Luc Je. PL

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Vladimir's Office::

Pick up piece of rock and porcelain bowl from large desk. Use the phone to call the police
who are useless as always. Examine photo and certificate hanging on the wall on top of
sofa. Pick up photo on the floor in front of the radiator then examine the radiator. Use the
bowl with the radiator vent (top right) to fill it up with water. Examine the coin showcase to
enter puzzle. Examine the clue in the showcase. Zoom out and examine the map of
Siberia above the desk then examine the filing cabinet. Pick up flask lying on top of the
rock analysis machine and leave the office.

Try knocking on the door but it's useless. We need to blow the fuses. Examine name tags
in blue next to both office doors. Notice the fuse box next to the bulletin board, but we
can't get in there yet. Exit to go downstairs into the main lobby. Examine the escape plan
and the employee list on the wall near the trash can. Exit towards the rear area of the

meuseum. You hear some noises and they are coming from the base of the T-Rex statue.
Open secret door, which is between the exhibit description board and the bit of graffitti.
Watch cutscene. It's only Eddy, albeit acting like he's on crack. Listen to him yap on then

pick up the key he leaves behind. Examine the diagram on the back wall then exit the

area. Go upstairs and try the key with the fuse box. Turn off Max's juice (whoops!) and talk
to him about everything. Go back into Vlad's and meet the creepy Det. Kanski. Talk to him
about everything. Watch the chat with Max outside. Pick up the yellow glass shards. Use
your keys on the motorcycle seat to open the compartment and pick up a mobile phone
and shades. Jump on the bike and watch cutscene.

Vladimir's Apartment I::


How rude! Someone has been through Vladimir's apartment too! Pick up the old Walkman
from the floor then examine it to extract batteries. Then examine the fish tank then pick up

the book from the closet drawer lying on the bed. Examine the book to reveal that it's a
mini chest, then examine the bed to notice that it's still made. Pick up the bottom left

corner of the rug to reveal a gap in the planks with something jammed in between.
Examine Vlad's desk and pick up the pizza, pencil and the salt shaker. Also note that
computer needs the password and there's a tape player on the desk. Examine the file

stacks on the wall and then exit. Examine the trash can to extract a rubber glove and trye
spoke, then examine the broken lattice. Try to pick up the water bucket near the drain pipe
and the handle comes off. Get the air pump from the rusty old bike. Walk over the rusty

old car in the garage and note the drain cover in the ground and the cigarette butts
nearby. Check the crate near the car and you get some double sided tape and glue. We're
done here for now so jump on the motorbike and go back to the museum.

Museum I::

Notice the yellow bike and the girl sleeping on the bench. Wake Lisa up, so chat to her.
Turns out her bike is ****ed up and she needs it fixed. Whats more is that she might have
pictures of the weird black robed men that Eddy was describing. She won't give up the
camera until you have the bike fixed so let's get on with it. Examine the bike to remove the
tube and head back to Vlad's apartment. Use the pump to put some air into the tube then
dip it into a bucket of water to determine where the leaks are. Use the glue on the rubber
gloves then use it on your now-marked tube, then head back to Lisa. Use the fixed tube

on the bike then talk to Lisa who will sort you out with a digital camera. The camera isn't
working so try changing the batteries. Give the camera back to Lisa and she will reward
you with a fridge magnet. We're done here so get back to the apartment.

Vladimir's Apartment II::

Use the magnet on the fishtank to draw the key up the side. Use the key on the
book/chest to recover a contact book and a tag. Use the tyre spoke to get the tape
wedged in the gap between the planks. Listen to tape to get a mysterious clue relating to
the computer password. It is basically the first and last digit of the registration of the old
dilapidated car outside, a quarter of the number of holes on the drain cover and the
number of "guardians" to the enterance of the museum. If you can't be assed to work this
out for youself, look under "Computer Password" in the password list at the bottom. Read
the email on the screen to find out that Oleg has been in contact with Vlad. Look in the
contact book to get his address and ride on down to his place.

