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No 327.

26 March - 15th April 2011 €1/£1 or contribution

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Socialist Worker
Demand a Referendum:
Just when you thought you’d had
enough, the banks are demanding
another bail out.
On 31 March new ‘stress tests’
will reveal that the banks are suf-
fering another collapse.
They will then seek another hand-
out from the population.
One reason for the new crisis is the
€110 billion withdrawn from banks
over the past year by rich individuals
and companies moving their money
out of the country.
No talk of patriotism or ‘wear-
ing the green jersey’ has deterred
the wealthy from putting their own
interests first.
Fine Gael may talk about everyone

making sacrifices – but their busi-
ness backers think that this is only
rhetoric to quieten the mass of the
A new mortgage time bomb is also Stop the
set to go off under the banks.
European interest rates will rise
by 2 percent this year and this Social welfare has been savagely wealthy Irish speculators and
chines would have no money to pay
means steep extra payments for cut. we have no responsibility to pay
for social welfare or public sector

homeowners. But nothing has really wages. for them.
Working people have been changed. But these scare stories hide
■We need a referendum on the
squeezed so tight already that one We are back to square one. the real purpose of the IMF-EU
IMF-EU bail out so that the people
in ten mortgage holders are in Government leaks say by April the memorandum: to force Ireland’s
can democratically reject it.
difficulty. banks will look for at least another citizens to pay private banks’ debts
But when the interest hikes kick €25 billion. ■State funds for banks must cease
to their German, British and French
and the existing companies should

in, it will cause even more severe Despite talk of ‘burden sharing’ counterparts.
problems. and even ‘burning the bondholders’, be declared bankrupt and their
Irish banks owe hundreds of bil-
One consequence is that out- the Fine Gael-Labour government debts written off.
lions to wealthy bondholders and
standing loans to banks will not will follow the exact same steps as bankers in Europe – and the IMF-EU
■Emergency legislation should be

be repaid. their Fianna Fáil predecessors and want us to pay off those debts.
introduced to transfer deposits to
All of this is a direct result of the pay out. If we continue to let them away
a good state bank where funds up
disastrous economic policies pur- One reason for this scandalous with this, the country will face ruin
to €100,000 are guaranteed.

sued by the last Fianna Fáil and state of affairs is that December’s for decades.
Green government. IMF-EU deal insists the Irish gov- ■Capital controls must be put in
The new government must be told
Over €50 billion was pumped into ernment continue to ‘re-capitalise’ place to prevent the draining-off
that we have put up with enough.
the banks by Irish taxpayers but it the banks. Now is the time to change of funds from Ireland.

was like adding water to a leaking policy. ■A wealth levy should be imposed
Help? on the global assets of rich Irish
To fund these bail-outs PAYE Some claim that the IMF and EU are ■We need to end the absurd state citizens. They should be told to
workers have been stung with mas- trying to help us with funding. guarantee to repay bank debts. make a full declaration of their
sive tax hikes. That without them the ATM ma- These debts were incurred by assets or face imprisonment.
 Socialist Worker
Fast Food Rip-Off After Davenport Victory: Strikewatch

Time to Strike
By Jimmy Smyth


Against Low Pay

School secretaries,
members of the IMPACT
trade union, have voted
by 72% to take industrial
The secretaries earn
It is to cut wages for low-paid “The worst employers will most less than €30,000 a year
By Leah Speight – some earning little more
workers to pay for the economic likely press workers to accept lesser than the minimum wage.
A review of collective crisis caused by the super-rich. terms and conditions. They are not employed
wage agreements known Unions and lobby groups believe “Many employees are unaware by the department of
as Employment Regulation Sunday premiums and overtime of their rights and are frightened to education and do not have
Orders (ERO) began on rates will be targeted. tackle the power of employers. public service conditions
February 25. Also targeted will be pay rates “If the lowest paid are targeted or pension rights but their
These agreements, by Joint for ‘atypical hours’. and we allow any reduction for the posts are indirectly funded
Labour Committees (JLC) set Atypical hours are hours worked weakest, then who’s next? by education department
up by the Labour Court, are part-time, job-sharing, temping or “Firemen? Nurses? Where is grants.
mainly for workers in hotels/ca- working any flexible pattern not it going to end?” In January the department
By John Lyons Restaurant and catering instructed schools to
workers are the lowest
tering, hairdressing, textiles and classed as ‘typical’. The Davenport strikers’ victory implement a 5% pay cut.
Fast-food workers paid of any sector and, in agriculture. These are mostly women. showed how low-paid workers can Brendan McKay, of
mounted an angry protest Ireland, earned 16% less As a part of the EU/IMF deal, Brian Forbes, Mandate trade fight back against cuts in their IMPACT, says any action
on O’Connell St on than the EU-15 average in this is not a review aimed to in- union, said he was concerned wages. will aim to ‘minimise the
Wednesday 16 March 2008. crease wages or improve workers about the break-up of the JLCs Resistance to cuts means prepar- impact’ on the running of
against the Quick Service Their average weekly conditions. and their wage agreements: ing to fight and strike together. the schools involved.
Food Alliance (QFSA). pay is €351: half the The union should be

