transforma-

Table 5 Sample Data No 3 for Comparison of Different Methods tion of the data. On Fig 3b most of the data points are
of Estimating Km and Vinos.A set of sample data from Tayyab and crowded near the origin and a linear regression fit will be
Qamar. 35 This data set is from an experiment designed for teaching heavily biased by a few measurements at low substrate
elementary enzyme kinetics using the action of papain on a milk concentrations. The double reciprocal plot puts too much
casein as an example. The approximate position of the K., is shown emphasis on the small number of velocities measured at
by an arrow
low substrate concentrations (Table 6, Fig 3b). The
Substrate [S] Velocity double reciprocal regression fit is very clearly biased by
9.5 1.72
the velocity observed at the lowest substrate concentra-
19 3.91 tion (dotted line, Fig 3b) leading to a poor fit at higher
substrate concentrations and an overestimation of the Km
28.5 5.20
38 5.28
(Figs 3a and 3b). The SSRes of the unweighted double
57 7.75 reciprocal fit was 11.5 but weighting the data reduced the
85.5 7.61 SSRes to about 4. Both weighted and unweighted double
95 7.50
114.5 8.03
reciprocal fits were considerably worse than the other
133 7.93 fitting methods. Deviations from the fitted line, using all
171.5 7.70 the fitting methods, were not significantly correlated with
190 8.465 the velocity ( V i ) . 17'25'26

12 - - ( a ) (b)
0.6-- • Velocity Data Points • /
Michaelis-Menten Least /
10 s Squares Fit /
0.5 - - Double Reciprocal F i t / /
9 /
8 / /
0.4 --
7 ///

~ 6 "~ 0,3 /
.//'! -

- -
• V e l o c i t y Data P o i n t s
Michaelis-Menten Least
S q u a r e s Fit
D o u b l e R e c i p r o c a l Fit


I I I I I I i I I i I I I I I
25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 -0.04 -0.02 0 0.02. 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12

Substrate I/Substrate

Figures 3a and 3b present Data Set No 3plotted as Vvs [S] and 1/Vvs 1/[S] respectively. The best fit (the non-linear least squares
fit) is shown as a solid line and the worst fit (the double reciprocal linear regression) as a dotted line. The double reciprocal linear
regression gives over-estimations of Vat higher substrate concentrations (Figure 3a) and appears to be biased by a single data pair
(Figure 3b). Figure 3b shows the crowding effect of the inverse transformation on evenly spaced substrate concentrations and the
biasing effect of an atypically low velocity measured at the lowest substrate concentration

Table 6 Unweighted and Weighted Double Reciprocal and Eadie-Hofstee Plots Compared to a Non-Linear Least Squares Michaelis-
Menten Fit. Comparison of estimates of Kin and Vm~ using different fitting techniques using the data set shown in Table 5
L i n e w e a v e r - B u r k Fit H a n e s - W o o l f Fit E a d i e - H o f s t e e Fit Least Squares W e i g h t e d Inverse T r a n s f o r m s
M i c h a e l i s - M e n t e n Fit Wilkinson's V~4 Weighting
(NB This weighting is not valid)

K~ + SE 57.4 + 10.0 27.6 + 5.01 30.8 + 6.42 27.0 + 5.16 23.2 + 4.26
Vm.x + SE 13.00 + 2.07 9.57 _++0.446 9.9l + 0.805 9.70 + 0.505 9.52 + 0.508
Regression (r) 0.978 0.9904 - 0.8479 0.969 0.884
Probability (p) <0.001% <0.001% <0.097% <0.001% 0.03%
SSRes* 11.48 2.96 3.02 2.80 3.16

*SSRes calculated for fit of u n t r a n s f o r m e d data to M i c h a e l i s - M e n t e n equation.



