Anonymous - Teachings of The Odin Brotherhood

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‘The ensuing is a comprehensive overview of legends, ideas, Understandings, rites & rituals held and practiced by those men and women who are beholden tothe organic pre-Christian faith of the Nordic Arya, called by the name of Odinism. The passages within this book are extracted from an audience ‘given by a Highland member of an arcane, mystic onder known a5 the Odin Brotherhood —devoted to the deals, exercise, and advancement of Odinnie science. This incisive and revealing work presents the ‘opportunity to serve as a guide for those initiates pursuing instruction in the Odinnic Mysteries and practices thereof. ical Guide "THE BIRTH OF THE BROTHERHOOD, w GRASPING ODINISM: va ‘Tie EDDAIC DEITIES 1% ‘GODLY ENCOUNTERS. xi ‘THE FAVORED GODS & GODDESSES oe xa SOUL AND AFTERLIFE xx opiNist DESTINY xxi RAGNAROK: DOMNICIDE OW a COSMIC LEVEL, xxl RITUALS & CEREMONIES INITIATION RITUAL: SOJOURN OF THE BRAVE. xxv ODINIST PRAYER “4 XXX (CEREMONY HONORING THE GoDs. THE RITE OF BRAGL xxx ODINIST MARRIAGE CEREMONY: ‘THE BEATITUDE-OFFRIGG soul ODINIST NAMING CEREMONY: THE RITE OF FREYIA xxv DEATH RITUAL. RITE OF NANNA ow xaxy Teachings of the Odin Brotherhood THE BIRTH OF THE BROTHERHOOD Odinisr is all that was called wisdom when the world was new and fresh. Odinism is an ancient religion that acknowledges the gods by fostering thought. cour- age, honor, light, and beauty ‘The Odin Brothe:hood is a se- «ret society for all extaondinary mortals, men and women who possess an epic state of mind, Wwho embrace the principles of Odinism. Although Odinism is the primeial religion, the Broh- xhood itself is only five cent ries old, It was established dur- ing the Exa-of-Humittasion; the time whea Odinism was the vic- ‘of premeditated crvlties by the tant vassals of Christ—t retical Chuistians who were black with hate. In the beginning they tried 10 landermine Odinisin with pefab- lcated slanders. Odinists were denounced as vile devil-war- shipers who consecrated their souls to anthropomorphic mon sters. They were the ravings of Incandescent bigot However, their slanders were Ineffective. Odinists continued to honor the old gos. Exasperated by their lack of suevess, the truant vassals of Chast tursed to a more lethal scheme. Odinists were mur- dered, and Ouinist temples and altars were profaned and annii- lated. However, the perseeution coly made Odinism stronger. ‘The Christian terrorism caused cedinary morals 10 abandon the ‘ld gods, and this gave Odinism 4 fantastically intensified purity Odinism became a roligion for hheroes—the young, the stroag, the Lving—and The Odin Brot ferhood was born, ‘The Odin Brotherhood was Inaugurated in an obseure vil- lage built owt of gray mud and brown thatch. Inthe legends, the place is called The-tieartof- The-White-Darkness. ‘The process that would ini- tiate the Brotherhioed stated in 1418 when an ugly and venom- ‘ous Christian priest arranged the execution of a young widow called The-Shrouded-One-of- Odin ‘The priest had seen the young ‘widow honoring the old gods in 1 remote grotto. Tn the twisted words of the fiendish nonseuse Vv Odinnic Rituals that was then called law, “mur- uring heathenish incantations and performing pagan rites” meant death by burning. ‘The priest did afferto save her from the stake sf she would give hher body to his impure and sub- terranean desires, but the young widow scorned fis obscene ad vances. But the young woman ‘would not give her honor to a man wom out by vieo and crime "The refusal angered the priest ls fury was as boundless as his lechery, Black with hate, the priest then inflamed a mob of peasants in the village with his eloguent Vehemence, and they slaugh- tered the young widow. In the legends, the mob is called The- Hundred Soulless-Authoritis. Fist, they cut her beautiful eyes from her head. Then they bbumed ber quivering body on a pyre constructed from green ‘Wood, for it burns slowly and prolongs the agony of the vic- ‘The widow's immoltion was a ghastly spectacle, and her tho young children... A boy the leg fends call Mocking-Defiance, & girl who is known as The-Poseer- v and Ceremony of Innocence, and another boy ‘who is called Desive-To-Rebel, were forced by order ofthe priest to watch, ‘And as the children witnessed their mother's sufferings, they ‘were goaded by the priest and his diseased imagination. These were his words: “Hear the cous bellowings of the harlot who gave you birth? Soon— very soon—she will be groaning inthe deepest pit of ell with her counterfeit gods, If you do not become children of the ono «rue chureh—if you do not learn to kneel, believe, and obey—the devil will one day make you shace her pain and her grief.” However, they were not afraid of supernatural terrors: they did not fear a fictional bel, a scare crow called the devil or the other spurious horrors