Sách Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 Tập 2 Thí Điểm

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CONTENTS ‘UNIT §: ENGLISH IN THE WORLD REVIEW 3 ae UMIT 10: SPACE TRAVEL ag UNIT 11: CHANGING ROLES IN SOCIETY 00S UMIT 12: MY FUTURE CAREER UM a LOI NOI BAU Tiéng Anh 9, Tap Hat duige Nha xudt bin Giio due Viet Nam 16 chile bién sogn thee Chutsng tink Gldo dye phd théng mon Tiéng Anh thidiém cp Trung hox og sido B6Gido dyc va Bio tao ban, hanh theo Quyét dinh 56 01/QD-8GDOT ngay 03 thang 01 nm 2012, tiép thea Ting Anh 9, Tap Mét, Sach dur bién sean thee duimg, hung giae tiép, gldphgc sinh siidyng ngdiliéu (ng am, tu vung, ng phap) dé phat trién nang Inc giao tlép bang tléng Anh théng qua bén kinang nghe, néi, doc va viet, trong dé, wu tién phat trién hai kiinang nghe va ndi. Trong Ting Anh , Tip Hai, viéc hoc la trung tam, hee sinh [8 chi:thé cla qué trinh day hoe, trong dé tm If ida tudi cla hoe sinh Trung hoc ca s&, cde dic diém wan hda ciia Vidt Nam wa cla cc nuit trén thé gidi, dic biét la cla cdc nudcnditiéng Anh, due dc biét coi trang. Tiéing Anh 9, Tap Hai duge bién soan xoay quank hai cha diém (Theme) gan gil val hoe sinh: Our World va Vision of the Furure, Mdi cha diém duge chia thanh ba don vi bal bec (Unit) tong Ung vol ba ch Gé (Topic) cla Chuang trinh, Sau méi ch dé lA mt bai dn (Review) t4p trung va kién thife ngén ngif va ki ning ngén nai hoc sinh d8 duge hoc varén luyén. Tiéng Anh 9, Tap Hai duge bién soan trén co sé nhiing kink nghiém thut tién cila viée day tiéng Anh Trung hoc co sd. aViét Nam voi sy hgp tac chat ché vé chuyén mén va ki thuat cla Tgp doan Xuat bin Gido duc Pearson. Cac tac gid rat mong nhan duge nhing ¥ kién déng gop cla cde nha gid, hoc sinh, phy huynh hee sinh va ding dao ban dae quan tam dé sach duge hoan thign hon, Cac ede gid Unit 7: » Reading far general and specific information Recipes and tesa resets habits: eating habits anne aie it 8: » Reading far general anct Unit 8: i a a Tourism about a tourist attraction i ~ Reading for and Unit m8 saat English in the about English asa world Cercle? unit 10: | Space travel Changing roles in society Unit 12: My future career 4 BOOK MAP ~Talking about the eating ~ Listening for habits of Vietnamese detailed and specific people information about teenagers’ eating habs: Talking about one’s ~ Listening for specific choice of holiday information about the benefits of ‘tourisen to an area! country . iin learning and using English a : c=? pet ket » Writing about the eating habits af a classmate » Writing a paragraph about the negative effects af tourism on area/country = Quantifiers; review - Madal verbs in eonditéonal sentencestype 7 = Pronunciation: Tones In statements used as questions » Articles: other uses Pronunciation: Tones in asking for information Discussing the recipe Asurveyon for adish ‘eating habits Discussing a place! country you would like to visiton holiday Interviewing ta build ‘up an English learner fe Talking about life on a space station Describing the changing rales of schools Talking about choosing future jobs and reasons for the choices: BOOK MAP IGETTINGISTARTED) My favourite salad Masten and read. Nick's urn: Mir Nick's mur: ‘Today we're making a prawn salad, whichis a favourite ofmine, Fantastic. lowe salad. ‘This salad is simple but delicious. Here are the ingredients: prawns, celery, spring onions, mayannaise, lemon juice, salt and pepper. ‘What should | do first, Mum? ‘Got a big bowl for me. And then can ‘you wash the celery? Sure. Ican wash the spring onions if you like, Wits Wamnet, Please, da, Mi boil the prawns. So, de English peaple eat lots of salad? ‘Yes, especially in the summertime, People often serve salad as a starter, Burt salads also make a healthy lunch of supper. You're right, they're 30 versatile, And ‘you can put anything ina sated. Mum, the prawns are pink new. They're pink? Fes, nd Eatng Habis: Mick's meen: i i u OK, Good, they're ready. fl drain them. Nick can you peel them? Mi, could you chap the celery and spring anions? You should be careful if you use the red knife - its sharp. Right, everythings ready, What do we da next? first, combine the prawns and celery in the bowl, Add two tablespoons of mayonnaise, half a teaspoon of salt, half a teaspoon of Pepper and some lemon juice, Now, mix al the ingredients well, on Finally, add the spring onion on top. Now we cover the bow! and leawe itin the fridge for an hour, You've