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<R>evolution: Intro to <R>evolution Format!

<R>evolution: Intro to <R>evolution Format!

<R>evolution: Intro to <R>evolution Format! Oct 11, 2015 at 8:03pm BALLS and God of Kane
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Post by keith0913832 on Oct 11, 2015 at 8:03pm
With the recent ‘Revolution’ revolution (pun intended) going around, I felt
that this format should be given another chance of limelight. If you do not
have the time to read such a long article, scroll all the way down to the
TL;DR ( Too Long; Didn’t Read) section below. Otherwise, let’s get it on!

Revolution is an extension of Raw Deal, introducing a new format, but with

the same concept to the game. Let's take a look at some of the different
terms used in Revo and Classic.

Classic Equivalent/Explanation
Assault Strike
Throw Grapple
Hold Submission
Extreme High Risk/FO (well, almost)
Trademark Superstar Specific Maneuvers
Core Printed 1D-7D Maneuver
Mean Printed -14D Maneuver
Colossal Printed 15D+ Maneuver
Where the Maneuver Hits (Head, Neck, Arm, Back,
Chest, Leg)
Antic Action
Follow-ups Set-ups
Requirements Must fulfill requirements before playing
Momentum Cannot be reversed

The targets + core/mean/colossal are extra layers to the maneuver type, and
of course there are other card interactions with this, but no special traits like
chain/heat/volley/BASH etc.
Rules (that are different from classic)
1. 6/6 backlash deck – Pre Match and Mid Match allowed in ring is 3 each
2. Hand drawn first – even before pre-match
3. Pre-Match effects take place immediately
4. Aggression rule – Overturn 6 cards if you didn’t attempt to play a
maneuver in your turn

Common Myths/Misconceptions
1. Revo is expensive to get in to
2. A lot of new rules to learn
3. Revo ended classic and RD as a whole
4. Hard to change into an unknown format
5. Availability of cards in Singapore

With this article, we am going to be mythbusters and debunk all of them!

Myth 1: Expensive? Really? Really?

Superstar Full set: Most FULL set costs anywhere from $20 to $40. Wow! I
can barely buy a Paid Laid Made SS3 at this price. And with virtual
superstars, it would cost even lesser to have a full set.
Staples: One set of RD classic reversal, Divine, Revo of the Mind, MI, GTFO,
DTTAH costs about $110 SGD currently ; Way More than a Revo deck. Unlike
classic, Revo only has a handful of expensive staples; with the most
expensive staple cards like 2nd solution only going to about 4 USD each.
That said, there are virtual TB reprints available that would solve this money
issue! By adding up the total cost of printing and getting staples, you will
probably spend around $20 to $30 dollars.

For simpler illustration, we shall compare the Classic Rey Mysterio and the
Revo Rey Mysterio. For a fully playable Full Rey Mysterio deck, you would
need to invest at least $60 (full set) + ~$100 for staples. But if you look at a
fully playable Full Revo Rey deck, it would cost you only $20 (full set) +
~$30 (staples).
Myth number 1: BUSTED.

Myth 2: A lot of new rules?

As stated above, there are only 4 new rules that you need to understand.
Each rule was implemented to streamline the playing process, thus making
the game look more like an actual wrestling match. Myth Number 2:

Myth 3: Revo = End of RD??

Contrary to popular believe, RD (and TCG as a whole) was already on a
downward slope even before Revo came about. Therefore, the producers
decided to inject fresh ideas into the game in a bid to revive the game. Like
the saying goes, why fix something that isn’t broken. But by then, the game
was broken, financially and literally and there was a need for a fresh slate.
Therefore revo was created. But come on. Why hear it from me when there
are evidence given by CreedP himself. Click on the following links and you
will see that licensing and the downturn of TCG was the main reason for the
end of RD, not Revo.
Myth Number 3: BUSTED.

1. Click Here for article by CreedP

2. Click Here for article from Comic Images

Myth 4: Unknown format?

Well, if you read all of the above, you already know 90% of the things you
need to know!
Read on to find out where the last 10% is.

Myth 5: Availability of cards in Singapore?

For those that are interested in getting into the Revo scene, fret not.
Currently we have enough full sets and staples to go around, and more
promos are coming in. We are also sourcing for them overseas so short-term
wise, there is more demand than supply. Prices are relatively cheap but as
mentioned earlier, we always have more than 1 deck to share so it is not
necessary to immediate invest in anything!

