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The purpose of this specification is to define the basic requirements for materials and
construction for masonry and allied works for Project. The extent of work shall be as
shown on Design drawings. 


Unless otherwise specified, all activities required by this specification shall be carried out
in accordance with the following codes / standards / specifications. 
Indian codes :
IS - 1077: Common burnt clay building bricks.
IS - 1127: Recommendations for dimensions and workmanship of natural building stones
for masonry work.
IS - 1597: Construction of stone masonry (Part 1,2) .
IS - 2180: Burnt clay building bricks, heavy duty.
IS - 2185: Concrete masonry units (Part 1,2,3)
IS - 2212: Code of practice for brick work.
IS - 2394: Code of practice for application of lime plaster finish.
IS - 2645: Integral cement water proofing compounds.
IS - 2691: Burnt clay facing bricks
IS - 3115: Lime based blocks.
IS - 3495: Method of sampling and testing clay building bricks (Part 1 to 4).

3.0 SOLING : 


The ground shall be dressed, consolidated by ramming or by light rolling and a 12 mm

thick sand shall be laid. On the sand cushion the bricks shall be laid with fine joints and
placed firmly in position by hammering with wooden mallet. The surface shall be free from
undulations. The frog side shall be on the underside. The joints shall be broken in all
direction and bricks cut as required. The pattern of laying and number of layers shall be as
per schedule of item. Orientation shall be as desired by the construction manager. After
laying of each layer of bricks, sand shall be spread over and worked into the joints to pack
the bricks tight.


The rubble stones shall be sound, hard and durable. They shall have at least one dimension
equal to the thickness of rubble packing and shall in any case, not be less than 150 mm in
any direction. The stones shall be carefully hand packed with longest side of each stone
(which in no case shall be less than thickness of rubble packing) placed vertical with the
smaller face of the two ends at the top. All interstices between stones shall be filled in
solid well driven stone chips and the surface shall be made uniform with sand. The surface
shall be formed to such slopes as directed by the construction manager. The rubble
packing shall be thoroughly consolidated and sprinkled with water. The rubble soling
surface shall be finished with Murrum or sand as per the instructions of the construction
manager. The depth of rubble packing shall be taken as consolidated depth. The concrete
for flooring shall be laid over rubble packing only after the construction manager issues
order to that effect.


Excavation shall be done close to the brick dimensions and in perfect alignment. Bricks
shall be firmly placed by hammering with mallets and sides and joints racked firmly with
earth so that the edging is not disturbed easily. Alignment and level shall be acceptable to
the construction manager.



All masonry work shall be true to lines and levels as shown on drawings. All masonry shall
be tightly built against structural members and bonded with dowels, inserts etc. as shown
on drawings. The work shall be coordinated in such a manner that all flashings, dowels,
anchor bolts, door & window frames, conduits, pipe-chases, outlet boxes, duct openings
are furnished and installed as masonry work progresses as per drawings.

4.2 MORTAR :

Mix for mortar shall be specified in the Schedule of items. For cement sand mortar, cement
and sand in requisite proportions shall be mixed dry in a mechanical mixer and then water
added and mixed further. Minimum quantity of water shall be added to achieve working
consistency. Surplus mortar droppings from masonry, if received on surface free from dirt
may be mixed with fresh mortar if permitted by the construction manager who may direct
addition of additional cement without any extra payment. No mortar which has stood for
more than half an hour shall be used.


