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Engineering Graphics (EG235)


Department of Mechanical & Automobile Engineering
School of Engineering and Technology


CHRIST is a nurturing ground for an individual’s Excellence and Service Faith in God | Moral Uprightness
holistic development to make effective contribution to Love of Fellow Beings
the society in a dynamic environment Social Responsibility | Pursuit of Excellence
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Drawing /Painting

Draw a scenery

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Engineering Drawing / Engineering Graphics

Draw a Rectangle of 100mm*50 mm


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Engineering Graphics

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Time Table For Engineering Graphics

● Tuesday (9 am -10am) – Common Session

● Thursday(10am-11 am)
● Friday (2 pm – 4 pm)- Common Session

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Course Plan

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Topic Covered in last class

● Orthographic Projection
● Quadrants
● Notation

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Orthographic Projection

● When the projectors are parallel to each other and also perpendicular to the
plane, the projection is called orthographic projection.
❖ A plane of projection (POP) is a plane on which a particular view is projected.
❖ Three such planes, perpendicular to each other, are called principal planes or reference
planes (RP).
❖ When the observer looks at the object from the front, the view obtained is called the front
view (FV) or Elevation. FV is seen on the VP.
❖ When the observer looks at the object from above, the view obtained is called top view
(TV) or plan. TV is seen on the HP.
❖ Side Views When the observer looks at the object from side, i.e., from his left-hand side or
right-hand side, the view obtained is called side view (SV). SV is seen on the PP.

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Point Name Front View (VP) Top View(HP) Side View (PP)

A,B, C,D…….. a, b, c, d……. a ‘,b’, c’ , d’… a’’ ,b’’, c’’, d’’…..

VP- Vertical Plane

HP- Horizontal Plane
PP- Profile Plane
RPP- Right Profile Plane ,LPP- Left Profile Plane

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Projection of Points

Draw the projection of the following Points A- 30 mm above HP and 35mm in front of VP

30mm HP
35mm VP

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Draw the projection of the following Points B- 35 mm above HP and 40 mm

behind VP
35mm HP
30mm VP

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Draw the projection of the following Points C- 40 mm above HP and on VP

40mm HP

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Draw the projection of the following Points on the same XY line. Keeping
Continent distance between each Projector .

A- 30 mm above HP and 35mm in front of VP

B- 35 mm above HP and 40 mm behind VP
C- 40 mm above HP and on VP
D- 35mm below HP and 30mm in front of VP.

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1. A Point is 30mm behind VP, 30 mm above HP and 25mm from LPP. Draw the projections of the
2. The point P is 45mm above HP, 60 mm behind VP and 30mm RPP. Draw the three principles
view of the point. Also state the quadrant in which it lies.
3. Draw the projection of the following Points on the same XY line. Keeping Convenient distance
between each Projector.
E – 30mm below HP and 25 mm behind VP
F- 35mm below HP and 30mm in front of VP
G- On HP and 30 mm in front of VP
H- On HP and 35 mm behind of VP
4.Two points R and S are on HP. The Point R is 35mm in front of VP, while S is 50mm behind VP.
The Line joining their top views makes an angle of 400 with XY Line. Find the horizontal distance
between the projectors.
5. A Point A is 30mm in front of VP and 40mm above HP. Another point B is 20mm behind VP and
35mmbelow HP. The horizontal distance between the points measure parallel to XY line is 60mm.
Draw the three projection of the points .Join their front and top views.

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Draw the projection of the following Points on the same XY line. Keeping
Continent distance between each Projector .
E – 30mm below HP and 25 mm behind VP
F- 35mm below HP and 30mm in front of VP
G- On HP and 30 mm in front of VP
H- On HP and 35 mm behind of VP

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Projection of Straight Line

● A Straight line (Say AB) is the shortest Distance between two points (A and B
● It is one-dimensional having only length

Objective and Principle:

The Main objective of the projection of the line determine its true inclination to the
reference planes ,HP,VP and also on PP if necessary
Determine the distance between two objects , distance between two place on a
map , two pipelines..

