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Grade: 11-3 Date: 19/03/2021 Year: 2021

English teacher: Nubia Jaimes
First name: María de los Ángeles Last name Cárdenas González

Distance learning - First term WK#2


Activity one (3 points): match the icons with the goals in Spanish.

Fin de la Igualdad de Energía asequible Industria, Producción y Ciudades y

pobreza género y no innovación e consumo comunidades
(1) (5) contaminante infraestructura responsable sostenibles
(7) (9) (12) (11)

Hambre cero Vida de Reducción de las Paz, justicia e Salud y Acción por el
(2) ecosistemas desigualdades instituciones bienestar clima
terrestres (10) sólidas (3) (13)
(15) (16)

Alianza para Educación de Vida submarina Trabajo decente y Agua limpia y

lograr los calidad (14) crecimiento saneamiento
objetivos (4) económico (6)
(17) (8)

 Poverty  Ecosystems
 Equality  Economy
 Environment  Justice
 Seas  Hunger
 Marine  Industrialization
 resources  Energy
 Inclusion  Gender
 Health
 Safety
 Water
  Education
 Sanitation
 Peaceful
 Employment
 Climate
 Inequality
 Oceans


People Poverty, resources, Hunger, Health, Employment

Prosperity Economy, Education, Industrialization.
Peace Justice, Inequality, Inclusion, Gender.
Partnership Equality, Peaceful, Energy
 Environment, Ecosystems, Oceans, Sanitation, Seas, Climate, Water, Marine.
Activity three (3 points): Write on the line the right word according to the definition.
1. Sustainability means the ability to meet our own needs without compromote the
future generations.

2. Ecosystem all the plants, animals and people living in an area considered together with
their environment.

3. Equality to have similar social position and receive the same treatment.

4. Sanitation Free form war, commotion, violence, or disorder

5. Climate Weather conditions of a region

6. Peaceful state of being clean, free of germs.

7. Education Discipline with methods of teaching and learning in schools.

8. Hunger it is feeling of weakness that you get when you need something to eat.

Education Hunger Sustainability Sanitation

Peaceful Equality Climate Ecosystem

Activity four (7 points): Look at the pictures. Do you know what they show? Where is this place? Why is
this place important? Read the text quickly to check your answers.

In the Palm of Dubai

(1) Where is this place? It’s incredible, burning, often over 40 degrees Celsius in the
summer months. Part of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Dubai is a city in the middle
of the desert. Where the pavement ends, sand begins and it stretches for kilometers and
kilometers into the distance. Despite this harsh climate, the people of Dubai have turned
their city into one of the world’s most popular tourist resorts.
(2) Do you know what they show? there is five star hotels that you need special
permission to visit. If you want to buy souvenirs, you can buy gold jeweler from a
vending machine. The shopping malls are enormous palaces with every luxury product
you could think of.
(3) Why is this place important? One of the most famous is the Palm Island. This is an artificial island built in
the sea right next to the city. It is the site of luxury homes and hotels, although it’s not actually the best place to
go sightseeing. It’s only possible to see the palm shape from the air.
(4) ________________________ To build the Palm Island, the developers destroyed both a place where turtles
lay their eggs as well as the only coral reef along the coast. The coral was an essential habitat for marine life
and although there are plans to replace it with an artificial reef, the damage has already been done.
(5) ________________________ large numbers of people are moving to live in Dubai and they all need water,
something which is not easily available in the desert. The solution is to use desalination plants, factories which
turn sea water into fresh water. These use enormous amounts of electricity and produce large amounts of CO2.
(6) _________________________ On the one hand, we want to make pleasant places for people to live and
exciting locations for tourists to enjoy. This creates jobs for people where there is no other work. On the other
hand, development often equals destruction and the environment suffers as a result.

 Complete the opening sentence of each paragraph 1-6 with a-g. There is one extra sentence.

a. In Dubai, wealth is everywhere.

b. The question is whether this development has had too great a negative impact.
c. In conclusion, Dubai represents many of the problems that we have in the modern world.
d. The original inhabitants lived a peaceful life, making their homes in tents in the desert.
e. The first thing you notice when you arrive in Dubai is the extreme heat.
f. To attract visitors, Dubai has begun many huge construction projects.
g. That is not the only environmental problem.

 Now discuss these questions.

1. What kind of people go to Dubai as tourists?

d. The original inhabitants lived a peaceful life, making their homes in tents in the desert.

2. What is the natural environment like in Dubai?

e. The first thing you notice when you arrive in Dubai is the extreme heat.

3. Is there any wildlife in Dubai?

g. That is not the only environmental problem.

4. Why do people allow development in Dubai when it has a negative effect on the environment?
b. The question is whether this development has had too great a negative impact.

5. Do you think people are making the right or the wrong decisions in Dubai?
g. That is not the only environmental problem.

6. Do you think there are similar problems in your country?

c. In conclusion, Dubai represents many of the problems that we have in the modern world.

7. What do you think is more important: jobs from tourism or protection of the environment?
f. To attract visitors, Dubai has begun many huge construction projects.

Activity five (5 points): Read the text and answer the questions.

1. Where is located Shanghai?

Administratively, Shanghai is one of four municipalities in the People's Republic of China administered
directly by the country's central government. Shanghai is the economic capital of China.
This is where it is:

2. What is a megacity?
The term "Megacity" is used to define cities with more than ten million inhabitants.

3. Why this city an excellent location for merchants?

Like this one, the first one also had its origin in trade, just ... For the China of the time; the biggest
paradox was that Shanghai ... the Company sold its wholesale to private merchants who transported it to

4. Why has this city been sinking?

70% of the collapse of the city of Shanghai is due to excessive pumping of groundwater, while the
weight of skyscrapers and global warming are responsible for the remaining 30%, explains Lipping Dai,
researcher at the Utrecht Center for Water.