4.3.1 Materials :

Bricks shall be first class, of uniform size, shape and color conforming to IS:1077 and must
be well burnt so as to give a clear ringing sound when struck. They shall be clean, whole
and free from flaws, cracks, stones or lumps of any kind, especially lime. They shall have
sharp edges and angles and even surfaces and shall be round and hard to resist
compression. No brick after immersion in water for 24 hours shall absorb water more than
15 percent of its weight. The bricks shall be homogenous in texture and shall not show any
signs of efflorescence.
First class bricks shall have a minimum compressive strength of 35 kg/sq. cm. In case first
class bricks are not available then locally available brick samples shall be submitted for the
approval of construction manager. 
4.3.2 Mortar :

Cement mortar shall be in accordance with IS : 2250. Cement mortar for brick work and
pointing unless otherwise specified shall be in the proportion of one of cement with 5 of
sand by volume. Mortar shall be prepared by mixing cement and sand in specified
proportion in the dry. The mortar shall be used within half an hour of mixing. No hand
mixing shall be permitted.

4.3.3 Workmanship :

All bricks used shall be kept soaked in water from atleast 6 hours prior to use and until air-
bubbles cease to come out. The work shall be set out by the Contractor. No brick bats shall
be used for the work except where required to complete a standard bond. All joints in brick
work shall be uniformly laid. Each layer of brick work shall be laid plumb and level and
with correct break of joints. Thickness of joints shall be restricted to 6 mm. in first class
bricks and 10 mm. in second class bricks. The joints of the brick work to be plastered or
pointed shall be properly raked out to a depth of 15 mm. For brick work in foundation,
joints shall be struck smooth while laying the brick work only. The works shall be kept wet
for atleast 7 days after laying the last course. Brick work shall not be raised more than 10
course a day unless otherwise approved by the construction manager. Each course shall be
perfectly straight horizontally and vertically. The walls shall be taken truly plumb. Brick
wall shall be uniformly raised all round and no part shall be raised more than 1 meter
above another, at any time. The Contractor shall provide all necessary openings for doors,
windows or such other services and shall embed all fittings and fixtures (if separately paid
for) at no extra cost. 115 mm and 230 mm brick walls shall be paid fair faced on one side
only. All other walls of greater thickness shall be built without exception with fair face to
both sides. For brick work of 115 mm thickness cm 1:4 shall be used. RCC stiffeners shall
be provided for such brick work as directed below :

Brick work shall be provided with transoms and mullions when length or height exceeds
2M. Transoms shall be provided at lintel/door height. Spacing of mullions shall not exceed
1.5 m c/c. Size of transoms and mullions shall be 120 x 80 with M15 grade of concrete and
10 mm downside aggregate transoms and mullions shall be reinforced 4 nos. 6 mm
diameter M.S. bars unless instructed otherwise. The decision of construction manager
regarding location of such transoms / mullion shall be final and binding to the contractor.
The rate quoted for brickwork will include for providing concrete for such transoms and
mullions. However reinforcement will be paid separately under relevant item.


Un-coursed rubble stone masonry work may be required in walls, steps, etc. The un-
coursed masonry work shall conform to the specifications given below :

4.4.1 Materials :

i) Stone :

The stone to be used in masonry work shall be sound, hard and durable conforming to
IS:1597. Stones with flaws, perishable materials shall not be used. They shall have one
dimension equal to atleast 300 mm and not be less than 150 mm in any other direction.

ii) Cement mortar :

Cement mortar shall be in accordance with IS : 2250. Cement mortar unless otherwise
specified shall be in the proportion of one of cement with 5 of sand by volume. Mortar shall
be prepared by mixing cement and sand in specified proportion in the dry. The mortar shall
be used within half an hour of mixing. No hand mixing shall be permitted.

4.4.2 Dressing of stones :

Stone masonry shall conform to requirements of IS:1597. All faces of stones required to be
dressed shall be true and out of winding, except where it is otherwise specified. The face
of stone described, as hammer-dressed, shall be as far as possible squared and leveled
with a mason's hammer by knocking off all protuberances and ridges. Where it is described
as "dressed very rough", the protuberances and ridges shall be further reduced with a
chisel, leaving the face truly level though rough with depressions. These depressions shall
not be more than 10 mm, in depth and 80 sq. mm in area, "Rough dressed", face shall
differ from those "dressed very rough" in having the depressions not more than 4.5 mm in
depth and 48 sq. mm. Where the face is required to be "medium-dressed". the depression
shall not be more than 3 mm in depth and 15 sq. mm. in area. In "fair dressing" the face
shall be dressed fine, but the chisel marks may be left visible in a few minute dimples
scattered over it. In "fine dressing" neither chisel marks nor any dimples whatsoever shall
be left in the face. 