Non-parametric methods are unaffected by single or a squares) statistics to estimate the error-bars of the Km and
few outliers. Non-parametric estimates of the median Km Vm.x was not really justifiable. An improved experiment
and Vmax [Km=33.7 (-7.95, +21.1); Vmax=9.72 (--0.46, needs to be designed. The distribution is biased to lower
+0.45)] are similar to estimates made using the para- values and is flat in the region of the mean. A logarithmic
metric methods but indicate that Km cannot be estimated transform of the Km simulation data showed that it was
very reliably. Here the use of a non-parametric method also inconsistent with a log-normal distribution
alerts the user to the presence of aberrant data points, (p < 0.01).
resulting in biased parametric estimates of parameters. Let us suppose that the experimenters had used dupli-
cates (n = 12). Given the estimates of Km, Vmax and the
Are the data sets suitable for the use o f parametric variance would twelve data points have been sufficient? A
statistics ? simulation run showed that Km would not have been nor-
If a data set is small (say n < 40) it is often difficult to mally distributed if 12 data points had been used
determine if it is suitable for analysis using parametric (D = 0.0309, 0.01 <p <0.05). Another simulation showed
statistics. 17'25'26 In our recent simulation studyTM we have that triplicates (n = 18) were necessary for Ko, to have a
shown that the number of data points and the spread of distribution consistent with a normal distribution
the points relative to the K~ can have large effects on (D = 0.0228, p > 0.05).
whether estimates of Km are normally distributed and Perhaps an alternative arrangement of the substrate
hence whether the use of parametric statistics is justifi- values would have improved the statistical properties of
able. The general conclusion drawn was that more data K m .1'2'15'16'23 The substrate values for Data Set No 1 were
points are needed than is generally realized (n > 10). arranged in an inversely proportional manner. 1'2 Simula-
The Monte-Carlo simulator used in our theoretical tions using substrates, covering a similar range, but
studyTM can be used to help design better experiments to arranged arithmetically and logarithmically were run.
make improved estimates of Km and Vmax-For example, a Estimates of Km were still not normally distributed
preliminary experiment can provide provisional estimates (p<0.01) based on the Kolmogorov test. Thus, in this
of Km and Vm~ for a given number of data points, spread case, the number of data points was more crucial than the
of substrate values and error variance. An illuminating arrangement of the substrate values in achieving normally
way of using the Monte-Carlo Simulator is to use it to try distributed estimates of Kin.
out alternative experimental designs that might provide
better estimates of these parameters. For example would
more be gained from (a) using more data points or (b) 1so-
Frequency Distribution of K m, D e t e r m i n e d from
Non-linear least s qua r e s fits, Compared to the Frequency
using an alternative spacing of chosen substrate values? Distribution
of a N o r m a l
Curve with S a m e Mean

The statistical properties of a large population

(n = 1000) of experiments with given estimates of the
100 ~ / .....
fitted parameters and a normally distributed variance can
be analysed. Each experiment will generate a least squares
estimate of Km and Vm,x.These are stored in a file and the " iiiii iiii
statistical behaviour of the population of estimates of Km
(and/or Vmax) can be analyzed. A conclusion can then be
drawn about the expected behaviour of an actual experi-
. . . . !,tl i !i !i i
ment that had the specified design and normally distri- 0 , , i;i!il iiiiiiiiiiii ii!iii
buted error using the non-parametric Kolmogorov 0.46 0.5 0,54 0,58 0,62 0.aS 0.7 0.74

t e s t . 17'18'25'26'43 Alternative arrangements of substrate values D a ta : Fitted Km [] Frequency