FG continue Corrib Gas giveaway

The QFSA has mounted national average.  calling strike action to put
a High Court challenge According to Pat the maximum pressure
to the catering Joint Ward of SIPTU, “This on the new government to
Labour Committee’s is not about saving cancel the pay cut.
(JLC) collective wage jobs. Companies like
agreements. Supermac’s have actually Lecturers
The QFSA hopes to get
rid of the JLCs and bring
seen their profits increase,
while low-wage workers Strike for
all wages in the industry
down to the minimum
are struggling to survive. 
“The industry’s
wage. attack on wages for UCU members at
The alliance includes the poorest workers is Queen’s University and
companies such as shameful.” Restaurant University of Ulster
Subway, Abrakebabra, worker, Oktay Gencoglu, voted by 63% and 73%
Bagel Factory, Burger said:  “Restaurant workers respectively to strike.
King, Eddie Rocket’s, are already struggling to The action on 21
Supermac’s and Hillbillies, support our families.  Our and 24 March is part
as well as sandwich bars hours have been cut and of rolling action that
and Italian takeaways.  many of us have seen our included successful
Abrakebabra is owned wages cut too.  strikes by UCU members
by Denis Desmond who “Any more cuts would in Scotland and Wales.
has a business empire of be disastrous for us.” The first strike day is
€200 million. As the Davenport focused on an attack on
Supermacs reported strikers showed, protests pension rights.
profits of €6.2 million in and strikes can defeat the The second strike
2010 (up 18% from 2009). Fast-food bosses. day, over both pay and
Shell-to-Sea’s Pat O’Donnell with PBPA activists pensions, will see over
Forests: Money to Burn? By Leah Speight Fine Gael’s ‘NewERA’ policy, of pri- price swings and supply disruptions.
100,000 workers on strike.
The UCU leadership is
By Leah Speight vatising telecoms, energy and water, But their solutions are aimed at even using the strike action
On Saturday 19 March a large group took part in a On election day, as the people voted will continue the private exploitation more privatisation. as a lever to force the
‘Walk in the Woods, Stop the Sale of our Forests’ protest to demolish Fianna Fail, FF minister Pat of Corrib gas. Talk of moving to ‘domestic renew- employers into talks.
at Curracloe in Wexford. Carey signed off on the last section of In their plans for energy, Fine Gael able energy’ to protect us from rising oil Cuts in Education
One of the organisers, Seamus O’Brien of People the Corrib gas pipeline. will go further. prices is farcical, unless these resources will be the focus of a
Before Profit, said: The Corrib gas sale will go down in They will break up and sell ESB and are in public ownership. huge TUC-sponsored
“Well done to all who turned out for our protest today history as the biggest sell-off of Irish Bord Gais. A policy of ‘domestic renewable en- demonstration in Belfast
against the sale of Ireland’s forests. natural resources, with a value of up FG recognise that 90% of Irelands’ en- ergy’ should begin with reversing the on 6 April.
“We had people from Wicklow, Tipperary, Kildare, to €720 billion. ergy needs are imported, exposing us to privatisation of Corrib gas.
Offaly, Carlow and Wexford”.
Swiss company IFF (International Forestry Fund) Connemara
chaired by Bertie Ahern is interested in buying Coillte
which owns all our state forests, covering 7% of Ireland’s
Clonakilty Mount Carmel Hospital protest Community
workers strike
Since it was set up as a semi-state company in 1988,
Coillte has dedicated itself to profit-making. SIPTU members at
Labour’s Seán Sherlock saying: “Labour is on record Meitheal Forbartha na
as opposing the sell-off of Coillte”, is no comfort. Gaeltacta Teo (MFG) in
Fine Gael’s ‘NewERA’ policy, supported by Labour, Connemara, Galway, took
means selling off the ESB and other state assets. strike action on 16 March.
Under the FG ‘NewERA’ plan, Bord na Móna and Management have
Coillte would merge into a new ‘renewable energy’ unilaterally imposed
company called ‘Bioenergy and Forestry Ireland’. pay cuts and issued
The plan seems to be to sell off our forests and burn redundancy notices to half
them in power stations. the staff.
Preserving our forests means halting privatisation by MFG is a semi-state
taking to the streets like the protestors in Wexford. company for community
development of Gaeltacht
SWP forum on The company has eight
offices across the country.
Economic Crisis The attacks on these
workers stems from the
Saturday April 2nd: 3pm to 6pm government’s austerity
programme and show its
Cassidys Hotel, nonsensical approach.
Cavendish Row, Upper O’Connell St An organisation
supposed to be promoting
SESSION ONE: Is capitalism sustainable? employment and
Marx’s theory of economic crisis, with Brian O supporting ravaged local
Boyle communities instead
SESSION TWO: The Alternative to Capitalism by James O’Toole Hospital in Clonakilty, 46 beds have been removed by the HSE makes staff redundant.
Democracy and socialist planning, with Kieran Cork. taken out of the hospital until the hospital is no The strikers now need
Allen 2000 people marched Protesters demanded since 1998. longer viable. to push their union to for more info against the closure a meeting with the Local people The campaign vows to spread the action to the
Text info to 0863074060 to find out more of 16 beds at Mount HSE to discuss the bed fear that beds will continue the fight until other MFG offices across
Carmel Community losses. continue to be the HSE listens. the country.
Socialist Worker 

Dublin Toasts ULA TDs

Western Bombs
By John Lyons
Choke Revolution
The US-led attack on rule over those states.
Over two hundred Libya is not about ‘protecting
people packed out civilians’ or ‘humanitarian Strategy
the Gresham hotel on intervention’. By gaining a foothold in
Friday 11 February to It is a strategic move de- Libya, the Western lead-
hear four of the United signed to choke the Arab ers hope to change the
Left Alliance’s five newly revolutions. ‘revolt from below’ to a ‘re-
elected TDs discuss ‘The A ‘no fly zone’ is a term gime change’ from above
Need for a Real Left invented by the Pentagon and foster a pro-Western
to hide the reality of opposition.
Alternative’. bombardment. Their strategic aim is to
Whilst initially cel- Once bombardment starts, ensure control of Libya’s oil
ebratory, with thanks the Western powers always supplies and they will occupy
been giving to everyone escalate military action. and partition the country if
involved in the many ULA This causes increasing necessary.
electoral campaigns and civilian deaths or ‘collat- However, the US is severely
acknowledgement given eral damage’ as they like to weakened by a ballooning
to all the ULA’s candi- call it. debt crisis and is staring at
dates, the evening was A fig leaf for the attack was defeat in Afghanistan and
mainly taken up with the provided by the Gulf States, Iraq.
such as Qatar and the United The top echelons of the
tasks that lay ahead. Arab Emirates, while Saudi US state were split about the
ULA TDs stressed the Arabia provided money. wisdom of embarking on the
importance of provid- There was no Western Libyan adventure.
ing principled let-wing condemnation of the recent But the revolution has
opposition to the Fine Saudi invasion and sup- come from a fierce anger
Gael/Labour Party pression of the revolution against food inflation and
government in the Dail in Bahrain – and no call for a lack of jobs.
and the need for a refer- sanctions or ‘no-fly zones’. The political cry for demo-
endum on the EU/IMF For understandable rea- cratic rights is fusing with
bailout. sons, the desperate people of a demand to alleviate the
Benghazi called for Western economic conditions of the
Speakers from the floor action as they were pounded mass of people.
emphasised the potential by the superior military It will not be easy to sup-
mobilizing power of the firepower of the Gaddafi press this revolution.
ULA in the fight to take regime.
back our unions and to But western governments, Socialists
initiate campaigns that who now claim to help the Socialists are in complete
will resist every cut and Libyan revolutionary move- solidarity with the uprisings
protect every job. ment, refused to send them and want to see the downfall
With the financial crisis the Libyan funds frozen in of all dictators.
continuing to worsen and the Western banking sys- We oppose all Western mili-
tem or to supply them with tary intervention in the region.
the Labour Party commit- weapons. Our first duty now is to
ted to austerity, the ULA Just a month ago, UK put the Anti-War Movement
will play a pivotal role in leader David Cameron toured back onto the streets.
facilitating the fight back Gulf states with a team of That movement may start
against the madness of arms manufacturers to sell small but it will grow as the
the markets. fighter jets, submarines, reality of the imperialist war
On 9 March the five guns, electric batons and comes home.
newly elected TDs of new Dail on the streets Clare Daly, Seamus by over two hundred sup- the Central Bank and teargas to the despots who Read full article at:
the United Left Alliance with the people. Healy, Joan Collins and porters and well wishers marched to Dail Eireann
began their first day of the Richard Boyd-Barrett, Joe Higgins were joined as they assembled at to take their seats.

