T-Magazine July 25 2021-eeOWI

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July 25, 2021


Page 3

Govt should realise how we feel seeing our

8 million
is the number of Hindus currently living in
Page 4

I want to show that Pakistan is safe for

Page 8

Tape-ball cricket lets you hit the ball hard out

holy places used for recreation — Parkash various parts of Pakistan, according to PHC female solo travellers — Syra Hussain of the park. It’s more fun — Hafsa Khalid

By Zeeshan Ahmad

Humans have wondered about life on other planets for

as long as they have known about space. Renowned
astronomer Dr Seth Shostak of SETI explains why
the question matters and how the search for extra-
terrestrial intelligence actually works

he question of whether there is life outside of low. The SETI Institute has about a hundred researchers, And if you just expand the search to 300 light years, to
Planet Earth is perhaps as old as the discovery of but the number that are working on the SETI project There is no danger in give a number, then there are more than a million star
outer space. Ever since it became clear that our is one and a half. It is very very small and that is just a systems within that distance. So, even if you think the
planet was just one of the countless bodies in money issue. listening for intelligent life chances are one in a million, you will have success if can
the universe, people have wondered if we, the
human race, are all alone in its vastness.
The rest of the institute, if you walk down the
halls here, you would find are doing what is called at all. Nobody knows you are look at all those star systems within 300 light years.
Of course, that would mean that the signal is 300 years
Still, it was only recently that we could start an attempt
to find an answer. As humans breached the edge of
‘astrobiology’. They are interested in life in space but
probably microscopic life and not that kind that will hold
listening, unless you were to old. But even then, it would not be uninteresting to us.
There are plenty of people who study the 18th century on
the Earth’s atmosphere, corresponding initiatives and
advancements made some experimentation possible.
up their side of the conversation.
So, that is what the institute does. It is non-profit and
broadcast something back this planet.
It does make conversation very difficult if there is some
The not-for-profit SETI Institute developed as just one we have a lot of scientists, but we have a small number civilisation that far away. But who knows, there could be
result of that. Incorporated in 1984, the institute has that are actually interested in the search for extra some intelligent life that is much closer. Our nearest star,
been on a mission to explore, understand and explain the terrestrial intelligence. the radar or our television and FM radio, all of which are for instance, is only four light years away. That would
nature of life in the universe. going into space. Those would be alerting the ‘aliens’ too. mean tedious conversation but it is not impossible.
The Express Tribune reached out to someone who is ET: When it comes to searching for signs of life in
perhaps SETI’s most public face: American astronomer space, there are some people who become somewhat ET: That is an interesting way to frame it. Usually, one ET: The term extra-terrestrials, usually, evokes
Dr Seth Shostak. In a wide-ranging conversation, Dr paranoid. They ask ‘why invite trouble’ if there is thinks only about what the discovery of intelligent conspiracy theories about UFOs and alien visitors. What
Shostak explains how the search for intelligent life out intelligent life on other planets. Why is it important for species or civilisations on other planets would mean for would you say to those who confuse the scientific search
there actually works and how such an endeavour may us, both philosophically and scientifically, to determine us. But if we were in fact alone in the universe, you say for extra-terrestrial life with conspiracy theories?
be important for us to understand our place in the grand whether we are alone in the universe or not? that in itself would be an important discovery. SS: Well, there are certainly dozens of conspiracy theories
universal scheme. SS: If you ask me why is it interesting to do this, I think it SS: Yes, but keep in mind that there is no way to prove that. that I hear from people every day. Some of them are nuts,