done a goad job, both of you, Icanitwall to try it Yeoh, I'm starving! An hour is a long time... THIS UNIT INCLUDES: VOCABULARY Different dishes Ways of praparing and cooking PRONUNCIATION Tones jn, statements used as questions: GRAMMAR Feo Modal varies in conditional sentences type 1 ‘SKILLS ‘ I) @ Can you find a word that means: a ght dich served as the first part of a meal have lots of uses pour the water away: take off the outer layer of food cutfoad inta pieces with a knife mix Py a a ey Sea See Exampter ‘She cant wait to see her cousin again’ ae das Fim starving! is an informal way of saying that you near 2’ Write the name of each dish in the box under each picture. c o, G 4 Listen, check, and repeat. @ Unt 7/ Aecipas end Eating Habis b Findall the words related tothe topic ‘of food in the conversation, Put them inthe word webs, a * io 4. Who knows the recipe for this salad? © Answerthe questions, 2, Why does Nick's mu like this salad? 3. Whenare salads popularin England? 4, What does Mile about salads? 5. What does exch person do to prepare the salad? 6. How do we know that Mick wants to eat the salad? 3 Gi In pairs, discuss which country fram the box is associated with oach dish in 2. ela) cd TT iG ed bb Filleach blank with the name of adish in 2, 1. 55 traditional dish made from layers of pasta, meat sauce and tomato sauce. It's popular all ever the world 2. H you like spicy food, you show try It is a dish of meat or vegetables, cocked in a spicy sauce, often served with rice, BRA isa@traditional meat ple served in Britain. Beef steak and gravy are enclosed in a pastry shell and baked in the oven. 4 is 8 dish of meat and vegetables cut inte strips, It is cooked and wrapped inside a Matisread, 5. I you want to eat something healthy, try It is a dish of small cakes of cold cooked rice, flavoured with vinegar and serwed with raw fish, avorada, etc, 4 FOOD Quiz Name ONE kind of meat TWO foods which you have to peel 3. THREE foods which are made from milk 4. FOUR fruits which are red 5. FIVE vegetables which are green Vocabulary ‘1 Write a food preparation verb from the box under each picture, Cue ae LK 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form af the verbs in 1, 1. Don't the cucumber into chunks. ie shinly, 2, My mother usually some cheeseand it over the pasta. 3. the chicken in white wine for one hour before roasting. 4. To make this cake successfully, you should ‘the eggs lightly. the prawns into the batter, 6, Can you __ the butter an this slice of bread forme? a. place food over balling water so ‘that it caaks in the steam 2 deep-try |b. cack something by keeping it almast at boiling point © nak food under or ever avery strong heat di. cook something slowéy in liquid ina dosed dish [5. bake | ©. cookcakes or bead inan oven {fry food in oil that covers it completely ©. cook thin strips of vegetables or meat quickly by stirring them in very hot all hy cook meat, or vegetables without liquid in an oven or ower a fire 4g What can you see in the pictures? Do you know what dish these ingredients are used for? b Complete the instructions below with the verbs in T and 3. Gneverb is used twice, 1. the onion, 2 bacon and an apple, the cheese. aa a) a thatomato sauce con the pizza base, the cheese ‘on the pizza base. 5. the chopped the pizza ‘onion, bacan and apple == in the oven for ‘on top, about 10 minutes, Bo you think you can make a pizza yourself? Pronunciation Tones in statements used as questions es A statement can be used asa q ee ees eet te Peete as Usten Ce ed Cd \ 3° Listen tothe conversations, Draws or sat ‘the end ofeachline, Practisethe conversations with a partner, 1. A: Whatda we need to make a pizza? &: Apizza bese, some cheese, some bacon, an onion, and an apple, An apple? » es, an apple. What's for dinner? We're eating out tonight. We're rating out? Right can't eat this dish, Why not? Imalllergic to prawns. Allergic to prawns? ‘Yes, my skin turns red when | eat them, PRPPPE PER BE ‘© @ Work in pairs. Complete the mini-dialogues with suitable statement questions, Lets have pasta tonight, i don't like pasta. A & A & No.Itmakes me fat, Av What should Ido next? & Add some-salt to the salad. A | thought you didn’t like salty food, Butt’ so tasteless, ” bb Practise the mini-dialogues using the correct intonation, Fn this part of the conversation in GETTING STARTED again and De ec ee tr ie Cee ieee tae ea ed er 0 Unt 7/ Recipes end Eating