The Last Crucial 10% - Staple Reversals

Here, we will be giving you a summary of the staple reversals that a deck
should have. For easier reference, we have summarized the reversals into 3
styles that you might adopt for your deck. A certain reversal style would suit
a certain superstar more, but it’s up to your personal preference. That said,
here are some staple reversals that most decks would pack regardless of
reversal style.
1. Outmaneuver – 0F Reversal for non-colossal extremes aid of a pre-match
2. Why Don’t You Kiss My Ass/Welcome To My World – 7F and 12F reversals
for antics
3. Inertia – 15F5D reversal for momentum
4. Overexposure – 11F4D reversal for any assault, throw and hold.
Requirement: Overturned. But if you are an extremist, ignore requirement
5. Masochists Of The Heart – 0F reversal for colossal. Requirement:
6. You Telegraphed It – 4F reversal for momentum. Requirement: overturned

Now, we move on to the three styles. To make things easier, we termed the
three styles as 1) Hybrid style, 2) Second Solution Style, 3) Good Luck
With That Style.

1st Reversal Style: Maneuver / Reversal Hybrid


A Revolution
of the Mind

The Revolution
is far from over
Posts: 303

1. Collar & Elbow Lock-up - 0F reversal for printed 1D-7D throws

2. Slap - 0F reversal for printed 1D-7D holds
3. Headlock Takedown - 0F reversal for printed 1D-7D
4. Centered Defense - 7F reversal for Chest and Neck
5. Head to Toe Defense - 7F reversal for Head and Leg
6. Lateral Flank Defense - 7F reversal for Arm and Back

A deck that works on type or target would benefit from this style. Such decks
include Daniel Bryan and Brock Lesnar where target or type benefits them.
However, this style takes up a lot of space and it has the same concept as
escape step method. Not 100% accurate and depends on luck.

2nd Reversal Style: Second Solution Style

1. Second Solution – 0F2D reversal for printed 1D-7D assault, throw and
hold. Second solution is like Revolution of the mind but without removing
itself from the game
2. Only One Solution/Overexposure – Depending on space and whether you
are an extremist
3. Centered Defense - 7F reversal for Chest and Neck
4. Head to Toe Defense - 7F reversal for Head and Leg
5. Lateral Flank Defense - 7F reversal for Arm and Back

A deck that requires more space (eg. Follow-up decks) would find that the
second style is better. Such decks include superstars with big hand like Matt
Striker or superstars like Austin where there is a constant refresh of his

3rd Reversal Style: Good Luck With That Style

Compulsory pre-match to pack for this style:
1. Clean Break – 3F mean or colossal Hold reversal
2. Instinctive Reflexes – 3F mean or colossal Assault reversal
3. Roll Through – 3F mean or colossal Throw reversal
4. Off your Mark - 9F reversal for Unique cards
5. Try to get away – 4F reversal for mean
6. I Won’t Be Beat Tonight – 7F reversal for colossal

The third style is mainly for decks that can recur very often. Such decks
include Sandman and Great Khali where they can recur and basically sponge
their way to victory. This deck requires a lot of recurring and is weak at
reversing trademarks due to the lack of the 3 defense cards. Thus, packing 3
Off Your Marks would be good.

Mid-Match Reversals
Similarly to the reversals in the deck, there are some mid-match reversals
that you can consider in packing.
1. Talk Is Cheap - 0F3D antic reversal. Requirement: Not opponent’s first
card that turn
2. Keep Your Eyes Open Or Its Game Over -3F2D reversal for mean or antic.
Requirement: Not opponent’s first card that turn
3. I Can Do Anything I Want – 8F reversal for colossal
4. Before This Gets Out Of Hand – 0F reversal for mean. Card returns to
opponent’s hand
5. Slow The Match Down To A Crawl – 15F reversal for mean or colossal.
Card returns to opponent’s hand. Requirement: discard 1 non-hybrid
reversal. Ignore requirement and F:0 if you have less than 3F.
6. You Hit Like A Girl – 0F reversal for core. Requirement: Not opponent’s
first or second core that turn. Ignore requirement when lower fort and
reverse second core.

Different decks warrant different reversals in their mid-match. Plus, there are
only 6 slots to fill so you will have to balance out between the reversals,
antics and maneuvers.


So Why Revo?
1. Low cost of entry, comparatively
2. You want a game that is fast and exciting
3. After your xx rounds of classic RD, you don’t quite feel like reading an
essay during the pre-match phase

With all that being said, we hope that you could give this Revo another
chance. The Revo you thought it was, isn't really true. Let the games speak
for itself. Ultimately, we would like to leave you with this: REVO IS NOT THE
DOWNFALL OF RAW DEAL; it is a new and exciting beginning. Try it,
and you will never regret it. Take care and good luck revolutionizing!