Dock Student Nurses Protest Slave Wages

Supporters By John Lyons

3,500 student nurse

at Court and midwives took part
in country-wide protests
on 11 February. A week
later over 4,000 marched
through the streets of
Dublin to the Dept of Irish Anti War Movement Statement:
Health. In December, in the
dying days of the shambolic “On the 8th anniversary of the
Fianna Fail/Green Party 2003 invasion of Iraq, the lessons
government of the two disastrous wars in Iraq
the HSE had announced and Afghanistan have not been
By John Lyons pay cuts for nurses. learned.
At present, 4th year “A new war has been declared
A large protest was held out- students of nursing and on the Gaddafi regime which will
side the criminal courts on 16 midwifery receive 80% of involve more civilians being killed and will not nec-
March to support Gerard Mc the minimum salary of essarily bring peace to Libya nor a resolution to the
Donnell, one of the MTL strik- full-time staff for working conflict there.
ers in Dublin Port in 2009. mandatory 36-week “The experience of Iraq shows that genu-
Gerard was recently arrested placements. for industrial action, programme.” struck against cuts in ine democracy and freedom cannot grow from
and charged in relation to a ‘float- During work with full support from Victory to the student conditions across health aerial bombardment and foreign occupation.”
ing picket’ that was staged during placements, student all other students on the nurses would be a blow and other public services.
the strike in Dublin harbour. nurses take on the full
Gerard is facing three seri-
ous charges under the maritime
duties of qualified nurses
and are required to work Japan Tragedy Shows Nuclear Plants Unsafe
safety act with a fine of up to a full roster including 12
€250,000 hanging over his and hour days, night duty and By Sadie Robinson dangerous levels of cooling systems. The latest crisis has shown
his family’s head. weekend shifts. radiation into the Cooling pumps also what many people have
He was arrested, handcuffed Under the government’s Because of the atmosphere. stopped working at the argued for decades: nuclear
and thrown in a cell. latest round of health cuts, earthquake and tsunami in Japan’s government Tokai No 2 plant. power poses a horrific threat
Gerard is 63 years old and by 2015 students will work Japan, more than 10,000 and nuclear companies We are watching to our lives and the planet.
not in the best of health. full-time for nine months people are thought to spent days saying that the biggest nuclear No matter where it is
This is how the State and for free while replacing have died and hundreds of the leaks were “under disaster for decades— built.
Gardai treat a worker who paid employees. thousands are homeless. control”. and it could have Under pressure,
fought bravely for his and all This is exploitation of They have dwindling Now radiation been avoided. The Germany’s Angela Merkel
our rights. the highest order! supplies of water, food and has reached Tokyo, Fukushima plant is built ordered the immediate
How dare they pursue work- INMO General Secretary medicine—and no heat. showing up in water, on a fault line and has shutdown of 7 of Germany’s
ers with the full vigour of their Liam Doran warned: But now Japan is facing air and food. a history of radiation 17 nuclear power plants.
law while the white collar thieves “If the pay cut is not nuclear ­meltdown. The nuclear leaks, damaged reactors We don’t need nuclear
who ruined this country walk reversed we will then Explosions at its crisis isn’t limited to The Fukushima reactor and cover-ups. power.
free! move to phase three of Fukushima nuclear plant, Fukushima. But Japan’s We should demand that
Gerard’s case has been ad- the campaign and start after the earthquake and The Onagawa declared a state of emergency government let it carry every nuclear plant is shut
journed until 1 April. balloting fourth years, tsunami, have released nuclear power station after a fire shut down its on operating. down now.
 Socialist Worker