4.4.3 Through stones :

One header or through stone in atleast every sq. meter of the face of wall shall be bonded
into the work. The headers or through stones shall be atleast 500 sq. cm. in area at face
and run back the entire thickness of the wall and should have 250 sq. cm area at the back
face. Where the thickness of wall is more than 60 cm. a series of through stones shall be
laid through the work so as to for a tie from front to back breaking joints or overlapping
each other for atleast 150 mm. No stone whose length is less than 60 mm shall be used in
such work as a header. All the through stones shall be marked inside and outside and the
marks shall be retained until ordered by the construction manager to be removed.
Sufficient number of headers shall be collected on site before commencing any masonry
work. Where adequate sized through stones are not available in required quantities, the
use of precast plain concrete headers in M10 mix may be permitted at the discretion of the
construction manager. In such a case, no extra payment shall be considered as a
replacement to headers or through stone.

4.4.4 Quoins :

The quoins shall be 50 mm high and formed of header stones at least 300 mm long. They
shall be laid lengthwise alternatively along each face and square on their beds, which shall
be dressed to a depth of atleast 80 mm.

4.4.5 Workmanship :

The masonry shall be built in layers not exceeding 450 mm in height. No stone shall be less
in breadth than 1.5 times its height and less in length than twice its height. Every stone
whether large or small, shall be laid in its natural bed and set flush in mortar, and the
small stones used for wedging of filling being carefully selected to fit the interstices
between the large stones. Care shall be taken to see that no dry work or hollow space is
left in the masonry. The stones shall be so arranged as to break joints atleast 80 mm and
long vertical lines of joints shall be carefully avoided everywhere. The joints at the face
shall be finished off being neatly struck and smoothed with a trowel while the mortar is
fresh. The upper surface of the work wall shall be brought to an uniform level at the height
of each course. The face of masonry wall shall be kept in perfect plumb and where batter
has to be given it shall be uniform. The stone at all corners and junctions of walls shall be
of large size and hammer dressed to the correct angle. Each stone shall be thoroughly
wetted before being used on the work. The masonry shall be kept thoroughly wet during
the progress of the work, until it becomes hard. As far as practicable, the whole of the
masonry shall be raised in one uniform level and no part of masonry shall be allowed to be
raised more than 1 meter above the rest to avoid unequal settlement, but where it become
necessary to raise one part of wall before the other, the end of the raised portion shall be
racked back by steps to prevent cracks developing at the junction of the old and new work.
The stones should overlap and cross each other as much as possible. No course shall be
laid unless the previous course is perfectly set. If scaffolding is required, the scaffolding
shall be got approved by the construction manager. It shall be adequately strong and rigid
for which the contractor shall be solely responsible. The mortar used shall be as specified
and directed by the construction manager.

4.5.1 Materials & workmanship :

Concrete Masonry Units (Hollow & Solid) shall conform to the requirements of IS:
2185(Part I). The maximum variation in the length of the units shall not be more than ą 15
mm and the maximum variation in the width & height shall not exceed ą 3 mm. Grade C
blocks used as non-load bearing units shall have a density of not less than 1000 kg/cu-m
and not more than 1500 kg/cu-m. Minimum compressive strength shall be 1.5 N/sq. mm.
at 28 days. Aggregates shall be clean and free from deleterious materials conforming to
IS:383. Grading of aggregates shall conform to IS requirements. It is recommended that
the Fineness Modulus of combined aggregates shall be between 3.6 and 4.0. Water shall be
free from matter harmful to concrete or reinforcement or matter likely to cause
efflorescence in the units and shall conform to the requirements of IS:456-2000.
concrete mix used for manufacture of blocks shall not be richer than one part by volume of
cement to 6 parts by volume of combined aggregates before mixing.
Additives shall be
used only after instructions from the construction manager and they shall not be
detrimental to the durability of the units. Hand mixing of concrete shall be allowed only
after written instructions from the construction manager. Units shall be cured in curing
water tanks or curing yard for atleast 14 days. Blocks shall be dried for a minimum period
of 4 days before use.
All units shall be free of cracks and other defects which interfere with
proper placing of units or impair the strength of construction. Mortar shall be as specified.