Oleg's House::

Ring Oleg's doorbell and chat to him to realise he's a total wanker. Examine the feeding

dish and the catflap. Go around the back and pick up the broom stick. Look through the
window slit above the plant tray and take note of the feeding dish inside the kitchen and
Oleg yapping away at the phone. Zoom out, examine the hose pipe and exit. Go back to
his front door and notice his cat hanging around. Put the stinky piece of pizza on the
feeding dish and attach the double sided tape to the mobile phone. Spray the pizza slice
with salt and watch the cat dash to the watering dish. With the cat drinking away and the
phone recording away, we have got all we need. Ring your phone from that yellow phone

box outside Oleg's house and the cat will come running out and run up into the tree. Pick
up the empty blue bag next to the two full ones and combine it with the handle. Combine
this whole thing with the broom stick to produce a make-shift brailer. Use this on the

phone to get it down and listen to the recorded conversation. Jump on the motorbike and
Nina goes back to get some shut eye. Watch the cutscene.

Museum II::

Head inside the museum and go upstairs into Max's office. Talk to him and bring up the
tag you found to recieve the diadem. Finish your conversation with him and he'll wander
off to the archives. Look inside the fridge to get a bottle of acid and a bag of cement. Use

the tyre spoke on the totem pole to extract the red glass bead. Exit his office, snap a bit of
the aloe plant that lies between Max's and Vlad's office. Combine the original rock you
found there with the flask and pour the bottle of acid in there to extract the amethyst. Then
combine the shades with the orange shards to create a green shard. We now have all
three "gems", so try and fix them into the diadem. No luck as they keep falling out. Mix the
bag of cement and the aloe you just found with the water in the porcelain bowl to make a
paste and dip the diadem into it. With the diadem now all sticky, fix the three gems into it
and head downstairs to the light opposite the escape plan. Use the completed diadem on
the light to reveal a secret on the plans. Examine the plan then talk to Max. Follow him
into his office and look at the shield hung on the shelf. Notice anything peculiar in the
bottom third? Extract the coin and go into Vlad's office and take another look at the coin
showcase. It's the missing coin so insert it into the empty space. Remeber the clue that
you read from the note next to the coins? It's basically saying that no two same coins can

be in a row, column or main diagonals. If you're stuck or can't be bothered to figure it out,
check "Coin Puzzle" at the bottom. Study the documents and watch the animation. Follow
Oleg back to your daddy's apartment.


Talk to Sergej the pervert and watch your man on the inside get nabbed. Look into the
worker's bag to nab his dinnner and a rubber band. Talk to the pissed off worker to find
out that he's expecting to win the lottery today. Let's see if we can make his dreams come
true! ;-) Search the rubble near the abandoned hippy wagon and get a nut and an iron Y.
Examine the poster and pick up the two bricks lying on the floor nearby. Go round the
corner to talk to Sgt. Yushin. Hmm...we need that newspaper somehow. Combine the iron
Y with the rubber band to make a catapult and load it with the nut. Use this contraption on
the bulb to smash it, then go to Yushin to get the paper as he doesn't need it anymore.
Examine the cigarette butts on the floor then talk to Yushin to recieve a cigarette. Use the

pencil on the paper to make the worker's day after picking up a small pebble from the
bottom right of your screen. After he runs off, collect the hose, barrier rods and tape. Then
use his grease sandwich on the rusted car jack and try to get the jack out. We need to

prop the car up somehow, pretty easy to figure out if you've ever tried to steal rims (not to

imply the author has ever taken part in or condoned said activity!). Prop the van up with
the two bricks and take the jack then head into the canal.
Pick up the box of matches on the floor and walk over to the big metal door. It is open but
seems to be wedged so use the car jack to exert more force. Walk through the now open
door and notice the distributor, which acts like a shit bucket, and the release valve. Try to
climb up the ladder but the bottom two rungs are missing. Our bars would make a nice

substitute only they are too big. Head back to Yushin and use the bars on him and he will
bend them for you once you flirt with him a little bit. Use these bent bars on the ladder and
they fit perfect. Climb up to enter the toilets in the military train station.