conttived by extinct theologians. Why fear the webs left by dead spiders? ‘The children did not resis the priest; they were to0 clever for that. “They realized the priest could not harm theis souls, but he could annoy and torment their bodies. So, to save their lives from the Christian menace, the children protended to embrace ‘he iniquitous fallacies that were Teachings of the Odin Brotherhood being forced upon thers. With their words, they honored the prises deity —a trune god sym- Dolized as a disagreeable pat arch, a designated seapegoat, and a bland absteaction—but in the depth of their souls, they sil loved the ancient religion Every winter: the time when eat is stong in nature the chil ‘ren would visit their mother's grave and communicate their af= fection for the old gods to her. For in OMinist practice, a mes- sage inscribed on a lead tablet will reach a dead person if itis butied a his gravesite in winter, Communicating actoss the bat- rier is easier for the living than for the dead—in the words ofthe Tegends, “the dead can hear but fare mute" Although legend tells thatthe children thought they did receive a message from their smother. ‘Such is told, that in 1421, while standing by dheir mother’s stave, the children suddenly saw 4 mysterious woman dressed in a sluoud of white linen. She was not merely some apparition, for visions authenticate nothing The shrouded woman was physi cally present atthe grave; and according to the legends, the shrouded woman first made this declaration: “Without the gods, 4 soul wanders but isnot fee” ‘The shrouded woman then gave the children the thre direc- lives. Fst the shrouded woman told the children to form a con- spiracy of equals—a conspiracy in which every member is leader. Second, the shrouded oma told the chikiren to honor the gods with clandestine rites in deserted places. ‘Third, she in- structed the children (0 share their knowledge with the fow they trusted —for before he dies, every Odinist must pass on the wisdom of his secret. ‘The woman then made this declaration before returning 10 the grave: Heed my words, my chile dren; and the gods of antiquity wil be the gods oF the future.” ‘She then disappeared ‘The children took her vores to hear, and on that very night, they swore a solemn oath, ee= mented with a ceremony of blood. With that oath, The Odin Brotherhood ‘as bors, and this concealed fraternity has existed fn unbroken succession to the present, The Brotherhood bears M Odinnic Rituals and Geremony the tooth marks of Christianity — in spite of such it has survived In this present-day werld, the Odin Brothechood is secret istocracy—a hiddon elite—that penetrates every continent, The (Oginisis unique, for he is plete man of action, AS a mem- ber of the invisible army of the ods. the Odinist is direct, un- complicated, and strong GRASPING ODINISM Odinism is a Creed of iron For when the gods made man, they made a weapon. One that js hard, and yot supple; danger ‘ons, and yet suave. Man was tot ‘made from the filth of the earth {as the monotheists claim), and rman was not made from catbou, ‘oxygen, and slime (as the mate= rialiss claim), According to the legends. The gods cut the first ‘man and the first woman feom splendid tees: that is the origin of our strength. In poetic ems, strength is that which exalts the natural majesty oF man—and in concrete terms, strength is that which promotes thought and dar- 8 Strength is significant to the COdinist because itis only by be- coming stronger that a man can realize his divinity—chrough scength, a man can Become god- like. And a godlike man—a ‘man who is pute force, inacces- sible (0 any compromise—is called a hero. In any epoch, he- oes will be the ones leading the ecstasy of ereation oF the frenzy of wat Jn an absolute sense, Odinists Teachings of the Odin Brotherhood understand uo one is wicked— Everything is simply a point of perspective. Consider a dove ‘To a man, that bird is an ex- duisite and benevolent creature. However, to a worm that is ‘mangled and devoured by that sefiume bird, the dove isa fiend- Ish monster of unparalleled enw ly. However, this is not meant to say that all things are permit: ted—aot at all. There isin fact no evil; however, there is dis- honor. As such, dishonor is any- thing that changes our nature, and steals from us our souls ‘A man is what he honors, and the Odinist honors many gods, Monotheism—tho belief in one totalitarian god—is preposterous and absurd... No single, supet= ‘ordinary, inettable entity controls all realities. The entity called Jehovah (or Yoewel) in sath ex: jses; fut he is only one god among many. Even the Old Tes- ament advaits this wath, In Psalm LXXI, for example, Je hovah is referred to a8 a god “among gods" The New Testa- ment, one of the newest of the world's scriptures, also concedes the truth, In First Corinthisns, chapter VII, verse 5, Paul of | ‘Tarsus writes, “theve are ma ‘gods and many lords.” COdinnic conviction is based fon three foundations: First, we ‘appeal to tradition... Man has honored many gods for a thou- sand centuries. The idea of monotheism, an exaggerated fraud contrived by a malformed and cretinous Egyptian king, is ‘nly thiny centuries old— Thirty conturies! That is only. 100 hu- ‘man generations. Such novelty is rootless, bloodless, meaning less, and illusory -Secondly, Odinists appeal to de facs of nature, Study the universe around you; a universe ‘poverned by one supreme deity would possess the maddening implicty that characterizes any dictatorship. Hawever, our cos. mos clearly shows no evidence fof one will at work—guite the ‘opposite... Our universe is char acterized by divergence and dis: forder; and such indicates the universe is molded by many wills, and innumerable forces. ‘Thirdly, we appeal to an ‘emotion in one souls: we fee! the gods are many. Although ap- paling to an emotion is rather irrational; Odinists recognize that the irrational can be a source of Odinnic Rituals and Geremony ‘THE EDDAIC DEITIES [Nanure—the windowless realm of all existence—isinconceivably complex, and it is filled with nations of gods, and tribes af enchanted entities. No single mind Jknows them all. Natue literally swarms with gods and godlike beings. ur gods are not omnipotent omnipotence is humbuggery... In this universe of hazard and adventure, the gods implement their wills Urough semuggle—not Sia. Our gods are anthropoidal: ‘whats inhuman isnot divine. The Uifterence between a god and & ‘man is only ene of degre: A god is wiser, steonger, and more beautiful, even though a god's fundamental natute is similar 19 that of a man’s. ..Geds ao, in fact, Superhuman: empty al that is groat naman and the resulta ae. Odinists honor all deities, bot the movement is especially dodicated to the race of lords oseribed in the Bddaic Verses—a collection of ancient poems also called the Words-of-Power. The Eddaic Verses are bold and lowing revelations that describe Certain gods that possess the elegance of strength Allranscendental knowledge is expressed in verse. Forno other ‘medium can effectively coavey the instinctual and intellectual foxces Df gods and homines noetict: “Thoughtful men ‘The Fadaic Verses wore the Products ofa singular genius. In the legends, he is called Knowledge-Inflamed-By Imagination. Those Eddsic Versas wore created during the fist age cof bumaa histry Human history can be divided into theee periods. The firs is called The-Age-of-Primitive Freshness. Ia this frst age, an individual man's chief enomios wore predators with hearts of whiteness—Wild animals, ‘The second age is called The \gevoftHeroie-Gestures, In this ‘period, an individoal man’s chief ‘enemies were other men. It was the time wlten men ripened ithe sun of adversity ‘The third age is The-Age-of- nqualified-Decadence. a this x Teachings of the Odin Brotherhood aage—the period in which we now live—an individual man's ehiet enemy is himself. Tis the time of self-inflicted wounds and ‘unequivocal decline, The Eédaic Verses were produced during the Age-of- Primiiive-Freshness; in the Janguage of he primordial tongue that is older than time—the prototype of all spoken communication, This primordial tongue is composed only of vowels According to legend. no centemporary man can speak the primordial tongue. Its beauty has Deen retracted by the mist of centuries... And so no one alive foday can understand the Eddaic ‘Verses, not in thei erginal form: however, the echoes of antiquity can still be studied in later This lave version was rondo bby asuccossion of tal, daring, and magnificent war-lords wo lived in the Age-of-Heroie-Gestures History calls them the Cimmerians, the Seythians Sarmatans, and the Vikings. In their eras of greatness, these splendid races were as strong and as clear as mountain rivers, Like all peoples they eventually lost their innocence and their wy—they decane civilize. udaiedeiios areeminont from the countless other gods. The explanation for this is found in a story of a young sage named Innocentof Conviction. ‘Acconding roan ancient legend, Innocent-of Comiction decided 10 test the gods to determine which eites deserve the highest hones, ‘The sage determined he would test the gods by being rude to them. Innocent-of-Conviction assaulted the gods by uttering familiar Dlasphemies— An original approach indeed. Fiest the sage approached the deity we call The Adversary Al-Other- Gods, the Jealous deity who claims he alone is divine. ‘The sage called hima cruel and ill-tempered desert demon andthe deity, so addressed, erupted into furious display of wrath and anger, and he bullied Inmecent-of-Conviction into silence. The sage was not very brave, for he was not yet an Odinist. Next the sage approached a second deity—the one weeall The- God-Who-Fears-Oblivion-and: ‘Neglect, be isthe god who wants x Odinnie Rituals and Ceremony all men to know his and to love him. The sage made a reference to the god's past; Innocent-of Conviction said that any entity who Fad been hor in an animal shed «did poteven smell like a god. ‘The second deity was displeased, and he reprimanded the sage with condescending words. The second deity concluded hi remarks with these words: "You are forgiven. Go, and sin no more!"