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● The line is Visible with its true length to the observer ,whenever it is parallel to
the reference plane vertical or horizontal or even at inclined position.
● Parallel means the two ends of the lines must be equidistance from the
reference plane .
● The true length of a line can be obtained on the plane(s) to which line is
● The line seems to be as a point on the plane to which it is perpendicular.

Positions of a line and its projection

1. Line to parallel to VP and PP but Perpendicular to HP
2. Line to parallel to HP and PP but Perpendicular to VP
3. Line to parallel to VP and HP but Perpendicular to PP
4. Line inclined to HP and parallel to VP
5. Line inclined to VP and parallel to HP
6. Line inclined to both VP and HP

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A line AB having length 80 mm is parallel to both HP and VP. The line is 70 mm

above HP, 60 mm in front of VP. End B is 30 mm in front of right PP. Draw the
projection of line AB.

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A line AB, 90 mm long is inclined at 30° to HP and parallel to VP. The line is 80
mm in front of VP. The lower end A is 30 mm above HP. The upper end B is 50
mm in front of the right PP.

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A Line AB 80mm long has its end A 20mm above the HP and 30mm infront of
VP. It is inclined as at 300 to HP and 450 to VP. Draw the projection of the line
and Find the apparent length and apparent inclination

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A Line AB 80mm long line Inclined 300 to HP and 450 to VP. Draw the projection
of the line and Find the apparent length and apparent inclination .Also measure
the perpendicular distance of end B from both HP and VP.

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A line AB measuring 70mm has its end A 15mm in front of VP and 20mm above
HP and the other end B is 60mm infront of VP and 50mm above HP .Draw the
projections of the line and find the inclination of the line with both reference plane
of projection.

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The Top view PQ of straight line is 70 mm and makes an angle of 600 with XY
line .The end Q is 10mm in front of VP and 30mm above HP . The difference
between the distances of P and Q above the HP is 45 mm .Draw the projection of
TV and FV . Determine the True length and True inclination with HP and VP.

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A line PQ 85mm long has its end P 10mm above the HP and 15 mm in front of
the VP . The top view and front view of the line PQ are 75mm and 80 mm long
respectively . Draw its projection .Also determine the true and apparent
inclination of the line .

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A Line AB has its end A 20mm above HP and 15mm infront of the VP. The other
end B is 60mm above the HP and 45 mm infront of VP. The distance between
end projectors is 70mm .Draw its projection .Determine the apparent lengths and

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The front view of the line PQ 80mm long measures 50mm and its inclination to
XY line is 500. One end of the line P is 20mm above HP and 25mm infront of the
VP .Draw the front view and Top view of the line and find the inclination of the
line with HP and VP.

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Draw the projection of a line AB 100mm long inclined at 450 to VP and 300 to
HP. One end of the line is 20mm above the HP and in the VP. Also determine the
apparent length and inclinations.

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The end A of a line AB in HP and 25 mm in front of VP .The end B is on VP and

50mm above HP . The distance between the end projectors when measured
parallel to the line is 65mm.Draw the projection of the line AB and determine its
true length and inclination with HP and VP.

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A straight line PQ is inclined at 450 to HP and 300 VP .The point P is in HP and

the point Q is in VP .The length of the straight line is 65mm .Draw the projections
of the straight line AB.

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● A straight line PQ is inclined at 450 to HP and 300 VP .The point P is in HP

and the point Q is in VP .The length of the straight line is 65mm .Draw the
projections of the straight line AB.

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Engineering Graphics (EG235)
Department of Mechanical & Automobile Engineering
School of Engineering and Technology


CHRIST is a nurturing ground for an individual’s Excellence and Service Faith in God | Moral Uprightness
holistic development to make effective contribution to Love of Fellow Beings
the society in a dynamic environment Social Responsibility | Pursuit of Excellence
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Projection of Planes

A plane is a two dimensional object having length and breadth only. Its thickness
is always neglected. Various shapes of plane figures are considered such as
square, rectangle, circle, pentagon, hexagon, etc.