Military Train Station::


You should immediatly notice the "No Smoking" sign, it should ring a bell in about 5
minutes! If you hang around for a few minutes, it becomes obvious that someone is busy

taking a dump. Peep into the first stall and talk to the person attached to those legs. It
turns out to be the sodding train driver and on top of that, he has lost the keys down the
loo. Finish talking to him and zoom out. Nip out of the toilet and observe the two soldiers.

Romanova desperately wants a fag and there is no smoking allowed on site., so let's see
if we can manipulate the situation. Light the ciggie and leave it on the ash tray on the
bench. Once they both clear out, open up the locker closest to the door. Steal everything
you can get your grubby little hands on. Examine the walkie talkie to find out your code
number (15) then examine envelope to read the deployment orders. The other locker has
a combination lock on it so we'll get back to it later. Head out of the door to the loading
area. No point talking to the FSB agents as they tell you to piss off anyway. Instead, head
out to the train and talk to the gaurd. He tells us that he expects to see a permit to board
the train and that your man on the inside is behind the door being guarded by the spooks.
Ask him about the departure and he radios base to page the driver, revealing the code for
base is 48. We need to distract the spooks away from the door somehow, but to page
them we need to know their names. Head back to Yushin to pester him for one last time
and he reveals their names.

Get back to the changing rooms and radio base to page the FSB agents. Head back out to
the loading area and head through the door where the agents were standing. Inside the
interrogation room, examine everything including Solotov's body. The unopened locker
belongs to him and the combination code is on an item recovered from him (see "Locker
Combination). Recover the permit from his locker and go speak to the train driver about
the key once more. Go back to the distributor ("shit bucket") and we find a key floating
around in there. Exit to the canal and use the stocking to make a sieve at the end of the
pipe right next to the door. Reinforce it with the barrier tape and use the release valve.
Seems like another snag, there's no water in the system, but fear not, I have completed
this game! Go back up to the toilets and attach the hose to the tap and point the other end
into the urinal trough, turn on the tap and we have water in the shit bucket! Use the
release valve and go and collect the stocking now brimming with its slimy contents. Give
the sac of shit to the train driver then go back to the train driver. Give him your permit and
we're off!


Pick up the dried fruit and OJ. Go into the kitchenette and pick up the jar of honey. Slip

through the door into the lab and talk to the assistant. He informs you that the professor is
in a very bad mood as he's clucking for bread 'n' jam! Grab a couple of slices of bread
from the professor's desk and head back into the kitchenette. Mix up the OJ, dried fruits
and honey in the large pot on the sink and spread it over a slice of bread. Give the bread
'n' jam to the professor and he seems to like your mediocre creation. Talk to him and he
informs to his boss is in the next carriage. You can try the intercom in the next carriage but
he doesn't want to know you until Lesniak produces some results. Head back into

Lesniak's carriage, his assistant seems to be busy experimenting, but we don't have all
day so let's "tune" their results a bit. To fiddle with their beloved experiments, we need to
be alone. Get the 100 Watt bulb from above Sidorkin's intercom and head back to the

sleeping soldier. Replace the dim 25 Watt bulb above him with the 100 Watt one and give
the light switch a try. The soldier wakes up and is rather pissed, understandably. Once he

has gone back to sleep, head back to him and have a rummage through his sac for the
bottle of castor oil. Mix the castor oil into your jam mixture and fill up the empty OJ bottle
with water. Spread the other slice of bread with your laxa-jam. Now it's time to sabotage

(you have to be cruel to be kind!). Give the spiked sandwich to the professor, which acts
on him rather quickly. Talk to the assistant and he gets pissy about you not telling him why
there are so many soldiers on board. Complete your conversation with him, then spill

some of the tap water onto the power outlet to blow the incinerator. After he has gone to
change the fuses, take the jar of plant sample from the desk and also from the foam
casing on the floor. Take both samples of plant out of the glass jar and mix them together
by combining them. Put the double sample into one jar and put it back on the desk, just in
time to see the assistant return. Sit back and enjoy watching all those nerds running
around wetting their pants over the results!

