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Chapter 2 Creating and Editing Screens|ScrEdit Software User Manual

2.8 Menu Bar and Toolbar (Tools)

„ Tools

Fig. 2.8.1 Tools options

„ Compile

It is used to compile editing screen to the format for HMI. If this

application is a new application, it will remind the users of saving
before compiling. If this application has been saved or it is an old
application, it will compile directly. During compiling, all of the
compiling messages, including any errors, will be written to
output field. An object file would be produced if there were no
error during compiling process. The users can execute this
function by clicking Tools > Compile (Fig. 2.8.2) or clicking icon

directly (Fig. 2.8.3) or using keyboard shortcuts by pressing

Ctrl + F7.

Fig. 2.8.2 Choosing Compile command from menu bar

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Chapter 2 Creating and Editing Screens|ScrEdit Software User Manual

Fig. 2.8.3 Choosing Compile icon from toolbar

Table 2.8.1 Debug Compiling Error

Debug Compiling Error during Compiling Process

1. Create a new application.
2. Create two editing screens.
3. Create a button element on these two screens respectively and do not change the element default
property as the Fig. 2.8.4 below.

Fig. 2.8.4

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Chapter 2 Creating and Editing Screens|ScrEdit Software User Manual

Debug Compiling Error during Compiling Process

4. When pressing icon to execute compile operation, error message dialog box will pop up to warn
the users of compiling error and show how many errors there are. In Fig. 2.8.5, we can see that
there are two errors occurred and they are all displayed in the output window.

Fig. 2.8.5 Compiling errors during compiling process

5. Once error occurs, the correspondent message will display in output window. The users can click
the error message and ScrEdit will switch to error element window automatically.

„ Download Screen & Recipe

The users can download screen data and recipe to HMI by

clicking Tools > Download Screen & Recipe (Fig. 2.8.6) or

clicking icon directly (Fig. 2.8.7) or using keyboard shortcuts

by pressing Ctrl + F8. If PC cannot connect to HMI, the error
messages will display and warn the users (Fig. 2.8.9 and Fig.
2.8.10). The users can set download interface by clicking
Options > Configuration or by clicking Options > Environment.
The download interface can be USB or RS-232.

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Chapter 2 Creating and Editing Screens|ScrEdit Software User Manual

Fig. 2.8.6 Choosing Download Screen & Recipe command from menu bar

Fig. 2.8.7 Choosing Download Screen & Recipe icon from toolbar

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Chapter 2 Creating and Editing Screens|ScrEdit Software User Manual

Fig. 2.8.8 Start to download (the progress will be from 0 to 100%)

Fig. 2.8.9 USB open error message

Fig. 2.8.10 USB disconnect error message

„ Download Screen

It is only used to download screen data to HMI. The users can

execute it by clicking Tools > Download Screen (Fig. 2.8.11) or

clicking icon directly (Fig. 2.8.12) or using keyboard

shortcuts by pressing Ctrl + F9. For the download screen, please
refer to Fig. 2.8.8 above.

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Chapter 2 Creating and Editing Screens|ScrEdit Software User Manual

Fig. 2.8.11 Choosing Download Screen command from menu bar

Fig. 2.8.12 Choosing Download Screen icon from toolbar

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Chapter 2 Creating and Editing Screens|ScrEdit Software User Manual

„ On Line Simulation

It is used to simulate DOP series HMI by computer but HMI

should also connect to PLC first to drive PLC by PC simulation
through PC communication port (COM1 and 2). Therefore, the
users cannot execute online simulation without connecting PLC.
But the users can execute offline simulation without connecting
PLC. On Line Simulation function can execute by clicking Tools

> On Line Simulation (Fig. 2.8.13) or clicking icon directly

(Fig. 2.8.14) or using keyboard shortcuts by pressing Ctrl + F4.
For On Line Simulation Screen, the users can refer to Fig. 2.8.15

Fig. 2.8.13 Choosing On Line Simulation command from menu bar

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Chapter 2 Creating and Editing Screens|ScrEdit Software User Manual

Fig. 2.8.14 Choosing On Line Simulation icon from toolbar

Fig. 2.8.15 On Line Simulation Screen

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Chapter 2 Creating and Editing Screens|ScrEdit Software User Manual

„ Off Line Simulation

It is used to test if the editing screen, read/write addresses and

Macro on is correct on developed program without connecting to
PLC. The users can execute this function by clicking Tools > Off

Line Simulation (Fig. 2.8.16) or clicking icon (Fig. 2.8.17)

or using keyboard shortcuts by pressing Ctrl + F5.

