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Disadvantage - less space for insulation in any given wall thickness

Unknown - overall cost, finding a builder to build with them

Well it depends on what you believe about concrete but there is no doubt that there is more
concrete in my house than a timber frame house. The blocks need about 1m3 of concrete for
every 10m2 of finished wall which is a lot less than in a normal block house and I decided that
the advantages justified this
On the face of it the insulation looks a bit patchy and like the block walls are providing multiple
bridging around the insulation. however the u value of the overall block gives 0.19Wm2/K. If it
were made entirely of the wood chip mix it would still have a u value of 0.22W/m2K. So whilst
the path through the block lets out less heat than the path through the concrete and insulation its
not a really bad bridge.
And of couse there is a huge debate to be had about the true effect of thermal mass on the actual
performance of a house rather than just the U values. I believe this would work in favour of the
block. However I believe another conversation about non linear heat transfer ie that heat does not
actually follow straight lines as in the u value calculations might work against the durisol.

The disadvantages were that they are a bit slower to install than a block like Arxx or Amvic and
can float apart during a pour if you get too enthusiastic rodding the concrete.

A look at the downside gives ample reason for caution. A tabluation by the State of Minnesota
showed ICF as the costliest option when used as the walls of a foundation. Its cost ranged from
$16 to $19 a square foot, while a basement’s square foot expense was $16.34, a conventional
slab was $10.34 and a frost protected shallow foundations was $8.59.

Another drawback of ICF is that it doesn’t provide as much insulation per square inch as
structural insulated panels (SIP), its main competitor. The work also has to be done on site (i.e.
concrete poured) whereas SIP is delivered ready to slide into place atop a foundation. Lastly,
producing concrete is very energy intensive.

Mana - manje prostora za izolaciju u datom debljina zida

Nepoznat - ukupni troškovi, pronalaženje graditelja da se izgradi sa njima

Mane- Pa, to zavisi od toga šta misle o beton, ali nema sumnje da ima više konkretnih u mojoj
kući od kuće sa drvenom konstrukcijom. Blokovi treba oko 1m3 betona za svaki 10m2 gotovih
zid koji je mnogo manje nego u normalnim blok kuće i odlučio sam da ove prednosti opravdano
Na prvi pogled izgleda pomalo izolacije neujednačena i kao blok zidovi obezbeđuju više
premošćavanja oko izolacije. Međutim, u vrednost ukupne bloka daje 0.19Vm2 / K Da je u
celosti izrađen od mešavine iver ipak bi Au vrednost 0.22V/m2K. Dakle, dok putanju kroz blok
ispušta manje toplote nego put kroz beton i izolaciju To nije stvarno loše mosta.

I couse postoji ogromna rasprava da je imao oko pravi efekat toplotne mase na stvarne
performanse kuće, a ne samo U vrednosti. Verujem da bi to delo u korist bloka. Međutim,
verujem da još jedan razgovor o nelinearnih odnosno prenos toplote toplote koja u stvari ne prate
prave linije kao u u vrednosti izračunavanja može da radi protiv durisol.

Nedostaci su da su oni malo sporiji nego da instalirate blok kao Arkk ili Amvic i može da lebdi u
toku, osim ako to se previše oduševljeni rodding betona.

Pogled na mana daje dovoljno razloga za oprez. Tabluation od strane države Minesote pokazalo
ICF-kao najskupljih opcija kada se koristi kao zidove temelja. Svoju cenu u rasponu od $ 16 do $
19 kvadratnih metara, dok kvadratnih stopala podrumu je trošak je $ 16,34, konvencionalne
ploče je $ 10,34 i mraz zaštićeni plitkim temeljima je $ 8,59.

Još jedan nedostatak ICF je da ne pruža toliko izolacija po kvadratnom inču kao strukturni
izolovani paneli (SIP), njen glavni konkurent. Rad takođe mora da se uradi na licu mesta (tj.
beton izlio) S obzirom na SIP se isporučuje spreman za slajd svoje mesto na vrhu fondacije. Na
kraju, za proizvodnju betona je veoma energetski intenzivne.

- Cena

- Sporija izgradnja

- Obucenost radnika za gradnju Durisol Blokovima

- Neujednacena izolacija kroz sam blok –zbog komora

- Nemogucnost dobrog fiksiranja blokova prilikom ispune komora blokova lakim

betonima, izolacijama ili drugim ispunama

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