In the next scene, you are in Sidorkin's office. Examine everything on the desk. Once you
have examined everything, an FSB agent nabbs you! Here's the end of your free ride.
Watch the cutscene after which you find Nina locked in the frieght container. We need to
get out of there somehow. Start by walking over to the ice pack and putting a piece of
meat into the glass jar. Put this jar into the side of the cage away from the dog. He gets
busy trying to get to the food, so you can get busy trying to steal his toy and his leash,

which is hanging near the feeding schedule. Use the toy on the flap in the vacuum cleaner
to take out the dustbag and also collect the hose and the pipe. Examine the dustbag to get
a hairclip and some fur. Combine the pipe and the leash and use it to break the hatch
above you open. Use the leash/pipe combo to climb on top of the train.

Grab the leash/pipe and walk over the the two pipes that are sticking out towards the right
end. Stuff the fur into the air conditioning pipe then connect the two using the vacuum
hose. If you stuffed the hair into the right pipe, you should see a window open up. Anchor
the leash/pipe onto the two pipes and climb into the window. You're now back in the room
where you first got caught. Use the hair clip on the locked drawer, open it and take the
statue inside. Zoom out, pick up the vase near the door and the head of the skeleton.
Replace the vase with the statue you found and turn them all facing the same way as
Lenin (ie towards the window). This opens up the secret compartment, so head inside and
pick up the book from the torture chair. Replace this book into the bookshelf outside. Head
back in and a niche in the wall. Put the skull in there and the painting reveals a puzzle.

The object of this puzzle is to turn all the lights on the board off. It's more fun to try and
solve it with the clue in the journal, but if you can't be bothered, see "Light Puzzle" at the

Military Hospital::

We catch up with Max and Oleg outside the hospital where Nina is being held. Start off by
grabbing the textile bag from the bus stop. Then grab some berries from the shrub next to
the stop. Fill the bag with berries and use it on Oleg. Examine the ambulance through the
gates to get the (rather long!) emergency number. Dial this number and a cutscene will
follow. In the courtyard, pick up the surgical pliers then check the light bulb to see what is

creating such a weird shadow on the floor. It's the key you need to open the door up so
use the pliers to get to it. Walk through the door, examine the blatantly obvious open file
cabinet to discover Perez's medical file. Listen to the dictaphone lying on the stretcher,

then pick up one of the brown bottles of medicine on the cabinet. Before heading through
to the next room, grab the electric fan on top of the filing cabinet. Pick up the ammonia

bottle from the shelf on the wall, stethoscope from the empty surgery platform, syringe and
scalpel, both of which are near the sink. Use the stethoscope on the door to eavsdrop on
the gaurd's conversation. From this, we find out that:

a) Nina is on the top floor

b) 1st gaurd wants to watch footie at all costs

c) Even slight adjustment of the satellite dish will ruin the picture
d) 2nd guard hates rats

Head through the door, examine the room then head back out to where you found the
pliers. Max tells you that the drain pipe runs through to the top floor, possibly where Nina
might be. Use the stethoscope on the pipe and it confirms it's definitely Nina in there.
Shouting and banging won't get her up, but the bottle of Ammonia might help. Use it with
the end of the drain then blow the fumes to the top using the electric fan. Woo hoo, it
worked, Nina's up! Activate her, grab the place mat, bowl and the rock. Cut the place mat
on the sharp edge of the wall to get string. Combine the stone and string and throw down
the pipe. Activate Max, pass Nina the scalpel. Activate Nina, use the scalpel to cut a piece
of foam and the leg off the chair. Pass the piece of foam, chair leg and scalpel to Max and
activate him. Use the syringe with the chair leg and dip that into the anesthetic. Go to the