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Plane Edge Condition Corner Condition






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A rectangular lamina of size 20 * 30 mm rest on HP with its shorter edge. The
surface of the lamina makes an angle 350 to HP and the edge at which its rests
makes an angle 400 to VP. Draw the projection
A rectangular lamina of size 20 * 30 mm rest on HP with its longer edge. The
surface of the lamina makes an angle 450 to HP and the edge at which its rests
makes an angle 300 to VP. Draw the projection
An Equilateral Triangular lamina of base edge 30 mm rests on HP with its corner.
The surface of the lamina makes an angle 350 to HP and the edge opposite to
the corner at which its rests makes an angle 400 to VP.
A hexagonal lamina of base edge 25 mm rests on HP with its edge. The surface
of the lamina makes an angle 450 to HP and the edge opposite to the resting
edge at which its rests makes an angle 400 to VP.
A pentagonal lamina of edges 25mm is resting on HP with one of its corner such
that the edge opposite to that corner is 20mm above HP and makes angle 450
with VP. Draw the top and front views of the lamina in this position .Determine the
inclination of the lamina with HP.
A pentagonal lamina of side 25mm is having side both HP and VP. The corner
opposite to the side at which it rest is 15mm above HP.Draw the top and front
view of the lamina.
A square plate of 30mm sides rest on HP such that one of its diagonal is
inclined at 300 to HP and 450 to VP. Draw its Projection.
A pentagonal lamina having edges 25mm is placed on one of its corners on HP
such that the perpendicular bisector of the edge passing through the corner on
which it rest is inclined at 300 to HP and 450 to VP. Draw the top and front views
of the lamina.
A hexagonal lamina of sides 25mm rest on one of its corner on HP .The lamina
makes 450 to HP and the diagonal passing through the corner on which it rest is
inclined at 300 to VP .Draw the projection.
A circular lamina of 50mm diameter rests on HP such that one of its diameters is
inclined at 300 to VP and 450 to HP. Draw its top and front view of this position.
A pentagonal lamina having edge 25mm is placed on one of its corner on HP
such that the surface makes an angle 300 to VP AND perpendicular bisector of
the edge passing through the corner on which the lamina rest appear to be
inclined at 300 to VP. Draw the top and front view of the lamina.
An equilateral triangular lamina of 25mm side on HP. The lamina makes 450 with
HP and one of its median appear to inclined at 400 to HP
A rectangular lamina of 35mm*20mm rest on HP on one of its shorter edges .
The lamina is rotated about the edge on which it rest till it appears as a square in
the top view . The edge on which the lamina rests is inclined 300 to VP .Draw its
projection and find the inclination to HP.
A rectangular lamina of 35mm*20mm rest on HP on one of its shorter edges .
The lamina is rotated about the edge on which it rest till it appears as a square in
the top view .The edge on which the lamina rest being parallel to both HP and
VP. Draw the projection and find the inclination to HP and VP.
A triangular plane lamina 25mm is resting on HP with one of its corners touching
it , such that the side opposite to the corner on which it rest 15mm above HP and
makes an angle of 300 to VP .Draw the front and top views in this position .Also
determine the inclination of the lamina to the reference plane.
Draw the projection of hexagonal lamina of 30mm sides having two of its edges
parallel to bot HP and VP and of it edge is 10mm from each of the planes of the
projection. The surface of the lamina makes 60 degree to HP.
A regular pentagonal Lamina of 25mm side is resting on one of its corner on HP,
while the side opposite to the corner touches VP. If the lamina make 600 to HP.
Draw the projection of the lamina.
A pentagonal lamina of edges 25mm is resting on HP with one of its edge on HP
with the corner opposite to that edge touching VP. This edge is parallel to VP and
the corner which is touches VP ,is at height 15mm above HP. Draw the projection
of the lamina and determine the inclination of the lamina with HP and VP and the
distance at which the parallel edge lies from VP.
Engineering Graphics (EG135)
Department of Mechanical & Automobile Engineering
School of Engineering and Technology


