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Communal Administrative Agencies

in Yugoslavia

UDC 35.072:352(497.1) by
Ljubiša ZARIĆ,
President of the Association for
Administrative Sciences and Practice
of the Socialist Republic of Serbia

1. In the system of socio-political com- tection of rights and interests of Yugoslav citi-
munities in the Socialist Federal Republic of zens abroad.

Yugoslavia, the commune is a self-managing

and the basic socio-political community. Only when federal organs directly enforce
federal laws, other regulations and enactments
The functions of power and management of are they authorized by federal statute to estab-
social affairs, with the exception of those which lish organs and organizational units to deal
under the constitution are exercised in the with certain administrative affairs falling within
broader socio-political communities, are exer- the competence of federal organs in the field
cised in the commune. of international relations, national defence,
customs, foreign exchange and market inspec-
The rights and duties of the commune are tion, control of the transfer of goods and serv-
laid down by the constitution and in the com- ices across the state border, control of measures
mune by by-laws. The commune independent- and precious metals, security of air transport-
ly organizes and regulates the organization and ation and radio broadcast.
work of the communal assembly and other
communal organs. The communal assembly 3. When authorized by the statute, the
republic establishes republican administrative
lays down basic principles concerning the or- on the commune’s territory to carry
ganization and competence of communal agencies
out some administrative affairs falling within
organs, sets up communal administrative agen- the republic’s competences. It is also author-
cies, nominates and relieves of office specific ized to call upon a commune to set up admin-
officials of those agencies.
istrative agencies to conduct affairs within the
2.The communal administrative agencies republic’s competences or to conduct affairs
execute and ensure the execution of within the commune’s competences when they
directly are of general interest for the republic. Under
the statute and other federal and republican
conditions specified by law, some affairs within
regulations, unless their enforcement has been the rights and duties of the republic may be
placed within the competence of administrative transferred to communal administrative agen-
organs of other socio-political communities
(federation, republics, provinces). Communal cies and to other communal organs if the
administrative agencies execute federal laws means, i.e. sources of revenue for their per-
and other regulations and enactments of the formance, are provided by the republic.
federation with the exception of those laid down 4. According to the above regulations and
by the Federal Constitution when federal organs constitutional principles, communal administra-
are responsible for the implementation of laws,
tive agencies are basic administrative agencies
regulations and enactments. in the SFRY system of administration and, as
Federal administrative agencies communicate such, they directly enforce regulations and
enactments of communes and also all federal
with communal administrative agencies with and republican statutes, regulations and enact-
the help of appropriate republican and/or ments. In this sense, communal administrative
provincial agencies. Federal administrative agencies are also independent communal organs
agencies may, as laid down in the federal stat- within the framework of their rights and duties
ute, communicate directly with the communal laid down in the constitution and the statute.
administrative agencies concerning matters of
military obligation and military mobilization The fundamental functions of communal ad-
of people and material means and the pro- ministrative agencies are also laid down in the

constitution. They implement formulated authorized. They start the procedure to assess
policy and enforce statutes, regulations and the constitutionality and legality of these acts.
enactments of the communal assembly and its
collective executive organ; carry into effect Through the inspection control, in the frame-
work of their rights and duties, administrative
guidelines of the assembly; are responsible for
the position in their fields of competence, they agencies exercise supervision over the enforce-
ment of laws and other enactments by organs
closely follow the position in certain fields and and organizations of associated labour and
initiate solutions of problems in those fields;
decide administrative affairs; exercise admin- other self-managing organizations and com-
istrative supervision; conduct administrative munities and citizens, stating the position,
affairs; pass regulations and enactments for giving orders to eliminate irregularities and
which they are authorized; and perform other performing other measures for which they are
services for the communal assembly and its authorized by the statute and statutory regul-
collective executive organ. ations.
In the framework of their basic functions
The constitution states the rights and duties within the province of execution, com-
of communal administrative agencies to provide falling
munal administrative agencies also perform