is curiosity more than anything. That is not a superficial You can point your antennas at all the trillions of planets in but most of them are not. They are just citizens who have
ET: What does SETI do exactly and how did it come about? uninteresting motivation to do this. I am just doing this the Milky Way and you may not hear anything. But that still seen something.
SS: Well SETI is a generic acronym. It stands for the ‘Search because I want to know the answer to ‘is there somebody else does not prove that there is not intelligent life out there. It As it turns out, I have a background in photography
for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence’. That was our first project out there in the galaxy’. could mean that your experiment is not good enough. so I ask them if they have made any photos. And you
and it still is a project of this institute – the SETI Institute – We now know something that we did not know 2,000 years There is no way to prove that there is nobody out there. know, maybe half the time they say yes. I have them
which is a non-profit. ago and that is that there are like a trillion planets in the It is not a falsifiable hypothesis. But there is a way to send me the photos if they are willing and I can usually
Now, the first SETI experiment was done in 1960 by Milky Way. And we can see a million million other galaxies, prove that there is intelligent life out there and that is tell what they are.
each with a million million other planets, in the sky. what we are trying to do. And again, we do it out of
It is possible that there is indeed nobody out there. But curiosity more than anything.
if that were in fact true, then that would make Earth
ET: When we talk about bodies in space, there are
It is possible that there is indeed extraordinarily remarkable. It would be like finding one
lottery ticket in your pocket and it happens to be the obviously distances that even light takes thousands if It’s true the galaxies we see from
nobody out there. But if that were winning one – it could happen, but the chances of that
happening are small.
not millions of years to travel across. How does that
affect the search for extra-terrestrial life? How does
telescopes are billions of light
in fact true, then that would make There is a much bigger chance of there being life out the SETI project account for that when performing
its experiments?
years away. But for SETI, we are
there than there is a chance that all of these trillions of
Earth extraordinarily remarkable planets in trillions of galaxies are sterile. That is very SS: Well, it is true that everything you see in the sky is via looking nearby, in our own galaxy
unlikely. ‘old light’. If you look at the moon, you are not seeing it as
Frank Drake, who was a young astronomer at the time, As far as the danger of searching for intelligent life out it is ‘now’. You are seeing it as it was one and a half seconds In most cases, they can be explained by photographic
in West Virginia, United States. Since then, SETI has there is concerned, there is no danger in listening at all. ago. That does not really matter as the moon has not changed effects, or just the fact that they are using their
been a sort of ‘sometime activity’ for people. The fact that Nobody knows that you are listening, unless you were to much in the interim. cellphone cameras, pointing them at the sky at night.
it is not very large is entirely due to the lack of funding. broadcast something back. I think you could make that same argument probably The cellphone camera does not know what to focus on, so
When I joined the SETI Institute in 1990, it was a NASA Some people think that would be dangerous. I’m not for any alien signal you pick up. Yes it is true that we it goes in and out of focus, and they think they are seeing
programme. But that stopped three years later and it has one of them, but there are people who say: “oh, you don’t can see things and galaxies from our telescopes that are aliens. There are many interesting optical effects that
not been government funded since 1993. know what is out there and you may threaten the Earth.” billions of light years away. But we are not looking at many people interpret as being alien spacecraft.
That means that the number of people involved is very Those people do not seem terribly concerned about all those for SETI. We are looking nearby, in our own galaxy. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2

