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Departmental profile

1. Name of the Department: Economics

2. Year of Establishment: 1969

3. Details of the programme:

Sr. No Programme Subject Duration

1. B.A. Economics 6 semesters
2. M.A. Economics 4 semesters
4. Details of programme discontinued, if any, with reasons: M.A. (Economics)
discontinued from 2015 because of not having enough faculty members. (University
letter attached herewith).

5. Examination system: Annual/Semester/Choice Based Credit System: From 15th June

2011 Semester Choice Based Credit System

6. No. of teaching post sanctioned and filled:

Post Professor Associate Assistant Total

professor professor
Sanctioned Nil Nil Nil Nil
Filled Nil Nil 3 3
7. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, area of specification,
experiences and research guidance:
Name of faculty Qualification Designation Specialization No. of No. of Ph.D
Years of Students
Experiences Guided
Thakkar Sunitaben M.A., Adhyapak - 1 Year 9 -
Laxmandas GSET Sahayak months
Divya L. Gopalakrishna M.A., Adhyapak - 7 years 9 -
Pillai M.Phil., Sahayak months
Mahesh Rangabhai Gavli M.A., Adhyapak - 1 year 9 -
GSET, Sahayak months
8. List visiting faculty, part time professors:

Sr.No. Faculty Type Name Subject Duration

1. Visiting Faculty - - -
2. Part time - - -
3. Adhoc - - -
9. Details of faculties in the department:

Qualification Professor Associate Professor Assistant professor Total

Male Female Male Female Male Female
Permanent Teachers
NET/GSET - - - - 1 2 3
Ph.D. - - - - - - -
M. Phil - - - - - 1 1
P.G. - - - - - - -
Temporary Teachers
NET/GSET - - - - - - -
Ph.D. - - - - - - -
M. Phil - - - - - - -
P.G. - - - - - - -
Part- Time Teachers
NET/GSET - - - - - - -
Ph.D. - - - - - - -
M. Phil - - - - - - -
P.G. - - - - - - -
10. Percentage of classes taken by visiting faculty- programme wise information:

Name of the Name of Faculty Percentage of

Programme class taken
B.A - -
B.Com - -
M.A - -
M.Com - -
11. Department wise student’s teacher ratio:

Course No. of Teachers No. Of students Ratio

B.A. 3 859 1:286
B.Com - - -
M.A - - - - - -
12. Course wise details of students (last 5years)

Name of the Year Male Female Total Percentage

Course of dropout
B.A. 2010-11 145 45 190 18.95
2011-12 139 32 171 34.50
2012-13 279 40 319 40.44
2013-14 274 70 344 37.50
2014-15 270 55 325 43.39
B.Com - - - - -
M.A 2011-12 32 19 51 43.14
2012-13 36 17 53 11.32
2013-14 65 28 93 23.66
2014-15 31 16 47 10.64
M.Com - - - - -
13. No. of teachers in Academic bodies other autonomous colleges and universities:
Name of the Teacher Name of Academic Name of other Academic Name of the university Total
Bodies in Autonomous Bodies number
- - - - -
14. Details of Research & Development Programmes/ Projects in Progress:

Sr. Name of the Type of Title & Scope Year Resource Budgeted Project Cost Status
No Faculty Project of the R&D in of Fund Capital Recurring Total of the
Minor Major Project which project
- - - - - - - - - - -
15. No. of publications and its impact factor:

Name of Faculty No. of Chapters in Edited Books Books with ISBN Impact
Papers books factor
Thakkar Sunitaben Laxmandas 2 - - - -
Divya L. Gopalakrishna Pillai - - - - -
Mahesh Rangabhai Gavli 1 - - - -
16. List of faculty who have presented research work on National/international
Conference/ Workshops:

Name of the State National International Workshop

faculty conference conference conference
Thakkar 4 5 1 2
Divya L. 4 5 2 2
Mahesh 1 2 1 -
Rangabhai Gavli

17. Students Projects:

Name of the Faculty Project carried out in the Project carried out in
department association with other
Thakkar Sunitaben A project work on Adam Smith -
Laxmandas was given to the BA Sem-I
(Economics) students
A project work on Alfred -
Marshall was given to the BA
Sem-III (Economics) students
A project work on Keynes and -
David Ricardo was given to the
BA Sem-V (Economics)
A project work on various -
theoretical points is given to
BA Economics students of each
semester every year
Divya L. Winter project of 15 days Mahindra Home Finance,
Gopalakrishna Pillai (“Diwali Intern” programme) Deesa
Project on Banas dairy for Sem -
5 students ( last 2 years)
Certificate course of Jilla Sahkari Sangh, Palanpur
“Women Co operative
Education” with the
Collaboration of Jilla Sahakari
Sangh, Banaskantha for the
extension and Development of
co operative activities
Mahesh Rangabhai
18. No. of National/international seminar organized:

