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Cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita and

aberrant Mongolian spots: Type V phacomatosis
pigmentovascularis or phacomatosis cesiomarmorata
Guilian Du, BA,a Xiaomin Zhang, MS,b and Tangde Zhang, MSb
Shenzhen and Guangdong, China
Key words: Cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenital; Mongolian spots; phacomatosis; phacomatosis
cesiomarmorata; phacomatosis pigmentovascularis.

Abbreviations used:
The coexistence of cutis marmorata telangiecta-
tica congenita (CMTC) with Mongolian spots has CMTC: Cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita
PPV: Phacomatosis pigmentovascularis
been reported as a distinct type of phacomatosis
pigmentovascularis (PPV), namely PPV type V or
phacomatosis cesiomarmorata.1,2 PPV type V is a
rare congenital vascular anomaly, with only 7 healthy boy, who was 20 months old at the time of
previous cases mentioned in the literature. Our writing.
team conducted research on a newborn with CMTC Regularly monitored laboratory, hematologic,
and aberrant Mongolian spots and reviewed the biochemical analysis and chromosomal microarray
literature. detection were unremarkable. Histopathologic
examination on the right side of the thigh found
numerous dilated capillaries and venules in the
CASE REPORT dermis (Fig 3).
A purplish reticulated vascular network, phlebec- Given the constellation of clinical findings, PPV
tasia, and telangiectasia were observed at birth of a type V or phacomatosis cesiomarmorata was diag-
female of 3913 gestational weeks, suggesting a nosed. There are few cases reported in the literature
diagnosis of CMTC. The lesions were located on of this kind of PPV.
the entire back, most of the buttocks, right half of the In a follow-up examination when the infant was
front of the trunk (with a clear demarcation from the 2 months old, her mother reported that the child’s
unchanged skin right in the midline), right thigh, and legs trembled occasionally with no obvious cause.
left knee (Fig 1). The lesion was made more distinct However, magnetic resonance imaging of the brain
when the baby was crying, during vigorous activity, was unremarkable. The skin changes of CMTC had
and when cold. Additionally, the hyperpigmented almost disappeared, while the Mongolian spots were
patches, which were considered Mongolian spots, persistent (Fig 4).
partly intermingled with the lesions of CMTC, were
located on the right upper back, the mid-spine, and DISCUSSION
the lumbosacral region (Fig 2). Extremities were PPV is a rare congenital vascular anomaly
symmetrical, with no atrophy or hypertrophy of characterized by the coexistence of vascular
soft tissue. The infant showed normal mental malformation with melanocytic lesions, including
and physical development. Her parents were not epidermal nevi and dermal melanocytosis. In 1985,
consanguineous. The first child of the family is a Hasegawa and Yasuhara3 proposed classifying

From the Neonatology Department, the Fifth People’s Hospital of JAAD Case Reports 2016;2:28-30.
Baoan,a Shenzhen, and the Department of Dermatology and 2352-5126
STD, Changping Hospital of Dongguan and Zhujiang Hospital,b Ó 2015 by the American Academy of Dermatology, Inc. Published
Guangzhou, China. by Elsevier, Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-
Funding sources: None. NC-ND license (
Conflicts of interest: None declared. 4.0/).
Correspondence to: Xiaomin Zhang, MS, Department of
Dermatology and STD, Changping Hospital, Dongguan City,
Guangdong province 523000, China. E-mail: sopherezhang@

JAAD CASE REPORTS Du, Zhang, and Zhang 29

Fig 1. Skin changes of a mature infant age 3 days. Fig 3. Histopathologic examination shows numerous
dilated capillaries and venules in the dermis level.
A high-resolution version of this slide for use with the
Virtual Microscope is available as eSlide: VM01040.

Fig 2. Skin changes of a mature infant age 3 days.

PPV into 4 major types according to the combination

of a nevus flammeus and melanocytic lesion. Each Fig 4. Skin changes of a mature infant age 2 months.
type is further classified as cutaneous disease only
(subtype a), or cutaneous with coexistent systemic
disease (subtype b). The combination of CMTC and mosaicism.4 The pathogenesis of PPV is still un-
Mongolian spot, categorized as PPV type V, was known. Seven cases of PPV type V (or phacomatosis
added in 2003.1 cesiomarmorata) have been published, of which, 4
However, in 2005, Happle2 found that only 3 cases1,5,6 were traditional type Vb, mostly with
well-established types of PPV so far exist. He ophthalmologic, cardiac, or brain impairment, and
considered that a categorical distinction of cases 3 cases7-9 were traditional type Va. It is interesting
with and without extracutaneous anomalies seemed that the patients with type Vb all mentioned that the
inappropriate and proposed a new classification of bluish spots and the vascular lesions faded slowly or
PPV by using 3 descriptive terms: phacomatosis remained unchanged. Otherwise, most of the reports
cesioflammea (blue spots and nevus flammeus), of the traditional type Va did not report on follow-up.
which is identical to the traditional type II; Only 1 report of a case9 of traditional type Va
phacomatosis spilorosea, which corresponds to reported that both signs clearly diminished at a
type III (nevus spilus coexisting with a pale-pink controlled visit after 12 months. We suspected that,
telangiectatic nevus), and phacomatosis cesiomar- in the patients with no association of systemic
morata (blue spots and cutis marmorata telangiecta- disease, their symptoms diminished faster. In our
tica congenita), which is a descriptive term for case, the lesions of CMTC almost disappeared in
type V. The subgroup of type I was eliminated, and 2 months, which is faster than that of other cases,
the extremely rare traditional type IV is included in most probably because of thinning and prematura-
the group of unclassifiable forms. tion of the lesions. It is not known if this has anything
The lesions of CMTC, which tend to show to do with the cutaneous feature in different ethnic
a mosaic distribution in a patchy, quadrant, or groups, because 4 of 7 cases described in the
unilateral manner with a sharp demarcation at the literature are from Spain. Some investigators found
midline, support the hypothesis that CMTC is a differences between isolated nevi flammei and those
disorder to which the lethal gene survives by associated with PPV, and Hagiwara et al10 report
30 Du, Zhang, and Zhang JAAD CASE REPORTS

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