similar to humans.
I have consulted
for some films and
television shows too and
of course, you can argue
that maybe life out there
looks nothing like us or maybe
they are machines, and so forth.
But yes, in media, they
always go back to the idea of
humanoid aliens and the reason is
just in the storytelling. If you show a
humanoid alien, with the big eyes and
the grey skin, for example, the audience
immediately knows who that is. It does
not require a back-story. If they decide they
are not going to do that anymore and the
aliens look like frogs or grizzly bears, you have
to establish who they are and that requires screen
time. So in the interest of the story, they usually do
not do that and go back to the humanoid aliens.
But yes, there is no reason to think that life out there
would look humanoid. If the dinosaurs made movies,
all their aliens would look like dinosaurs. It is just
wherever you are in history or evolutionary history.
a lot
more fun
to think
this is true.
In most cases, UFOs can be
It is a lot
more fun for
explained by photographic
me to believe in
angels, just for
effects or someone pointing
example, and one- their cellphone camera at the
third of the population
believes in them too. But sky at night
you say “okay, that is fine
but what is your proof?” They As far as SETI experiments are concerned, however,
give you whatever they have, we do not really account for that. We do not even make
but it does not convince many the assumption that whatever is out there is alive – I
scientists. think machine intelligence is a much better guess. All
The same is true for the UFO we hope for is that whatever is actually out there, no
phenomenon. There is just no good matter what they look like, they do produce evidence
evidence in my opinion. Not to mention of their existence. Not necessarily deliberately, but
all sorts of problems with getting here even accidentally, just from the thermal heat or
and why are they here now and other whatever else they do or use, like computers.
things, other arguments you can make. We do not make any assumptions about their
But the bottom line is, if they are here now, behaviour or what they look like, their lifestyle or
why do we not see them with our airport radars, what they like to eat. None of that matters.
for example. Or our radar fences that extend across All we care about is “did they build a radio
the entire United States? Or the fact that there transmitter and is it on?”
are satellites up there and they are not all American
satellites. There are plenty of satellites that are just ET: In recent months, there has been some interest
photographing every part of the globe today and they in a US government report concerning UAPs. What
do not see them either. thoughts do you have about that?
Now, SS: For the last several weeks, I have been dealing with
o n e ET: There is this idea that the appeal of ‘conspiracy people who are interested in this report about UAPs
t h i r d theories’ comes from people’s need to convince – Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon, which used to
of the themselves that there is an order to the chaos they be called UFOs, but the government has changed the
American observe in life. Do you think that explains why the terminology for some reason.
public be- public interest in UFOs has been so enduring? The thing about that argument is that to begin
lieves that SS: I think the whole UFO business in the United States with the intelligence services did not even mention
we are actually – I think its safe to say for the world actually – began aliens in their analysis. That was not even up for
being visited and in the late 1940s and it started with an observation consideration and there was not even any evidence of
that some of these made in the state of Washington by this fire equipment that.
UFOs are real inter- salesman. The government did actually cover up some But what I find really interesting is the highly
stellar objects. That of the information around those early UFO experiences, emotional nature of this particular issue. That to me
is the same in Europe. I if you will. In particular in the case of Roswell, because is both interesting and puzzling.
don’t know what it is on the there was actually a classified experiment being I have gotten a lot of hate mail over articles I have
Subcontinent but I would be conducted at the Roswell Army Air Force Base involving written saying the ‘aliens are not here’. That gets
surprised if the numbers were balloons. The government did not tell the truth on that some people very upset. Many say it is great, but
very much different. until 30 years later. many others accuse me of being closed-minded,
So that precipitated make ad hominem attacks on me and even berate
a kind of distrust my ancestry.
amongst the public The interesting thing to me is why? Why are these
here in the United beliefs so closely held? It reminds me of wars and