—for some deities treat men as chien, Finally the saze sought out the acs lords that we cal the Eddnic gods. ‘The sage found the Eddaie {gods a a feast of pork and wins, and to their faces he denounced them a false gods and devils who sitisfied lusts and procreated monsters. At fest there was a ‘moment of silence (the gods were unaccustomed to such bold ust chen one of the “Stranger” sid the god, “give you this warning: iT draw my ‘wont itwillnot be sheathed again ntl it bas your mood on it” After a brief pause, the sage lewuited the necessary wisdom. He spoke these words: Fiend,” replied he, “have found courage, and a brave smandoes not fear te wrath of goth, All the revelers laughed, because the audacity of the sage ‘ge them pleasure, The Eddaic ods then invited Innacent-of- Conviction to joi thet feast for these gods admized any man who dared to confront power... Such a man, they declared, was a natural confederate of gods. ‘And so the sage had found his answer; and he had made 3 discovery as well—Beware of gods ‘who cannot laugh, According to our legends, the ‘events described took placeduring the Age af Heroic Gestures ‘May men usually have visited the gods, however, the gods also visit us. Some deities are ‘occasional interlopers inthe world ‘of men; but the Eddsic gods are Gifferent. The Eddaic gods constantly wander across the race of the Earth. The gods visit all nations. Tn the eyes of gods, there are na chosen peoples: All people shaze the proximity ofthe gods, XI Teachings of the Odin Brotherhood GODLY ENCOUNTERS Legend declares thatthe world ‘of men is more exciting than the ‘world of the gods, so the Eddaic cities like to come here for amusement and adventure. The ‘gods lko to see, cohear, and to fee! the experiences of this world Sometimes they vst the world of men in the interest of obtaining knowledge. The gods come here toleam, forno god i all-knowing and allwise; tis impossible—an ‘omniscient god would suifoeate in his own wisdom, Youmay have encountered gods for goddesses and not recognized them. The gods do not need ‘theatres to impress morals; they 0 not have to communicate ‘through angelic halls or burning bushes. Nocmaly,ceir visits are armors dsorete, nd they can pass “unnoticed in a erowd of humanity For instance, if, while enjoying dhe winter, you encounter aumsterious sranger, very wise in talk, who has @ hood drawn Tow ‘over his face—that just may be 2 ‘god. If, while walking down acity street, you pass by a woman who is a visual work of an-—that may fact be a goddess ‘A god or a goddess does not lays appear inthe same for, ‘The deities often manufacture unrealty—shey create an lusion, and they appear as they are not Thus it was with one god who sctuallyvisitod Earth disguised as ‘man witha long nose and a bald pate, You will know you ace in the presence ofa god when you sense something powerful, something exceptional, something human. According to legend, 0 god will cast alight shadow, but nota dark shadow: a light shadow is a reflection in & mirrot—a dark shadow ithe silbouete thats cast in sunlight... god will not cast is sihouewe, To conceal themselves in the world of men, the gods normally appear only at night, or at noon, {or in the vertical beams of the ‘midday sun, there are no dark shadows When the Eddaie gods visit Earth, they come from the illustiouseity of Asgard whichis the enclave of the Eddaic deitios ‘in the reality of the ge. [Notute hs hidden corsidors that XI Odinnic Rituals and Geremony ‘most men have only seen in their dreams, ‘The cealty of the gods exists in one of those corridors, ‘The reality ef the gods has « mysterious door that opens inthe world ofmen. Ianature, the reality ofthe gods imtersects the reality of men, When the to realities are perpendiculae, the mysterious door is formed. When ic appears, itis on the frontier between the visible andthe invisible, The door is never in the same place. It is constantly jnmotion. Onone occasion it may spear on a mountain surnit—on another occasion it may appear in the depths ofthe sea. To locate the door, look for the Bridge of Opsque Colors—the rainbow that js saturated with beauty. ‘THE FAVORED GODS: & GODDESSES We can begin with Odin, the ALL-FATHER. Called such because Odin the inseruable one, the god who speaks in poetry, and wields paternal authority in Asgard, Odin is not the creator of nature; nature, nits various forms, has always existed—No god created it. In the infinitude that is nature, innumerable universes are successively produced and destoyed