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Jessa O.

Bahi-an BSED 4E TLE Final Demo

Detailed Lesson Plan in T.L.E. 9

Consumer Electric Servicing


A. Content Standard

The learners develop knowledge, skills, and attitudes required in

determining resistance value of a resistor through color coding.

B. Performance Standard

The learners independently calculate the value of a resistor

through color coding.

C. Learning Competencies

After the series of learning experiences, the students should be

able to:

1. define what is a resistor

2. determine the correct value of each color band in finding
resistor’s resistance value and tolerance
3. calculate the resistance value and tolerance of a resistor
through color coding
4. develop a good attitude in determining the resistance value and
tolerance of a resistor through color coding.


Title: Resistor Color Coding

Reference: K to 12 Technology and Livelihood Education Curriculum

Guide, TLE Learning Module in Electricity 9

Materials: slideshow presentation, video presentation, realia, laptop,

TV, box, scotch tape

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Response

A. Preparation

 Let’s all stand please for the prayer.  Ms. Kat: Lord our God in
May I request Ms. Kat to lead the your wisdom and
prayer. love........

 Good afternoon class!  Good afternon Ms. Jessa!

 Please take all your seats and say  (student’s attendance is

present if your name is called. perfect.)
(attendance is checked)

B. Review

 Yesterday we tackle about  Yes Ma’am!


 Now, who can tell me what is a  Sheila: Capacitors are

capacitor? components that can store
electrical pressure
(Voltage) for long periods
of time.

 Very good! Sheila. And what does a  Ron: It stores electrical

capacitor do? Yes Ron? energy when charged by a
DC source and it can pass
alternating current (AC),
but blocks direct current
(DC) except for avery short
charging current, called
transient current.

 Very good Ron. I am very glad that

you still have remebered our lesson.
Now let’s all proceed to our next

C. Motivation

 Class do you know what is a  (student’s answer may

resistor? varried)

 I have here prepared a couple of • (student’s get resistor and

resistors. People at the front seats examine it.)
get 1 from here and see for yourself
what a resistor looks like then pass
it to your back after so that the
others can also see what a resistor

 After you have all seen the resistor  (video clip is shown and
kindly return it on the front and student’s are watching)
settle down. I am going to show you
a very short video clip about a

D. Objective Setting

 Settle down class and I want you all

to listen carefully to our discussion
because at the very end of our
lesson, you are expected to define
what is a resistor, determine the
correct value of each color band in
finding resistor’s resistance value
and tolerance, calculate the
resistance value and tolerance of a
resistor through color coding and
develop a good attitude in
determining the resistance value and
tolerance of a resistor through color

E. Presentation

 Now after examining the resistor that  Fred: It is very tiny Ma’am
I have given you and based on the and it has different colors.
video shown, what can you notice
about a resistor?

 Yes, very good Fred! Resistor has

different color on it’s body and that
colors represent the resistance value
and tolerance of a resistor and that
is what we are going to discuss
today. How to determine the
resistance value and tolerance of a
resistor through its color codes.

F. Discussion

 Resistor is one of the basic electronic  Harry: It is a circuit

component. Now what is a resistor? component that resist
Harry please read what a resistor is. (limits) the flow of electrons
in an electrical circuit.

 Thank you! Harry. So resistor resist

the flow of electrons in an electrical
circuit. It’s function is in it’s name.
Resistor, resist.

 Hannah please read the other  Hannah: The unit of

meaning of resistor shown on the measure for resistance is
board. the ohm, which is
represented by the Greek
letter Ω.

 Thank you Hannah. And there are  The different types of

many different types of resistor. And resistors are the wire
what are those types Luna? wound resistor, carbon
composition resistor,
carbon film resistor,
variable resistor, metal
oxide resistor and metal
film resistor.

 Very good! Luna. And the resistor

that I have shown to you is an
example of a carbon film resistor.
 Resistors are marked by using
different colored rings around their
body as what Fred had said earlier.
These colored rings are used to
indicate the resistance value and
tolerance of a resistor. And there are
steps in determining the value of a
resistor. But before I introduce to
you these steps I am going to you
first a table of colors used in resistor
color coding.
 There are 12 colors used in
indicating the value and tolerance of
a resistor. The ten colors which are;
black, brown, red, orange, yellow,
green, blue, violet, gray, and white
are used ti indicate the 1st digit, 2nd
digit and the multiplier in
determining the value of a resistor
while the 2 colors; gold and silver
reperesents the tolerance of a
resistor. Each color represents a
number shown on the table. Now it
is very important to remember the
exact order sequence of the colors so
that it will be easy to determine the
number that corresponds to the
 Remeber this phrase. Better Be
Right Or Your Great Big Venture
Goes Wrong. In these phrase the
first letters of each words
corresponds to the first letter of the
colors. Black Brown Red Orange
Yellow Green Blue Violet Gray White.

 Everybody say the phrase.  Students: Better Be Right

Or Your Great Big
Venture Goes Wrong.

 Very good! Now based on the phrase  Students: Black, Brown,

Red, Orange, Yellow,
give me the exact order of the colors. Green, Blue, Violet, Gray,

 Very good! And each color

correspond to a number from 0 to 9.
So the first color which is balck is 0
up to the last color which is white is
9. Now in tolerance there are only 2
colors. Gold represent ±5% and silver
is ±10%. It is easy to remember.

 Now let us know the steps in

determining the value of a resistor
through it color codes.
 Example:
In this resistor
let us determine
its value based
on its color code.