TL;DR – Revo is very similar to the classic, but faster! Sure there are a few
terms here and there that changed, but the main concept remains the same.
The only important changes are the new layers to the maneuvers, the flow of
the game and the aggression rule. Once you understand the three new
changes, you are ready to go.

Special thanks to Rated (R)oy (Royston) and Stucket (Joshua) for reading
and editing everything that you have read thus far. Without them, you
wouldn't be read the above at all. Honorable mention goes to Rated10
(Joewi) and Wen Huan (first Revo tourney champ) for being my first revo
format buddies. Without them, I wouldn't even be in the game. Finally,
special shout out to Westperson (Rainer), Daveldy (Dave), Dogeeugene
(Eugene) and Have a nice day! (Benny) for giving me feedback!
Last Edit: May 29, 2016 at 6:24am by keith0913832
keith0913832 <R>evolution: Intro to <R>evolution Format! Oct 11, 2015 at 8:08pm God of Kane likes
Event Organizer this
Post by keith0913832 on Oct 11, 2015 at 8:08pm
A Revolution of the For those who are interested in knowing more or would like to have a game or two, feel free
Mind to PM me or any of the guys above! Have fun!

The Revolution is
far from over
Posts: 303
Have A Nice Day!<R>evolution: Intro to <R>evolution Format! Oct 12, 2015 at 1:15am via mobile
Amateur Post by Have A Nice Day! on Oct 12, 2015 at 1:15am
Nice effort and good write up
Now I definitely have more understanding about Revo now.

Have A nice day!

Posts: 125
dogeeugene <R>evolution: Intro to <R>evolution Format! Oct 12, 2015 at 1:43am via mobile
Jobber Post by dogeeugene on Oct 12, 2015 at 1:43am
For Keith I shall try REVO one day
Posts: 61

<R>evolution: Intro to <R>evolution Format! Oct 12, 2015 at 4:36am

Solaris™ Post by Solaris™ on Oct 12, 2015 at 4:36am
Event Organizer

Pain is inevitable; suffering is

Posts: 370

keith0913832 <R>evolution: Intro to <R>evolution Format! Oct 14, 2015 at 8:16am

Event Organizer Post by keith0913832 on Oct 14, 2015 at 8:16am
Addition misconception debunked! Edits in red
A Revolution of the Mind

The Revolution is far from over

Posts: 303
Rated-(R)oy <R>evolution: Intro to <R>evolution Format! Oct 15, 2015 at 4:31pm
Professional Post by Rated-(R)oy on Oct 15, 2015 at 4:31pm
well-written, keep it up. Keith !

Join the <R>evolution!

Posts: 551
Do you smell what The Rock is cooking?
beckham: I wanna get back to play too. If you're still interested, we can. Feb 26, 2016 at 12:10pm
DebuRaito: Team PCB Invitational has concluded! A big thank you to everyone whom I had the honour to play
with. It was really fun! Feb 29, 2016 at 12:53pm
xbchee: After more than a year, I'm back with another tournament! Feb 29, 2016 at 3:53pm
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deal-games Apr 7, 2016 at 5:23pm
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2016 at 5:40pm
DebuRaito: King of the Ring has resurfaced this year in a Virtual Classic format! Come and join! Jun 1, 2016 at
Latino Huuuuuuuuuat: mamasita Jul 9, 2016 at 1:56pm
~Here Comes The Pain~: Goodbye guys i've retired from raw deal Jul 23, 2016 at 11:13am
Latino Huuuuuuuuuat: Although u retired , RD lives in ur heart. @~Here Comes The Pain~ Jul 24, 2016 at
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matthardynotdie: VC game anyone? Aug 6, 2016 at 6:16pm
Solaris™: VR game anyone? Aug 18, 2016 at 4:54am
Please Practice
bigfreakred: SummerSlam Tournament, Please express your interest. Aug 25, 2016 at 6:14am

mamemoo: Hi y'all, just got back to the game and I've got some deck construction rules questions posted in the
rules section, help a brother out if able! Oct 2, 2016 at 11:30pm
J.C.: Hi I'm tryingPlease
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my entire collection
your day :) at a good price. Please PM me if anyone is keen. My collection
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Solaris™: Welcome back JC, but not many of us are left Nov 3, 2016 at 1:58am
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2016 at 10:44am
mkarnold: THANKS Sep 16, 2020 at 1:04am
Mandy Rose: Hello Everyone Oct 6, 2020 at 12:16pm

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