through periodic convultions. Our universe is ‘only one of many; ad like all suc ‘universes, ours Was formed from the wreckage of the previous cosmos. And sothenext universe ‘will be formed from the ruins of fourcosmos. Nature goes through an almost biological process of birth, death, and rebieth— composition, decomposition, recompesition. This process is independent of any god—the gods did not exeate nature. To the contrary, nature is a matrix that ives birth to gods. The gods are the produets of genesis and not the initiators of i Nowre herself is the wornb of pantheons, (din has authority among gods XI ‘Teachings of the Odin Brotherhood because he is wise, Odin thinks interms of centuries. and he knows deep, mysterious, and unfathomable things. Odin gained such wisdom through struggle. According to the legends, Odin ‘sictficod one of his eyes (0 di adraughtof wisdom. He endured horible agenies to discover the knowiedge ofthe runes, ‘The runs are Occult potencies. With the runes, the adept can learn from the past and communicate with the futare. He can also heal all diseases, blunt all weapons, break all feters, quench all fi calm all storms, end all hatreds, and win all loves. ‘The rones are sysic passwords that unleash the power of matter, energy, and thought, Tean say nothing further ofthis forthere ae ceiin screes that must not be revealed, Tcan add only this: if you knew the secret ofthe runes, the knowledge ‘would surprise and tery. As for what agonies Odin did suffer to discover the runes, the legends are rather vague hero, however, hear the words of Odin ‘rom the Eddi Verses: the ancient words of power Tino that [hung Onthe wind-swept Tree Nine nights long. Wounded by spect Conseerated 10 Odin, Myselfto myself (On the mighty tee of which no manknows (Out of what root springs. No one refeshed me With drink or breads Hooked downward, Took up the runes. Shricking took them, ‘Then fell tothe ground. in hung foraine ngs en the World Tree of Knowledge; the tee that sustains the cosmos. He hung ere as a sucttioe, a surifice of himselfco himself. After enduring ‘unspeakable torments, he reached ‘out and found the runes. Ina fashion, the sufferiags of Odin evoke the passion of Christ ‘Though not surprisingly: Gods— like the prophets and the shamans who live in the world of men— understand that pain can be a source of illumination. However, Knowledge can be found without pain. In fact, Odin also secks ‘wisdom through simple travel. He often Visits the world of men, and that is why he is called the ged of xiv Odinnie Rituals and Ceremony ‘ountlessnames, ach time Odin Visited a different nation he was sivenadiferentappellation. Osin is usually called ALL-FATHER but he is als called: The-Hooded one, Much-Loved, Thind-One, Thin-One, One-Who Blinds-With-Death, High-One, Changeable-One, One-Who- Guesses-Right, Glad-of War, God- of The-Spear, One-Whose-Eyes Deceives-itin, Flame-Eyed-One, Worker-of Destruction, Bringer Ecstasy, Very-Wise-One, Long- Bearded-One, Father-of Vitor, Cargo-God, God-of Wishes, Js As-High. Wand-bearer. Gres- Bearded-One, Terrible-One, Wanderer, and Father-of-The- Slain ‘Each name isa skeleton-key t9 special mystery. Nevertheless, mysteries should not be explained—they should de experienced. That is the way of Odin, We likewise honor the godess named Frigg. Asthe wife of Odin, rig is the patroness of marriage. Marriage is important to Odinisss—without mariage, love cannot be a sacrament. For when there is no commitment, men aad women fal nt the botorless pit of erotic anarchy. One other significant god is “Thor the Locdof the Hammer, for ‘Thor possesses a Lao chat breaks chins and crashes enemies—an enchanted mallet tat strikes with the rear of thunder and the lash of lightning, ‘Thor is one of the most cmbraced of our deities. Known 1s “the strong one of the gods," ‘Thor is the son of Odin and the father of one daughter, Thrud (strength, and two sons, Magni (colossal igh) and Modi (fierce courage) ‘Thor is so wel loved for theee reasons. Fits, Thor is popular Deeause he is the favorite of adventures, He is someone who accomplishes great deeds in the spirit of play. Second: Thor is popular ‘because he isthe fiend of heroes; ‘nany combat, the ero isthe one ‘who renounces advantages. The third reason Thor is popular. is doe tothe fact that his kindness has ne visible limits. Benevolence is ‘important 0 Ouiniss: For without Kiness, aman cannot be aman— that ie tho teaching of Thor. Thor fs, without quostion, th strongest ‘ofthe gods. Ho loads the strugete xv Teachings of the Odin Brotherhood agains the tans—also called the plants. These foes are erestures who possess vast power and profound wisdom. They ae eldar than the gods and are hostile towards them, asthe titans are the elder ones"—they are the offering of Yi, the “first of the living” in our universe, Ymit's ‘origins found inthe matrix that is time; Ymir (the name means