efficient implementation of the rights and

interests of workers and citizens, organizations
professional activities for the communal as-
of associated labour and other self-managing sembly and its collective executive organ, pre-
administrative organizations and communities. pare drafts of regulations and other enactments
and perform other tasks to meet the needs of
In conformity with the nature and character those organs.
of the SFRY socio-political system, communal
administrative agencies perform these functions In order to carry out their functions, com-
if they are not entrusted to another organ or munal administrative agencies analyse the posi-
self-managing organization set up by the statute tion in certain fields with a view to the enfor-
or by the decision of the communal assembly. cement of regulations and implementation of
policy, they analyse the conditions for its im-
It is provided in the constitutions that deci- plementation and follow the position throughout
sion-making in individual cases and the per- the process of enforcement of regulations and
formance of other public functions may also implementation of adopted policy.
be entrusted to some self-managing organiza-
tions and communities. These functions of Their duties towards the communal assembly
communal administrative agencies are regul- and its collective executive organ result from
ated more closely and in more detail in the the responsibility of communal administrative
republican and provincial statutes and in com- agencies for the position in the fields for which
munal by-laws. they are organized. They are bound to propose
initiatives to these organs, undertake measures
5. Communal administrative agencies en- and pass regulations for which they are author-
force statutes and other regulations when they ized, as well as provide an active relation with
pass resolutions and enforce other acts, con- other state organs, self-managing organizations
duct administrative and other affairs, issue and communities.
orders, instructions and resolutions as general This obligation of the communal administra-
normative acts when they are explicitly author-
ized to do so. tive agencies is stated in the new constitutions
and is the result of the insufficient determin-
Communal administrative agencies are, as a ation of communal administrative agencies to
rule, first instance organs which decide on indi- enforce regulation and implement formulated
vidual administrative cases, on rights and policy. The introduction of the delegate sys-
duties, and on the legal interests of individuals tem made it even more possible, because all
or artificial persons, by the direct enforcement the communal assemblies of socio-political
of communal, republican, provincial and communities were in a position to rely more
federal regulations. on the self-managing organizations and com-
munities and other self-managing organs which
Exercising administrative supervision, com- do not belong to administrative agencies.
munal administrative agencies see to the legal-
ity of enactment of organs, organizations of 6. Communal administrative agencies are
associated labour and of other self-managing answerable for their work to the communal
organizations and communities over which they assembly and its collective executive organ and
exercise supervision, undertake security mea- they discharge affairs within their province of
sures and other measures for which they are work and according to the constitution and

statute. Communal assemblies exercise poli- ministrative agencies and to inform them of
tical control and supervision over the agencies’ regulations and other acts which they prepare
work. They are obliged to submit reports on and which are of concern to the respective
their work and on the position in appropriate spheres of administration. Under special con-
fields of administration, to explain, and inform ditions set up by the statute, republican ad-
on, problems within their province of work, ministrative agencies may take over the dis-
to give data, papers and other documents charge of certain affairs within the competence
necessary for the work of these organs, to of communal administrative agencies when the
investigate the position in some fields, to study latter do not conduct them.
certain problems and to report to the assembly.
In a stateof emergency, republican admin-
The position,duties and responsibilities of istrative agencies, during the duration of the
officials at the head of administrative communal circumstances, operate and organize certain
agencies are carefully defined in the statutes actions, helped by their experts, and undertake
and in commune by-laws. They are appointed other measures needed in the danger area.
for a term of four years by the communal
assemblies. They can be elected for two con- In exercising the rights and duties in their

secutive terms and exceptionally, by a special province of work, republican administrative