Velocity variance Normal Frequency
and different numbers of data points can be tried out. Evenly spaced data
= 184
x 10" 6 •
CHI 2 : 86, df = 13, p << 0.001
n = 1000
Other error structures can also be tested, for example data
with a normally distributed relative error. TM Simulations Figure 4 Testing the statistical validity of the experimental
might show that a particular technique has an error vari- design used to obtain the data shown in Data Set No 1 using a
ance that is too high for there to be any hope of making Monte Carlo simulator. Frequency distribution of K,,~ deter-
reasonable estimates of Kin. mined from a non-linear least squares fit to the Michaelis-
Data Set No 1 used only six pairs of data points and so Menten equation, compared to a normal distribution of equal
we had serious doubt that the data set was really suitable mean and variance. 1000 Monte Carlo simulations were run
for the use of parametric statistics. TM For the given esti- on Data Set No 1 using the original set of substrate concentra-
mates of Km, V .... variance and spread of data points tions (n =6) and the estimated variance based on the non-
(Table 1 and Table 2), the Kolmogorov test on 1000 simu- linear least squares fit. The error of the data points used in the
lations shows that estimates of Km did not have a distribu- simulations was taken to be independent of substrate concen-
tion consistent with a normal distribution (D=0.0504, tration. Analyses using CHI 2 and the Kolmogorov test show
p <0.01). Fig 4 shows that the frequency distribution of that estimates of K,, based upon Data Set No 1 are not nor-
the Km estimates, found in the simulation is clearly not mally distributed and hence parametric statistics are not
normally distributed. Thus the use of parametric (least appropriate for Data Set No 1



Data Set No 2 has 10 data points and a very good fit experiment in which the IS] values were chosen so that
using all the fitting methods discussed in the present 1/[Si] was as evenly spaced as practicable (Data Set No 2,
paper. From our theoretical study, it appeared that a suffi- Table 3), as recommended by Cleland.l'2 It is a particularly
cient number of data points had been used TM. For the given bad method to use if the substrate values are evenly
estimates of Kin, Vmax,variance and spread of data points spaced (Data Set No 3, Table 5). The use of the
(Table 3 and Table 4), the Kolmogorov test on 1000 simu- unweighted double reciprocal plot makes it difficult to
lations showed that K~ had a distribution consistent with identify differences in experimentally determined Km and
a normal distribution (D = 0.0271,p > 0.05). Thus, the use Vm~ from one experiment to another and makes it par-
of parametric (least squares) statistics to estimate the ticularly difficult to identify, and distinguish between,
error of the Km was justifiable. competitive and non-competitive inhibition. It is
Data Set No 3 has eleven pairs of data points and so important to note in Tables 2, 4 and 6 that the correlation
might have been expected to be suitable for the use of coefficient can be very close to unity (indicating a very
parametric statistics28 For the given estimates of Kin, Vma~, good fit) and yet the errors of the estimated K~ and Vm,x
variance and spread of data points (Table 5 and Table 6), can still be large, of the order of _+50%.
the Kolmogorov test shows that estimates of Km were not The bias of double reciprocal plots is the more intract-
normally distributed (D=0.0547, p<0.01). If the data able problem because the errors of Km and Vm,x, deter-
points had been duplicated (n = 22), the distribution Km mined using such plots, do not have even an
would still have deviated from a normal distribution approximately normal distribution. 4'18 Poor precision can
(D=0.0349, p<0.01). It appears that triplicates would be improved by doing several separate experimental
have been necessary (n = 33) for Km to be normally distri- determinations and then calculating the overall mean I ~