4.5.2 Tests :

Testing and Sampling shall conform to IS:2185. The contractor shall supply units free of
cost for testing purpose and all testing costs shall be borne by the contractor. 



Cement and fine screened sand shall be thoroughly mixed dry in proportion specified.
Water shall then be added gradually and the mortar mixed thoroughly until it is
homogeneous in appearance and uniform in color and of the required consistency. No more
mortar shall be prepared than can be used up in half an hour. The joints of the masonry
shall have been racked to a depth of 15 mm. The surface to be plastered shall be
thoroughly washed and drenched with water and the plaster then applied and worked
evenly to the specified thickness by means of long straight edges. The surface finish shall
be as specified. Ordinary finish may be done with wooden floats or steel trowels as
directed, in which case the surface is rubbed over until it is even and smooth.


The surface to be plastered shall be cleaned of all dust and dirt and the surface thoroughly
watered. The backing coat shall be 12 mm thick C:M (1:3) with additional waterproofing
cement "ACCOPROOF" of approved equivalent mixed in the proportions of 1 kg of
waterproof cement to 50 kgs of Portland cement and keys shall be formed on the surfaces.
After curing the coat sufficiently, the finishing coat, which shall be of one part cement and
three part of sieved and properly graded washed and cleaned sand, shall be applied so as
to give a granular structure. The finishing coat shall be 8 mm thick, uniformly applied and
the surface finished with special therapies (cork, rubber or sponge pads). When finished,
the surface shall have uniform granular texture without showing any patches. Adequate
time shall be allowed between the successive coats for hardening. The finishing coat shall
be wetted and kept damp for a period of seven days, always allowing it to dry as slowly as
possible. In all items wherever sand faced plaster is specified the waterproofing cement as
specified above shall be used in the backing coat and at no extra cost. The thickness of
plaster as specified, is the minimum and nothing extra shall be paid for any greater
thickness that may have been provided. The rate is inclusive of Architectural bands drip
moulds etc. in plaster finishing. No deductions shall be made for openings less than 0.1 and the measurements of the plastered jambs shall not be added.


