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Thanks for responding to my job posting at

I have reviewed some of your previous work, and

I believe you can help me. Kindly please take a few minutes to read the background of the task that I need
to be solved and the requirement. I will give you temporary access to my server, where you can access the
software that I need to customize and the front-end access to determine if you will be able to solve the
task.If you cannot solve the task for some reason, please kindly inform me as soon as possible such that I
donot have to wait days for a response from you. I have had this experience with other developers who
have kept me waiting for days, and in the end, they informed me that they could not solve the task.

Background of the task

I want to customize is an open-source accounting software called Akaunting. If you want to review the
clean source code before starting to determine if you can work with the code, then please visit When you follow the link, then you can download the clean version of
Akaunting. Akaunting is programmed using Laravel developed using to do any customization on
Akaunting then this must be done as a Module (App). The documentation for creating Akaunting Module
(or App) is available via following this link

Description of the task

The task is that I want you to help me develop Akaunting Module (or App) that allows new user
registration for my clients to access the software from the front-end (the clean version of Akauntingonly
allows the creation of user by first login).
I have previously worked with a developer who helped me install Akaunting on my own server. The
developer also started on creating the Akaunting Module (or App) but would not complete it. The
developer instead of developing the user registration form as a the Akaunting Module (or App), he did
direct coding. Direct coding is not good because every time I update Akaunting then the work done get
lost. To solve the task, I know you will need access to my server and install the same version of
Akaunting that i am using. I have created temporary access to my server.
First task
Please try use the code that the old developer tried to create under Public_ html> resources > Auth>
Register… together with the module he tried to create under Public_ html> Modules (MyBlog) and also

follow the documentation for creating Akaunting Module (or App) which is available via following this link Use this information and try to create a user

registration form as an Akaunting Module (or App)
Other tasks will follow after this first task.

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