Revolution across North A

Tunisia and
What’s wrong with
huge steps
By Jimmy Smyth

Giving away the wealth

built up in state assets, such
onwards, there have been
privatisations of state assets
from utilities to hospitals,
schools and more across the
Western Military Interventio
as our pensions, natural globe.
resources and public services, By Tha’ira Maqdisi
has got to be stopped. Eircom case
However, the selling-off of In Ireland, privatisation has It has been three months since
state assets (‘privatisation’) is not been as common as in the start of the Tunisian revolt.
set to be a centre-piece of the some other countries, partly During this time, there have
new government’s economic because of a lack of state been unprecedented uprisings
strategy. assets to privatise. in Egypt, Libya, Yemen and
The Programme for However, one case Bahrain.
Government states: “We will illustrates the failures of Major protest activity has
target up to €2 billion in privatisation in Ireland: Eircom. also taken place in Oman, Saudi
sales of non-strategic state Supposedly an example Arabia, Jordan, Morocco, Algeria,
assets drawing from the of popular share-owning Syria, Mauritania, Iraq and
recommendations of the capitalism, Eircom has now Palestine.
McCarthy Review Group on gone through five different What Arab countries have in
State Assets”. owners since it was privatised common is decades of autocratic
This is the Colm McCarthy in 1999. rule by a small elite which hoarded
of An Bord Snip Nua whose Each owner has extracted wealth and imposed legal restric-
initial list of state assets for profits through asset-stripping tions on any form of dissent or
sale includes transport and the company resulting in criticism.
utility companies, harbour poorer services, job losses and This is most visible in the lack
companies and Coillte (the mounting debts. of freedom of expression, weak
Irish Forestry Agency) will be When Eircom was first or non-existent trade unions, and
extended by FG and Labour privatised nearly 600,000 the control of the mass media by
to include, for example, the people bought shares. the state.
HSE. The directors sold off All these regimes were sup-
According to the Programme profitable parts of the ported, armed and financed by
for Government, this sell-off is business most notably Eircell. the large Western powers.
to be used by the government In the process those who This architecture of oppression
to finance an ‘investment bought shares lost a third of was established at the beginning
strategy’. their money. of the 20th century when the region
However, the EU/ Two years later in 2001 a was carved up by the West.
IMF memorandum of group of venture capitalists Dictatorial regimes were in-
understanding states: “... any including Tony O’Reilly bought stalled to ensure the compliance
additional unplanned revenues the company. of local peoples with oil compa-
must be allocated to debt O’Reilly and his cronies nies and other Western strategic
reduction”. sought to sweat the remaining interests.
In Greece, the EU/IMF is assets, stopped investment It is worthwhile summarising
forcing the government to sell and in 2004 sold the business what has happened over the last
off €50 billion worth of public pocketing huge profits: the top 90 days. 
property to pay-off their debt. four Eircom managers were
So, revenues from the sale paid €29 million. Tunisia and Egypt
of our assets will be used, In 2010 the OECD In Tunisia and Egypt, many of the and civic organisations have been mands of the protesters escalated political rights were gained. The
under the EU/IMF deal, to pay reported Ireland was 29th out demands of the revolutionaries implemented. from just calling for a constitu- message is clear: Bahrainis want
back the bankers, not put into of 30 countries for broadband have been met. But the pro-democracy move- tional monarchy to demanding political freedom through which
jobs. speed. In Egypt, a temporary care- ments are not basking idly in their total regime change (from a their economic and social needs
Last month the latest taker government has been success. monarchy to a republic). can be justly met.
Ideology owners of Eircom announced formed led by Essam Sharaf, a They protest and meet on a Saudi Arabia attempted to In March two thousand soldiers
Privatisation, selling off pay cuts of 10% and 1,000 widely respected ex-minister who daily basis to ensure that the bribe the protestors with $10 from Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, and
state assets, often for a redundancies. The fate of years ago broke ranks with the remnants of the former regime billion in economic aid, but the Kuwait crossed the border to join
pittance, would seem to be a Eircom is not exceptional. Mubarak regime over corruption do not find a way to co-opt the protestors insisted that they were the Bahraini security forces in
nonsensical policy. It is the logical conclusion and cover-ups. ongoing revolutionary process. not going anywhere until their containing the revolt.
However, when socialists of privatisation — vast Now the pro-democracy
raise opposition to it we are profits for a small minority, protestors are calling for general Libya and Bahrain

Victory to the revo

accused of acting on abstract over-inflated salaries for elections and major economic The Libyan revolution against the
ideological reasons. top bosses, worsening and reforms.  forty-one year rule of Muammar

No to Western Mili
On the other hand, those more expensive services for Dozens of former ministers, Gaddafi began as a massive peace-
proposing privatisation are customer, and job losses and corrupt businessmen, and high ful protest on 17 February but
‘pragmatists’, practical folk pay-cuts for employees. ranking security officers have been quickly turned into an armed
looking to reduce the debt or arrested and indicted on corrup- struggle because of the violent
invest in new projects. The socialist tion, human rights abuses and response of the regime. repression of democracy
By Richard Boyd Barrett, TD
The attempt here is to alternative torture. Many former supporters of (Chair of the Irish Anti-war Movement) secure oil deals with the L
portray privatisation as Our alternative is twofold Billions of dollars have been Gaddafi defected once he started In Tunisia, Egypt and
non-ideological. – first we must campaign to frozen until account holders can bombing and killing civilians. The UN decision to implement a ‘no fly-zone’ powers initially sat back s
This, simply, is a lie. keep assets in state control. be investigated for political and Libya is now in a state of revolu- over Libya is heralded as necessary to stop enthusiasm for the revolu
Privatisation has deep Socialists argue for financial corruption.  tionary civil war and the imminent the slaughter of civilians by the country’s The US and Europe un
ideological roots in the democratic control of public The revolutionaries have made military intervention by the US dictatorial ruler, Muammar Gaddafi. successful democratic mo
neoliberal onslaught that we assets by workers and significant advances in disman- and the EU will entrench that war Understandably, many desperate Libyan’s are a greater share of the oil w
have suffered over the past 30 communities not by unelected, tling the state security apparatus further. welcoming the decision, believing it will save impoverished Arab peopl
years. over-paid senior managers. responsible for turning Egypt into The intervention’s stated hu- lives. the profits of western oil c
Neoliberalism seeks to Here the campaigns to stop a brutal police state. manitarian purpose is in no way However, it is a mistake to believe such Military intervention i
extend market relations, the sell-offs of Coillte and Many constitutional and politi- credible considering the West’s intervention will ultimately benefit the ordinary to regain a foothold and r
buying and selling, over all Dun Laoghaire harbour are cal reforms have been enacted, support of the Saudi and Bahraini people of Libya or the revolutions across North western involvement in th
aspects of human life. important and can win. including plans for new parlia- governments against the revolu- Africa and the Middle East. Popular revolutions th
In this context the public A major campaign of mentary elections and the drafting tionaries in those countries. In Up until just a few weeks ago the West the entire network of We
sector and state assets are protests and strikes will be of a new constitution. Bahrain peaceful protests by tens provided arms and support to Libya. dictatorships.
seen as bad, and the private necessary to halt Fine Gael and Civil and political rights such of thousands were met with live The West happily ignored Gaddafi’s denial The brutal Saudi dicta
sector and markets are good. Labour’s privatisation drive, as freedom of the press, assembly, ammunition. of rights for ordinary Libyans and his brutal over 2,000 troops to Bahr
Thus, from the 1980s especially in the health service. and formation of parties, unions As casualties mounted, the de-
Socialist Worker 