Habrs EMTS EU se) J 2 Match the food quanti with the nouns, Grammar Quantifiers: review 11 Fill each blank with , an, some, or any. Tom: Wina, you're drinking. (1) cola for breakfast? Mina: Yes, (2) glass of Coke and (3) crisps. That's my favourite, Tom: Don't you know that & a very bad way to start your day? Mina: Why's it bad? Tom: Breakfast is the first meal of the day, so its very Important to eat nutritious things Mina: Such as? Tom: Wyoucar't cook 4) food yourself, have (5)____bowd of cereal and (6) ___ milk Then eat (7)___ apple. Aina: But there isn’t (8) milk in the fridge. Tom: Gooutand buy(9}__. ee ee Se eae tty re Sead ‘Some quantifiers can go with more than one noun, 1, a teaspoon of a. mils 2. sbottleat & garlic 3. 200 grams of celery 4. astickof & cabbage 5. abunchof 2 salami 6. ahead of i. beef 7. asticeof sugar 8. acloveat h. grapes 3 Read the instructions to make a chicken salad. Fill each blank with a word/phrase in the box, an lessons e teaspoon 2) 200 grams Bool (1) oflean chicken. While thechicken: is cooking, wash two cucumbers, chop them in half and slice them. Then peel (2) onion and slice it, Mix the sliced cucumber and onion ina bowl. Add two (31 of vinegar, a(d)___ of satt and a (5)__ af sugar into the bowl and mix woll. Leave the mixture to marinate for 10 minutes. Now slice the cooked chicken: and combine it with the mixture in the bowl. Before eating, add (s)___ pepper. bb Work in pairs. Think about a simple salad. Write the instructions on how to make it using the quantifiers and cooking verbs you have learnt, Share the instructions with the whole class. Vote for the best salad. = 7 Rlesipas end Eetng Habrs 11 Modal verbs in conditional sentences type 7 @ Read these sentences from the conversation in GETTING STARTED. Pay attention te the underlined part and answer the questions. TITER RTI eRRRRt, ME | can wash the spring onions if you Wee, Nis Warner. | Nick’ mum... You should be careful Ifyou use the red knife - its sharp. 4. What does con in the first sentence express? 2. What does should in the second sentence express? |B Motch the first half of the sentence in A with the second half in B, 1. Hf we hove more money, a if he wants to eat them rave, . if she eats less fast food, bb. you should use less salt we Can eat out more off 2 3. He must wash the vegetables carefully 4, Ifyou cook for Hung, di, you can have a bar of chocolate tomorrow, 5, My mum may be surprised , she may lose weight. o . Ifyou eat healthy food tonight, Lif my dad cooks dinner, © whar will you say in these situations? Use suitable modal verbs with conditional 1. Your father likes salty food, but you think itis necessary to reduce the amount of salt in his food. Otherwise, his health will suffer, You share your opinion with him, 12 Unt 7/ Recipes end Eatng Habts 2. Your brother is @ goad ester. He's able to eat three bowls of rice when he’s hungry. You tell this to your friend. 3. You want to take a cooking class. Your mum agrees but asks you te choose a dass at the weekend, Here is what she says to you 4, Yourtriend offers you a slice of pork, but you see that it is undercooked, You refuse because it is possible that you will hawe a stomachache. You: tell this to her. 5. Your sister is making a cake. You advise her to whisk the e993 for 10 minutes s0 that the cake is lighter. T Look atthe picture. Answerthe questions. 11. Can you guess the name of the dish in the picture? 22, What do you think the ingredients are for this dish? 2.0 Now listen to the first part of a talk where Mi is presenting how to prepare the ingredients, Check your answers, b Listen to the first part of the talk again. Fill each blank with a wordiphrase, a ee Re Cd Ca 3 of Readthestepstomakethedish. Rearrange them into the correct order. Add the cream and simmer for 2 to'3 minutes. Heat the butter in a deep pan, add the shallots and celery and sti ry for a few minutes. ©. Purde the soup in a mixer until itis smooth, |. For the finishing touch, garnish it with some celery leaves, ©. Add the pumpkin and stir fry for a few more minutes. 1 Add 750ml of water and a pinch of salt and cook until the pumpkin is tender, Cool fer 10 minutes. F & LY, ie Listen tothe second part ofthe talk and chock your answer, (rien tothe second part again, What are the health benefits of this dish? Extra vocabulary purée shallot cube tender garnish 4 @ Work in groups. Choose a dish you like, Discuss its ingredients, how to prepare it and the steps to cook it. Write your ideas ‘ona large sheet of paper. bb Organise a gallery walk. Move around to each group and listen to their presentation. Vote for the best dish. a Reading 1 Work in pairs. Answer the questions. 