What I find interesting is States that

government was not
the conflicts over religion. You wonder why people cannot
say, ok, you have your religion and I have mine. It
the highly emotional nature being honest about
what it knew. Ever
does not work that way and people get very emotional.
The same is true with the UFOs. Either you think the
of this particular issue. I since then, there has aliens are here or they aren’t.

have gotten a lot of hate

been this idea of a
conspiracy or cover ET: Talking about the report, some people have sug-

mail over articles I have up. gested that the UAPs could be drones or other small
I have worked for the aircraft used by some other nation, maybe China or
written saying the ‘aliens federal government.
I even had Top Secret
Russia, to spy on US installations.
SS: I don’t believe any of that actually. To begin with, all
are not here’. That gets clearance given
worked in a research
I these Navy videos were shot in the Pacific Ocean, off of
San Diego. Now, the fact that these videos were made by
some people very upset lab, and well, I have the military explains why these events are taking place
never been convinced close to where the Navy has ships.
that the federal I suspect these are just observational artefacts. I
Dr Seth Shostak government
cover up anything.
could mean, there are people who say well, the UFOs are
spending a lot of time looking at our missile silos.
But there are still And I think if they have the technology to come all
plenty of people who this way from another star system, why would they
So, that means for a do think that and, for its part, the federal government be interested in our guided missile systems. That
hundred million people in here does occasionally keep things quiet. It certainly would be like you going back to the Roman Empire
the United States and does that when it comes to military information. and telling Julius Caesar that the first thing you want
another hundred But the reason that when you go down to a science to look at is where they make their spears. It does not
million people in museum you do not see any stuff about UFOs is not make any sense.
Britain, Europe that the museum directors are thinking ‘no one
and Japan and wants to see that’. Of course the public would be very
so on, this interested. The reason you do not see that in a science If aliens have the technology
is true. museum is because there really is no science to it.
It is Nobody has come up with any real science connected to come all this way from
to the UFO phenomenon.
another star system, why
ET: When one usually thinks of alien life or when it is
depicted in popular media, what comes up is very would they be interested in
humanlike in terms of shape and thinking. But in
looking for extra-terrestrial intelligence, there
our guided missile systems
is no reason to expect any potential life
out there would be similar to us. When
experiments are developed in SETI, is As far as those videos are concerned, there are very
there any kind of speculation about prosaic explanations too. For instance, in one, you
what an intelligent extra-ter- are just looking up the tail pipes of those Navy jets a
restrial life-form would think hundred miles away using infrared cameras.
and behave like? You could still say, no, I am wrong and what the
SS: It is true that videos are showing is a Klingon spaceship. But if you
in movies and in don’t have any convincing evidence of it being an
television that alien spacecraft, it is probably better to go with the
when it comes to more prosaic explanation.
aliens, what
is shown ET: There is also the suggestion that such reports
is very before US lawmakers are actually aimed at securing
more funds. Do you think that is the case with the
UAP report?
SS: Having worked for the Navy myself, they are always
interested in getting more of the federal pie. The
government report, like I mentioned before, does
not have the word aliens or extra-terrestrials
anywhere in it. It just says we couldn’t explain
these 144 or 143 incidents. But it also says
that these are worthy of additional
study. It’s a nothing statement,
which is not really wrong, but
it is something you will need
new money for. So maybe it
is just that, a ploy to get
more money. But I’m
not that cynical yet.

2 July 25, 2021

Cover Design: Ibrahim Yahya | Photos: SETI Institute

By Asad Zia

Peshawar and other parts of K-P were once

home to thousands of minority religious sites,
many of which had immense spiritual and
historic significance, at least for adherents.
With members of various minorities moving
away due to pressures, many of these sites are
defenceless against commercialisation
cannot raise our voice and dus and Muslims. We lived together freely in Pesha-
stop the government from war, but now we fear for our safety,” she said. “Mean-
selling or leasing away while, most of our temples have been closed.”
the other temples,” he la- Bibi, like Parkash, urged the government to restore
mented. their temples in their respective areas that they
Parkash, another mem- can easily offered their worship and other activities
ber of Peshawar’s Hindu freely.
community, explained the The Express Tribune learned that in all of K-P, only 21
significance of the city’s temples are operational out of which a few are cen-
once famed Panj Tirath turies old and a majority of them were built before
temple. “The name Panj the partition era. “The Hindu community has a long
Tirath is derived from the history here in the province but unfortunately the
five pools of water pres- land grabbers in connivance with the concerned de-
ent here. Our elders tell partment have occupied the historic and archeologi-
us that the entire facil- cal religious sites to use for their own interests,” said
ity – which spanned about rights activist Haroon Sarab Diyal. He also shared a
14 kanals and 10 marlas commercialisation story of another Hindu place of
- was a place of utmost re- worship in Bannu, which now houses a bakery in
spect and spiritual signifi- the Teri area of Karak District. Diyal added that simi-
cance,” he said. larly, the city temple in Kohat was converted into
“This was once a presti- a school, Gorakh Diggi another holy place is now a
park, and the complex of five temples in Asamai Gate
in Peshawar has been leased out to the families mi-
grating from Kashmir.
Diyal mentioned that the law declares that only
spaces other than those specified for worship can be
leased out and that Section 31 of the Pakistan Admin-
istration of Evacuee Property Act, 1957 clearly states
that any person who willfully causes damage, mis-
As one of South Asia’s most ancient cities, Peshawar appropriates any evacuee property or unlawfully con-
boasts a rich cultural and religious heritage that stretches verts it to his own use shall be punishable as per the
back to more than 2,000 years. If the Khyber-Pass served Neglected law. He said that according to Pakistan Hindu Coun-
as the historic gateway into South Asia for visitors from cil statistics around eight million Hindus currently

