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Federal Administrative Agencies

of Yugoslavia - Their role, position and organization

UDC 342.24:354(497.1) by
Federal Secretary for
Judicial Administration and Organization
of Federal Administration

INTRODUCTION workers in production and in distribution of

the social product in basic and other organ-
According to the new Constitution of the izations of associated labour and in the social
Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia reproduction in its entirety, i.e. the self-man-
(SFRY), promulgated on 21 February 1974, agement of working people as a basis of a
and in conformity with the character of the unified system of self-management and power
federal organization of Yugoslavia and with of the working class, the position and role
other principles of its socialist self-manage- of the assemblies of socio-political communities
ment socio-political and socio-economic system, constituted on the delegate basis, as well as
the assembly of each socio-political community the role and position of socio-political organ-
(Federation, socialist republic, socialist auto- izations.
nomous province, and commune), in its capa-
city as a body of social self-management and I. THE FUNCTION OF FEDERAL
of highest agency of power in the framework ADMINISTRATIVE AGENCIES
of the rights and duties of a socio-political
community, forms the administrative agencies. Administrative affairs in the framework of
the rights and duties of the Federation are
By the SFRY Constitution, unified principles conducted by federal administrative agencies
are established on the basis of which through
and federal organizations.
the constitutions of the socialist republics and
socialist autonomous provinces, i.e. through The SFRY Constitution established in a
statutes of the communes and law, the forming, unified manner the component parts of the
organization and jurisdiction of the assemblies function of administrative agencies in all socio-
of socio-political communities and agencies political communities, including the federal ad-
responsible to them, including the administra- ministrative agencies. Accordingly, the func-
tive agencies, are regulated. tion of federal administrative agencies and of
federal organizations is expressed through the
In conformity with the above-mentioned
constitutional principles, the fundamental
following: putting the established policy into
effect and enforcing the statutes, regulations
characteristic of the federal administrative and other general acts of the Assembly of the
agencies emanates, first of all, from the nature SFRY and the provisions and general acts
of their functions and their specific position. of the Federal Executive Council; putting into
This specificity is determined by the federative effect the guidelines of the Assembly of the
organization of Yugoslavia, and through that SFRY; responsibility for the state of affairs
by the need for that character of Yugoslav in particular areas and taking initiatives for
State community and its socio-political and
economic system to be maximally expressed
solving questions in these areas; decision-
in the federal administrative agencies too,
making in administrative matters; performing
administrative supervision and other adminis-
together with all relevant basic principles and, trative affairs; preparing drafts of provisions
more particularly, the following: the equality and of other general acts, as well as perform-
of nations and nationalities of Yugoslavia, res-
ing other professional /affairs for the Assembly
ponsibility of the republics and provinces for of the SFRY and the Federal Executive
their own development and for the realization Council.
of specific functions of the Federation, freely
associated labour by the means of production The agencies and organizations are bound
in social ownership and self-management of in their work to safeguard the efficient realiza-