1. What can you see in each picture? 2. Have you ever tried the dishes in the pictures? sa, how dic you find thers? Japanese people are famous for their Pee ee eel the main reason for their longevity. ; a Japanese meal consists of rice, soup, the main dishjes) and pickles. ice is the staple and plays a central part people's eating habits, Japanese rice is sticky and nutritious, so when combined with the main dishes and the soup, they make a complete meal. The portions af each dish ate individually served, ‘3 Read the article again and answer the questions. 1, What isthe most important feature of Japanese seating habits? 2. Howds they make sashimi? 3. What sauce can both sashimi and sushi be served with? 4. How many components are there in a typical Japanese meal? 5. Hows riee important in Japanese meals? 6. Why de people say that the Japanese eat with their eyes? 14 Unt 7/ Recipes end Eatng Habrs The mest important characteristic of their eating habits is they file raw fod and do net use sauces with a strong flavour. Twa typical examples are sashimi and sushi. The [ananese make sashimi simply by custing fresh fish, Then they serve it with a digping suce made ‘tam soy sauce ane spicy Japanese harsoradish Iwasnbil. Sushi Is similar, The cooked, vinegared rice can be combined wth raw fish, prawn, avocado, cucumber or egg, Sushi is usually served with soy saloe and pickled ginger. I issaid thal the Japanese eat with theireyes, Therelore, the sirangement of dishes is anather significaet feature of their eating habits. you join 2 Japanese meal, you may be excited ta: see how the calourtul hes are arranged In addition, there are plates and bowls of different sizes and designs. They are carefully presented te tel the food they carry. 4 Work in groups. Discuss the eating habits of Vietnamese people, You can use the following questions a5-cues, 11. What is the most important feature af Vietnamese ‘eating habits? 2. What are the typical components in a Vietnamese meal? 4. What is the staple of our country? 4. How are the dishes arranged? 5. swe there any other characteristics of our eating habits that you know? In ganeral, do Vietnamese praple have healthy ‘eating habits? & imagine that you take part in an international competition in which competitars talk about the ‘eating habits of their awn country. Present your group's ideas about Vietnamese eating habits, See ecmamaaatal 1lllegk eferdeitnincos more than three words for each blank. stening 1 Work in pairs. One of you looks at Picture A, and the other looks at Picture B on page 17. Ask each other questions te find out the differences between your pictures. Writing o@ Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about each other's eating habits. Take notes What do the pictures tell you? of your partner's answers in the table. ( 42° steon Radio is asking two students about their eating habits. Listen to what they say and decide if the statements are true (T) or (oe ect Lech false (F). T F De you think your partner has healthy eating hablts? Why not? : Sige aed ke es Is there anything he/she should ehangeif he/she i A iii wants to be healthier? 2. Its difftoult it tf uous 5 Gt Write about your partner's eating habits, aE Include information about histher meals, 3. Hes considering changing his sak Salalon beat hiaciactina hab aas eating habits. possible changes. 4. ath Maya and her brother have good eating habits. 5. She thinks breakfsst should include nutritious food 6 She-cooks dinner for her family. — (4 Ib Exchange your work and give comments. Une 7/ Recipes end Eaung Habs 15 2 Filleach blank with a word/phrase in the box. Vocabulary 11 Match the words in A with thelr descriptions or definitions in 8. 