CHRIST is a nurturing ground for an individual’s Excellence and Service Faith in God | Moral Uprightness
holistic development to make effective contribution to Love of Fellow Beings
the society in a dynamic environment Social Responsibility | Pursuit of Excellence
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Projection of solids

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A Square Prism 35mm sides of base and 60mm axis length rest on HP On one of
its edges of the base which is inclined to VP 300 .Draw the projection of the prism
when the axis inclined to HP at 450

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A Pentagonal Prism 25mm sides of base and 60mm axis length rest on HP one
of its edges of the base which is inclined to VP 300 .Draw the projection of the
prism when the axis inclined to HP at 400 .

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A Pentagonal Prism 25mm sides of base and 60mm axis length rest on HP one
of its edges of the base which is inclined to VP 300 .Draw the projection of the
prism when the axis inclined to HP at 400 .

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A Square Prism 35mm sides of base and 60mm axis length rest on HP On one of
its corner of the base .Draw the projection of the prism when the axis inclined to
HP at 450 and to be VP 300

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A hexagonal Prism 25mm sides of base and 50mm axis length rest on HP on one
of its edge. Draw the projection of the prism when the axis is inclined to HP at 450
and appears to inclined to VP at 400 .

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A Square Pyramid 35mm sides of base and 60mm axis length rest on HP On one
of its edges of the base which is inclined to VP 300 .Draw the projection of the
pyramid when the axis inclined to HP at 450.

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A Square Prism 35mm sides of base and 60mm axis length rest on HP On one of
its edges of the base which is inclined to VP 300 .Draw the projection of the prism
when the axis inclined to HP at 450

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A Square Prism 35mm sides of base and 60mm axis length rest on HP On one of
its edges of the base which is inclined to VP 300 .Draw the projection of the prism
when the axis inclined to HP at 450.

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A Square Prism 35mm sides of base and 60mm axis length rest on HP On one of
its corner of the base .Draw the projection of the prism when the axis inclined to
HP at 450 and to be VP 300

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A hexagonal Prism 25mm sides of base and 50mm axis length rest on HP on one
of its edge. Draw the projection of the prism when the axis is inclined to HP at 450
and appears to inclined to VP at 400 .

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A Square Pyramid 35mm sides of base and 60mm axis length rest on HP On one
of its edges of the base which is inclined to VP 300 .Draw the projection of the
prism when the axis inclined to HP at 450.

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A Square Pyramid 35mm sides of base and 60mm axis length rest on HP On one
of its edges of the base which is inclined to VP 300 .Draw the projection of the
pyramid when the axis inclined to HP at 400.

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A Pentagonal Pyramid 25mm sides of base and 60mm axis length rest on HP
one of its edges of the base which is inclined to VP 300 .Draw the projection of
the prism when the axis inclined to HP at 400 .

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A hexagonal Pyramid 25mm sides of base and 50mm axis length rest on HP on
one of its edge. Draw the projection of the pyramid when the axis is inclined to
HP at 450 and inclined to VP at 400 .

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A hexagonal Pyramid 25mm sides of base and 50mm axis length rest on HP on
one of its edge. Draw the projection of the pyramid when the axis is inclined to
HP at 450 and appears to inclined to VP at 400 .

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A square Pyramid 35mm sides of base and 60mm axis length rest on HP On one
of its slant edges .draw the projection of the pyramid when the axis appears to be
inclined to VP at 450

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A square Pyramid 35mm sides of base and 60mm axis length rest on HP On one
of its slant triangular face .Draw the projection of the pyramid when the axis
appears to be inclined to VP at 450

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A square Pyramid 35mm sides of base and 60mm axis length rest on HP On one
of its slant edges .draw the projection of the pyramid when the axis appears to be
inclined to VP at 450

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A hexagonal Pyramid 25mm sides of base and 50mm axis length rest on HP on
one of its edge. Draw the projection of the prism when the axis is inclined to HP
at 450 and appears to inclined to VP at 400 .