front of the hospital and cut the satellite dish cable then go back to the room where the TV
and guard were. Remove the wedge from the big steel door to lock the guard in, then use
the blow pipe with the peep hole in the door to take his ass out. Soak the piece of foam
into the soup dish hen examine the bulletin board and remove a tack. Head upstairs only
to find a guard about which you can't do much so head back to the drain pipe. Pass Nina
the soaked foam and the blow pipe. Activate Nina, combine the foam with string and then
the bowl with the pipe. Combine these two items and you got yourself a make-shift mouse
trap! Set it up by the hole in the wall. Once the rat is caught, pass it down the drain pipe to
Max and activate him. Head back to the secong guard and release the rat. The guard runs
off after it so we can free Nina, only that her cell door is locked (surprise, surprise!). Tip
the tack with the anesthetic and stick it on the guard's chair. Once he is knocked out, go
back upstairs and search him to produce a key. Use this key to set Nina free and get the
hell outta there!



OK so we've sprung Nina, but we have been found out. At the tent site, look inside the
jeep and grab the ketchup packet and the first aid kit. Examine the kit, and in true Russian
style, it contains only a bottle of Vodka. Also, grab the shovel from the back of the jeep
(comes in bloody handy!), then head inside the tent. The old man is out of it, but we need
him up and running so we have to make his medicine. The parchment is in a very delicate
condition, so we need to restore it before making anything. In here, we need to grab the
grill rack, cup, scissors, wooden spoon and a thread from the tassles hanging down. Step

outside and smash the crate sitting next to the tent using the shovel and collect the
planks. Then use the shovel shovel to smash open the bark of the massive tree. Collect
the bark, then use the cup to collect tree resin. Keep walking, then pick up the stone

behind you. Put the grill rack over the burning hole in the ground. Use the shovel to dig out
the Gentian Leek plant. Head back to where the jeep is and use the bark to create a pipe

between the barrel and the water basin. Unplug the barrel, fill the resin cup with water, use
the scissors on the stone to sharpen them up then use it to cut some hair off the animal.
Put the cup over the grill rack so the resin goes gooey. Pick up the cup and the grill rack

and head back into the tent. Tie the animal fur together using the thread then fix it to the
wooden brush to make a brush. Dip the brush into gooey resin, then smother all over the
parchment. According to the recipe, you need 5 parts Source Of Life, 2 parts of Root Of

Tears, 1 part Blood Of The Night, 3 parts Drops Of Intoxication and is to be taken shortly
before it unites with the wind. Show the recipe to the old man and he gives you a vial so
you can be on your way! For more help on making, see "Medicine" at the bottom. Once
you are done, give the medicine to the old man and have a chat with him.

Research Hut::

Go inside the hut to find that there is no power to run the projector. Pick up the rag and
shards of glass (you might need to use "Search Scene" for these two). Exit the hut and
follow the path down the left. Grab the hose from the water tanker then carry on following
the path. Soak the rag in Vodka, attach the hose to the tank portion of the wreck and
attach the Vodka bottle. After a quick Georgian breakfast, the bottle is full up with diesel.
Examine the wheel rim to get hold of two wing nuts. Take some time out to follow the path

further and enjoy some eye candy. Return to the generator and fill it up with diesel. Hold
the nuts close to the coil part of the generator to magnatise them, grab the lantern, then
head back inside. Examine the firplace and light the lantern. Grab the piece of foil and use
the soaked rag on the back of the fireplace to reveal the following code:

7.5, 3, 10.5, 6

What does all this mean? Well your journal's hint section says that the compass and a
clock have similarities. If you're stuck try "Compass" at the bottom. After you have solved
this correctly, a secret compartment opens up. Take the film roll and documents from
inside it. Use the film roll on the projector and try to start it... only to find out the bulb has
blown. Since there is no 24 hr Tesco around, we'll have to think of another way. Go
outside and use the rag on the window. This cleans it up and lets in a little more light. Next
wrap the tinfoil around the glass shard and slot it into the projector. Enjoy the show!

From here, the investigation splits into two, so we'll go with ladies first!