1. gamish © deep a few pieces ar chops of semething tera erate 2. versable | bi put something quichly into asauce and take itoutaqain 1. parte (pound miture, uuually containing ol, wise ‘or vinegar and berbs and sploes, ever meat a ish fees cocked tna feu or make ittender 4. dp «deca a doh of fod witha small amaust faites fed 5. sefnile | ©. haviog mary difieene wes (6. marinate | {mmone the outerlnyer af food 1 whisk, ‘y) makefruit vegetables int thick, smeoth sauce, esually na Mender 18. peed be 09g, tear et, toad rand mcke te fod bgt 2 Writeaverb fora cooking method under each picture. The first letter has been provided. z cee 16 Unt 7/ Recipes end Eetng Habrs Well, Think there. are. some ‘ways to keep fit. Firstly, we should at bealthily. Don’t eat too much fast food Some people have a big 1) and a aft drink for lunch. It isn't @ goad idea Ibocauss that’ meal. doesn’t include any vegetables. astesd, if Hey want to have a quick healthy lanch, they a. » SSH We ELAS food. ‘We should (4) ___ it, Steamed dishes dent use any fat If you like, you can alse (5) lean meat with vegetables. I's healthy aed sutritions. Grammar ol Circle the correct answer. 1. Don't put too much beeen in the dish A pinch lice is: enough, 2. To make this soup, you newd tw sieesstcks of celery. 3, There isn't somevany butter in the fridge, We should go to the supermarket to buy someviany. 4. Can you go te the convenience store and buy me a tindbag af rice? 5. Slices sloverloafof garlic, than ade samehoney. ‘6. Look! This bunchicup of qrapes is 30 fresh, 5 Complete the sentences with your own ideas. Use the modal verbs provided. 1. Ifyou keep eating fast food, (might) 2, fyou promise to finish your homework tonight, (can) i he doesn't want to-hawe toothache, should) if she wants ta lose weight, (emus) 5, Ifyou join this cooking lesson, (can) Communication 16 Rearrange the lines to make a complete conversation, A. That's right, It's the first time I've made them, 5. What 8 pleasant Sunday marning it ist ©. Shall | peel the bananas for you? ©}. | can't wait t Sry your first pancakes! They look delicious. F. Yes.Itscool and sunny, what are you daing? Frm making some pancakes. Sure, you can give me a hand if you want. . Really? Will we have them with haney? Some pancakes? Yes, some honey and some slices of banana. Finished! Now | can... ae te ‘= use lexical items related to dishes and ways of preparing and cooking some food © ask statement quastions with the correct intonation ‘= use some quantifiers correctly ® write and use conditional sentences ‘type | with modal verbs © read for general and specific information about the eating habits cof Japenese people = talkabout the eating habits of ‘Vietnamese people « listen for specific and detailed information about teenagers’ ‘cating habits ‘© write about the eating habits of a classmate A survey on eating habits 1 Workin groups. Go to other classes and ask different students about their eating habits, Write the students’ answers inthe table, How often do you eat fast food? 2 How aften do you eat homemade food? 3. How many meals do you have per day? 2 Now work together again. Analyse the answers you have got and organise them in the form af an answer to each question, This could be done using a visual organiser such asa chart. 3 in general, do the students at your school have healthy eating habits? Present your group's findings ta the class, Une 7 Recipes end Eatng Habre Ww Nick: haus Travel plans (aster and read. Nick: Hi, Chou, Hove are things? Chau: Good. Have you made up your mind about where to go on holiday? Well, I've narrowed it down totwocountries ~ my first choice is France and my secand is Japan, What do you think? Well, France is one of the largest countries in Europe, Since we've got a fourwaek summer haliday, you could ga on a cycing tour of the country ar ge an a package tour. No, lin natinto package tours. like to visit the Alps.and climb Montalsne-thehighest mountain in Western Europe, I also love to explore Parts, and go sightseeing in the historic city of Versailles, Seunds exciting! 1 think its quite warm | there, much warmer than in Britain. can | just picture you, tanned and relaxed, I tasting delicious lacal specialities like frags’ fi Jegs and snails! Ha hal That's not really my cup of tea, Bpceis epg de snowed stay at ‘seaside resort, eating sushi and sashimi every, iow, Japan is only my ‘ second choice, Ms Right. Sa what do your parents think about your plans? Chau: Wb Unk 8/ Touran Oh, they're cool, Im glad that they let me: imake my own decisions, : Lucky you Whatever you decide, you'll have goad time. So what about you? Planning anything? i Well, my family ... (fades out) THIS UNIT INCLUDES: VOCABULARY = Tourism ‘Compound nouns PRONUNCIATION Tones in.asking for Information GRAMMAR Articles: other uses SKILLS, * Reading for general and 5 atirection * Taling about one’s choice of holiday ~ Ustening far specific information about the benefits of tourism to an arew/country * Writing 2 parsaraph about the negative effects of tourism onan. 4rea/country COMMUNICATION pecific information about a tourist @ Find a word/phrase in the conversation that means: madea decision; . reduced it 3 trip where your travel and hotets are arranged for you: . move around and discover things: 5, something you don't really like: B Tick (y’) true (T} or false (F), |. Chau and Nick are going te hawe thelrwinter holiday, 2. A package tour is notiinteresting to Nick. 3. Chau is teasing her friend about eating frogs'legs, Nick has decided to stay at a seaside resort in Japan. 