Africa and the Middle East Banks, Oil Prices

d Egypt are
and Ireland’s Rich
By Eamonn McCann

It may be bad news for you the hip-pocket and a pension

and me that oil prices are of £700,000 a year. Within a
set to spiral upwards again month, RBS had reported a

s forward
as a result of the Libya crisis. loss of £24.1bn, the biggest
But some of the rich are financial failure in British
roaring for the rise to continue. history.
Take Adrian Heavy of In the immediate
Tullow. aftermath, British Treasury
He’s just made close on Minister Lord Myners
€150m (£129m), having got warned RBS, now 83%
in early on exploration of owned by the state, that
new oil finds in Central and there must be “no reward
West Africa, where savage for failure”.
wars rage over resources. So a chastened company
Then there’s Oisin was made to change its

on will hold revolution back

Fanning, also Dublin- ways?
based, who a year ago was No. The Shred’s successor
reportedly on his uppers and Stephen Hasler has been
threatened with eviction. handed £10m for his efforts
He’s bounced back. last year.
Revolution in the Middle A further billion has been
East has seen his shares in set aside for bonuses for
San Leon Energy rocket. managers.
He’s €234m (£201m) A kick in the teeth for
richer than 12 months ago. PAYE-workers?
The Sunday Independent’s Apparently it’s precisely
Nick Webb estimated that the fact that the taxpayers
the 300 richest people in own the company which
the Republic are now worth justifies the bonuses.
€57bn (£49bn) between “Taxpayers have a stake
them. in RBS and we want it to
Commodity price rises succeed,” London-based
are a major factor in the top-of-the range headhunter
bonanza that’s lead to an John Purcell, explains.
increase of €6.7bn (£5.7bn) “It might be socially
on last year’s list. disturbing, but... I think we’ve
There are now 11 just got to suck it up.
billionaires from the cash- “That’s the way it is.”
strapped south of Ireland. Apparently, there are
Saudi troops enter Bahrain to put down revolution Some have to live abroad ‘bucketloads’ of firms where
to escape the grasping bankers could earn more if
hands of the greedy State, they chose.
occasionally sending All this – and there’s
messages home that more more, much more – comes
nurses must be sacked to just months after the
help make the country guardians of the public purse
competitive again. warned in stern tones that
By living abroad, we mean big bonuses in banking must
that they stay overnight be a thing of the past.
within the jurisdiction for no “It is wholly untenable
more than a cumulative six to have millions of people
months a year. making sacrifices in their
All of them have earned living standards only to
the trust of the immigration see the banks getting away
services, given that, as it scot-free” (Nick Clegg, 17
turns out, there are no November last).
procedures for checking “We will not allow
them in and out as they flit money to flow unimpeded
around the skies and touch out of those banks into
down here and there in huge bonuses, if that means
Bahraini protestors under fire private jets. money is not flowing
As you do. out in credit to the small
JP McManus’s nags may be businesses who did nothing
Saudi Arabia, Yemen Reform in Arabia puts poverty protests. immolation of an unemployed worth a punt at this week’s to cause this crash and
and Jordan levels at 30% (World Bank cites Dozens of ruling party mem- young man struggling to feed Cheltenham Festival. suffered most in it” (George
Even in the most oil rich country ‘no data’). bers in the parliament, military his family. The Limerick man is on Osborne, October 4).
in the region, Saudi Arabia, per In Yemen, there have been huge officers, and other officials have In all the Arab countries the a good run and must have What a huge wave of
capita income has drastically demonstrations against the rule resigned in protest at the brutality yearning for change preceded high hopes of returning to laughter must have engulfed
fallen from $28,000 in the 1980s of Ali Abdullah Saleh. of the security forces. the events in Egypt and Tunisia his Monaco pad, or possibly, the super-rich.
to $17,700 according to the World All opposition parties, major So far Saleh’s regime has not by many years. depending on how many North, South, East and
Bank. Protests there have also tribes, civil society organizations, fallen because the security and Egypt and Tunisia provided days he has spent on the West, capitalism reckons
been put down violently. unions, universities, and major army units are still largely under great inspiration which galvanised old sod recently, to his 250- that the notion of fairness is
The Movement for Islamic religious figures have joined the the control of the regime.  previously reluctant elements in acre property in Emly in away with the fairies.
Despite hundreds of casualties, those societies. Limerick. Can anyone think of a
the protesters are determined to Despite hating the regimes, And speaking of good reason the rest of us should

continue. many had been reluctant to mo- wins, let’s turn to the latest suck this up; why we shouldn’t
Jordan’s demonstrations have bilise because of constant threats twists in the fortunes of Sir draw the conclusion that the