 First step is to look for the first color  Neville: It is the color red
for it will determine the first digit of Ma’am.
our resistors value. The first color is
the closest to one of the ends. And
we should read it from left-right.
 In this resistor what is the color
closest to one of the ends? Yes

 Very good! Neville. It is the color red.  Zach: It is number 2

 So what number that corresponds to
the color red? Yes Zach.

 Very good! Zach. Since color red is

the first color in the band and
number 2 is what corresponds the
color red our first digit in
determining our resistor’s value is 2.
 The second step is to look for the  Brian: It is violet Ma’am.
second color for it will determine the
second digit of our resistors value.
 What is the next color in the band

 Very good! And what is it’s  Brian: it is 7 Ma’am.

corresponding number?

 Very good! Brian. So our second digit

in our resistor’s value is 7.

 The third step is to look for the third  Via: It is brown Ma’am.
color band for it will determine our
multiplier or in other word the third
color will help us determine how
many zeros will be added to our first
two digits.
 What is the third color on our
resistor Via?

 Ver good! Via. And what number  Angel: 1 Ma’am.

does it corresponds to Angel?

 Very good! So it means we can add

one 0 to the last two digits which are
2 and 7 and that makes 270 or we
can multiply 27 by 10 still 270. So
our resistor’s value is 270 Ω.

 The fourth step is to look for the last  Jed: It is gold Ma’am.
color band. It will be our resistor’s
tolerance value.
 What is our tolerance color Jed?

 Very good! And what is it’s  Jed: ±5% Ma’am.

corresponding value?

 Very good! Jed. So our resistor’s  Yes Ma’am.

resistance value is 270 Ω with a
tolerance of ±5%. So this also means
that our resistor’s value ranges from
256.5 Ω to 283.5 Ω
 Did you all understand now how to
determine resistor’s resistance

 Let’s have some boardwork activity

to see if you really understand how
to determine the resistor’s value
using color coding.
 May I call Liza, Justin, Ginny, Billy
and Tomas to answer on the board
for resistor’s value through this
following set of colors.
 (the 5 students goes to the
 (Liza) yellow, blue, gray, silver
board to answer the five
 (Justin) green, red, orange, gold sets of color codes of a
 (Ginny) orange, blue, green, gold

 (Billy) violet, white, red, silver

 (Tomas) white, red, gray, silver

 Do you have any question about the  Steven: What if there are
topic? Yes Steven? five colors in a resistor

 Very good question Steven. So if a

resistor has five colors band the first,
second and third colors will
represent the first, second and third
digit of our resistor’s value. The
fourth color will be our multiplier
and the last color band will be our

 Did you get it now? Do you still have  No more question Ma’am.
any more question?

G. Application

 Let’s have a group activity. I want  (the students count 1 to 4

you to group yourselves by counting and group themselves
1 to 4. according to their

 Each group will be given a box. In  (the students do the

each box there is a papers numbered activity by group and one
1-4 or 1-5 it depends. Now number 1 member of each group to
corresponds to the first digit in the discussion in front of
resistor’s resistance value and so on. the class)
Now here is the twist. To determine
the color of each digit to multiplier
up to the tolerance, you are going to
solve a riddles. The answer to every
riddles are colors of a resistor that
you need to calculate to find its
resistance value and tolerance. Then
you have to present it in the front.
From the riddles up to your

 Your group will be given points

guided with the following rubrics.

Criteria Points

Cooperation 15 pts.

Correct color from riddles 15 pts.

Presentation/Discussion 20 pts.

Total: 50 pts.

 Very good class. Let’s all have a  (students clap their hands)
round of applause to everyone for a
job well done.

H. Generalization/Summary

 Dean: Our lesson is all

 To sum up what is our lesson all about resistor and how to
about today? determine it’s value
through color coding.

 Thank you Dean. And what are the  Anne: black, brown, red,
correct color sequence in the resistor orange, yellow, gree, blue,
color coding table? violet, gray, white.

 Correct. Thank you Anne. And what  Susan: gold for ±5% and
are the two colors that represent the silver for ±10%.
tolerance and it’s corresponding

 Very good! Susan. And how are we  Lea: The first and second
going to determine the value of a color of the resistor will be
resistor using color codes? the first and second digit
of the resistors value, the
third color will be the
multiplier or will determine
how many zeros will be
added and the last color
band will be the tolerance.
And this is for a 4 color
band resistor.

 Very good! Lea. How about in 5 color  Ally: the first, second and
band resistor? third color will be the first
three digit in the resistor’s
value, then the third color
will be the multiplier and
the last color will be the

 Very good! Ally. And resistor’s unit of

measure is ohm and is represented
by the Greek letter Ω.

I. Valuing

 What attitude did you think you  Yuan: Patience and

develop in doing our activity alertness ma’am. Then we
especially when you determine the should not haste in doing
resistor’s resistance value through to avoid mistakes.
color coding?

 Very good! Yuan. In what part of our  In doing our activity

lesson did you enjoy? ma’am especially when we
need to answer a riddles.
 Very good and thank you class for
listening to today’s lesson.

Direction: Get ½ crosswise and answer the following.
A. Determine the resistance value of a resistor with the following set of
1. Orange, green, yellow, silver 5. Yellow, white, red, gold
2. Red, white, green, black, gold
3. Violet, black, yellow, gold
4. Blue, green, brown, blue, silver
B. Answer the following questions with correct answer.
1. What is the numeric value of silver?
2. What is the color of a numeric value of green?
3. What is the unit of measure of a resistance?
4. What is the numeric value of violet?
5. It is a circuit component that resist (limits) the flow of electrons in
an electrical circuit. What is it?
Make a research on the different electrical symbols and write it on a

Prepared by:

Jessa O. Bahi-an
BSED TLE Student

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