5. Nick's parents are very controlling. © Answer the following questions. What does ‘Dh, they're coal’ mean? . What is the weather like in France in the summer? . What would Nick like to do in France? What wouldn't Nick like to-do in France? 5. How do we know that Chau's parents dan't allow heras much freedom as Nick's parents da? 2 Collocation: Which word goes with whieh list 2S summer, package, adventure . holiday, taurist, seaside sightseeing, guided, package boat, day, business 2 20 Unt 8/ Touriam & Filleach blank with a word/phrase from the list. Most people enjoy travelling abroad, and having the chance to stay in an exotic city or a (1). You can mect new people, tan now things, and take home some interesting (2). But before you can do that, you have to reach your (3), and. that can sometimes be a challenge! You need to make lots of preparation, You will probably have to reserve a seat (4) on planes, trains or buses. If you fly, you may find that your flighthas been (5) or you have problems with your (6) _. In addition to the travel, ifs often difficult to find good (7)___ al. a (8) which you can afford. Nevertheless, most people love to go an holiday. 4 Quiz A Give the names of the following. Choose ane and talk aboutit with a partner, The city in Viet Nam where the International Fireworks Festival is held annually 2. Asstructure near Beijing, China, that is one of the New? Wonders of the World An island in Korea that is a popular place for a holiday 8. Alocal preduct that you weuld like te introduce to foreign wisitors 5. A custam of your locality that might surprise tourists 6. Advice that you would like to give to a tourist visiting your area Vocabulary 1 Match each word/phrase with a definition. tip Pe] facut tour eee tour guide A journay, usually for pleasure, to wisit different places: 2. A place where a lot of people go on hebiday: 3. The act oF activity of moving fram one place to another: 4. Aperson who shows tourists around: 5. A shart journey ta a place, especially one for pleasure: 6, An organized journey to a place that is nat easy tormach:, 2 Fill each blank witha word from the list, There are twovextra words, ee a Would you like to explore an exciting location? Bo you want to {1} to a beautiful, relaxing beach, and help to save the environment? If the answer is yes, then you should (2) your holiday with EcoTeurs! ‘At EcoTours, we help you enjoy your haliday and learn more about the places you (3) In addition, EcoTours gives one dollar af the cast of your trip to help protect the local (4) Call us today to talk with one of our experienced rour(S)___. We'll help you choose and plan a stimulating (6) that is right fer yout Our holidays are definitely not boring. Don't worry about the cast, Our prices are very (7) Call right now at (B48) 955-6788. You'll be (8) with your EcoTours vacation. tacthpaste ee ea De EEE eu ieee 3 Use the words below to complete the compound nouns that match the definitions. ae) 1, Afeeting of tiredness and confusion about time after along plane journey: jet 2A disadvantage or problem that something a less attractive idea: droves 3. Ashort stay somewhere between two parts of a Journey: step 4, A popular time of the year for holidays: peak makes 5. The place where you go first when you arrive at an airport to show your ticket: check. & Applace at the side of a road markest with a sign, where uses stop: bus 4 Complete the sentences using the compound nouns below. 1, The. time is 12 noon at this hotel, 2. Let's make sure that we stay at a hotel with a 3. There was a with our tickets - we were charged for ane-way tickets and not a round trip, 4. The motorway wis blocked because there had beena 5. After , please remain seated until the altcraft comes toa standstill outside the terminal building. 