lands west, then the present day capital of Khyber- reside in different parts of Pakistan and they have the
Pakhtunkhwa was the first stop on their journey to spice right to worship freely but still their places of wor-
rich lands of the Subcontinent. In the process developed ship are a target for commercialization.
a unique mix of art, culture and architecture inspired
by the ever-evolving syncretistic religious traditions of
the region. Wangri Gran temple was over
Among the many historic structures Peshawar 82 years old. Instead of being
once boasted of were the various Hindu temples that temples only are
dotted the city. With a history that spanned decades
currently operation in preserved, K-P govt gave it on lease
if not centuries, these once served as nuclei for local
Hindu communities. They could also, in line with Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and it was demolished. Now a three-
the present government’s ambition, served as at- story plaza stands in its place
tractions for religious tourism – that is if they were
preserved. Against the unrestrained onslaught of Pandit J Gopa.
commercialisation and the ‘property development Department, around 3,000 to 4,000 residential and gious place for the local Hindu community but now
machine’, Peshawar’s famed heritage is slowly being worship sites of the religious minorities in different it used for public enjoyment,” Parkash said while ex-
lost to the sands of time. parts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa were officially listed at pressing disappointment in the government. “Even Diyal also condemned the illegal construction at
In 2016 an old Hindu temple located in Mohalla the time of the British Raj. But these days, a major- though it was declared a heritage site, the district the Shiva temple in Nowshera and demanded the
Wangri Gran of Peshawar’s Karampura locality was ity of those locations show no signs of the original government leased a major part of the complex to the district administration to stop work on it. He sug-
demolished. In its place, property developers built up structures, having been converted to business spots owner of the Chacha Younis Family Park.” gested that the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa government
a new commercial plaza. For the Hindu residents of or family parks. Ones that remain are closed to public “Much of the area around the temple structure now should instead develop Hindu religious sites in the
Wangri Gran, the day was one of immense sadness. and in dilapidated condition. serves as the park premises while the buildings are province for tourism to help the economy.
“It was demolished before our eyes, but we were in Presently in Peshawar, only two Hindu temples are used as godowns by the park authorities,” he added. Muhammad Assad Khan, a student of Archeol-
no position to resist and save the holy building,” la- open to the public - one of them is the Kalibari Mandir “The government and authorities need to realise ogy Department at University of Peshawar agreeing
mented one resident. located in Peshawar Cantt while the second one is the the importance such sites hold for us. They need to with Diyal’s opinion on developing religious sites for
“The temple was more than 82 years old. It was Dargah Pir Ratan Nath at Jhanda Bazaar. Five other understand and empathise with how we feel when tourism, told the Express Tribune that K-P can earn
built back in 1948, shortly after Pakistan became an minority worship places - Shiv Mandir, Balmiki tem- we see our holy places being used by people for rec- millions of rupees by preserving the worship places
independent country,” shared Pandit J Gopa. “In- ple, Gorakh Nath temple, Gurdwara Bhai Joga Singh, reation and restore them too their previous status.” of Hindus and Buddhists as these sites will attract re-