tion of the rights and interests of the working federal organization. This responsibility is not
people and citizens, of the organizations of limited by the executive competences of the
associated labour and of other self-manage- agency or the organization, but is related to
ment organizations and communities. the complete state of affairs in the given area,
i.e. also to the sphere where the Federation
The function of federal administrative agen- is empowered to regulate specific relations,
cies and federal organizations is limited by while not having executive competences, as
the nature of the constitutional powers of the well as to the areas in which the Assembly
Federation, which are characterized, in terms of the SFRY is authorized to consider relevant
of its executive jurisdiction, by the predo- questions of common interest for the organ-
minant representation of powers to regulate izations of associated labour and for other self-
basic social relations in particular areas, as management organizations and communities, as
well as by the unified regulation of correspond- well as to coordinate their relationships and
ing questions of interest for the country as a interests. It results from the above that federal
whole. This is true in spite of the changes administrative agencies and/or federal organ-
introduced by the new Constitution and by izations are bound to follow the state of affairs
previous constitutional amendments, which in the area for which they are formed, to
essentially narrowed the regulatory competence undertake as need be measures falling within
of the Federation, which does not, according their competence, to inform the Assembly of
to the Constitution, fall within the jurisdiction the SFRY and the Federal Executive Council
of the socialist republics and socialist auto- on the phenomena and problems arising in
nomous provinces. these areas, as well as to take initiatives at
the Assembly and the Federal Executive Coun-
The second characteristic of the rights and cil for solving the questions in particular areas.
duties of the Federation concerns the fact that
the sphere of its responsibility for implementing This of federal administrative
federal laws and other federal provisions is responsibility
wider than the domain where it enforces these
agencies and of federal organizations includes
their duty to follow the state of affairs in the
laws and provisions through the federal agen- area of social understanding and self-manage-
cies. ment agreements; it also includes the duty of
Out of these characteristics of the rights informing the Assembly and the Federal Exe-
and duties of the Federation a presumption cutive Council on phenomena in these areas,
arises that the enforcement of federal provi- then the duty to submit proposals to the As-
sions falls into the realm of the agencies in sembly for taking initiatives for coming to
the republics and autonomous provinces. Ac- social understanding and to self-management
cordingly, the powers for enforcing federal agreement and to take part in these them-
provisions, i.e. for safeguarding that enforce- selves, within the framework of the rights and
ment, are established in favour of the Feder- duties entrusted to them, as well as to take
ation in relatively narrow spheres where, in initiatives for resolving questions in the area
the interest of the country as a whole, the of social understanding and agreements with
need arises for safeguarding a unified execution the self-management organizations and com-
of these provisions, as well as for putting estab- munities.
lished policy into effect. In conformity with
the stated characteristics of the powers of the One of the specificities of the function of
Federation through which its regulatory com- federal administrative agencies and of federal
ponent has been determined, the function of organizations, which is connected with respons-
federal administrative agencies and of federal ibility for the state of affairs in the areas for
which they have been formed, consists of the
organizations is characterized by the making fact that their activities in implementing the
of drafts of laws and of other general acts
for the Assembly of the SFRY and the Federal established policy cannot be limited to the
Executive Council. sphere of enforcing the federal provisions
falling within their competence; they are bound
The qualitatively new element of the func- to take initiatives for exchanging information
tion of federal administrative agencies and of and for the realization of other aspects of co-
federal organizations is their responsibility for ordination in the areas regulated by federal
the state of affairs in the areas where they statutes where the agencies in the republics and
are formed. The basic characteristic of such autonomous provinces are responsible for en-
a responsibility is that it is limited to the forcing such statutes; they also effect the co-
sphere of the rights and duties of the cor- ordination of activities and understanding with
responding federal administrative agency, i.e. these agencies and with self-management or-

ganizations, communities, corresponding socio- and other acts for the Assembly and for the
political organizations, as well as with other Federal Executive Council, as well as perform-
social institutions. ing other professional affairs for the needs of
these institutions.
The dimensions of enforcing the federal
provisions, including decision-making in ad- II. THE POSITION OF FEDERAL
ministrative matters, performing of administra- ADMINISTRATIVE AGENCIES AND
tive supervision and other administrative af- FEDERAL ORGANIZATIONS
fairs, as well as carrying out the established
policy -
as a component part of the function Federal administrative agencies and federal
of federal administrative agencies -
determine organizations perform the affairs within their
the entity of affairs arising from the com- jurisdiction independently and are responsible
petence established for the federal administra- for their work to the Assembly of the SFRY
tive agencies and federal organizations by and the Federal Executive Council.
federal laws, by which questions from cor- The specific position of the federal admin-
responding areas, as well as the kind and the istrative agencies and federal organizations is
scope of affairs to be performed in practice expressed through their responsibility for en-
in terms of discharging that competence, are
forcing federal statutes in the areas where these
regulated. statutes are enforced by the agencies in the
The scope of affairs prescribed for the republics and autonomous provinces, and in
federal administrative agencies and federal or- which, according to the Constitution, the
federal administrative agencies and federal or-
ganizations, in terms of making the drafts of
provisions and of other general acts for the ganizations are responsible for that enforce-
Assembly and the Federal Executive Council,
is determined by the contents, character and The specificity of the position of federal
scope of the constitutional powers vested in the administration is determined by the character
Assembly of the SFRY and the Federal Exe- of powers and of the position of the Federation,
cutive Council for the purpose of regulating as well as by the relations of federal adminis-
specific questions, as well as by initiatives of trative agencies and federal organizations
federal administrative agencies and federal or- towards the administrative agencies in the
ganizations in the field of enacting provisions republics and the autonomous provinces,
within their jurisdictions and in conformity towards the Assembly of the SFRY, the Pre-
with their responsibility for the state of affairs sidency of the SFRY, the President of the
in the areas for which they have been formed. SFRY and the Federal Executive Council, as
well as towards the self-management structures
However, in order to obtain information and socio-political organizations.
regarding the need for the regulation of cor-
responding questions and the manner of The position of federal administrative agen-
regulating them, the federal administrative cies and of federal organizations is determined
agencies and federal organizations, each in by their specific relationships too, towards the
their jurisdictional fields, are directed to follow administrative agencies in the republics and in
the execution of federal provisions by the agen- autonomous provinces, which is expressed in
cies in the republics and autonomous provin- two basic aspects, as follows :
ces, in cases where the latter are responsible, -

