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ABC CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY LTD. Address Line mmo) WARENDED Fier agente Freos Taco Careet Year Yer Year Fro Tasca iby Member Contin “ Paid try Charges ~ (>) Payable “Maiinsenaaice Charges beet reek Charges Municipal Teer To, Salsa Allownnces of Stat Fring Changes bro Contato wo Sef Provident Fuad Sub-leting Cares a [ro Sole and Allowance of Managing Dketor Wale Charger ~ fro anendine es and aeling expese of Directors E oo ‘aul. Coville tiaemibesi —_ ‘Building Repair Fund fro. Travelling expen of eal? Muni Tax Arar . fro Rens, ses and trex Sinking Fund, fro. ronage, Telegram and Telephone chases wee [To Printing and Stationery Interest Received so fro ct ten (@)Ontoms anéaivences fro. Genraexpenes (0) Oe vestments a [To s oe Bad Debts written off or provision made for bad debts Selle eee nore To. Deqrodlien on sd acs Commission . [To Land Income sc! Expenditure scout “Misetanous Income [roofer es (@) Share Tralee . [To Net Postcard io Halane Shut we [oe | een . (6) Rebate in nero “ {@) Sale fms " {@ Other nan se By. Land Lnevae and Expenditure accounts As poraur report a even date For XYZ Amocimen For ABC Co-operative Society Lid. VE Deposits: (a) Fized Deposits ) Recirting Deposits (€) Tani or Saving Deposits (@) Current deposss (@) Deposis at call (© Other deposits |e Credit balance in cash credit and overdral VIL Current Liabilities and Provisions: (a) Suny creditors ) Ourstanting crediors @ fr purchases (@ for expences inching salaries of stat (©) Advance, recover: &r the porto Sr fvhich vahe has stilt be given viz expired [-ubscrptons, premiums, commassion et: VIE. Unpaid Dividend: [IX Interest accrued due but not paid: I< Other Liabitities (to be specified): VIL Fined Ascets: (@) Land and bung ) Leaseholis (© Raleay siting (@) Plant and Machinery (@) Loose took, tackles and other ( Dead stock | Fuminee and Sines [0 Livestock @ Vehicles VITE Miscellaneous expenses and losses: Q) Goodwant ) Preimimary expenses G) Eapenses comected wah the sue ‘hare: ae dabennres, aching fanierwraing charges, brokerage, et. (4) Defered reverse expendinze [rx Other item (@) Prepaid expenses 5) Immerest accrued but not due (©) Otter items (10 be specified) (Charered Accourans) se he Profit and Los: Account: [x Prost and Lozs Account: [Pros fr ict year wee [Accumnisted losses not wrinen off fom | fess: Appropriation [te reserve or any other find ‘Curent Pros see [xt Cumrentlosses [7 Eipecm pon teense C4 For ABC Co-opanive Socmty Ll For XYZ Associate:

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