roarer emerged from the chaos of ice and fico—the ruins of the universe that preceded our ‘own.Y mir is today dead, but his corpse is apart of nature, andthe titans be engendered liv on ‘As for te titans, there are wo kinds who do combat with Tor. ‘Thote who are ealled frost giants live ima place of endless night and immaculate cold. The other type oftitans—those who are called fre -ants—live in a salurous abyss atthe edge of an unknown plateau. ‘These titan realms cannot be reached from the reality of men, ‘They existin oblique corors. To journey to the realms of Thor's aperture with the brute power. Only the hero possesses the necessary force; he ean cut sath fof destruction through any harrior—sueh is the teaching of Ther. Theres the goddess named Sif, the wife of Thor. Sifis renowned thoughout all worlds for 2 misfortune she ence sulfeed, Her ‘exquisite long hair was destroyed by the one named Loki—a frost siant who is Une master of stealth, cunning, and guile, Loki did such dead. because he isa prankster, and mischief his delight. Sit's hair never grew back-—Loki had mage that an impossibility. However, threatened by Sif's husband. Loki replaced the lost hairof the goddess withenchanted tresses, being woven of wondrous strands of pure gold, which grew like roal air, forged by the rock dwarfs at Lokt’s request. ‘The rock divarfs are super’ craftsmen, who are the masters of created things. These masters of dexterity are tay creatures with putty-colored skin arge,frog-like fees, and small, cumed-p noses, ‘The makers of Sifu ive inthe cevstof the Earth, a rock dwarfs can pass through solid stone as easily a a shark sims through ‘water, hawk Mis trough ai Rock dwarfs rarely visit our ‘world—the legends say the power ‘of sunlight curs them inca stona— but sometimes they are XV Odinnic Rituals and Geremony accidentally seen in the darkness ‘of night by females, forthe makers of Sif’s hair are intoxicated by beauty, and they like to py on and fallin ove with charssng maidens. Sadly, their love is never returned —no rock dovaf is ever sucoesstal in lve. Another significant member of the race of lords is Heimdall the Vigilant Heimdall is the indefatigable guardian of the (wo holy places. The first isthe Bridge of Opague Colors that leads 9 Asgard, and the socond is the initiation rival that leads to the Odin Brotherhood. Yet another city, the god named Brag, is eo patron of ritual arcane; Brag, 2 son of Odin and the husband of a goddess named Idun, is the god of the eloquent words. When (Odinists call upon ther god, they do so under the patronage of ‘Bragi—Bragi isthe Odinst god of | payer Brag, the god ofthe eloquent swords is married to Idun, the goddess of youth; Softund lawless as freshly fallen snow, dun is the patroness of all that is new and fresh. she is also one ofthe most important of the Asgardian socidesses, fr she isthe keeper of the magic food (or fruits) ‘These fruits are ripened by the chilke purity of uns honghss. Her peaches of youth have the Power to reverse the ravages of lime. Like te elixir of ie ofthe alchemists, Mun's fui renews and rufeshes the bodies and souls of ‘men and gods—gods also suffer theeffectsofoldage... The natural lifetime of a god is vast, though ‘ultimately evena god experiences senescence... Time etodes all forms of beings, and that is especially rue in Asgard, whore beings age rapidly moe than on Ean, ‘The passage of tm is not the ‘same everywhere: time is not symmetrical throughout nature ‘An instant inthe reaity ofthe gods is an epoch inthe reality of ‘Therefore the results would be disastrous for an ordinary mortal ‘who finds the gate and enters the realty of the gods without the magic food. Aftera few moments, an ordinary mortal would be dea after a few moments more, he would bea putrescent corpse after fone night in Asgard, his body Would be a heap of black ashes. Without the help of youth, all enterprises are dangerous. That is why Tdunisimportant among the XVI Teachings of the Odin Brotherhood povls and goddesses ‘Another significant deity is Tyr the One-Handed. the brave god ‘ho inspires fear but never feels fear himself. He is called “the One-Handed.” because Tyr lost one limb. He was mutilated by Violenee. A god ean suff injury the gods are neither invulnerable norinvineibe; and soour gods can know the thrill of danger. ‘Tyr sacrificed his hand to neutralize a threat and save Asgard. AS the bravest of the gods, Tyr is also the most generous: bravery and generosity are always found together; selfishness isthe span ff cowardice, With respect to ‘avery, Odinistsdefine this viwe in knowing ther are many forums cof avery, bu the supreme forum fof courage isthe one agaist the all. And the supreme forum of ‘cowardice: Theall against the ene. ‘As a god of bravery, Tyr isa god of battle as well, Tyr delights in the fury of combat, and he is the patron of all true waztiors— combatants who remember the