buted (D = 0.0207, p > 0.05). and Vma~ values. 3 Bias cannot be eliminated by simply
Data Set No 3 appears to have too many data points doing more experiments: the mean of several biased esti-
well above the Km. A simulation experiment with substrate mates of Km will be a biased overall mean.
values from 5 to 55 was run. The distribution of Km was Nevertheless, experimental data often fits double recip-
still not normally distributed (p < 0.01). The arrangement rocal plots very well but Dowd and Riggs 4 pointed out that
of the chosen substrate values was less critical than the double reciprocal plots were highly deceptive, "We are
number of data points employed. This conclusion agrees thus confronted with the paradox of obtaining the best
with our previous theoretical study? 8 Data Set No 3 has an estimates from the 'worst fitting' line, and the worst esti-
error variance that is is too high for making good esti- mates from the 'best fitting' line! The undeserved popu-
mates of Km. larity of the Lineweaver-Burk method may well be based
upon just this ability to provide what seems a good fit even
when the experimental data are poor".
The estimates of the standard errors of K~ and Vm~
Discussion made from the double reciprocal plot is only approximate
The three sets of data used in this paper are examples of and considerably worse than those made using the
a data set spread approximately about the Km (Data Set non-linear least squares Michaelis-Menten fits (Tables 2,
No 1), a set of data spread below the Km (Data Set No 2) 4 and 6). The H a n e s - W o o l f plot is markedly better than
and a data set spread above the I ~ (Data Set No 3). The the unweighted double reciprocal method. A clear dis-
non-linear fitting to the Michaelis-Menten curve gave advantage of the method is that the same cumbersome,
superior estimates of Km and Vm= using all three sets of and only approximate calculations, are used to convert the
data, but the use of parametric fitting methods appears intercept (Km/Vm,~) and slope (1/Vmax) into final estimates
only to be justifiable for Data Set No 2. Simulation studies of Km and Vm,x. Having the independent variable on both
showed that that Data Sets No 1 and No 3 were not really sides of the Hanes-Woolf equation (eqn 3) does not pose
suited to using parametric statistics to estimate Km and the as serious statistical problems as having the dependent
non-parametric estimate of Km was the only valid estimate variable on both sides of the Eadie-Hofstee equation
of Km. The error variance was too high for the number of (eqn 4). Nevertheless, estimates of the errors of Km and
data points used. Many more data points were needed. Vm~ derived from a H a n e s - W o o l f plot appear to be mis-
The double reciprocal plot places undue emphasis on leadingly optimistic.
enzyme velocities observed at low substrate concentra- The limitations of the double reciprocal plot are
tions, where the relative errors of experimental data are claimed to be partially overcome using a weighted linear
likely to be greatest, and assumes that the errors of 1/V, regression. I'2'4'1°'31'32'44 The appropriate weighting for
rather than the errors of V are normally distributed? 'z'4"5'15 double reciprocal plots to counteract the biasing effects of
The double reciprocal plot gives both biased and indirect large 1/V~ values, is approximately proportional to the
estimates of K~ and Vr, a~.4 fourth power of the expected velocity values (E(V)4),
The double reciprocal plot gives estimates of Km and assuming uniformity of variance of the values for V
Vmaxthat are both biased and imprecise. The double recip- (cfl-4'10"-12'32'33). The commonly used Vi4 weighting (Wilk-
rocal method is consistently the worst method of esti- inson's Method) is no more than an ad hoc approximation.
mating K~ and Vmax values even using data from an Tables 2, 4 and 6 show that the weighted linear regression



