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Ans 1 Four functions of skeletal system are-

a) It gives shape and support to our body.
b) It protects the soft internal organs such as heart, lungs and brain.
c) Skeletal system along with the muscular system helps in movement of different body
d) Skeletal system contains a soft and spongy substance called bone marrow which helps
in formation of red blood cells
Ans 2 i) Humerus ii) Radius and ulna iii) Femur iv) Tibia and fibula
Ans 3 i) Brain ii) Heart iii) Spinal cord
Ans 4 The place where two or more bones meet is called joint
Two types of joints are-movable and immovable joints.
Ans 5 i) Eye ii) Neck iii) Heart iv) Hand/leg v) Lungs vi) Elbow
vii) backbone viii) Shoulder ix) Skull
Ans 6 Not all messages go to brain. Some messages require an immediate response. Such
automatic and immediate responses are controlled by the spinal cord and are known as
Reflex action
Eg- If we touch something sharp, we automatically pull away our hand without thinking
about it.
Ans 7 The round, coloured part of the eye is called iris. The tiny dark spot that we see in the
centre of the Iris is actually a small hole through which light enters the eye. This tiny opening
is called the pupil. The light enters the eye through the pupil and finally falls on the screen
called retina. The image formed on retina is finally carried to the brain through optic nerve.
The brain interprets the message and helps to see.
Diagram in Book page 40
Ans 8 The human brain has three parts
a) Cerebrum- It is the largest part of the brain and is responsible for learning, memory
and intelligence. It also helps to take logical decision
b) Cerebellum- It is situated below the cerebrum. It controls and coordinates the
movements of voluntary muscles as well as helps in keeping the body balanced
c) Medulla- It is known as brain stem. It forms a connection between the brain and the
spinal cord. It also controls involuntary actions such as breathing, sneezing and heart
Ans 1 Optic nerve carries the message from retina to brain about the image formed. So if it
gets damaged brain will not be able to interpret the message due to which his vision will be
Ans 2 Skeletal system along with muscular system helps in movement of different body parts.
So movement will not be possible if there is no muscular system.

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