three prohibitions... The frst In combit, never fight an unsorhy foe: one who is weaker. The second prohibition: In combat, reverkillatadistance, In modem ‘var, virtually all killing oecurs at distance; chatis why modern war is cximinal—it has made killing sand dying anonymous. The think prohibition: In combat, never retreat before the enem)—a tras warrior will retreat under no circumstances. When a true ‘warrior steps back. its only to leap forward that isthe teaching of Tt Another interesting deity is [Njor, the god who is fond of the salt, the sea, and the sind Alltiough Njord presently lives in ‘Asgard with his wife, he isa Vanit by bint, Known to fable asthe “resplendent anes,” the Vanir are beautiful gods and goddesses renowned for the power of their magic—magic is a species of Knowledge; magic is the technology of gods, According to some legends, it was invented in Yanir-Word, toe home ofthe Vanit sand the orginal ome of Njord. It is a place of color, music, and scent, Vanir-Worldiefound in the reality of the gods, the birthplace ‘of Njord is located somewhere to the east of Asgard, An Earthly poral exists that lends to Vanir- World—the same aperture that leads to Asgard leads to Yanir World. The Vanir gods and the Asgurdian gods often sojourn with fone another, but that was not XVILL Odinnic Rituals and Geremony always the case, In ancient times—fong before our ancestors walked the Barth—the gods of Vanir-World and the gods of Asgard waged a war which involved a sorceress named The Power-of Cold. The war was ong and biter, butat length the universe experienced an armistice of the ‘gods. Te keop a war between Pantheons from breaking out ‘again, the deities of Vanir-World sent two oftheir number ive in ‘Asgard, and the deities of Asgard sent two oftheir number to live i Vanir-World, In this exchange, ‘Njord and his son went to Asgard: according to the legends, Njord will say ith the Asgardians unit the destruction of this universe, Njord’s som who also went 10 ‘Asgard is ealled Frey and hes king of the elves—known in the legenuls as The-People. Who- ial In-The-Sky. Frey's subjects are & rice of vsgins. Most elves are chaste, for elves cannot survive procreation... Foranelf, love-play an lead 10 death. Frey's subjects are beautiful entities with stamuesque bodies and eyes the color of melted copper ‘They lve in lf World, a place fof beauty and fantasy filed with wonderful things; enchanted things—such as mountains of crystal and foresis of giant ‘mushrooms, Frey’s realm s where every river bepins. Rain is where very river begins, othe Elf World is somemhers inthe architecture of the clouds. Anorter significant goddess is Freyja. A Vanie by binh, Freyja hus feel joined her father (Njord) and her brother (Frey) in Asgard. Freyja is all that is perfect und feuninine. The divine protorype of loveliness, Freya epitomizes the ‘woman who inspires our dreams, shapes cur hopes, and steals our desires, Freyjais quite enchanting and as she walks through our reality, the power of her beauty causes flowers to blossom and fruits toripen. Freyja is drawn to our world and loves to honor ‘woman as createss. Freyja loves to Visit young women who are pregnant with new life. The ‘oddess visits such women often: and Freyja especially enjoys the company of women who are actually in the process of giving bith, Birth is a sacced time Preyjalovestowatchthe lightenter f newbom baby’s eyes, and she Also loves to witness the moment whe a child ist receives its name, The naming is important xIx Teachings of the Odin Brotherhood according to the legends, a child does not really exist unit has a name. Odinists have a special naming ceremony named in Freya's honor In terms of beauty, the male equal of Frey. while he lived, was Balder of dhe Handsome Face, the most desirable god in the eyes of women, Balde, the son of Ouia and the husband of Nanna, was the « Asgardian to experience the adventure of death; all beings— sods and titans, elves and darks, men and animals—all face ceri death and decompesition Balde:—inyulnerable to fireand water and steel—was killed by a misiltoeprojectte tha pierced hear. It was hurled by the blind god named Hod. The aetion was an accident, but Hod nevertheless Did for the mistake with his own life. The two deaths may sound tragic, however, always know that death is also a bemefactes; itis necessary, for without death life ‘would eventually become a spiral of infinite boredom. Death gives value to life—life is intense ‘because is mite. DEATH Fromthe Odinist perspective, in poetic terms, death itself is personified as heautiful females ‘who exist in an endless varoty of ‘exquisite forms. These females ae called the Vallyries. These Valkyries extinguish lif The ‘gentle hands of the valkyries softly and voluptuously do the work of Killing, The “daughters of ruin” uter one worn the primordial tongue—though no living entity knows the