m e t h o d gives better results than the unweighted double We will briefly deal with two approaches to improve
reciprocal plot but not as good as the non linear least estimates of Km and Vmax: (a) allowing for a non-zero velo-
squares method. city at zero substrate as discussed by Selwyn31 and (b)
T h e value of weighted double reciprocal m e t h o d is assuming a constant relative error, rather than a constant
doubtful because they do not give as good results as the error. The model for a Michaelis-Menten curve with a
non-linear least squares method. It turns out that it constant background rate is,
requires a higher level of statistical sophistication. T h e r e
is a unique solution to fitting a simple unweighted linear [ S l V .....
v - - (lo)
regression but a weighted regression requires an iterative [S] + Km
weighted least squares fitting method. This involves more
sophisticated programming than in the case of an where, V, [S], Vmax and Km have their previously defined
unweighted non-linear least squares fit. A statistical meanings and C is a constant background velocity that
package would need to be capable of a non linear least occurs even in zero substrate. It is much more difficult to
squares fitting to be capable of a weighted linear least estimate three parameters with precision than only two.
squares fit. Only a non-linear least squares fit can be made to such a
The Hofstee plot gives better estimates of K~ and Vmax model. A fit was made to all the sets of data used in the
than the double reciprocal m e t h o d but the standard for- present study. In all three cases, C was not significantly
mulae for errors of slope m and y-intercept 25'26 used to different from zero and so there is no evidence for invoking
calculate the standard errors of Km and Vm~ are not this more complex model. The errors in estimates of Km and
strictly valid. T h e r e is little to gain from the use of the V ..... were much larger using eqn (10). The poor fits to the
linear transforms of the M i c h a e l i s - M e n t e n equation Michaelis-Menten relationship found for Data Sets No 1
when the least-squares technique clearly gives the most and No 3 cannot be accounted for by postulating a 'blank' or
precise estimates of Km and V .... and a statistically rig- 'background' velocity.
orous m e t h o d of calculating their standard errors. The In all three data sets, the velocities have a range of over
H a n e s - W o o l f plot is probably the plot of choice, if a a factor of 5. It is perhaps more realistic to assume a con-
linear plot is to be used for the visual inspection of experi- stant relative error [error of V(i) is proportional to V(i)].
mental results and for identifying differences between The easiest method for allowing for a constant relative error
experimental treatments. is to log-transform both sides of eqn (1) and then use a non-
Even though the dependent variable appears on both linear least squares fit,
sides of the E a d i e - H o f s t e e equation (eqn 4), Dowd and
Ln(V) = Ln([S]) + Ln(Vm~,x)- Ln([S] + Kin) (11)
Riggs 4 claimed that computer simulations showed that the
error of K,, and Vm,~ closely approximated a normal distri- The log-normal least squares model did not improve the
bution and hence was a more appropriate method than the fits to any of the data sets used in the present study and the
double reciprocal plot. Ritchie 42 used the E a d i e - H o f s t e e estimates of Km and V ..... were not significantly different
plot to estimate Km and Vm~x in each experiment. Several from those obtained using the non-linear least squares fit
sets of Km and Vmaxvalues obtained in separate experiments with a normally distributed error structure (eqn 1). Plots of
were then used to calculate overall Km and Vmax values. residuals showed no tendency for them to increase as V
Most of the variance was between separate experiments and increased 17. The constant relative error model should only
so improvements in the standard errors of K~ and Vm,~ be invoked if there is some evidence in favour of it.
within each experiment would have had little effect on the It is worthwhile to compare the results of the present
accuracy of the overall means. study using parametric statistics to estimates of Km and Vm,x
Faulty experimental design can also lead to problems in obtained using non-parametric methods similar to those
determining Km and Vm,~.~'~8 Dowd and Riggs 4 made a promoted by Cornish-Bowden? ~'~z'~ 24 Taking into account
survey of 28 papers in which Km and V .... values were deter- the approximate 95% range limits of the median estimates
mined: nine studies used spreads of substrate concentra- of Km and V,,,~x 25'2~' we have shown that non-parametric esti-
tions in which all were below the Kin. At substrate mates of Km and Vm~xare consistently similar to the para-
concentrations below the K,,, V is approximately propor- metric least squares Michaelis-Menten fit. The
tional to [S] and so the data may have so little curvature that non-parametric method is a useful technique for checking
a Michaelis-Menten curve cannot be fitted to the data. 2~ parametric estimates of Km and V .... that might be biased by
Spurious fits to a Michaelis-Menten curve may be one or a few pairs of aberrant data. Our use of a Monte-
encountered because the Michaelis-Menten model is Carlo simulator ~ shows that it is not really justifiable to
inappropriate. 2'3'3°'38'3'~ One example of a case where the quote parametric estimates of either K~ or V ..... for Data
Michaelis-Menten model might be applied inappropriately Sets No 1 or No 3.
is where velocity is simply directly proportional to substrate Serious questions must be asked about the statistical
concentration (V= C[S]). The data shown in Table 3 (Data validity of many K~ values in the literature. To gain an
Set No 2) was sufficiently accurate for good estimates of Kn, impression of techniques currently used by experimental
to be made even though most of the data points were below biochemists, Ritchie and Prvan 's made a survey of recent
the K.,. volumes of the B i o c h e r n i c a l J o u r n a l (1993, Volumes 289 and