Talk to the doorman and it turns out he's also masquerading as an artist. Head to the
reception and talk to the fine ass nurse. Turns out she's also masquerading as a politician.
Daym everyone has two jobs here! Walk over to the magazine stand and pick up one then
walk over to the passage. Here you will find a right nut job tryina build a house of cards,
but it falls down everyday before he can finish it due to an "earthquake". Pick up the
glasses from the table next to the LP player, then grab a magazine from the rack and exit.
Walk back out to where the doorman is then go through the archway. Talk to the lazy

worker who won't make an "earthquake" until he sees smoke coming out of the chimney,
grab some wood from the stack, then head into the kitchen. Pick up the small weights,
ladle, tongs, meat fork and lastly, grab an onion. Load up the oven with wood and the

crappy magazine, then light using the glasses. Use the tongs to take a charcoal lump out
of the oven. Talk to the worker again, who is still sitting around even though smoke is

pouring out of the chimney. Apparently it has to be BLACK smoke before he'll go back to
work, yeeesh. Talk to the doorman again and he says he can't paint the nurse until he has
black and she stops jumping around. To slow the nurse down, go to the record player and

place the brass weights onto it. This slow the beat and the nurse down enough for the
doorman to paint her. Give the charcoal to him and he'll get on with it.

Go and show the painting to the nurse, who definitely approves of it. Once the bag and the
painting are seperate, go and load the oven up with the bag as well. This will produce
black smoke and demolish the house of cards. Go back to the copier room, and use the
portrait with the copier to make copies and grab the white stuffed bear. Show the copies to
the nurse and as a favor she will allow you access to Perez, but not before warning you
about Ramon the janitor. Perez's room is the last one on Nina's left, but unfortunately he
isn't there. Search everything in the room then make your exit. On your way out, talk to the
nurse again, then make your way down to where the builder is. Observe Ramon's actions.
We somehow need to wedge the door so it doesn't shut properly. Stick the meat fork into
the portrait (ouch!) and stick it onto the door frame. Follow Ramon through into the room
with the monitors. The combination to the safe lies in the painting next to the door. Count
the number of legs from bottom to top. For the code, see "Asylum Safe". View Perez's
tape in the VCR only to be busted by Ramon. He isn't as bad as everyone says he is so

talk to him. He's hiding Perez in a cave and is willing to let you see him. You can try
talking to Perez but the poor bastard is so far past it that he doesn't make any sense at all.
Go back to the asylum kitchen and get more charcoal out of the over just like before. Also
grab the painting you stuck to the wall earlier and head back to Perez. Give him the
painting and charcoal and he will give you a drawing of a symbol...


Grab the flag hanging at the doorway and head inside. Chat to the owner and he tells you
that he'll swap fish for whiskey and Morangie has his own island in the lake. Come back
out and grab the sign hanging near the stairs. Pick up the piece of stone and talk to the
fisherman. He'll loan you his boat in exchange for a bottle of whiskey. Grab one of his
fishes and head back to the landlord. Also while we're here, fill up the tin cup with lake
water. Present the fish to the landlord but he has changed his mind. He's jacked the price
up to a grand! Seems like we'll have to come up with another way. Klaus (the pisshead)

will only wake up if you put food in front of him. Place the fish on the sign and place it in
the fire. Also place the tin cup in the fire so the water evaporates and leave to with just
salt. When you try to take the sheet out again, Max complains it way too hot to handle. Go

back to where the fisherman was and soak the flag in the water. Come back and take the

sheet out and serve it to Klaus. He complains that he wants lemon with it. There's no
lemon available locally so we'll have to set a trap. Go outside and cover the speed limit
sign with the flag. Talk to the landlord again and when he finishes, there will be a loud
screeching/crashing sound outside. Looks like your plan worked! Go outside and examine
the crate to get the lemon. Give it to the landlord. Notice that he sits down with Klaus, so
use this time to spike his drink with salt. While he's puking up, grab the cellar key. Head
down to the cellar, unlock the door and get in. Grab the whiskey and the extinguished

torch. Make a mental note of the board and the vice, they will be coming in handy later.
Give the whiskey to the fisherman and you can have his boat!