State National International Workshop Total

1 - - - 1
19. Programme wise student’s Details:

Name of the Year No. of No. of No. of Pass

Programme students students students percentage
Enrolled appeared in passed
final exam
B.A. 2010-11 190 155 142 91.61
2011-12 171 112 90 80.36
2012-13 319 195 104 53.33
2013-14 344 238 184 77.31
2014-15 325 208 143 68.75
M.A. 2011-12 51 27 27 100
2012-13 53 45 42 93.33
2013-14 93 72 69 95.83
2014-15 47 43 41 95.35
20. Department wise student’s performance in competitive examination:

Name of Students Selected in NET GSET Any Other

Mr. Gangaram Solanki - - - Yes
Mr. Jayesh Solanki ( Judge) - - - Yes
Mr. Manubhai Solanki - - - Yes
( Government Advocate)
Mrs. Sunita L. Thakkar - - YES -
21. Department wise Students Progression

Students progression Year Percentage against enrolled

1.UG to PG 2010-11 Data not available
2011-12 Data not available
2012-13 Data not available
2013-14 2.32
2014-15 4.61
2.PG to Other higher study Data not available Data not available
3.Employment- Campus selection Data not available Data not available
Other than campus Data not available Data not available
4. Entrepreneurship Data not avialable Data not available

22. Programme success rate of students (Last five year)

Information provided in Serial No. 19

Course No. of students No. of students Pass out percentage

admitted passed
B.A. - - -
B.Com - - -
M.A. - - -
M.Com - - -
23. Details of departmental infrastructure facilities:

Library 1 Common College Library

Internet facilities for staff and students Available
Total number of class rooms 4
No. of class room with ICT facility/ OHP 1
Other facilities -
24. Department wise feedback

Feedback Yes/No Analysis and utilization of

Yes Every year feedback is
From students on Faculties systematically analysed by
the NAAC committee and
25. Distinguished alumnis of the Department (Min. 10)

1. Mr. Gangaram Solanki (Maamlatdaar)

2. Mr. Jayesh Solanki ( Judge)

3. Mr. Manubhai Solanki ( Government Advocate)

4. Mr. Jitendra M. Tank (Runs GPSC classes)

5. Mrs. Sunita L. Thakkar (Professor)

6. Mr. Mohsin Hasan Shaikh (Advocate, Legal Manager (HDFC Bank))

7. Mr. Bhargav Mali (Advocate)

8. Mrs. Usha S. Thakkar (Principal, Nachiketa Vidyapith)

9. Mr. Prakash Barot (Advocate)

10. Mr. Tejas S. Dave (HOD of Export Dept. in Sterling Safequip & Chemicals LLC
Group (USA)

26. Details of student’s enrichment programmes:

Programmes Details Year

Special lecture Organised power point presentation special 2017-18
lecture for B.Com. Sem-I students in
which students prepared and presented
PPT slides on the renowned Economist
Alfred Marshall
Workshop - -
Seminar - -
Internship - -
27. Methods of teaching/ innovative method of teaching adopted by the faculty:

Black/ Green board Yes

White board -
Overhead projector/PPT Yes
Slide projector -
Others Associated method, projects
28. No. of books in Library (department wise): 450 reference books
29. No. of Journals/ periodicals in the library (Department wise): 7

1. Economics & Political Weekly

2. Southern Economist

3. Yojana

4. Arth Sankalan

5. Gram Swaraj

6. Arthaat

7. Vishleshan

30. No. of departmental computers: Nil

31. Details of students and faculties participation in extension activities:

1. Thakkar Sunitaben Laxmandas

1. Performed duty as a Judge at a competition of Bharat Natyam , Katthak & Folk Dance
in 48th Youth Festival of Deesa Talauka organised at Shree Sarvoday V. Vidyalay,
Kant on 10/09/2016.

2. Organised debate between the Students of Economics Department on the topic –

“Demonetization” at Assembly Hall of DNP Arts & Commerce College, Deesa on

3. Organised a Reading Camp for the Students of Economics Department, who read
Economics subject related books and magazines and shared their views. The activity
was carried out on 21/01/2017.

4. Organised Faculty Exchange Programme and Students Exchange Programme of

Economics Department faculties and students.