Preparation : Flat lime of best quality shall be slaked and mixed with sufficient water to
form a thick paste, it shall then be passed through a fine sieve (3 mm) mesh to remove all
un-slaked particles and foreign matter and allowed to mellow under water for atleast 10
days. The surplus water on top shall then be allowed to run off and the top layer of lime
formed into putty shall be skimmed off and well mixed with sand and jute. The proportion
of sand shall be 1 cu.m. of fine washed sand (passing IS sieve no. 60) to 4 cu. m. of lime
putty. The jute shall be finely chopped and shall be used in proportion of 4 kgs. per cu.m of
mortar. The mixture shall be properly ground to fine paste between two stones or in a mill.
The NEERU thus prepared shall be kept moist until used and no more than that can be
consumed in 15 days shall be prepared at a time. When NEERU finish is specified the
surface will be rendered even with long wooden straight edges without trowelling before
the NEERU is applied. The NEERU prepared as above shall be applied to the prepared
surface with a steel trowel to a thickness not exceeding 3 mm and rubbed and polished to
a perfectly smooth and even finish working from the top to bottom while trowelling.
NEERU shall be applied as soon as possible to avoid surface cracking and rubbed over to an
even smooth surface first by wooden straight edges and then thoroughly by steel trowels.
NEERU shall be applied finally and rubbed down sufficiently to make the surface even and
smooth. The backing coat shall be applied in the same way as given above but without
waterproofing agent. The thin NEERU layer shall be applied on the same day and the
surface shall be finished smooth and even and to correct line and plumb. The rate for
plaster work shall include architectural features, bands etc.  between the skirting tile and
plaster work or dado work and plaster work. The plaster shall be kept constantly wet for
about 7 days. All corners and angles shall be perfectly plumb and true and soffits or arches
shall be true to shape. All jambs and reveals shall be carefully, finished at the door and
window frames. All lines shall be true and straight and levels correctly maintained.
Internal angles shall be rounded, if so directed and all edges shall be rounded, splayed or
breaded as directed without extra charges. The measurement shall be net, in  square
meter, openings being deducted. Jambs, reveals, sills and soffits at openings will be
measured and paid for on basis only at rate prescribed for plaster work. When plaster is
included in the masonry work with a comprehensive rate for both, it shall cover all jambs,
reveals, sills and soffit finishes without extra charges. The rate shall also include for
making good and completing the plaster after the tiles or skirting are laid either by the
contractor, or any other agency. All cornices, mouldings, etc. shall be formed in the
masonry and/or concrete work and finished with plaster as per details and instructions.
Nailed cornices will not be permitted. Ceiling mouldings projecting less then 3/4" thick
may however, be permitted to be formed in plaster only. 


Water-proof cement plaster shall be done as specified herein before for cement plaster
work except for the following :
In the preparation of cement and sand mortar, cement shall be mixed with an approved
water-proofing compound such as, CICO no. 1, composeal, waterlock, etc. all as per
manufacturer's instructions and as directed by the construction manager. When the
thickness of plaster is 12 mm the same shall be carried out in one coat only. All plaster
work having thickness over 12 mm shall be carried out in 2 coats.


Joints of the masonry shall be raked out as for cement plaster. The cement shall be
thoroughly mixed with sand and gravel in the proportion of 1 cement : 2 sand : 1
aggregate. The gravel shall be of a size passing through 1/4" mesh but retained
completely on 1/16" mesh. The constituents shall be thoroughly mixed dry until the mix is
homogeneous. Water shall than be added gradually to the required extent and the material
turned over sufficiently to give a homogeneous mass of uniform color. Mortar shall be
applied to the wall with force to a thickness of 3/4" and finished to a uniform surface. No
more mortar shall be prepared than can be used up within half an hour.



Cement mortar for pointing shall be of 1:3 mix, prepared as per same specification for
mortar for plaster work. 


Unless other types of pointing is specified, pointing shall be of the grooved type. The joints
in the masonry shall be raked out to a depth not less than the width of the joint or as
directed by the construction manager, when the mortar is green. The joints are to be
brushed clean of dust and loose particles with a stiff brush. The area shall then be washed
and the joints thoroughly wetted before painting is commenced. The raked out joints shall
be filled with mortar of the specified mix and required consistency and well pressed and
rubbed smooth. A semi-circular depression 3 mm diameter shall be made in the joint by
pressing a clean string with trowel keeping the string exactly horizontal and on the
centerline of the joint. The vertical joints shall be similarly marked. Intersection of the
horizontal and vertical joints shall be finished neatly with the vertical line just touching the
horizontal line but not crossing it. Where joints are not horizontal and vertical as in the
case of un-coursed rubble masonry, the pointing shall be made along the centerline of
actual joints and the junctions of pointing made neatly. The pointing mortar shall not be
spread over the adjoining stones. Mortar pointing shall be restricted to the width of the
joints and all superfluous mortar shall be removed with a trowel. The pointed face shall be
kept continuously wet for 14 days after initial set.
For other Related specifications refer Standard Tender Document &  Schedule of


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