You arrive a Morangie's castle to find his fat ass stuck in a well and he doesn't want a
rope thrown down either! He wants you to find a way to reach a door at the bottom of the

well! The cheek of some people! Anyway, start off by pulling the sword out of the stone
and grabbing the window shutter to your left and head to the door way in the top right
corner. This brings you to a main room with a massive painting hanging off the far wall.

Examine the painting and make a mental note of the helmet, amulet, shield, ring, sword
and shin guards. Zoom out and carry on upstairs. Pick up the spear tips from the
showcase then grab the oil lamp and go back to the well. Enter the top left passage then

enter the first door on Max's left (with a blue light coming out of the doorway) to find a
bedroom. Look in the chest of drawers next to the bed to find a gold coin then pull the
curtains apart to reveal another passageway. Head down there and you will find a series
of locked gates that have no apparent way of being opened. The idea is to dress up the
massive statue in the bedroom like it is in the painting, so for exmaple give it the sword
and the shutter (shield) to open two gates. Head out of the bedroom and into the room
with the yellow glowing light, this is the torture chamber. At the entrance, look carefully at
the candle holder and collect the wire hanging off it. Head out to the well again and take
the only passage we haven't taken so far. This is where William Morangie's sarcophagus
lies. Don't worry about the stone slab for now, we will shift it later. Just light your torch up
and head back to the torture chamber. Light the fireplace with the torch, pick up the pliers
and use them on the gold coin. Melt the coin in the fireplace, then press it onto the Iron
Maiden then grab the iron chains next to it. We almost have our ring for the statue, but

there's just one thing left : we have to cool it down still. Go back to where you met the
fisherman and dip the pliers into the lake to obtain a ring. While we are here, we might as
well get another thing on the shopping list. Go into the cellar again and use the pliers on
the board to pull it off, but it's too big to be practical. So use the spear tips with the vice
and use that to chop the board down to size then head up to the pub and grab the fallen
rain gutter right outside the front door that can act as shin guards. Set off back to Moragie
Castle. Once at the castle, go to the torture chamber and use the rain gutter in the rack.
The idea is to pull it apart into 2 pieces. To get the amulet, go to the sarcophagus, pour
the oil from the lamp onto the sarcophagus. Use the orch on this to set fire to it. The
sealing wax burns off to reveal a key hole. The key to this is in the niche over the
drawbridge in the tunnel with all the gates. To make the amulet hang onto the statue,
combine the copper wire with the amulet and then attach it to the iron chain. The last
remaining piece is the helmet. Go to the well area and look at the dome shaped covering
over the chimney. This is what is going to be our helmet. To get this, go into the living
room area of the castle with the painting, balance the plank over the small foot stool and

put the stone on one end (it will only go on one end). Then go upstairs and pull the lever.
Watch the cutscene, collect the helmet and go attach all the pieces to the statue. Walk all
the way down the tunnel, all the gates should now be open. Open the small round door at

the end to find Morangie sitting at the bottom of the well.


Grab the yak skull and the peg it is sitting on then follow the tunnel. Use the peg on the big
rock sitting by the wall so it drops into the waterfall and lets the dead explorer's backpack
float up to the surface. Grab this and examine it to find a bone key. Use this bone key in
the bottom of the three holes in the cave wall near where we found the yak skull. Once the

secret door has opened up, follow it into the room. Under the massive skull symbol, there
is a puzzle which is actually quite easy to solve. Examine the message in your inventory,
on the very last page there is a strange figure. You need copy the figure with the red stone

representing the biggest circle on the drawing ie the head. Once you put the pieces in the
right places, a compartment opens up automatically.