5. With the help of librarian, organised Books Exhibition of Economics Subject related
books & magazines for Economics Subject Students of BA & BCom.

6. Organised Teachers’ Day Celebration for Economics Department Students on


2. Mahesh Rangabhai Gavli

1. Participated in Faculty Exchange Programme organized for Economics Department

32. SWOC analysis of the department:

a. Strength (Min.5)
Students’ enrolment
Committed and skilled faculties
Glorious past of the department

Rich collection of Economics subject books and journals in the library

b. Weakness (Min.5)

Shortage of staff, resulting in high work burden

Students have no basic knowledge of the subject. So, it often becomes difficult to get good
results with these students

No senior subject faculties for guidance

No P.G. centre

c. Opportunities (Min.5)

Participation in National, International conferences, workshops

Scope for introduction of new optional papers for the larger benefit of the students

All faculty members are young and in the initial stage of their professional life, so can
upgrade themselves in the subject.

d. Challenges (Min.5)

Inadequate employment facilities in the public and private sector

33. Future plans of the department: (Min.100 to Max. 200)

Restart the P.G. centre of the subject

Provision of research facilities for the faculties and the students

Formation of Economics Club for regular interaction of students on burning topics

Publish departmental referred journal with ISSN

Meeting the manpower requirement

34. Departmental History from beginning :( Max. 150 words)

Economics Department was established in 1969 with the establishment of the college. Since
1969 Economics is offered as principal subject in Arts faculty and as a compulsory subject in
Commerce faculty. Mr. Arunbhai Dave, the first principal of the college, belonged to the
Economics department. The department got service of renowned faculties as Prof. S.J.
Pathak. From 1998 PG Centre in Economics was started. However, due to lack of adequate
number of qualified staff, the centre was discontinued from 2015. In 2010, it was the first
time in the departmental history that our student Thakkar Sunitaben Laxmandas stood first in
the university and got Gold Medal in BA (Economics). She also stood first in university and
got Gold Medal in MA (Economics) in 2012. After clearing GSET in 2015, she is appointed
in the department.

Sr.No Name of the Qualification Duration Special Achievements

Retired faculties
1. Arunbhai M.A. 15/06/1969- First principal of DNP
Keshavlal Dave 31/10/1995 Arts & Commerce
Senate Member of
Executive Council
Member of University
Examiner & Chairman of
various exams of
2. Manubhai M.A. 16/06/1969-
Narandas Modi 30/06/1974
3. Ushaben M.A. 29/05/1971-
Chinubhai Gandhi 14/16/1980
4. Harendra M.A. 22/06/1971-
Prabhakar Trivedi 14/06/1972
5. Shaileshkumar M.A. 28/06/1972- Two times member of
Jyantilal Pathak 31/12/2011 board of studies
Examiner & Chairman of
various exams of
Prepared questionnaires
for university for
F.Y.B.Com students
One of the founder
members of North
Gujarat Economics
Member of Executive
Council of North Gujarat
Economics Association
Chairman & Examiner of
F.Y.B.A.(Eco.), T.Y.B.A.
(Eco.), F.Y.B.Com.
(Eco.), T.Y.B.Com.
(Eco.), M.A.(Eco.),
M.Com. (Eco.)
Three research papers for
North Gujarat Economics
Chairman of college
exam committee from
1983 to 1996
Remained in charge
principal of the college
from 01/11/2010 to
6. Rajendrabhai M.A. 10/11/1972-
Jyantilal Rajan 30/06/1974
7. Divyaprabhaben M.A. 01/07/1974-
Omprakash 14/06/1977
8. Sureshkumar M.A., LL.B. 08/08/1980- Examiner of various
Rasiklal Shah 31/10/2014 exams of university
Organized workshops of
Co-operation for ten years
in the college
9. Mustufa M.A., 16/09/1982- NCC unit in charge of
Mohammad Mafat D.P.Ed. 14/06/2015 college from 1987 to
Reached up to Major rank
in NCC
Examiner of various
exams of university
Served as the College
Staff Leader for 12 years
Remained in charge
principal from
14/11/2011 to 02/04/2012
and from 10/04/2013 to

I, Thakkar Sunitaben Laxmandas, Head of the Department of Economics hereby

declare that information included in this departmental profile is true to the best of my
knowledge. This departmental profile is prepared after internal discussion with each
and every members of the department.

Name of HoD Thakkar Sunitaben Laxmandas

Signature of HoD .............................................

Name of Principal Dr. A.P. Patel

Signature .....................................

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