through definite rights and duties of the

i.e. where that responsibility falls on the agen- federal administrative agencies and federal
cies of the socio-political communities of the
organizations towards the administrative agen-
republics and provinces, in other words, in cies in the republics and autonomous provinces
all areas in which the Federation has regulatory in cases in which the latter agencies perform
competences. the enforcement of federal statutes for whose
In view of the fact that the areas in which enforcement the responsibility falls within the
the Federation is empowered to regulate de- competence of federal administrative agencies;
finite relations are wider, the domain of -
in the coordination of the federal ad-
regulatory competences of the Federation is ministrative agencies with the administrative
rather wider too, in the sphere of its executive agencies in the republics and autonomous
powers; this has a direct bearing on the degree provinces in affairs pertaining to the enforcing
of development of activities of federal admin- of federal statutes, when these statutes are en-
istrative agencies and federal organizations in forced by the agencies in the republics and
the sphere of supervision of the putting into autonomous provinces, which are also respons-
effect of federal laws and of drafting provisions ible for this enforcement.

The federal administrative agencies and istrative agencies, viz. federal secretariats,
federal organizations are bound, in discharging federal committees, federal boards, and federal
affairs within their competence, to abide by inspectorates, as well as of five kinds of federal
federal statutes and other regulations and organizations, viz. federal institutions, federal
general acts, by the guidelines of the Assembly directorates, federal bureaus, Yugoslav com-
of the SFRY, as well as by the positions of missions for cooperation with specific inter-
principle and guidelines of the Federal Exe- national organizations, and federal professional
cutive Council. They are also bound to submit councils. At present, the Federation has
to the Assembly of the SFRY and to the forty-six federal administrative agencies and
Federal Executive Council reports on their federal organizations (see the organization
activity, on the state of affairs in the areas chart appended).
for which they are formed, on the implement-
The Constitution of the SFRY establishes
ation of the policy established, aswell as on
the setting up of federal secretariats to conduct
the putting into effect of federal statutes.
Federal administrative agencies and federal
administrative affairs in specific areas within
the framework of the rights and duties of the
organizations have a duty, at the request of Federation, as well as of other federal admin-
the Assembly and the Federal Executive Coun-
istrative agencies and federal organizations for
cil, to inquire into the state of affairs in spe- the discharging of specific administrative, pro-
cific areas, to study specific issues, to perform
fessional and other affairs, these latter being
specific affairs within their competence, as well set up by a federal statute.
as to submit the corresponding reports.

