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Construct the most appropriate question for each of the answer given.
Worksheet Week 9

1. Question: Why do you apply for this job?

Answer: I would love to become an expert in biochemistry. It has always been my

dream to work on innovations in this field, as I consider it as something

significant in building a better future for our nation. I will do all I can to

accomplish my goal. Actually, after doing some research on a number of

high-ranking organisations, I believe that working at your company fits into my

plan perfectly, for it would be another step towards reaching my goal one day.

2. Question: Tell me about yourself?

Answer: My name is Malaika, I am 23 years old, passionate about medicine, especially

neurology. I consider it as my personal calling to help to cure people with

neurological diseases. I have two family members who have these diseases,

and that is the strongest reason why I am so close to this field. I spend my

free time learning about it, and I also try to do some non-profitable activities in

this field such as visiting patients with these serious illnesses.

3. Question: Why we have to accept you as our employee?

Answer: Sir, if you look at my achievements, I always strive to be the best, and I have

won a lot of competitions. In addition to that, as you can see in these pictures,

I always run in my school jersey. In my speeches for local media, I have

always appraised the institution and the trainers. I believe that I can really

help in building an excellent reputation for your company if I get a chance to

work here.

Construct possible answers for the given questions.

1. Question: Where do you see yourself ten years from now?

Answer: As to answer your question, I am seeing myself in another ten years is a very

successful person with full of dedications and motivations or I see myself involves

actively lead any programs for the unfortunate.

2. Do you plan to look for other jobs if you are given a better offer?

Answer: Yes, it is the best way to improve my career and get more experiences and

knowledges working in different work environments.

3. How do you plan to improve our company?

Answer: I will practise professional ethics, work together with team to achieve the

company goals. I also passionate to come up with a plan that can boost our


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