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With reference to the Anglo-Norwegian Fisheries case, determine the validity of the methods
used to delimit Durian’s territorial fisheries zone

The scope of the jurisdiction zone has been determined based on the distance from the
coast in the International Law. Where, it determines the inner waters of the coastal States,
marine territories and other maritime zones. In addition, the first thing that has been
established is to establish a starting point for which these zones can be measured. Next, the
starting place is known as the baseline. Normally, writers and legal conventions have limited
the concept of baseline only for territorial sea measurements alone. Thus, the baseline is used
to measure marine territories and other maritime zones. Furthermore, maritime boundaries
are required when two Countries have overlapping maritime zones where when they have a
beach against, and the beaches of both countries are adjacent to each other. Therefore, there
are no different rules for territorial sea boundaries and EEZ / continental shelves.

The application should refer to a declaration in which the Broccoli country and the
Durian state must receive the mandatory jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice in
accordance with article 36 (2) of its law. This is because, the parties involved in this case are
Durian and Broccoli countries. Furthermore, the Durian king's decision should include a
straight line drawing, called "baseline" 4 miles deep into the sea and the 4-mile area is an
exclusive reserved fishery for Durian citizens only. Therefore, under section 36 (2) both
Broccoli and Durian parties must be willing to accept the ICJ jurisdiction on this case and
without appeal. The issues that make up the case should be submitted to the court and the
arguments submitted by both countries should be discussed.

Among the issues arising out of the law is to declare the principles of international
law that have long been adopted in determining the baseline by referring to which the greater
Durian government has the right to limit the fishery zone and it is specifically addressed to its
citizens. Otherwise, the other claim is to define the "baseline" based on the debate from both
parties as well as avoid the differences of law. Furthermore, the claim was to indemnify the
Broccoli government in respect of all interruptions undertaken by the Durian authorities by
arresting the Durian vessels over the brokers of Broccoli who fishing outside their fisheries
zones in line with the ICJ decision in the Durian government may be entitled to do so for the
people's savings.

Furthermore, the Broccoli country is of the opinion that the Durian government can
only draw a straight line at the bay and the length of the line will be drawn to the formation of
the Skaergaard fjord as it should not exceed 10 nautical miles (10 Mile rule). If there is a
delineation system Durian unknown by Broccoli and disadvantages such as certain lines that
do not follow the general direction of the coast, not follow it up with enough of them or do
not respect certain extensions sea and land that separates them, then enforcement action may
be taken against countries Durian. However, the Durian state argues that the existing baseline
should be drawn to respect the general direction of the coast and in a reasonable manner.

In conclusion, the case will be forwarded to the International Court of Justice by the
Broccoli government. The Broccoli Government wants the ICJ to declare the validity of the
baseline under international law and to receive damages for damages caused by the Durian
authorities on Broccoli Fisheries ships. Then, the Court has argued that the fact that this
practice is composed and is long enough without any objection to practices from other states.
This means that other countries do not consider the Durian system as contrary to international

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