The Federal Executive Council coordinates According to the Law concerning the Organ-
ization and Competence of the Federal Ad-
and directs the work of federal administrative
ministrative Agencies and Federal Organiza-
agencies with a view to ensuring the execution tions, the organizational structure of federal ad-
of policy and the enforcement of statutes, other
ministration contains twenty-five federal ad-
regulations and enactments of the Assembly ministrative agencies, seven of which are
of the SFRY. It also supervises the work of
federal secretariats and eleven federal com-
federal administrative agencies and federal
organizations. The Federal Executive Council mittees, so that these are the kinds which are
most frequent as administrative agencies and
is entitled and bound to rescind regulations
of these agencies and organizations which are
thus characterize that structure. The Law also
establishes criteria for the formation of these
contrary to a federal statute, other regulation
or enactment of the Assembly, or to a regula- agencies.
tion passed by the Council for the implement- Federal secretariats are set up to conduct
ation of a federal statute, other regulation or administrative, professional and other affairs
enactment, and may, under conditions specified in the areas in which the following should be
by federal statute, annul regulations passed by ensured: coordination, coming to agreement
these agencies and organizations. The Federal and cooperation in work with corresponding
Executive Council is also entitled to establish federal, republican and provincial administra-
general principles for the internal organization tive agencies and self-management and other
of federal administrative agencies and federal organizations and communities related to the
organizations. questions of common interest and significant
Federal administrative and federal for realization of unity in implementation of
agencies established policy, and where federal adminis-
organizations are also bound to coordinate trative agencies, as a rule, are not entrusted
with organizations of associated labour and
with other self-management organizations and with direct implementation of federal laws,
well as with socio-political other federal regulations and general acts.
communities, as
organizations far
as as the questions of interest
According to the same Law, the adminis-
for these organizations and communities are trative structure of the Federation contains
concerned. They are also bound to ensure altogether twenty-one federal organizations,
mutual information on relevant issues. nineteen of which have the status of artificial
FEDERAL ADMINISTRATIVE The same Law stipulates that some of the

federal administrative agencies (two federal

ORGANIZATIONS boards and two federal inspectorates) and spe-
cific federal organizations (one federal insti-
The administrative structure of the Feder- tution, three federal directorates and one
ation consists of four kinds of federal admin- federal bureau) are in the framework of the

corresponding federal secretariats,i.e. federal a federal inspectorate by a chief federal

committees. The Law also establishes the inspector.
position of these agencies and organizations A federal committee is managed, in the
in the above mentioned framework, as well as framework of powers established by law, by
their relations towards the agencies they are a committee as a collegiate body and by a
included in.
president of the committee.
At all federal boards, three federal institu- A federal institution, federal bureau or
tions (for prices, statistics and hydro-meteo- federal directorate is managed by a director,
rology), as well as at all three federal director- the Federal Institution for Social Planning by
ates, councils have been set up. The councils’ the director general, while a professional coun-
task is predominantly to consider all questions cil is headed by a president.
of principle pertaining to the policy and en-
forcement of federal statutes and regulations, The official in charge of a federal adminis-
as well as coordination of republican and trative agency and/or a federal organization
provincial interests in performing the tasks of represents the agency and/or the organization,
boards, institutions and directorates; on these organizes the performing of its work, enacts
questions they also submit their proposals and provisions within his competence, appoints
opinions to the Federal Executive Council and workers within his competence, as well as acts
to the official at the head of the federal board, as the highest disciplinary official in the agency
federal institution and federal directorate. In and/or organization. The officials managing
conformity with powers established by a federal the federal administrative agencies and federal
law, these councils decide on specific questions organizations are authorized to issue rules,
falling within the competence of federal ad- orders and directions for putting into effect
ministration, i.e. federal organization in whose of federal laws, other regulations and general
framework they were set up. The relevant acts of the Assembly of the SFRY and of
law also establishes in a more detailed manner regulations of the Federal Executive Council
the relation between the council and the official -
if they are authorized in this respect by
managing the federal administrative agency, these regulations and/or acts.
i.e. federal organization in whose framework A federal committee considers, by holding
the council is set up. a session, questions of principle within the
The council comprises one member from competence of the committee; it proposes
measures to be taken in the corresponding area;
each of the republics and autonomous provin-
enacts regulations and takes measures for
ces. The official managing the relevant federal
which is authorized; submits initiatives for
board, institution or directorate is an ex officio the enacting of federal laws and other acts of
member of the council. The members of the
council are nominated by the Federal Executive the Assembly of the SFRY, as well as of
Council. regulations and acts of the Federal Executive
Council; at the request of the Assembly of
The law establishes that federal administra- the SFRY and the Federal Executive Council
tive agencies and federal organizations may, delivers opinions concerning the questions
within the performance of affairs in their com- within the committee’s competence; performs
other affairs too within its competence, as
petence, form professional commissions, coun- authorized by a federal law or by an act of
cils, work groups, as well as other collegiate the Assembly of the SFRY establishing the
work bodies, in order to realize the cooper-
ation and coordination in work between them- possibility for such affairs to be performed by
selves. One finds in the practice of federal a collegial body. A committee works on the
administrative agencies and federal organiza- basis of the rules of procedure enacted by it,
tions a collegium, as an advisory body of the while decisions are taken by the majority of
official managing a federal administrative votes of its members.

