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These questions pings every child’s mind,”When will we play with our friends in the park again?
“ . “When will we enjoy as before?” “When will the news of this virus stop buzzing in our ears”?
UN says, “Children are not the face of this pandemic. They have thankfully been spared from the
direct health effects of covid 19 but the crisis is having profound effect on their wellbeing. “

Far beyond the sphere of physical health, the current situation has impacted children in myriad
ways. It has virtually created the tragic “covid generation” – the generation lost in the screens
with their routine going haywire and having no real world interaction at all.

For the kids of educated parents, there is no boundary between playtime and study time. For the
kids of illiterate and unemployed parents, who are caught up with livelihood challenge, have no
study time at all. G20 leaders expressed concern for the children who are “robbed of their
education “and “locked out of learning.”

UN’s recent report “This is a universal crisis and, for some children, the impact will be lifelong.”

With 1.6 billion children of the planet out of the schools, the success we have achieved in recent
years in lowering the rates of child labour and child marriages seems to slip away.

Children learn better in a free environment. Real world learning with peers is easy. Summer
camps, music sessions and sport activities are cancelled, which are actual cause of happiness for
them. All these piled on the top of the loneliness and anxiety is impacting their mental health.

“These tender plants are lush green outside but invisible demons are killing them inside”.

For the adolescent, the pandemic has smacked them at the pivotal times of their life. Even though
they are busy on social media all day, they are all alone.

Online studies have inadvertently done more harm than good. Children are exposed to
inappropriate content on the internet. There is literally no “detox time” from technology. Parents
need to become healers and help their children cope with the lockdown blues. They should give
them an opportunity to verbalize feelings and talk about anxiety and fears.

The situation is unprecedented, the so called bleak times will pass but the effects may linger for

Remedial actions need to be taken otherwise world’s youngest generation will become the “lost

Written by – ARIMA.

I am a medical student studying mbbs at gmc, jammu .My hobbies are reading and writing . I
love to write on health issues .I love to raise voice for problems faced by the children and
students. I certify that the given article is original in its content and doesn’t violate any copyright
of any author. I also certify that this article has not been submitted for publication into some
other newspaper/ magazine etc. If published i would like to get my email id i.e. Anaya 3666@ published with my article.

Postal address : pin code- 184210 , village – kah , nagrota gujroo

Tehsil- ramkot, distt. Kathua, jammu and Kashmir .

Phonenumber- 6005547639

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