290). The average number of data points in any one experi- 6 Neame, K D and Richards, T G (1972) Elementary Kinetics of Mem-
brane Carrier Transport, Blackwell Scientific, Oxford
ment was 6.1 + 1.2 (range 3-13, n =20) but many papers did 7 Studnicka, G M (1987) Comp Applic Biosci (CABIOS) 3, 9-16
not mention how many data points they used. Our simula- 8 Thornley, J H M (1976) Mathematical Models in Plant Physiology, Aca-
tion studies showed that more than 10 data points were demic Press, London
9 Watts, D G (1981) An introduction to non linear least squares. In
needed for estimates of Km to be normally distributed. TM Kinetic Data Analysis: Design and Analysis of Enzyme and Pharmaco-
Users of non-linear Michaelis-Menten fitting methods do kinetic Experiments, edited by L Endrenyi, Plenum Press, New York
not use more data points than users of double reciprocal and London, pp 1-24
10 Wilkinson, G N (1961) Biochem J 80, 324-332
methods. TM Any gains made using better fitting methods 11 Cornish-Bowden, A (1985) A Fortran program for robust regression of
were therefore marginal. It appears that many biochemists enzyme kinetic data. In Techniques in the Life Sciences, B1/II Supple-
are currently using statistically unsatisfactory methods for ment Protein and Enzyme Biochemistry, BS l l 5, edited by KF Tipton, pp
1-22, Elsevier Scientific, Dublin
measuring enzyme kinetic parameters: there are three 12 Cornish-Bowden, A (1991) J Theor Biol 153, 437-440
underlying problems, often in combination: (i) unsatisfac- 13 Markus, M, Hess, B, Ottway, J H and Cornish-Bowden, A (1976) FEBS
tory, obsolete, fitting methods for routine work, (ii) too few Letters 63, 225-230
14 Tseng, S and Hsu, J-P J Theor Biol 145, 457-464
data points and (iii) poor choice of sets of substrate 15 Metzler, C M (1981) Statistical properties of kinetic estimates. In
concentrations? s Kinetic Data Analysis: Design and Analysis of Enzyme and Pharmaco-
The problem of too few data points (eg Sample Data No kinetic Experiments, edited by L Endrenyi, Plenum Press, New York
and London, pp 25-37
1) proves to be a pervasive problem, simply solved by 16 Endrenyi, L (1981) Design of experiments for estimating enzyme and
routinely using more data points. Poor choice of the set of pharmacokinetic parameters. In Kinetic Data Analysis: Design and
substrate concentrations is a more difficult problem (for Analysis of Enzyme and Pharmacokinetic Experiments, edited by L
Endrenyi, Plenum Press, New York & London, pp 137-167
example Sample Data No 1 and No 3). The spread of sets of 17 Straume, M and Johnson, M L (1992) Methods Enzymol 210, 87-105
substrates concentrations chosen by the experimenter can 18 Ritchie, R J and Prvan, T (1995) J Theor Biol 178, 239-254
have large effects on the statistical properties of Kin. A data 19 Effron, B and Tibshirani, R J (1993) An Introduction to the Bootstrap,
Chapman and Hall, New York
set can appear to have a sufficient number of data points 20 Oppenheimer, L, Capizzi, T P and Miwa, G T (1981) Biochem J 197,
and a very good correlation (r) and yet Monte Carlo simula- 721-729
tion methods ~8might show that the data are not suitable for 21 Atkins, G L and Nimmo, I A (1981) Robust alternatives to least
squares. In Kinetic Data Analysis: Design and Analysis" of Enzyme and
parametric statistical analysis. The Monte Carlo simulator Pharmacokinetic Experiments, edited by L Endrenyi, Plenum Press,
thus provides a useful tool for assessing preliminary data New York and London, pp 121-135
sets and the experimental design used. 22 Cornish-Bowden, A (1981) Robust estimation in enzyme kinetics. In