procedure laid down by the law, for one more agencies are authorised to request reports from
term. It is laid down by the constitution that
communal administrative agencies concerning
the chambers of the communal assembly may the enforcement of statutes and other regul-
initiate the procedure to recall these officials ations and social plans and information con-
before the expiry of their terms. On the other cerning the position and occurrences in each
hand, officials have the right to submit their agency’s province of work. The agencies are
resignation if they are not able to ensure the protected because they are responsible for pre-
regular and efficient operation of the organs, senting only the data they have available or
are obliged to hold by regulations.
if they find that it is impossible to provide
for the enforcement of an act of the commune In affairs of general interest for the republic,
or to implement its policy and in certain other
republican administrative agencies have the
cases. The principles, conditions and pyro- right and duty to issue to competent communal
cedure of the political and other responsibilities administrative agencies binding instructions for
of officials and workers in communal admin- the’conduct of affairs for which they are author-
istrative agencies are laid down in the statute. ised by statute and for the enforcement of
7. to the of openness statutes and other republican regulations.
According principle
off work, communal administrative agencies In exercising the right of supervision, a
must inform the public by of the press,
radio and television about any matters in their republican administrative agency is bound to
warn the communal administrative agency of
province of work and measures undertaken the obligation to enforce regulations and, for
which are of concern to citizens, organizations that purpose, the republican administrative
of associated labour, and other self-managing
agency may order a time-limit for the per-
organizations and communities and must allow formance of particular affairs, inform the com-
access to data and information in their province
munal assembly or the collegial executive organ
of work which of direct interest to citizens,
about it and propose the adoption of appro-
self-managing organizations and communities, priate measures.
or of public interest.
In affairs which are of general interest for
8. Mutual relations between communal and
the republic, republican administrative agencies
other administrative agencies are based on the have the right and duty of direct or inter-
rights and duties set forth in the constitution, mediate performance of the inspectoral or other
statute and by-law as well as on their mutual
administrative act for which the communal ad-
cooperation and professional assistance. Com- ministrative agency is authorised, if the said
munal administrative agencies are bound to
agency fails to perform such affairs, although
cooperate with other administrative agencies it was warned to do so and the non-execution
concerning questions of common interest, to of that act may cause serious harmful conse-
help each other by giving data and information quences.
necessary for their province of work and to
coordinate their programmes and plans. The Administrativeagencies of the city of Bel-
statute and the constitution provide that repub- grade aswell as of other big cities have, in
lican administrative agencies are obliged to the same rights and duties toward
give professional assistance to communal ad- communal administrative agencies on their ter-

ritory as the republican administrative agencies istration or for several areas with a lesser
toward communal administrative agencies. volume of affairs. For the conduct of admin-
Relations between provincial and communal
istrative, accessory-technicaland other affairs,
as well as for the common utilisation of bureau-
administrative agencies on the territories of technical instruments, other equipment and pre-
provinces are similarly defined by the Consti- mises and for the provision of other working
tution. Therefore, it may be said that in
mutual relations between administrative agen- conditions, joint services may be established
for all communal administrative agencies in a
cies of narrower and broader socio-political
communities, centralisation and subordination
are excluded as well as the elements of demo-
12 a. In conformity with the principle of
cratic centralisation. Under the Constitution
intercommunal cooperation, the assemblies of
and other regulations, communal administrative two or more communes may form joint bodies,
agencies are in a relation of active cooperation organisations and services for the conduct of
with other state organs, self-managing organ-
isations and communities in matters of their particular administrative affairs within the
framework of the rights and duties of the com-
mune. These bodies are created especially if
9. Communal administrative agencies may the volume and nature of affairs are such that
impose obligations on the self-managing organ- their conduct is in this way more rational and
isations and communities if they are explicitly more effective. By the Creation of Intercom-
so authorised by statute, according to the pro- munal Agencies Act, the method of appointing
cedure laid down by statute. They are bound their heads and relieving them of office and
to enable the self-managing organisations and their relations with the communal assemblies
communities to present their attitudes, opinions, and other matters are defined. In this way
comments and proposals concerning matters of communal administrative agencies exercising
their interest. interior affairs are organised, as also some
10. In order to create convenient conditions inspectoral organs, services for economic and
social planning and some other organs.
for the realization of the rights and duties of
citizens, communal administrative agencies are 12 b. In a commune, adequate administra-
bound to organize their work and conduct of tive agencies are obligatorily set up for the con-
affairs in such a way that citizens may effect- duct of affairs within the competence of the
ively realize their statutory rights and interests. republic or affairs of general interest for the
In this connection, a citizen is entitled to claim
the reimbursement of expenses he incurred republic within the competence of the commune
if it is so provided by special statute. It is
when he responded to the summons of a com- the case of services of social income, agencies
munal administrative agency but the official which perform geodetic matters, affairs of
act was not performed, through no fault of his.
national defence and interior police matters.
11. On the basis of the constitutional prin- Under particular republican regulations it is
ciple onthe right of all socio-political com- provided that the statute may prescribe the
munities to self-organisation, the organisation formation of joint intercommunal administra-
of the communal administrative agencies is tive agencies if it is of general interest for
defined in conformity with the needs and con- the republic.
ditions of every commune in such way that it
12 c. Under constitutions of particular
provides legal and timely realisation of the
rights and duties of citizens, organisations of republics it is provided that intercommunal
associated labour and other self-managing regional communities which have not the status
of socio-political communities may be author-
organisations and communities and rational, ised by special statutes to conduct particular
effective and economic conduct of affairs.
administrative affairs within the competence of
Under republican and provincial regulations the republic, as is the case of the Socialist
secretariats, departments, directorates, commis- Republic of Serbia. The same possibility is
sions and other bodies may be established for provided for communes.
exercising the administrative affairs in the com-
mune. Secretariats are established for one or 12 d. Local offices are set up, as a rule,
several related areas of administration, depend- in particular settlements and in certain parts
ing on the complexity and volume of affairs, of the territory of cities in order to bring the
and if the conduct of affairs involves the conduct of certain administrative affairs within
creation of several internal organisational units. the competence of communal administrative
A department is formed for one area of admin- agencies nearer to the citizen.