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A Cube of 40mm side rest on an edge which is inclined to vp 300.Draw the

projections when the lateral square face containing the edge on which it rest
makes an angle of 500 to HP.

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A square Pyramid 35mm sides of base and 60mm axis length rest on HP On one
of its slant triangular face .Draw the projection of the pyramid when the axis
appears to be inclined to VP at 450

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A cone of of 50mm base diameter and 60mm axis length rest on HP on one of its
generator..Draw the projection when axis is inclined at vp 300

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A hexagonal Pyramid 35mm sides of base and 60mm axis length rest on HP On
one of its slant edges .draw the projection of the pyramid when the axis appears
to be inclined to VP at 450

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A square Pyramid 35mm sides of base and 60mm axis length rest on HP On one
of its slant edges .draw the projection of the pyramid when the axis appears to be
inclined to VP at 450

Excellence and Service

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A square Pyramid 35mm sides of base and 60mm axis length rest on HP On one
of its slant triangular face .Draw the projection of the pyramid when the axis
appears to be inclined to VP at 450

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A cone of of 50mm base diameter and 60mm axis length rest on HP on one of its
generator..Draw the projection when axis is inclined at vp 300

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A pentagonal Pyramid 35mm sides of base and 60mm axis length rest on HP On
one of its slant triangular face .Draw the projection of the pyramid when the axis
appears to be inclined to VP at 450

Excellence and Service

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A hexagonal Pyramid 35mm sides of base and 60mm axis length rest on HP On
one of its slant edges .draw the projection of the pyramid when the axis appears
to be inclined to VP at 450

Excellence and Service

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A Pentagonal Prism 25mm sides of base and 60mm axis length rest on HP one
of its edges of the base which is inclined to VP 300 .Draw the projection of the
prism when the axis inclined to HP at 400 .

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● A hexagonal Prism 25mm sides of base and 50mm axis length rest on HP on
one of its edge. Draw the projection of the prism when the axis is inclined to
HP at 450 and appears to inclined to VP at 400 .

Excellence and Service

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A Square Pyramid 35mm sides of base and 60mm axis length rest on HP On one
of its edges of the base which is inclined to VP 300 .Draw the projection of the
pyramid when the axis inclined to HP at 400.

Excellence and Service

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A hexagonal Pyramid 25mm sides of base and 50mm axis length rest on HP on
one of its edge. Draw the projection of the prism when the axis is inclined to HP
at 450 and
to inclined to VP at 400

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

A Pentagonal Pyramid 25mm sides of base and 60mm axis length rest on HP
one of its edges of the base which is inclined to VP 300 .Draw the projection of
the prism when the axis inclined to HP at 400 .

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A cone of of 50mm base diameter and 60mm axis length rest on HP on one of its
generator..Draw the projection when axis is inclined at vp 300

Excellence and Service

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A Pentagonal Prism 25mm sides of base and 60mm axis length rest on HP one
of its edges of the base which is inclined to VP 300 .Draw the projection of the
prism when the axis inclined to HP at 400

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

A square Pyramid 35mm sides of base and 60mm axis length rest on HP On one
of its slant triangular face .Draw the projection of the pyramid when the axis
appears to be inclined to VP at 450

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

A hexagonal Pyramid 25mm sides of base and 50mm axis length rest on HP on
one of its edge. Draw the projection of the pyramid when the axis is inclined to
HP at 450 and appears to inclined to VP at 400 .