6. At the hotel, you can choose between bed and breakfast, and Verb checkout Verbing: Adjective driving licence greenhouse Particle underground rainfall passer-by Particle autput Unit 8/ Tourism 21 Pronunciation Tones in asking for information i» 4.5’ Listen and repeat the following minitalks, paying attention tothe tone in the questions. 1. A: Where would you like to go sightseeing? 8: Hideto go to Australia most of all. A: What do you think of the newly discovered cave? 8: Oh, fantastic, 3. A: Have you been sightseeing all day? 5; Yeah, We've been ta the ald pagoda, the orchid garden, and the open-air market. . A: Is Egypt a famous tourist attraction? 8: Yes, Millions of peaple go there every year, ;. 6 Mark the questions with falling or falling- rising arrows, and practise the conversation with a partner. Then listen to check your Pronunciation. ‘Martin: What's the matter, Janet? Janet: Im looking for my passport, It seems ta be lost, ‘Martin: Have you already searched your purse? Janet: Not yet. Oh, where are my glasses? Martin: They may be in your plastic bag. Where ist? Janet: Oh, no, it's not here. Have | dropped it on the plane? martin: Oh roy Gad. Janet; Whatshould | do now? Martin: Let's report it to the customs officer, aa Unt By Tourssm Complete the text with a/en, the, or zero article 1. The Dominican Republic is (1) country on the island of Hispaniola, In (2|__ Caribbean region. itis (3)__ second largest Caribbean nation after Cuba. with nearly 10millian people, one mil&on af wham live in f4)___ capital city Sante Domingo. (5}__ second langest city ts (6]___ Santiago. The geography of (71 country is varied, and ranges fram t& semi desert plains to ()___ lush valleys of tropical rainforest, (10) economy depends largely on (111 agriculture, with (12____ sugar as (13)___ main crop, Tourisen is (14) important industry. 1 Askand answer the questions. Choose 3 6 Write answers te the questions, using a, en, the from the list. Use the if necessary. or zero article in each answer. Give three true answers, but two untrue on: 1. What colour and type of bicycle would you like to have? 2. Which holiday destination doyou prefer.city, mountains, seaside? 3. Where would you like ta go on holiday next? 4. What's your favourite time of the year? |. Which one is an imperial palace? ‘Which river rune through London? 5. Have you ever travelled onpwhere by plane? Plesse Which one is the deepest lake in the explain, world? | Which one is considered one of the Tell your answers to a partner and ask him/her fae Seats to.guess which answers are not true, . Which is the bat t the: eae ea 4 Make fullsentencesframthe words/phrases, adding yes articles as needed, Then mark them as true [T) of Which one is a tourist attraction in alse (F). New York? 1. original name/of/Ha Noi/Phu Xuan Ih Choose ane item above and say 2 most famous/Egyptian pyramids found/st Glzalin'Calro what you know about it asa tourist 3. there/cinyicaled Klewin/America attraction. 4, My Sorvset of ruinsMfrom/ancient Cham Empirey UNESCO World Heritage Site 5. Englishfirst language/in/many ecountries/outside/United Kingdom nit B/ Tourism =a Extra vocabulary —— J breathtaking affordable nat break the bank —_ 1 @ Read the following Information about tourism in Viet Nam. “The food is r . “things are delicious and not \ In 2014, a total of 7.874.300 foreign tourists y expensive, ove the, wisited Viet Nam. What are the reasons that make seafood’ Viet Nam a tourist attraction for foreigners? Here's what some foreign visitors had to say: affordable hare, we can hawe a lovely time without breaking the bank* = “There are so ‘The people are many beauty spots, so friendly and Ha Long Bay is welcoming!” breathtaking" . The landscape The people | The price [ The cuisine J J NN - bb Workin groups. Discuss the visitors’ opinions above. Do you agree? Add two mare reasons tothe list. a4 Unt 8/ Tour's 2 These are the tap-ten most visited countries according to the figures published by the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO). Work in pairs, Complete the table by writing one or two famous things that visitors can see oF do in each country. cog nny Leprol renee egret 1 France P| 237 | Goupthe Eiffel Tower, visit the Lowvre Museum in Paris 2 UnitedStates = ij | 748 3 Spain | so 4 ‘China mm | S56 5 taly I 486 6 Turkey Ga | 2 7 Germany mm x0 a United Kingdom gaa | 326 3 Russie me | 75 10 Mexico I 231 3 Work in groups. Discuss