itary Intervention
reached tens of thousands and by their rulers that any change Frederick Goodwin, better plain citizens of the UK or
continue to take place every would lead to a break-up of tribal, known as ‘Fred the Shred’, the Republic who compliantly
Friday. religious or regional bonds. who sashayed away from the accept the austerity cuts are
King Abdullah II is attempting The monumental gains of the Royal Bank of Scotland in fools to themselves and their
activists, so they could revolution there with no action or even critical talks with major opposition lead- Tunisian and Egyptian revolutions October 2008 with £10m in families?
Libyan regime. comment by the US or EU. ers and tribes to appease them. dispelled those fears.
Libya, the western The so-called ‘no-fly zone’ will involve the The pro-democracy movement The peoples of the Middle East
showing little bombing of Libya, civilian casualties and continues on the streets to demand and North Africa, who share a
utions. the opportunity for Gaddafi to pose as an Jordan become a constitutional common language and culture,
nderstand that anti-imperialist. monarchy. feel a new sense of pride that had
ovements will demand Intervention could lead to Libya being evaded them for decades.
wealth going to the partitioned, allowing the resumption of Arab revolutions There is a great sense of dignity
les at the expense of relations with both Gaddafi and a new The Arab revolutions are fun- that comes with spearheading a
companies. government in the eastern part, so long as both damentally revolutions of process of radical change despite
in Libya will be used parts honour oil contracts. underprivileged and poor peo- the very real risk of death every
renew legitimacy for In Ireland, we should support the Arab ple rising-up to demand a decent time you take to the streets.
he region as a whole. people fighting to overthrow dictators by standard of living. This new confidence is spread-
here are threatening demanding an immediate end to Western Regime change, elections and ing at a dizzying speed and has
estern backed military and political support for the corrupt freedom of expression are seen the entire world captivated.
elites that have for decades stolen the as prerequisites to achieving eco- The basic human instinct to de-
atorship has sent regions oil wealth and denied rights and self- nomic well being. mand economic and social justice
rain to put down the determination to its people. The initial trigger for the is one that all suffering peoples in
Tunisian revolution was the self- the world can identify with.
 Socialist Worker

Labour and Coalition

By James O’Toole members.
In 1977 Fianna Fail returned with
For revolutionary socialists their highest vote since 1938 with
change comes from mass workers ac- 50.6% of the vote.
tion, from people taking things into
their own hands. A Party for the People?
The Labour Party claim they have a In 1979 Labour once again denounced
more ‘realistic’ approach, which pres- coalition but by 1981 they were in of-
ently involves getting into government fice under the leadership of Michael
with the Tories of Fine Gael. O’Leary, again with Fine Gael as the
Yet, even on Labour’s own terms, majority party.
every coalition situation in the past This government fell after the at-
has led to a growth in support for the tempted introduction of a savage
larger party and the demoralisation budget which included an embargo
of Labour activists and its working- on public sector recruitment and a
class supporters. regressive increase in VAT from 10%
Let’s take a look at Labour’s path to 15%.
to change.
The Sunday Press once described It was an attempt to put VAT on
the situation for the smaller party in children’s clothing which gave Fianna
coalition well when they stated how Fail’s Charles Haughey, of all peo-
support for Labour had: “vanished, ple, the opportunity to denounce
leaving Fine Gael fattened by a blood the government’s adherence to
transfusion fatal to the donor”. ’monetarism’.
The general pattern has been: first Labour found itself in this situation
increasing support for Labour lead- only a year after a mass movement
ing to declarations of intent to fight against the unfairness of the tax sys-
elections alone and then complete col- tem on PAYE workers.
lapse after capitulating to and failing disgraceful response was that Labour The 2nd Inter-Party Government Instead of challenging capitalism In 1980 700,000 people marched
to challenge the right-wing Fine Gael would: “not go flouting the authority had Jim Larkin asking: “Has Labour in crisis, Labour once more oversaw throughout the country, 400,000 of
agenda while in government. of the Bishops”. a policy?” the complete disillusionment of its them in Dublin.
Usually this was followed once Roddy Connolly threatened to quit With a rising cost of living, the lead- supporters as unemployment rose to Labour had failed to engage in
more by a period of regret on behalf Labour if Browne left office but he ership told members not to expect: 106,000 by 1977. any substantial way to promote this
of Labour, a period of doubt and never acted on this. After Browne “too much too soon”. The economy The government failed to introduce movement.
soul-searching leading to increas- and others withdrew their support stagnated, unemployment rose rapidly even limited contraception in a vote The union leaders opposed taking
ingly left-wing rhetoric and talk of for the government they had to call and the unions became increasingly in 1974. action, but pressure from the rank
anti-coalitionism. it a day. dissatisfied. When a much publicised Wealth and file was strong enough to force
Labour spent the next few years Labour’s coalition partners, Fine Tax was introduced it had anything of their hand.
1st Inter-Party Government combating severe apathy within its Gael, were intent on forging links substance removed by Fine Gael. The Labour Party’s disdain for this
with the CIA in their battle against As a result of overseeing the devas- movement was shown when its deputy
international communism. tation of jobs and workers’ conditions, leader, Barry Desmond, stated that he:
As Costello put it communism was “will never support as long as I am in
a: “creed to which we are implacably public life the idea, concept or practice
opposed”. of a political one day strike.
When the government fell, Labour “I believe in the ballot box”.
was reduced to just one seat in But all Labour’s strategy brought
Dublin. workers was Dick Spring in office giv-
ing tax breaks to the oil companies
1970s and using the Gardai against ESB
By 1970, Labour were determined to strikers in Cork.
break the promise of non-coalitionism So this is what they meant by
made to the more radical elements of ’realism’?
their rank-and-file members during
1948 Government the 1960s. A Real Left Alternative
At a special meeting in Cork anti- The pattern of rising worker’s
Back in 1947 the Irish Times wrote of a own ranks. coalitionists staged a walkout crying struggles leading to dissatisfac-
society drifting towards ‘anarchy’. Labour’s Tom Johnson blamed the ’treachery’ after the leadership won tion with Fianna Fail, growing
That year had witnessed strikes by “human material available”. by 396 votes to 204. support for Labour, and then a
ESB workers, road workers, strikes When Dublin branches of the The accusations of rigging that coalition government that attacks
on the buses and in the life assurance party passed anti-coalition motions came from some on the left seemed workers with Fine Gael emerging
company Irish Life. the leader’s response was to declare justified after one pro-coalitionist de- stronger and Labour weaker was
In 1948, mass opposition to Fianna that they should have fewer Dublin clared: “that was a nice speech you the direct outgrowth of Labour’s
Fail led to five parties, including branches! made there, boy, but that was a nice Coalition with DL and FG in the 90s view that parliament is the only
Labour, National Labour, Clann na By March 1954 Labour were set for two busloads of delegates I brought source of power.
Poblachta and Fine Gael, forming the entry into another coalition. up from Kerry too”. When you have no faith in work-
‘1st Inter-Party Government’. When 350 delegates met in Dublin The approach was made to Liam Labour completely collapsed. ers self-activity then staying in power
Each party was allocated minis- Their vote declined from 13.7% to seems worth the ‘compromise’.
ters according to their parliamentary 9.9% in 1981. Next time around the United Left,
strength. In Dublin they went from 28.3% of which includes the SWP, will make
Fine Gael’s first act in power was the vote in 1968 down to just 10.5% sure that disillusionment with Labour
to veto the presence of Jim Larkin in late 1982. leads to a rising militancy and stronger
in the government. William Norton Branches lost countless left and not a rebirth of Fianna Fail.
and TJ Murphy got Social Welfare
and Local Government respectively
for Labour.
Norton was also made Tánaiste
(deputy Prime Minister).
On the 4th of November 1949 the
Minister for Health Noel Browne
tried to introduce a revised Health
Bill which included the provision of
free health care to mothers and chil-
dren. By June 1950 a draft ‘Mother
and child scheme’ was sent around 1970s Labour Party Conference
the Cabinet and to the Irish Medical
Association. to discuss the twelve point plan for Cosgrave of Fine Gael on 13 June
The bishops wrote to the Taoiseach, government the leadership took abso- 1972.
Fine Gael’s John A. Costello, express- lutely no chances that their return to By 1973, Labour were where they
ing their vehement opposition to the power would be stopped by any kind wanted to be: back in government.
proposals. of principled opposition. Labour got five cabinet posts with
When he told the Cabinet that “this The entire Dun Laoghaire branch, its leader, Brendan Corish, installed
must be the end of the mother and for example, was informed at the in the role of Tánaiste.
child scheme”, as he read out a letter door that their branch had been The Irish economy at this time was
from the church hierarchy, Norton’s ’suspended’. seen to be “falling over a cliff”. United Left Alliance of which the SWP is a part
Socialist Worker 