Excellence and Service

Engineering Graphics (EG235)
Department of Mechanical & Automobile Engineering
School of Engineering and Technology


CHRIST is a nurturing ground for an individual’s Excellence and Service Faith in God | Moral Uprightness
holistic development to make effective contribution to Love of Fellow Beings
the society in a dynamic environment Social Responsibility | Pursuit of Excellence
Deemed to be University

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❑ Hidden features of an object are shown using dotted lines in their projected views

❑ When there are too many hidden features, it becomes difficult to visualize the object

❑ In such cases one usually shows a sectioned view of the solid – the view obtained by
virtually cutting the solid by a plane called the section (cutting) plane and removing the
part between the observer and the plane

❑ An object ( here a solid ) is cut by some imaginary cutting plane to understand internal
details of that object.
❑ The action of cutting is called SECTIONING a solid & The plane of cutting is called

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Important Term in Section Of


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A squarepyramid 50 mm base side and axis 90 mm long is resting on HP at its

base with a side of base parallel to VP. The pyramid is cut by a section plane
parallel to HP and perpendicular to VP, bisecting the axis. Draw the sectional
views and the true shape of the section.

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Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

A square pyramid of base 40mm and axis 60 mm long is resting on its base
parallel to VP .It is cut by a section plane perpendicular to VP.It is cut by a
section perpendicular to VP and inclined to 45 degree to HP and bisectiong the
axis .Draw its sectional top view ,true shape of the section .

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

A square pyramid 50 mm base side and axis 90 mm long is resting on HP at its

base with a side of base parallel to VP. The pyramid is cut by a section plane
parallel to HP and perpendicular to VP, bisecting the axis. Draw the sectional
views and the true shape of the section

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

A square pyramid of base 40mm and axis 60 mm long is resting on its base
parallel to VP .It is cut by a section plane perpendicular to VP.It is cut by a
section perpendicular to VP and inclined to 45 degree to HP and bisectiong the
axis .Draw its sectional top view ,true shape of the section .

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

A Pentagonal Prism side of base 30mm and axis 50mm long stand HP on its
base with one of its side perpendicular VP .It is cut by a sectional plane 30
degree inclined to HP and passing through the center of the axis. Draw the front
view ,sectional top view ,True sectional view.

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

A regular hexagonal pyramid, side of base 30mm and height 70mm,rest on its
base in HP , with one of its base edges parallel to VP .An auxiliary horizontal
plane parallel to HP and perpendicular to VP cuts the pyramid at a height of
34mm . Draw its point front and sectional top view.

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

A right circular hexagonal prism ,edge of base 30mm and height 75mm is resting
on its base on ground such that one of its base edge parallel to VP.A cutting
plane perpendicular to the VP and inclined to HP 45 degree meets the axis at a
distance of 10 mm from its top end. Draw its front view ,sectional top view and
true shape of section.

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

A square Prism base 40mm side and height 80mm has its base on the HP and its
faces equally inclined to VP .Its is inclined by a plane perpendicular to the VP . Its
is inclined by a plane perpendicular to the VP , inclined at 60 degree to the HP
and passing through point on the axis 55 mm above 55mm.

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

A cylinder of 40mm diameter ,60mm length and having its axis vertical ,is cut by a
section plane ,perpendicular to VP , incline at 45 degree to the HP and
intersecting the axis 32mm above the base . Draw its front view ,sectional top
view and true shape of section.

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

A square Prism base 40mm side and height 80mm has its base on the HP and its
faces equally inclined to VP .Its is inclined by a plane perpendicular to the VP . Its
is inclined by a plane perpendicular to the VP , inclined at 60 degree to the HP
and passing through point on the axis 55 mm .Draw its sectional side view ,true
shape and sectional top view

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

A square Pyramid of 30mm side and axis length 50mm is resting on its base in
HP. Edge of the base is equally inclined to VP. It is cut by a sectional plane
perpendicular to VP and inclined to 45 degree to HP .The plane cuts the axis
10mm above the base .Draw the projection of the solid. Draw its front view
,sectional top view and true shape of section.