You wake after being knocked out for the second time! Grab the plunger and the toilet
paper and exit into the next room. Grab the key, large metal plate and everything inside
the open cabinet. The lock is frozen shut, so we need to heat the key. Load up the metal

sheet on the drill, put toilet paper on top of it and use the drill. The sparks from the drill set
the paper on fire. Bend the "piece of something" in the vice and use it to hold the key. Use
this to heat the key then use it in the lock. Once you're out of this door, go to the door on
the left into the control room. Watch the cutscene then grab the explosive from cabinet
marked 42. Exit the control room and head towards the exit opposite. You arrive at a room
with a hot water machine with something missing. It is too cold to leave the base station,
but grab the fishing pole. Head back up the stairs and use the fishing pole on the platform
below twice, first for the winter clothing and second time for the bedding. Exit the base

Grab the bucket lying in the snow then exit the area towards your left and you should
arrive at an area with a penguin and a warning sign. Pull the sign out of the ground and
plant explosive in it's place instead. Once it has blown, head down the crevasse and

search the dead body to get pages from a diary, an empty lighter and an amulet. Head
back to the area with the drill and the vice. There is an incubator machine in the corner
with an egg inside. Use the plunger on the glass surface and cut a hole with the diamond
in the amulet. Once you have the egg, go back outside but this time go the other way and
you should arrive at a ice locked ship. Soak the bedding in the barrel of whale oil and
search the jacket beside the barrel to find a hip flask then head back to base station. Head
upstairs and drop the bedding onto the platform below and it should all come crashing
down. Use the drill machine on the hip flask to get the cork off then stick it in the bath to
plug it. Head back out and before exiting, fill the bucket up with salt from the crashed
platform. Head back to the ship and pour the salt over the hole in the ice. You need some
bait for fishing so attach the lighter to the fishing rod. Go back into the base station, come
back and hole should be completely unfrozen. Use your lighter-bait fishing rod to catch a
fish, then head over to the penguin. Distract the penguin by using the fish on it, then swap
eggs. Head back to the base station and use your metallic egg on the hot water machine.
That should start working so go and fill up a bath, then remove the egg. Go back to the

bath to find the water frozen solid so try reaching for the security camera. Nina manages
to get hold of the tape, which can be played in the conrol room. The code to extend the
draw bridge is in the latest journal entry, just look closely.

Examine the radar to see two approaching planes. Grab the flares and matches then head
over to the ship. Dip the flare in whale oil and mount on harpoon. After the cutscene, Max
gets locked into the control room so it's up to Nina to save the day. Head down the
elevator and enter the small door on the far end. Grab the wrench from the barrel and
combine it with the sign post to create a sort of a mega-wrench. Use this break off the
icicle, which can then be chained onto the chain hanging from the wall. Swing the icicle
over to the pipes by the door and wedge it between the pipes. Pick up the nut that fell off

in the process. Use the sealant on the danger sign next to the barrel to make a copy, then
exit the room. Next to the giant radiator, thread the valve rod using the tapper then attach
the nut. Again, use the wrench to open the vent. Feel the radiator then show the newly

made sign to the CCTV camera. Feel the radiator again then show the lighter to the

Captured again! Give Oleg the metallic egg so he gets off your case. Use the phone with
the machine to cause some serious system failure and while everyone is busy with that,

point the camera near you to the hook above you. Enjoy the end game cutscene!


Computer Password:

Coin Puzzle:
An easy way of doing this is to look at the last page of your journal, copy the layout exactly
(take your time) and bump the bottom right gold coin up one position.

Locker Combination:

Light Puzzle:
This is how I done it:


D2, C3, B3, B5, A5

Source Of Life is water from the water basin
Roots Of Tears is juice of Gentian Leek plant using the nutcracker AND the vial

Blood Of The Night is ketchup
Drops Of Intoxication is Vodka

"Shortly before it unites with the wind" means you have to boil the vial before giving it to

the old man

You need to do the following to complete the puzzle:
Place nuts on left and bottom peg, press middle button
Place nut on the right peg ONLY, press middle button
Place nuts on top and left peg, press middle button

Place nut on bottom peg ONLY, press middle button

Asylum Safe:


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