5. What is the only way to prevent this environmental disaster?

 Change energy provider.
 Eat less meat.
 Waste less food.
 Travel by train and not by plane.
 Consume less.
 Participate in a class action.

6. Where was this city built?

It was built in the early 20th century to house the 2 jade Buddha statues.
Activity six (7 points):
<<If the population does not encounter obstacles, it increases in geometric progression.
Foods only increase in arithmetic progression.
It is enough to posses the most elementary notions of numbers to be able to appreciate the
immense difference in favor of the first of these to forces>>
Thomas Robert Malthus

According to the last quote, give examples using the grammar: conditionals and the linking
words cause- effect to write about the seventeen goals of the UN.
Conditionals Linking words
If the future generations don´t educates, they Because of wildfire, many animals have
will suffer the consequence disappeared
If it rains, you will get wet. You will get wet if it rains.

If Sally is late again I will be mad. I will be mad if Sally is late again.

If you don't hurry, you will miss the bus. You will miss the bus if you don't hurry.

No entendí muy bien ese punto que improvise :)

Activity seven (3 points): Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
a. If there were no guns, there would were less crime. (be)

b. If we had more hospitals in developing countries, fewer people would die. (have)

c. If they build more houses, fewer people would be homeless. (build)

d. If people had clean water, they would don't get ill. (not get)

e. If people were more tolerant and understanding, they would don't fight each other.
(Not fight)
Activity eight (3 points): Combine the following sentences using the words given:

Quedo bien? ;w;

Activity nine (3 points): From your point of view, which and why are the most important
environmental problems that affect your town and your city. Write five lines in each one.
Problem 1 Problem 2
-forest and soil degradation: - overexploitation of renewable resources:
In forest conditions, surface runoff and soil Continued overexploitation can lead to the
erosion are generally low because of the destruction of the resource. The term is also
surface litter cover. Erosion generally used and defined somewhat differently in
decreases productivity of forests by fisheries, hydrology and natural resource
decreasing the available soil water for forest management.
growth and through loss of nutrients in
eroded sediment.
There are some environmental problems:
 Pollution in rivers
 Climate change  Lack of water
 Too many cars  Soil erosion and desertification
 Too many constructions  Daggered species and plants
 Destruction of forest and wild  The garbage
 No environmental education  No clean and alternatives energies

Activity ten (8 points): Make a decalogue of ecologic family.

1. Every day in my family we take a shower of 5 minutes.

2. Eat less red meat.
3. Do not use plastic bags.
4. Don't support fast fashion.
5. Wash clothes in cold water.
6. Keep the fridge in an environmentally friendly temperature range so as not to
waste energy.
7. Taking short showers, turning off the tap when brushing teeth or washing dishes.
8. Unplug electrical appliances every day to save energy.
9. .

Activity eleven (8 points): ICFES- TYPE APPLICATION

Jacques-Yves Cousteau was an explorer, ecologist, filmmaker, inventor and conservationist. He was a man,
who spent nearly his whole life underwater exploring the hidden depths of the ocean and who did more to
educate the world about the mysteries of the deep sea than any other scientist before or since. He was born in
June, 1910 in the village of Saint-André-de-Cubzac, in south western France. Jacques was a sickly boy and
spent much of his time in bed, reading books and dreaming about a life at sea. In 1920, Jacques' family moved
to New York and he was encouraged to start swimming to build up his strength. This was the beginning of his
fascination with water and the more he learnt through his own experiences, the more passionate he became
about "looking through nature's keyhole". Nevertheless, his career in underwater exploration came about by
accident. After entering France's naval academy and travelling around the world, he was involved in an almost
fatal car accident that left him seriously injured with two broken arms. He began swimming in the
Mediterranean Sea to strengthen his arm muscles as part of his recovery process and rediscovered his love of
the ocean. Cousteau developed a pair of underwater breathing apparatus to allow him to stay underwater for
long periods of time. His experiments led to the development of the first Aqua-Lung which was a great
commercial success. During World War II, he worked for the French Resistance and experimented with
underwater photographic equipment. He helped to get rid of German mines and was awarded the Legion
D'Honneur and the Croix de Guerre medals for his bravery. In 1942, he filmed his first underwater film Sixty
Feet Down. It was 18 minutes long and was entered in the Cannes Film Festival.

1) What is the writer trying to do in the text? 2) Being a child, Cousteau had ....
A) teach readers how to make films A) strong will
B) explain how Jacques-Yves Cousteau has made a lot of money B) bright mind
C) introduce readers to the filmmaker Jacques-Yves Cousteau C) heart attacks
D) delicate health
D) describe particular films directed by Jacques Cousteau
3) In a car accident he ... 4) Cousteau developed underwater breathing equipment
A) burnt both of his arm A) to extend his underwater investigations
B) broke his extremities B) to gain fame
C) injured his leg C) to achieve commercial success
D) hurt his eyes D) having no certain goals
5) During World War II Cousteau collaborated with ...
A) Polish resistance movement
B) German antifascists
C) American troops
D) underground resistance fighters in France

En todas las guías de grado once, se trabajarán ejercicios de aplicación tipo icfes

Para los estudiantes que trabajan en medio físico, la guía desarrollada deben enviarla a:
plataforma classroom o al correo de la profesora:
Fecha plazo máximo para enviar la guía número 1 es: 24 de marzo (miércoles), hasta
las 11:59 pm

Important anouncement:
A continuación envío links para que los estudiantes practiquen en sus casas ejercicios de aplicación,
preparándose para el ICFES. Ustedes de manera autónoma, día a día deben destinar un tiempo para desarrollar
estas actividades y lograr lo mejor en las pruebas


Muy largo el trabajo :”|

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