Word-That-Excites Terror, for those who hear it are already embraced by death However, Balder now knows the word ‘And what i death in concrete terme? According to the legends ‘of Balder, death occurs wien the entire soul leaves the abemacle ‘hats the body. The soul survives eath—death not amiiation, 30 ‘the soul wil endure Odinnic Rituals and Geremony SOUL AND ABTERLIFE, In Odinist terms, a soul is a ‘wansfiguredlife-form. Inageand appearance, the soul is an approximate replica of the body before it was touched by the cause ofdeath, Itisnotexactly the sae, ‘Thesoulis e form tha asthe color and texture of ight. what happens to it? As Balder discovered, after the soul has exited the bods, itis translated 10 one of three possible Other-Worlds on the opposite shore of existence. They are reals govemed by dream-logi. ‘The state in which all things are possibleand nothing iste These Other-Worlds are neither heavens (€ hells—all worlds are what we make them.The first is called White-Kingdons ot Valhalla ‘Heroes who die violent deaths go there. A violent death is absolutely necessary to enter White-Kingdom—unless a soul exits through a gaping wound, it «cannot enter White Kingdom. The second Other-World Kingdom is called Grey-Kingdom. People who die straw deaths go there—pecple who dic in bed from old age or sickness. Their souls exit through the noselmouth. Grey-Kingdom is open only to the souls of such ‘The third Other-World is called Black-Kingdom. tis opento those men and women who are assassinated by sorcery. Their souls ext through the eyes Sorcery is a species of ilicit magic; sorcery is killing with words; Ghouls, Wizards, and all Who thrive on malice use sorcery: It is known that all gods will ultimately die. After Balder and Hod, the goddess named Nanna, the heloved wife ofBalder, was the ext Asgardian to die. Nanna met bberend when she sav her husband on the funeral pyre—she died of ariel. -Ever since that tragic event, Nanua has been considered the patroness of the Odinist death ritual XX Teachings of the Odin Brotherhood ODINIST DESTINY In Onis crm, dastiny is this ‘Tho fates, moini, pacac, noms— destiny isan enigma with many fumes. Destiny ia fore implied jin nature, Personifieg by three mysterious females called Urd (That-Which-Has-Become). Verdandi (That-Whick-fe-St. Becoming), and Skulé (That Which-ts-Owed), destiny is the indifferent, irrational, and imrevocable power that weaves and shapes allzealities. Even the gods are not above the blameless inevitability that wise men cal destiny. This is because the past, the present, and the funure cceur without theircoasent. All ational beings—from the lowest man to the highest god—possess the liberty that is important: we cannot choose the joys or the errors we ‘must face, but we can choose to face them calmly. That is our Ireedom, Destiny has decreed that the race of lords must experience Ragnarok RAGNAROK: OMNICIDE ON A COSMIC LEVEL ‘The end of the universe. The time of devastation and havoc ‘when the gods will see death in a thousand forms. Noone certain when Ragnarok will occu, but this ‘universe is ripe for destruction when man sees the spores of ecadence—corrosve poisons that destroy all inrogrity—spreading throughout all realities. When these poisons spread, ‘mankind will become a bloody and suppursting sore, rotten to the bone. Fist. man will become ‘weak, and his greatness will Mle, Second, people will go against nature, and women will become ‘men and men will become children. And third, to shameless will become worse, and taditionat perversions will no longer gratify (On this last point, listen 10 what the ancient prophecies declare: “daughters and sons incestwovsly ‘mis;man is a plaything of mighty \whoredoms... before the World ends” Based on these tree points, the spores of decadence are already with us. They spread ks polyps XXII Odinnie Rituals and Geremony in unwholesome flesh, but ‘oreanately the infestation isnot yet ‘ubiquitous. As long as men and wonnen liv in the legion of honor, Ragnarok will not occur. Whea the last hero dies, the process of inexorable destruction wl bein, As for the destruction, First there willbe thee years without a summer. The legends call this petiod the Season-of-Untimely: Doom. The sunand the moon will enter the Zomtb-of-Worlds, Thesun 1nd the moon will perish, The ancient barriers that separate all realities will groan and spit ll fetters will burst, and ‘the tational enemies of the gods— fost giants and fie giants—will run, wall, and eral from the sanctuaries, lars, and prisons to make war on the forces of Asgard ‘And these ttans wil be assisted by an infamous army of apocalyptic ‘monsters rolls with an insatiable appetite for destruction, These creatures include a savage beast ‘named The-Wolf-Who-Feeds-On Gods, « reptilian horror with membranous wings called the World-Serpent, and a tetifying

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