stead of being preserved, the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and Nandi Mandir - have been closed for years. Echoing Sharma’s views Besma Bibi from the mi- ligious tourists from countries like India, Japan, Sri
Department for Archaeology and Museums first gave Two more have been replaced by commercial or nority community residing in Peshawar, said that Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, and Thailand.
it on lease and then it was completely demolished,” public developments. “The Panj Tirath temple in once upon a time they used to celebrate Holi and oth- Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Archeology and Museums
he said while reflecting on the tragic day for his com- Hashtnagri has been converted into the Chacha You- er religious events freely but now the situation has Department Director Dr Abdul Samad reflecting on K-
munity. “Now a three-story commercial plaza stands nis Family Park,” said Pandit J Gopa. The Wangri taken a turn for the worse. Expressing fawning ado- P’s centuries old religious sites said that the depart-
in its place.” Gran temple, as mentioned before, has been replaced ration for the past, the 70-year-old shared how they ment works hard to preserve these archeologically
by a commercial plaza. could easily offer prayers in all of Peshawar’s temples significant sites in different parts of the province so
Gopa pointed out that Peshawar is not the lone victim in the past. “There were no differences between Hin- that they do not perish and tourism can be promoted.
The two temples are enough for the of this erosion of religious heri-
few families that remain in Peshawar. tage. He explained that in Dera
Ismail Khan’s Kali Bari area, the
This is why we can’t raise our voice spacious temple of Garur Bhag-
and stop the govt from selling or wan, which once had between
30 to 35 rooms, has now been
leasing away the other temples converted into a hotel.
B J Sharma, a Hindu Com-
B J Sharma munity leader in Peshawar
shared that Peshawar city was
once a hub of historical sites
Gopa is just one of the many members of Pesha- in the region. “There was a
war’s Hindu community who had to watch the bull- time when all religious com-
dozing in silence. He blames the Evacuees Trust Prop- munities could hold and enjoy
erty Board (ETPB) for neglecting their responsibility their religious events and prac-
to look after the religious places and properties of the tices here,” he recalled. “But
Hindus and other minorities who stayed behind or militancy and the long waves
moved to Pakistan once it was established as an in- of terrorism in the country
dependent state. disturbed every aspect of our
“It was the responsibility of ETPB to look after our lives.”
temples and the properties of Hindus and other mi- According to Sharma, most
norities,” said Gopa. ““There were thousands of re- of Peshawar’s Hindu families
ligious sites, especially of the Hindu faith, whose have migrated away, either to
control should have been given to the Archeology De- India or to other parts of the
partment for conservation in line with the interna- world. “Those who remain be-
tional guidelines for protected monuments.” hind in Peshawar are now very
“Instead of looking after these temples and proper- few in number,” he said. This
ties, several worship places of the Hindu community trend, Sharma pointed out,
were leased off or sold, mostly to Muslim clients, was a major reason behind the
on throwaway prices. Many of them have now been erosion of Peshawar’s Hindu
razed to make way for commercial plazas and family heritage. “The two temples
parks,” he added. that remain are enough for
According to the documents received from the the few families that now live
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Archeology and Museums in Peshawar. This is why we