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

A regular pentagonal pyramid side of base 30mm and height 60mm rest on its
base such that one of its base is perpendicular to VP cuts the pyramid at a
distance of 8mm in front of the axis .Draw the top view and sectional front view.

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

A square pyramid of base 40mmside and axis length 65mm long has its base on
the HP and all the edges of the base is equally inclination to VP,It is cut by a
section perpendicular to VP and inclined at 45 degree to HP and bisecting the
axis. Draw the sectional top view ,sectional side view and true shape of the

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

A square Pyramid of 30mm side and axis length 50mm is resting on its base in HP. Edge of the base is equally
inclined to VP. It is cut by a sectional plane perpendicular to VP and inclined to 45 degree to HP .The plane cuts
the axis 10mm above the base .Draw the projection of the solid. Draw its front view ,sectional top view and true
shape of section.

Excellence and Service

Engineering Graphics (EG135)
Department of Mechanical & Automobile Engineering
School of Engineering and Technology


CHRIST is a nurturing ground for an individual’s Excellence and Service Faith in God | Moral Uprightness
holistic development to make effective contribution to Love of Fellow Beings
the society in a dynamic environment Social Responsibility | Pursuit of Excellence
Deemed to be University

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Excellence and Service
Deemed to be University

Development of Lateral Surface of Solids

Development is the full lay out of all outer surfaces of a hollow solid with
allowances in true size on a common flat plane.
1. Parallel Line Development-to develop cubes, Prism , cylinder and similar
2. Radial Development- to develop pyramid, cone ,similar object

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

Parallel Line Development

Draw the development of a square Prism of side 40mm and height 60mm.

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Excellence and Service

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Excellence and Service

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Radial Development
Development of cone and development of square pyramid

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Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

A cone of base diameter 50mm and axis length 60mm long is resting with its
base on HP. It is cut by a section plane perpendicular to the VP inclined at 600 to
HP and bisecting the axis. Draw the development.

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

A regular pentagonal pyramid of side of base 35mm and altitude 65mm has its
base on HP with side of base perpendicular to VP. The pyramid is cut by a
section plane which is perpendicular to the VP and 300 to HP. The cutting planes
meets the axis of the pyramid at a point 30mm below the vertex .Obtain the
development of the remaining part of the pyramid.

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

A hexagonal pyramid of sides 35mm and altitude 65mm is resting on HP on its

base with two of the base sides perpendicular to VP, The pyramid is cut by a
plane inclined 300 to HP and perpendicular to VP and intersecting the axis at
30mm above the base .Draw the development of the remaining portion of the

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

A pentagonal Pyramid of base sides 35mm and axis length 65 mm is resting on

HP on its base with a side of base is perpendicular to VP. It is cut perpendicular
to VP and parallel to HP and meet axis at a distance 30mm from the vertex. Draw
the development of frustum of the pyramid

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

A regular pentagonal prism of height 60mm and base edge 30mm rests with its
base on HP. The vertical face closest to VP is 300 to it. Draw the development of
the truncated surface inclined at 600 to its axis and bisecting it.

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

A cone of base diameter 50mm and axis length 60mm long is resting with its
base on HP. It is cut by a section plane perpendicular to the VP inclined at 600 to
HP and bisecting the axis. Draw the development.

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

A pentagonal Pyramid of base sides 35mm and axis length 65 mm is resting on

HP on its base with a side of base is perpendicular to VP. It is cut perpendicular
to VP and parallel to HP and meet axis at a distance 30mm from the vertex. Draw
the development of frustum of the pyramid

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

A regular pentagonal prism of height 60mm and base edge 30mm rests with its
base on HP. The vertical face closest to VP is 300 to it. Draw the development of
the truncated surface inclined at 600 to its axis and bisecting it.

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

Draw the development of the lateral surface at a truncated vertical cylinder

,40mm diameter of the base and the height 50mm,the truncated flat surface of
the cylinder bisects the axis at 600.