Kinetic Data Analysis: Design and Analysis of Enzyme and Pharmaco-
The I ~ and Vmax of Michaelis-Menten type processes kinetic Experiments, edited by L Endrenyi, Plenum Press, New York
are very important to many branches of biology, but often and London, pp 105-119
no statistical information is available on their precision. 23 Duggleby, R G (1981) Experimental designs for the distribution-free
analysis of enzyme kinetic data. In Kinetic Data Analysis: Design and
More attention should be paid to the minimization of bias Analysis of Enzyme and Pharmacokinetic Experiments, edited by L
in Km and V .... and the importance of their statistical errors Endrenyi, Plenum Press, New York and London, pp 169-179
and the error structure of biochemical data 44. Many Km and 24 Cornish-Bowden, A, Porter, W R and Trager, W F (1978)J Theor Biol
74, 163-175
and Vm,x values in the literature are likely to be biased, 25 Sokal, R R and Rohlf, F J (1981) Biometry: the Principles and Practice of
inaccurate and imprecise. Commonly accepted cases of Statistics" in Biological Research, Freeman and Co, New York
competitive and non-competitive inhibition might not be as 26 Zar, J H (1984)Biostatistical Analysis, 2nd edn, Prentice-Hall, Engle-
wood Cliffs, N J, USA
well established as usually thought 27 Herries, D G Biochem Educ 20, 118
28 Hanes, C S (1932) Biochem J 26, 1406-1421
29 Hofstee, B H J (1959) Nature 184, 1296-1298
Acknowledgements 30 Selwyn, M J (1995) Biochem Educ 23, 138-141
The authors wish to thank Professor N A Walker (Univer- 31 Cornish-Bowden, A (1982) JMol Sci 2, 107-112
sity of Sydney) for providing a BASIC version of Colqu- 32 Di Cera, E (1992) Methods" Enzymol 210, 68-87
33 Lineweaver, H and Burk, D (1934) J A m Chem Soc 56, 658-666
houn's 'Pattern search' ALGOL 60 program. One of the 34 Lineweaver, H, Burk, D and Deming, W E (1934) J A m Chem Soc 56,
authors (R JR) is an Australian Research Fellow and 225-230
gratefully acknowledges his funding from the Australian 35 Tayyab, S and Qamar, S (1992) Biochem Educ 20, 116-118
36 Marquardt, D W (1963) J Soc Irldustr andAppl Math 11, 431-441
Research Council. Professor Walker and Professor A W 37 Sprott, J C (1991) Numerical Recipes Routines and Examples in BASIC,
D Larkum (Sydney) encouraged this work and made Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
helpful comments on the manuscript. Dr S Tayyab (Ali- 38 Press, W H, Flannery, 13 P, Teukolosky, S A and Vetterling W T
(1992a) Numerical Recipes in Fortran: the Art of Scientific Computing,
gargh Muslim University, India) kindly furnished us with a Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
table of their original data. 35 39 Press, W H, Flannery, B P, Teukolosky, S A and Vetterling W T
(1992b) Numerical Recipes in C: the Art of Scientific Computing, Cam-
bridge University Press, Cambridge
References 40 Atkinson, M R, Jackson, J F and Morton, R K (1961) Biochem J 80,
1 Cleland, W W (1967) Adv Enzymol 29, 1-32 318-323
2 Cleland, W W (1979) Methods Enzymol 63, 103-138 41 Epstein, E (1972) Mineral Nutrition of Plants: Principles and Perspec-
3 Colquhoun, D (1971) Lectures on Biostatistics: an Introduction to Statis- tives, John Wiley, New York
tics with Applications in Biology and Medicine, Clarendon Press, 42 Ritchie, R J (1992) Plant Cell Envir 15, 179-184
Oxford 43 Stephens, M A (1974)JAm StatAssoc (JASA) 69, 730-737
4 Dowd, J E and Riggs, D S (1965) J Biochem 240, 863-869 44 Askelof, P, Kornsfeldt, M and Mannervik, B (1976)EurJBiochem 69,
5 Johnson, M L and Faunt, L M (1992) Methods Enzymol 210, 1-37 61-67


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