Photos: Asad Zia

July 25, 2021 3

By Omar Qureshi & Allia Bukhari Design by: Mohsin Alam

Pakistan has the potential to be one of the world’s premier destinations

for adventure seekers around the world. Although the government has
taken note and embarked on a drive to boost the country’s tourism sector,
several challenges still exist in the way of fully realising that ambition
Pakistan is often termed a prime country for adventurers as it is home to some of the
highest mountain peaks in the world and offers diverse terrain that caters to the prefer-
ence of all kinds of travellers. Situated in the north, five of the 14 highest independent
peaks in the world are present in Pakistan.
In 2018, the British Backpacker Society ranked Pakistan as the top destination
People hear about adventure, camping or hiking
for adventure travel and the country also topped Condé Nast Traveller’s list of best
holiday destinations for 2020.
and become thrilled but once they begin the
To gain deeper insights into the adventure and tourism ecosystem of Pakistan,
The Express Tribune reached out to tourists and adventures for detailed accounts
exercise, they realise that they are unfit
of their journeys across the country. Travel blogger Muhammad Ilyas

A rocky road
In comments to The Express Tribune, Motorcycle Girl of Pakistan Zenith Irfan detailed that
riding a bike on mountains was quite different compared to driving it in a city.
According to her, two things pose huge challenges while motorcycling across the
country ie changing weather and difficult terrain.
“Geography wise, terrain is the biggest issue and I took some time to learn how
to drive bike on diverse landforms,” she said.
She added that Pakistan had a lot to offer to adventurers and gave example of
Gilgit-Baltistan where visitors can find desert, mountains and rivers.
Rarely there is another place on earth that offers the combination of all three
landforms, she said.
“I will recommend every Pakistani to explore their country on a motorbike be-
cause Pakistan is blessed with a diverse terrain, geography and scenic beauty,” she
said. “Moreover, one can explore more openly on a bike and have a liberating ex-
Talking about security, she termed northern region of Pakistan safe and said she
never had a problem or felt unsafe.
She added that adventurers like her were playing a role in promoting Pakistan
as a destination for adventure by posting their travel accounts on social media par-
ticularly Instagram.

‘Not for everyone’

Travel blogger Muhammad Ilyas said the adventure ecosystem in Pakistan is not or-
ganised because people are expected to carry their own equipment and protective gear.
Other nations, particularly European economies that house Alps, ensure that
adventure gear is available for rent or purchase for visitors for respective activities
offered by them.
Ilyas, a habitual camper, said that lack of physical fitness among the general
public is a huge issue.
“When locals hear about adventure, camping, hiking or similar recreations,
they become thrilled and gear up for them but once they begin the exercise, they
realise that they are unfit and hence many of them experience problems and are
unable to enjoy the trip,” he said.

Geography wise, terrain is the biggest issue

and I took some time to learn how to drive
bike on diverse landforms
Zenith Irfan

He detailed that by the end of adventure, not everyone is content and few people
just long to return to their comfort zones.
From an earlier camping trip, he recalled watching few travellers face problems
while sleeping.
Rains at campsites scare quite a few people as gusty winds can tear tents apart
and wreak havoc which terrifies fresh travellers.
“Hence adventure is not for everyone,” he concluded.
Syra Hussain, who runs a travel focused blog on Instagram, said that Pakistan
possesses immense potential to transform itself into a global hub of tourism and
“Hardly any other country comes close to the diversity that Pakistan offers to
travelers and adventurers,” she said. “Take example of northern region, eight lan-
guages are spoken in Gilgit-Baltistan (G-B) and every district contains people from
different ethnicities.”
Some of the highest peaks of the world are also located in Pakistan and the inte-
gration of different plains, rich culture and history makes it a prime location for
If more facilities are offered and travelers are given more opportunities, Paki-
stan’s tourism sector can rise to a new peak.

Solo traveling
Hussain, who motivates girls in her community and rest of Pakistan to travel alone,
holds the view that assurance of security is essential for vacationers.
“Solo travelling in Pakistan cannot be promoted in true sense until the authori-
ties ensure security,” she said. “Laws should be implemented in a strict manner
and whenever there is an incident, it should be countered by the authorities.”
Hussain considers Pakistan to be a safe country for travel “because people are
respectful, welcoming and hospitable.”
When it comes to foreigners, locals welcome them with open hearts, she said.
She remarked that she had been travelling for the past six to seven years and
never had a single bad experience.
However, she admitted that there is always an uncertainty and in this re-
gard, she recommended females to take safety measures such as keeping phones
charged, loaded with credit and connected to the internet at all times.
“I want to give a message that Pakistan is safe for female solo travellers,” she
Ghazanfar Shehzad Sandrana, who explores Pakistan on a bike, termed it a
The deteriorated state of many roads and
thrilling sport and said that he never faced a problem while exploring the country.
“Prior to visiting the places that are prone to security lapses, bikers need to at-
an upsurge in traffic over the past few years,
tain no objection certificates (NOCs) and other similar approvals from the govern-
ment departments,” he said.
has sparked uncertainty about accessibility
In comments to The Express Tribune, he motivated all Pakistanis to undertake and time needed to reach destinations
whichever adventure activity suits them the best because it is therapeutic and
good for health. Polani Travels Operations Manager Syed Sameer Muzaffar