13. In principle, the rights, obligations and and this method is, in principle, uniform in
responsibilities of workers (public employees) all other administrative agencies and other state
in working communities of the communal ad- organs.
ministrative agencies are defined in the same
way as for other workers with consideration Working hours in the communal administra-
of certain particularities. It is provided for tive agencies total forty-two hours per week
workers in working communities of the com- of five working days. Workers are entitled to
munal administrative agencies : that, during daily rest and to an annual holiday with pay
their work, the professional education and of not less than eighteen working days after
working capability of every worker and the six months’ continual work. The annual holi-
conditions for the development of his working day may last at the longest thirty-six working
capability and personality should be expressed; days. Workers who work under special condi-
that the greater capability of a worker expressed tions are entitled to a longer annual holiday,
in his work should be the basis for exercising up to 60 working days. The length of annual
more complex and more responsible duties and holiday is determined by a self-management
enactment passed by the workers themselves
obligations; that the working capability of a
worker is evaluated on the basis of his con- and is subject to the conditions of work, work-
tribution and effort in the accomplishment of ing experience, working results and particular
tasks and affairs which are entrusted to him; social conditions.
and that a worker for equal work realized
under equal conditions equally participates in All other rights and obligations of workers
the allocation of resources for personal incomes in the communal administrative agencies are,
and in the realization of any other rights in principle, the same as the rights and duties
of workers in the working organizations.
acquired according to the results of labour.
Workers in working communities of the com- Workers who work in the communal admin-
munal administrative agencies realize personal istrative agencies form a working community
incomes in conformity with the foundations and and have the right and duty of self-management
criteria determined by social compact and of the matters determined by the Constitution,
particular rights on the basis of past labour. statute and other regulations. These rights are
Besides general conditions for acquiring the equal to the rights of workers in other adminis-
status of a worker, special conditions are de- trative agencies.
termined by separate regulations which are
worked out in detail by self-management enact- The means of work of administrative agen-
ments spelled out the workers themselves.
by cies are determined in conformity with statute,
Workers who conduct the basic affairs of com- social compact and self-management agree-
munal administrative agencies must have a ment. They are composed of the resources for
proper professional education and have passed personal incomes, resources for collective con-
the related exam and, if it is separately de- sumption, resources for material expenses and
termined, experience in the relative profession resources for equipment. The communal ad-
or service. The number of workers and their ministrative agencies may have resources for
professional education are determined in con- special purposes. The regime of these resour-
formity with regulations by which the principles ces and the rights of workers and officials of
for internal organisation are established. the communal administrative agencies are uni-
Vacancies are filled on the basis of free com- form in all administrative agencies and state
petition with direct participation of the workers organs.

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