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Process Piping: Pipeline Metering Stations Revision 1
March 2002
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RESPONSIBLE GROUP: GEO Construction Engineering *Formerly CES 200HCOM

Denotes Revision


1.1 This fabrication and erection specification defines for the contractor or fabricator the modifications
to Air Products Specification 670.200 to be incorporated into the scope of work on all pipeline
metering station installations.


2.1 This specification shall be used for all shop- or field-fabricated pipeline metering stations, or as
specified for a specific project.

2.2 The scope of work to be performed by the contractor or fabricator shall include, but shall not be
limited to, furnishing, fabricating, blast cleaning, decontaminating, testing, and installing all pipe,
tubing, pipe fittings, valves, gaskets, studs, bolts and nuts including welding rod, solder, flux,
thread dope, lead, hemp, and valve packing (as required). The contractor or fabricator shall
provide all components to complete each piping system so that it will be ready for on-stream
operation. Fabrication, welding, brazing, and inspection of all piping shall be according to
U.S. DOT CFR Title 49, Part 192, except as modified herein.

2.3 This specification is a lead specification and is not complete unless coupled with 670.200. Any
conflict between the specifications shall be immediately brought to the attention of the
Air Products representative in writing for resolution. Affected work shall not proceed until resolved
with the Air Products representative.


3.1 Air Products Engineering Documents

668.102 Shop Painting of Equipment

670.200 Process Piping
670.860 Pipelines, Internal Cleaning

3.2 American Petroleum Institute (API)

1104 Welding of Pipelines and Related Facilities

3.3 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)

BPVC, Section IX Welding and Brazing Qualifications

B31.8 Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems

Authorization for this document is on file in the GEO Standards Department.

All information herein is the confidential property of Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., unless another source is shown.
This information is subject to return on demand and must not be disclosed or reproduced without prior written consent.
 Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., 2002
670.204, Rev. 1, Page 2 of 3
3.4 U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT)

CFR Title 49, Part 192 Transportation of Natural and Other Gas By Pipeline: Minimum
Federal Safety Standards


Note: The following shall be incorporated into the contractor's or fabricator's fabrication and
erection scope of work. These are additional requirements to those contained in 670.200
(although there are some deletions).

4.1 Welding procedures and welder qualifications shall be according to U.S. DOT CFR Title 49, Part
192 using API 1104, ASME BPVC, Section IX, or ASME B31.8 requirements.

4.2 The contractor or fabricator shall prepare all welding joints according to API 1104.

4.3 Backing rings are not permitted for welding.

4.4 Aluminum welding is not applicable.

4.5 Brazing is only approved for oxygen and nitrogen metering stations, as indicated on the contract

4.5.1 Brazing of copper tubing for high-purity nitrogen applications requires special additional
provisions. The contract drawings or specifications contain these special requirements that shall
be complied with by the contractor or fabricator. For high-purity nitrogen applications for brazing copper to brass, bronze, or stainless steel, a 58%
silver solder shall be used. Acceptable solder is "Gemini," manufactured by Rockmount. Also, a
special flux shall be used. Acceptable flux is "Gemini Flux," manufactured by Rockmount or
"Stay-Silv White Brazing Flux," manufactured by Harris Inc. For high-purity nitrogen applications for brazing copper to copper, a 15% silver solder shall be
used. Acceptable solder is "Gemini GB," manufactured by Rockmount or "Stay-Silv"
manufactured by Harris Inc. Flux shall not be used. High-purity nitrogen applications require greater attention to ensure complete penetration of the
silver solder into each brazed joint. If the brazed joint does not have full penetration, a crevice
results on the interior of the joint. This crevice allows for the collection of particulates that might
cause problems for the high-purity nitrogen customers. Due to its importance, the Air Products
representative might require additional destructive testing as described in 670.200 to verify the
quality of the brazed joints performed by each brazing operator.

4.6 The "Inspection" section requirements of 670.200 do not apply and are superseded by Section 5
of this specification.

4.7 Paragraph 19.1, "Power-Boiler Piping" of 670.200 does not apply to work performed under this

4.8 Section 13, "Cleaning of Pipe and Associated Systems" of 670.200 is not applicable for oxygen
and high-purity nitrogen piping systems and is replaced by Section 6 of this specification. For
cleaning procedures and other criteria, 670.860 shall be used.

4.9 Pipe bending is not allowed.

All information herein is the confidential property of Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., unless another source is shown.
This information is subject to return on demand and must not be disclosed or reproduced without prior written consent.
 Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., 2002
670.204, Rev. 1, Page 3 of 3
4.10 The prime painting requirements of 670.200, Section 17, do not apply and Air Products
Fabrication and Erection Specification 668.102 shall be used for surface preparation and painting
of the skid. Paragraph 6.2 of 668.102 applies to this fabrication. Finish coat paint color will be
defined based on local requirements in project-specific documentation.

4.11 Sections 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25 of 670.200 dealing with Prefabricated Piping are not applicable to
this fabrication.

4.12 For meter stations installed on DOT-regulated pipelines, pressure tests must be performed
according to DOT 192.505 Paragraph (e). "For fabricated units and short sections of pipe, for
which a post installation test is impractical, a pre-installation strength test must be conducted by
maintaining the pressure at or above the test pressure for at least 4 hours."


5.1 Inspection shall be as specified in U.S. DOT CFR Title 49, Part 192, except as modified herein.

5.1.1 In addition to any required code inspections, all fabrication and material shall be subject to
inspection by a representative of Air Products. Approval of fabrication by inspection or waiver of
inspection shall not relieve the contractor or fabricator of the responsibility to conform to the
requirements for material, dimensional accuracy, workmanship, specifications, or code
compliance requirements.

5.1.2 Radiography All butt weld joints shall be subject to radiographic examination according to API 1104 and shall
be 100% examined. Radiography shall be done progressively throughout the work, commencing
at the start of fabrication and/or field erection welding. All socket weld joints on process piping for
flammable and/or toxic gas meter skids shall be 100% dye penetrant checked. Radiography procedures shall be according to API 1104 and all radiographs shall be judged to
that standard. The contractor or fabricator shall pay for the cost of all weld repairs related to rejected welds,
radiographic re-examinations, and radiographs of tracers that might be required by these
specifications and by Air Products' inspection requirements. The contractor or fabricator shall keep sufficient records to permit reviewing the performance of
each welder involved in the work, and to maintain an accurate and up-to-date set of weld map
locations that identify the welder(s) who welded each specific field weld or production weld on a
prefabricated skid. The contractor or fabricator shall also prepare records using appropriate project documents with
locations, indicating the number of girth welds made, the number nondestructively tested, the
number rejected, and the disposition of the rejects, and submit these records to Air Products.


6.1 All oxygen and high-purity nitrogen systems require particular attention to cleaning and inspection
requirements, which is defined in 670.860, Sections 6, 7, and 10. These sections provide general
guidelines and might be superseded or supplemented by project-specific requirements supplied
to the contractor or fabricator by Air Products.

All information herein is the confidential property of Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., unless another source is shown.
This information is subject to return on demand and must not be disclosed or reproduced without prior written consent.
 Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., 2002

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