which country/place you would like te visit for a holiday. Geomple: Ay Td ike to-go to Spain for my holiday. It would be wonderful to tour Madd, and visit the legendary land ‘of Don Quixote. Unit 8? Tourism = 25 1 Work in groups. Name some famous caves inViet Mam and in the world. by Ancwer the questions with your own ideas, Where is Son Dacng Cave located? . When was it discovered? Hew long is the cave? Now read the passage and check the information. : Serves Cort has become more famous after ‘thaAmerican Broadcasting Company (ABC aired a live programme featuring its magnificence on “Goad Moming America’.in May 2015. [Located in Quang BinhProvince, San Doong Cave ‘was discovered by a local man named Ho Khanh in 1991, and became known internationally in 2009 thanks to British cavers, led by Howard bert, The cave was formed about 2.0 5 million years ago by river water ereding away the limestone undemesth the mountain. It contains some of the tallest known stalagmites, in the world -up to 70 metres tal. The cavels mare than 200 metres wide, 150 metres high, and nearly 9 ilomatres long, with caverns big enough to ‘it an entire street inside them, Son Doong Cave is. recognised as the largest cave in the world by |GBCRA (fritish Cave Reseorch Association) and selected as one of the most beautiful on earth lby the BBC British Broadcasting Corporation), tn August 2093, the first tourist group explored ‘the cave on a guided tour, Permits are now required to. acceis thevcave and are made available on a limited basis. Only $00 permits ‘were: issued for’ the 2015 season, which rns from, February to August. After August, heavy rains cause river levels torrise and make the cave questions, or choose the correct answers, What happened in May 2015? . How was Son Doang Cave farmed™ When can tourists explore the cave? The word ‘inaccessible’ in the passage peatably means A. should natibe accessed 8. need to be careful © cannot be reached ©. may be flooded From the passage, we know that there is a street inside Son Doong Cave 8. the cave is always covered with rain water C. few tourists want te come to the eave > ©, tourists need permission to explore the cave: 3 Which would you like to do most on holiday? Tick (v’) three things in the list, explore Son Doong Cave climb thee Great Wall ef China visit the Pyrarnids af Eqypt 90 on wildlife safari to Kemrya rélaxona beach 90 camping in Cuc Phuong National Park g0 of an expedition to Mount Everest take an adventure tour to the arctic take a sightseeing tour around New York take a Trans-viet cycling tour 4 Work in groups. Talk about one of your choices, trying te persuade your group to Join you. eee) Ns ‘A: Fdlike to go on a wildlife safarl to Kenya as I'm weryiinterested Inthe natural world and wrlldlife preservation. You can experience wild animals in their natural habitat - elephants, hippos, cheetats, and lions. I think 2 cycling tour from the north to the south of Viet Nam with some fiends is the best. You travel at yaur own pace. You stop whenever and wherever you like. You can enjoy the beauty of different parts of our country and at the sane time improwe your health, a, Listening ‘To Work in pairs. is tourism important to Viet Nam? Give at least one reason, Ca stan to the tecture and tick V1 40 €or false (F). TIF 1. Tourism plays an impartant part in the develepment af many nations, 2. Modern transport promotes tourism. 3. Tourism depends an the income of a country. 4. People’s lives get better with the development of taurisn, 5. Tourism helps promote international understanding and cooperation. 6. Young people go to big cities to meet foreign tourists. Oo 4 3 Listen again and choose the correct answer, The next part of the lecture probably continues to discuss 2 ‘A. other benefits of tourism 2. the tourism industry in Wiet Nam C the negative effects oftourism Writing 4 Work in groups. Talk about the negative effects of tourism on a region or country. The following ideas may be helpful te you. Natural enviranment is damaged. Natural beauty is spoiled. Traditional ways of life are affected. = Social problems may arise, 5 Choose one negative effect that you have discussed above.and write a paragraph about: it, Moke sure you use the right connectors. FiestéFlrsthi/The first.../One of the .. Second/SecondlyiAnother... ‘Third! Thirdly Furthermore/In addition ... Unt 8/ Tourism = 27

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