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

A pentagonal Pyramid of base sides 35mm and axis length 65 mm is resting on

HP on its base with a side of base is perpendicular to VP. It is cut perpendicular
to VP and parallel to HP and meet axis at a distance 30mm from the vertex. Draw
the development of frustum of the pyramid

Excellence and Service

Engineering Graphics (EG135)
Department of Mechanical & Automobile Engineering
School of Engineering and Technology


CHRIST is a nurturing ground for an individual’s Excellence and Service Faith in God | Moral Uprightness
holistic development to make effective contribution to Love of Fellow Beings
the society in a dynamic environment Social Responsibility | Pursuit of Excellence
Deemed to be University

Session Guidelines

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Deemed to be University

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Deemed to be University
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Excellence and Service
Deemed to be University

Projection of Isometric

Isometric projection is a method for visually representing three-dimensional

objects in two dimensions in technical and engineering drawings. It is an
axonometric projection in which the three coordinate axes appear equally
foreshortened and the angle between any two of them is 120 degrees.

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

A square pyramid of base side 40mm and height 70mm rest centrally on a cube
of edge 50mm.Draw the isometric projection of the solid

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

A square pyramid of base side 40mm and height 70mm rest centrally on a cube
of edge 50mm which itself placed on a cylinder or diameter 80mm and thickness
30mm .Draw the isometric projection of the solid

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

A sphere dia meter 60mm placed centrally on the top face of the hexagonal prism
side 35mm and height 50 mm .Draw the projection of the combination.

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

A square pyramid of base side 40mm and height 70mm rest centrally on a cube
of edge 50mm.Draw the isometric projection of the solid

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

A sphere dia meter 60mm placed centrally on the top face of the hexagonal prism
side 35mm and height 50 mm .Draw the projection of the combination.

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

A square pyramid of base side 40mm and height 70mm rest centrally on a cube
of edge 50mm which itself placed on a cylinder or diameter 80mm and thickness
30mm .Draw the isometric projection of the solid

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

A square pyramid of base side 40mm and height 70mm rest centrally on a cube
of edge 50mm which itself placed on a cylinder or diameter 80mm and thickness
30mm .Draw the isometric projection of the solid

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

A Sphere of diameter rest on a frustum of hexagonal pyramid base 3omm and

top face 18mm and height 50mm. Draw the isometric projection of the solid

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

A sphere dia meter 60mm placed centrally on the top face of the hexagonal prism
side 35mm and height 50 mm .Draw the projection of the combination.

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

A cone of base diameter 40mm and height 50mm rest centrally over a frustum of
a pentagonal pyramid of base side 45mm and top side 35mm and height 55 mm.
Draw the isometric projection.

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

Sphere diameter 45mm rest centrally over a frustum of cone base diameter
60mm and top 40 mm

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

A cone of base diameter 40mm and height 50mm rest centrally over a frustum of
a pentagonal pyramid of base side 45mm and top side 35mm and height 55 mm.
Draw the isometric projection.

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

A cone of base diameter 40mm and height 50mm rest centrally over a frustum of
a pentagonal pyramid of base side 45mm and top side 35mm and height 55 mm.
Draw the isometric projection

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

A sphere of diameter 50mm rest centrally on top of a cube of side 50mm.Draw

the isometric projection of the combination of solid

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

A hemisphere of 40mm diameter is supported co-axially on the vertex of a cone

of base dia. 60mm and axis length 50mm.The flat circular face is facing upside
.Draw the isometric projection of the combination of soids.

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

A square pyramid of base side 40mm and height 70mm rest centrally on a cube
of edge 50mm which itself placed on a cylinder or diameter 80mm and thickness
30mm .Draw the isometric projection of the solid

Excellence and Service

Deemed to be University

A sphere dia meter 60mm placed centrally on the top face of the hexagonal prism
side 35mm and height 50 mm .Draw the projection of the combination.

Excellence and Service

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