Sinn Féin: Batting for the Rich

By Seán McVeigh in central government funding.
“That would create a double
It appears the Tory led coali- whammy for Northern Ireland be-
tion government in London is set cause there’s no evidence that reduced
to bring in measures to reduce tax rates would result in a penny more
corporation tax for big business tax being paid,” he said.
in the North. “The resulting impact on lost rev-
The move to lower corporation enue for Northern Ireland could be
tax was led by an alliance that in- catastrophic for its public services.
volved Sinn Féin, the Confederation “If you are going to spend £300
of British Industry and the Institute million attracting businesses into
of Directors. Northern Ireland this has to be the
In 2007, newspaper billionaire Tony worst way possible.
O’Reilly organised a petition signed A low corporate tax regime has
by 50 company directors demanding gone along with gigantic debts and
a cut in corporation tax. mass unemployment in the south-
Also calling for a tax cut for mil- ern economy and there is no reason
lionaires were Michael O’Leary, the why Northern Ireland should prove
boss of Ryanair, Sir Niall FitzGerald, different.
the former Unilever chairman and Sir The SF proposal to reduce corpo-
Christopher Bland, the chairman of ration tax to 12.5%, the same rate
British Telecom. as in the Republic, on top of the £4
The Tories have already made it billion in cuts that they have already
clear they will reduce UK corporation agreed to, would devastate the public
tax from the current rate of 28% to sector.
24% over the next four years as part The Assembly election in May
of a series of gifts to their rich friends, should be seen as a referendum on
but businesses in Northern Ireland public sector cuts.
will pay even less tax. Sinn Féin leaders should not be
Many corporations are not even allowed to masquerade as defenders
paying current legally required of the public services.
taxes. The reality is they fought for tax
During the peace process there cuts for the rich which will lead
was much talk that the end of ‘The to massive public sector cutbacks.
Troubles’ would be followed by a People Before Profit candidates will
‘peace dividend’, but it is now clear education as it will mean more big lent reductions in central government Tax expert Richard Murphy of be standing in several constituencies
this will only apply to the rich. cuts to the public sector budget. funding. Tax Research UK said the cut to in the North and they will be saying
While the tax cut is good news for EU rules stipulate that reduc- Sinn Féin and the DUP are com- corporation tax in the North would loudly:
the wealthy it is very bad news for tions in regional rates of corporation pletely aware of these rules but still not guarantee a single new job but Tax the rich, they caused the eco-
public sector workers, the NHS and tax must be accompanied by equiva- persist. would result in a loss of £300 million nomic crisis, make them pay!

Comedy review: Film Review

Mark Thomas: The dark side of America’s soul.

‘A book about birds The Fighter

and flowers...’
Review by Liam O’Grady
Director David O.
Russell and actor Mark
Wahlberg team up again
as they did on Three Kings
(1999) to deliver The
Fighter, a fast-paced, gritty
true story about one-time
boxer Dicky (Christian
Bale) and his up-and-
coming boxer brother
Micky (Wahlberg).
Wahlberg’s Micky ‘Irish’
Ward is a plucky, talented,
welterweight boxer who
must carry a terrible
burden: his brother-cum- overwhelmingly white. Dicky thinks is a positive The hard-rocking
trainer Dicky Eklund. At the beginning of documentary about his soundtrack forms
Dicky was himself the film, as the camera ‘comeback’. a backdrop to the
a boxing force to be follows Dicky and Micky In fact, it is something boxing-oriented lives
reckoned with ten years parading down the street, quite different. of this working-class
before, when he knocked preening themselves in This film-within-a-film neighbourhood.
Live at The Academy, down Sugar Ray Leonard the neighbourhood, being is about the destructive A cold but sympathetic
Thomas’ new show takes room one Saturday for ille- in the ring. followed by a camera nature of drug addiction in eye cast on the dark side of
Dublin, 10 March us on an ‘extreme ramble’ gally entering Israel. Now he’s addicted to crew recording what 1990’s America. America’s soul.
2011 along the so-called ‘peace Thomas brings energy crack cocaine.
wall’ between Israel and the and enthusiasm to the per- Dicky and his doting Film Review:

Battle: Los Angeles

Review by Jimmy Smyth West Bank. formance which at times but ferociously aggressive
He opens the show by is more like a theatrical mother, brilliantly played
Political comedy on relaying the final piece of monologue. by Melissa Leo, are ruining
television has been in the dol- advice his Israeli fixer gave However, by the end of Micky’s career, with money
drums over the past decade him when challenged by the the show you are left with a as the main motivator. Directed by Jonathan earth’s abundant supply of
and is dominated by anodyne Israeli Defence Force (IDF): sense of equivalence between His girlfriend Charlene Liebesman. water, which they use as fuel.
observational and quiz-show “For god’s sake don’t tell the situation for Israelis and (Amy Adams) tries bravely Starring Aaron The goal of the invaders
forms. them what you’re doing – tell Palestinians. to woo him away from is to exterminate the entire
On the live front though them you are writing a book This is accentuated by only them so that a big Las Eckhart & Michelle human race, which plunges
there is a generation of about birds and flowers”. minimal historical context- Vegas-based promoter can Rodriguez. the globe into World War
stand-up comics who are con- Thomas’ aim is to explore setting, despite Thomas’ stream him into some high III with a highly technically
tinuing to combine comedy what impact the wall has had obvious sympathy to the profile fights. The film is centred around advanced civilisation.
and politics among whom on the identity of Israelis and Palestinian cause. It all seems fairly a platoon of US marines, sent In terms of dialogue,
Mark Thomas continues to Palestinians. That said it was a pleas- predictable up to that into LA to rescue civilians in the film leaves much to the
be a leading light. Along the way we hear sto- ure to spend an evening at a point, but Micky’s devotion the midst of an all-out Alien imagination. explosions are the order of
Over the last ten years he ries of Palestinians who have comedy show where you were to his wayward brother is a invasion. The main emphasis is on the day.
has developed a profile for to leave for work at 2am to by turns informed, shocked key factor. In an ironic departure the action. It’s not a showcase of
investigative journalism with join a checkpoint queue four and entertained. Like other recent movies from our usual reality, the The special effects alone are dramatic ingenuity, but it’s
programmes on the murky hours before it opens. Mark Thomas’ new book such as Winter’s Bone US armed forces play the worth going to have a look at, exciting enough to watch for
world of arms dealing, the In a house in East Extreme Rambling: Walking and Frozen River, The role of defenders, resisting an although the acting is (as with the graphics.
failed Ilisu dam project in Jerusalem that the border Israel’s Separation Barrier Fighter shows the drug- attempted colonisation. many action films) lacking to Wasted opportunity
Turkey and the activities of runs through, the IDF ar- is published on 14 April ravaged American poor as The extraterrestrial say the least. for some biting satire on
Coca Cola. rested everybody in the living 2011. small-town or rural, and invaders are motivated by Cheesy one-liners and American Imperialism.
 Socialist Worker

Socialist Worker
People Before Profit Alliance Fight Elections on 5 May

Defend Every Job

every Cut!
Derry students protest Education cuts

The People Before Profit Alliance is a key slogan. brought on by an economy and bank-
is standing for five Assembly seats and Candidates  ing system based on greed.
up to a dozen council seats in the elec- “The unity of interests of working-
tions in the North on 5 May. The Alliance’s prospective Assembly class people has never been clearer.
This will be the first serious Left-wing candidates include, Eamonn McCann  “Likewise the inadequacy of parties
challenge to the dominance of Orange- in Foyle, Brian Faloon in South Belfast, based on the interests of one commu-
Green politics in a generation. Gerry Carroll in West Belfast, Dympna nity vis-a-vis the other; parties that are
The Northern Ireland Labour Party McGlade in North Belfast, and Harry therefore incapable of mobilising across
in the 1960s provided the last effort on Hutchinson in Mid-Ulster. At least one the divide.
a similar scale. People Before Profit is other may be added.  “We are desperately short of re-
offering a far sharper and more radi-  “We hope to emulate the success of sources of all kinds, given the size of
cal programme than the NILP ever the Alliance in the Southern election”, the task we want to take on.
contemplated. says Eamonn McCann. “We need all the help we can get.
The People Before Profit Alliance “The challenges facing ordinary peo- “We go into the fray in an optimis-
(PBPA) wants to break with the pes- ple are very similar across the island tic frame of mind, and believe we can
simistic old Left tradition in the North and have the same source: the crisis change the politics of the North.”
of fighting elections to ‘fly the flag’.
“We are in this to win”, says Eamonn
McCann, Assembly candidate for
PBP Manifesto
In its draft manifesto, the Alliance concentrates on policies with a potential to bring the working
The current situation amounts to the class together on an active basis.
best opportunity for a breakthrough PBPA promises to:
since the onset of the Troubles.   • play a full part at Stormont but with emphasis on mobilising at grass-roots level;
While the DUP and Sinn Fein are • offer a clear alternative to the cut-backs and carve-up politics of the Executive parties;
riding high as the deal-makers and • expose the culture which allows giant companies to dodge taxes and create the deficit which
enjoying new prestige, working class Westminster and Stormont want to bridge by cutting spending;
communities are being left behind. • fight benefit ‘reforms’ which drive workers into no-hope jobs at rock-bottom wages or face
There is widespread disillusion- a collapse in income;
ment which has not yet registered at • vigorously oppose moves towards ‘social partnership’ which ties unions and community organisa-
the polls. tions to the State;
The effects of the draconian cut-backs • campaign for repeal of Thatcher’s anti-union laws, now devolved to Stormont;
being imposed from Stormont can only • demand that all utilities are brought fully back into the public sector and run in a democratic,
accountable way;
deepen discontent. • campaign to reduce MLA salaries to the average NI wage;
This is the vote the PBPA wants to • fight militarism and paramilitarism: no more waste on foreign wars, mass mobilisation
mobilise. rather than looking to armed groups to deliver progress;
This Alliance has spelt it out that seats • oppose all repressive measures such as last year’s DUP/Sinn Fein Assemblies Bill;
won will be used mainly to amplify the • campaign for equality for immigrant workers, Travellers and all in the LGBT community
voices of discontent and help organise and for liberation and equality for women in all aspects of life;
resistance. • support votes at 16.
‘Defend every job, Fight every cut’  This outline sums up the spirit of our approach.

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