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Liferay Blacklist
March 23, 2021

 How to Remove a Bundle from

the Blacklist in Liferay 7
This article will explain how to remove a bundle from the Liferay’s Blacklist
with the settings in the Control Panel.

Liferay may add your bundle into a “black list” if you, for example, uninstall
your bundle in the Apps Manager:

In this case any subsequent deploys will not actually deploy your bundle, and
you’ll see something like this in logs:
2021-03-23 07:49:58.854 INFO 


Processing journal.edit.article.hook-1.0.2.jar

2021-03-23 07:51:09.765 INFO  [fileinstall-/opt/liferay/osgi/modules]

[BundleBlacklist:188] Stopping blacklisted bundle


To make your bundle available again - you need to remove it from the

To remove the bundle from the blacklist, you need:
1. Go to Control Panel -> Configuration -> System Settings;
2. Click on “Module Container” in “Platform” section:

3. Check if your bundle is there, remove it, and click “Update”:

This will remove your bundle from the blacklist.

But you may need to restart the Liferay to make the changes applied.
You can check your bundle status in the “Gogo Shell”:
Also, you can check your module status in the “App Manager”:

Enjoy 😏

app manager
gogo shell

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