Fig. 2.8.16 Choosing Off Line Simulation command from menu bar

Fig. 2.8.17 Choosing Off Line Simulation icon from toolbar

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Chapter 2 Creating and Editing Screens|ScrEdit Software User Manual

„ Recipe

Recipe function provides the controller a convenient parameter

input method. The users can transmit the designated parameter
to the controller by using HMI recipe after finishing editing recipe.
Recipe can be set and modified by recipe dialog box and can be
saved and used independently without application. Therefore,
recipes can be used for all brands of models. Before using
recipe, the users should enable recipe function first by clicking
Tools > Recipe (Refer to Fig. 2.8.18). After the recipe function is
enabled, the Recipe Setup dialog box will pop up (Fig. 2.8.19)
and then the users can start to edit the recipe. For the setting of
Recipe Setup dialog box, please refer to Table 2.8.2 below.

Fig. 2.8.18 Choosing Recipe command from menu bar

Fig. 2.8.19 Recipe Setup dialog box

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Chapter 2 Creating and Editing Screens|ScrEdit Software User Manual

In Fig. 2.8.19, there are 10 groups of parameter inputs and the length for each group is 10 WORDs.
The users can determine which group is transmitted to PLC designated address (circled in red color in
Fig. 2.8.19) by HMI recipe parameter.

„ Download Recipe

Downloads recipe to HMI. It can save time when the users want
to download recipe date only. What the users need to do is to
click Tools > Download Recipe and then the recipe data can be
downloaded to HMI. The general extension name of recipe file is
rcp (Fig. 2.8.20).

Fig. 2.8.20 Download Recipe

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Chapter 2 Creating and Editing Screens|ScrEdit Software User Manual

Table 2.8.2 Recipe Editing

Recipe Setup

Enable Recipe When the check box next to “Enable Recipe” is checked, the recipe function is
enabled. If the users do not enable this function, the users can not do this function
even the users have downloaded recipe data.
Address The users can input the starting address of recipe data here. It can accept the
address in PLC input format and internal memory format. The users also can click
button to get the address input dialog box shown as (Fig. 2.8.21) to input
starting address.

Fig. 2.8.21 Input starting address dialog box

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Chapter 2 Creating and Editing Screens|ScrEdit Software User Manual

Recipe Setup
Length It is used to set the recipe length. The unit is word and it should be set to more
than 0. Otherwise, the following dialog box shown as Fig. 2.8.22 will display on
the screen.

Fig. 2.8.22 Length input error message

Group It is used to set group number of recipe. It is convenient for the users to use
recipe by switching. The group number should be set to more than 0. Otherwise,
the following dialog box shown as Fig. 2.8.23 will display on the screen.

Fig. 2.8.23 Group input error message

After setting length and group number of recipe, the users can click
button to edit the recipe data. The memory size for recipe is limited. When the
Hold Data Place is selected as SRAM, the memory size for recipe is 64K. It
indicates that the total recipe size should be less than 64K. (Length x groups
should be less than 64 X 1024) If one of them is 0 or exceeds the limit, the users
will see a warning message shown as Fig. 2.8.24 displayed on the screen.

Fig. 2.8.24 Input error message

Some HMI, such as DOP-AE80THTD、DOP-AE10THTD support USB host
function. It indicates that these models have a built-in USB host interface and the
users can input more recipe data via this interface. However, there is still a limit
for the input value of recipe length and groups. When Hold Data Place is selected
as USB disk, the length x groups should be less than 4×1024×1024 (4Mbytes).
The users can change the selection of Hold Data Place by clicking Options >
Configuration > Standard. Please refer to Fig. 2.8.25 on next page.

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Chapter 2 Creating and Editing Screens|ScrEdit Software User Manual

Recipe Setup

Fig. 2.8.25
The users can load recipe data by clicking button. The loaded
recipe data do not contain the starting address of recipe data. Therefore,
regardless of which PLC brand connecting to HMI, they all can use the same
recipe file. It also can open Windows® Excel CSV file.
Save It is used to save the editing recipe data to be a file. When saving recipe file, the
starting address will not be saved. This lets the users can use the same recipe file
in the different PLC brand. The users also can save the recipe file as Windows®
Excel CSV file.
When the users click button, all related recipe setting and input
recipe data will be deleted.

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Chapter 2 Creating and Editing Screens|ScrEdit Software User Manual

Recipe Setup
Clear All input recipe will be cleared to 0 (zero) when clear function is selected. Please
refer to Fig. 2.8.26 below.

Fig. 2.8.26
Print It will print all recipe data on current screen.
After inputting the recipe data, the users can click button to save the
recipe data for transmitting or modifying. At the same time, ScrEdit will check the
validity of all input recipe data. If there is invalid input recipe data value, the OK
function will not be executed successfully. For example, in Fig. 2.8.27, ScrEdit find
an error and a warning message dialog box display on the screen as the users do
not input the address.

Fig. 2.8.27
Cancel It will force to exit the Recipe Setup dialog box without saving anything after

clicking button. Therefore, please consider carefully before clicking

this button.

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