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Human needs and wants the same basic human needs. ¥/liethies y: need food, clean water and some shelter from the extren safely and 1 survive, However, penple sively “" want fashionable dothes, big televisinns, surance and banking services, and muusch ttre “ ewe do not nced (0 satisty our HUIMAR Wan. o, and services the All people hav order to Ii Just imagine if we could list all the #0 World wanted. The list would go an forever and would is : world population expands. Our human wants are thercle 5 not possible to satisfy them all. This is because there resources in the world to do 50, Resources afe MAIC CMA1f0°65 a Amy unlimited wants for goods and services. Some peop! their basic needs because of the scarcity of resource What do we need and what do we wan! Below is a jumbled collection of different goods and services. Draw a ta! below and sort them into needs and wants, giving reasons for your choi ble lit now understand the You should difference between needs and wants. im J Wirite a sentence to explain what Bread | Teen foward these two words mean | ee eens i exsertial for wre spe basco Scanned with CamScanner

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