agency and/or a federal organization. A president of a federal committee represents

the committee; he convokes, and is in charge
IV. THE MANAGEMENT OF FEDERAL of preparing the committee’s sessions and pre-
ADMINISTRATIVE AGENCIES AND sides over them; enacts regulations and other
FEDERAL ORGANIZATIONS - acts, as well as undertakes measures if so
THEIR OFFICIALS authorized by a federal law or other federal
provision; enacts decisions in administrative
A federal secretariat is managed by a federal procedure and is the highest official in disci-
secretary,a federal board by a director, and plinary matters for the workers in the com-

mittee ; performs other duties and rights of an . Officials in charge of federal administrative
official managing a federal agency prescribed agencies and federal organizations and other
by law. officials nominated by the Assembly of the
SFRY are nominated for a term of four years.
Federal secretaries and presidents of federal
committees are members of the Federal Exe- They may be nominated for two consecutive
terms and, exceptionally, by a procedure laid
cutive Council. They, as well as their deputies,
down by federal statute for one more term.
are nominated and relieved of duty by the
Officials heading federal administrative agen-
Assembly of the SFRY. The officials of feder- cies and federal organizations and other offi-
al administrative agencies (except federal
cials in these agencies and organizations ap-
secretaries and presidents of federal commit-
tees), as well as members of collegiate bodies pointed by the Federal Executive Council are
in these agencies and organizations, are subject to reappointment for the same office
nominated and relieved of duty by the Federal
after a four-year term.
Executive Council; presidents and members of In nominating and appointing officials head-
federal professional councils are nominated and ing the federal administrative agencies and
not &dquo; appointed &dquo;. federal organizations, as well as other officials
Members of .a federal committee are no- and particular workers in them, the national
minated by the Federal Executive Council on composition is taken into consideration. In
the proposal of republican and provincial exe- performing their function, the officials heading
cutive councils from the ranks of officials and federal administrative agencies and federal
workers of corresponding republican and pro- organizations, as well as other officials in these
vincial agencies and organizations, as well as agencies and organizations are not allowed
either to receive guidelines and orders from
of interested federal agencies and organizations
and relevant self-management and other organ- the agencies and officials of other socio-politi-
cal communities or to proceed on such guide-
izations and communities, and of outstanding
lines and orders.
social, scientific, and professional workers.
The director general of the Federal Institution According to conditions contained in law,
for Social Planning is an ex officio member of the following officials in particular federal ad-
the Federal Committee for Social Planning, ministrative agencies and federal organizations
while the director of the Federal Institution may be nominated or appointed, as the case
for International Scientific, Educational-Cul- may be. The deputy-official managing a
tural and Technical Cooperation is an ex officio federal administrative agency and/or a federal
member of the Federal Committee for Science organization may be nominated, i.e. appointed
and Culture. in a federal secretariat, federal committee, as
Federal secretaries and presidents of federal well as in some of the federal institutions.
committees are responsible to the Assembly When the official heading the federal admin-
of the SFRY and the Federal Executive Council istrative agency, i.e. federal organization, is
for their work, for the work of the agency they absent, the deputy replaces him with the pre-
manage, as well as for the state of affairs in rogatives of the head of the agency and/or
the corresponding area of social life within organization, and acts in his name in the affairs
the framework of the agency’s competence. he has determined. As federal secretaries and
presidents of federal committees are members
Officials managing federal administrative of the Federal Executive Council, their deputies
agencies and/or federal organizations which are replace them in that respect too.
appointed by the Federal Executive Council The deputy-official of a federal secretariat
are responsible to that Council. All these offi-
cials bound to inform the chambers of the
and of a federal committee is nominated by
of the SFRY and the Federal Exe- the Assembly of the SFRY, while the deputy-
Assembly official of a federal institution is appointed by
cutive Council on the state of affairs in the
the Federal Executive Council. Deputies in
corresponding area of administration, as well federal administrative agencies and in federal
as on the activities of the agency and/or organ-
ization they manage. They are also bound, organizations nominated by the Assembly of
at the request of the Assembly’s chambers and
the SFRY are responsible for their work to
of the Federal Executive Council, to inform the Assembly and to the Federal Executive
and give explanations concerning the questions Council, while those appointed by the Federal
within the competence of their agencies and/or Executive Council are answerable to that
organizations, as well as to answer to the
questions of delegates and delegations in the If a deputy ina federal secretariat or federal
chambers of the Assembly of the SFRY. committee is not nominated, the official head-

ing a federal administrative agency or federal tions. A deputy directlymanages a depart-

organization is replaced, in the event of his ment of work assigned tohim by the official
prolonged absence, by a member of the Federal of the administrative agency and/or federal
Executive Council determined by the Council. organization and is responsible to such an offi-
In the event of the prolonged absence of an cial for his work.
official heading other federal administrative
Counsellors to an official heading a federal
agencies and/or federal organizations, the re- administrative agency and/or federal organiza-
placement is done by an official from such an tion are appointed and relieved of duty by the
agency and/or organization, or by another Federal Executive Council at the proposal of
federal official determined by the Federal Exe-
cutive Council, while an official heading an the official heading such an agency and/or
agency and/or organization in the framework organization; their duty includes performing
of a federal secretariat and/or federal commit- affairs requiring specific skills and independen-
ce in work. One or more such officials may
tee is replaced by an official determined by be appointed in federal secretariats, federal
a federal secretary and/or a president of the
federal committee. committees and federal institutions. They in-
dependently perform tasks and discharge af-
An under-secretary may be appointed only fairs belonging to the competence of the re-
in a federal secretariat and in a federal com- levant agency or organization assigned to them
mittee ; his functions include the following : by the official heading such an agency and/or
helping the official heading a federal adminis- organization and are responsible to him for
trative agency in specific affairs determined their work.
by that official; acting as deputy-official in The Federal Executive Council may appoint
the agency in case of absence of the official
in affairs concerning the internal activity of in the Federal Secretariat for Foreign Affairs
one or more ambassadors, whose duty is to
the agency, if there is no deputy-official or
if such a deputy has not been appointed. An perform affairs in the area of foreign relations
which require specific skills and independence
under-secretary is appointed and relieved of in work, and which are assigned to them by
duty by the Federal Executive Council and is the federal secretary for foreign affairs.
responsible for his work to the official heading
the federal administrative agency.
All the officials mentioned are responsible
The Federal Executive Council is also en- for their work to the Federal Executive Coun-
titled to appoint, in a federal secretariat or cil.
in federal committee, an under-secretary with
a *
a dutyto help the official heading such an * *
administrative agency, and this primarily in
the area of organization of affairs concerning
the relations with the Assembly of the SFRY Finally, it should be added that, immediately
after the promulgation of the new Constitution,
(the &dquo; assembly &dquo; under-secretary).
activity began with a view to finding the solu-
Deputies of the officials headinga federal tions which should elaborate on the constitu-
administrative agency and/or a federal organ- tional principles related to the role, position,
ization are appointed and relieved of duty by relations and organization of administrative
the Federal Executive Council. There can be agencies in the SFRY, in order to create
one or more such deputies both in federal ad- conditions for a more complete implementation
ministrative agencies and in federal organiza- of the Constitution.

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