4 July 25, 2021

Photos: File

K2 base camp
Arba Tourism CEO Khobaib Vahydi, who assists adventurers to travel to K2 base camp, said that
it was not difficult to travel to the location.
“If a person is physically fit and can walk 7-9 hours straight, he can trek to the base camp
easily,” he said. “There is no age limit however pre requisites exist for making this journey
and the conditions are that the person should not be overweight, possess good stamina
and have no breathing problems.”
The CEO added that his sons aged nine and 12 years accompanied him to the base camp
on one of the journey.
“Even children smaller than that can visit the location and recently, I facilitated a for-
eigner aged 75 years to reach the base camp,” he said. “Therefore it is possible for everyone
to climb to that place.”
Detailing the facilities available for travellers, he admitted that they were inadequate
however he appreciated the government for taking targeted initiative in recent years such
as construction of jeep track to Jhola.
Earlier, people had to hike to Jhola but with jeep track in place, it saves a lot of time and
energy, he said.
He recalled visiting Mount Everest Base Camp in Nepal in 2012 and pointed out that the
facilities at that place were way better compared K2 base camp.

Challenges and mitigation

Polani Travels Operations Manager Syed Sameer Muzaffar considers the current government’s tourism
policies quite “wise and friendly”.
He stressed that ease of travel and relaxed visa policies are essential to boost tourism, much in
line with the incumbent government’s vision of bolstering the tourism sector.
In 2019, Pakistan eased its visa requirements by offering on arrival visas to citizens of 50 coun-
tries and electronic visas to visitors from 175 countries.
Prime Minister Imran Khan too has reiterated on numerous occasions the importance of the
tourism sector for the economy while adding that Pakistan can easily become a top tourist destina-
tion in the world thanks to the natural and cultural diversity and the many historical attractions
it hosts in abundance.
Travellers Hub Pakistan co-founders Shahzaib Bhutto and Sabeera Hussain, who have facilitated
over 2,000 individuals on their journeys around Pakistan, elaborated a few challenges they face
from time to time.
“First is unreliable access with regard to both air and land,” they said. “Specifically, the deterio-
rated state of many local roads, along with an upsurge in traffic over past few years, has sparked
uncertainty about accessibility and time needed to reach destinations.”
Moreover, there is a lacking in regulatory environment and a lot of improvement is needed on
this front, they said.
They remarked that businesses should be able to set prices for their services but a few rules need
to be in place for them to follow.
The two officials lamented that “at present, any firm can demand whatever amount it want from
tourists for rooms. Basically, there is no standard judgement of value.”
They were also irked over lack of digitalisation of existing transport systems (busses, operators)
as well as the existing hotel infrastructure.
One has to go around the place themselves to understand what is available, they said.
Vaqas Aizid Khurshid, a traveller and adventurer, stated that infrastructure was the biggest prob-
lem in the overall travel and adventure ecosystem of Pakistan.
“Very few facilities are available in remote places and some spots have become accessible to the
general public solely due to cooperation of locals,” he said. “Government support is direly needed Comparing the two countries, he said that several tea houses, resorts and hotels were
for this sector.” located near Mount Everest base camp in Nepal.
He endorsed Hussain views and said security is no longer an problem in Pakistan. “Here in Pakistan, people have to set up tents or camps to sleep and rest,” he said. “My
“I have facilitated group tours, sometimes having females, and there was never a security issue,” son accompanied me to Nepal as well hence climbing Mount Everest base camp is not an
he said. “In addition, access to food is also not a problem for travellers anywhere in Pakistan.” arduous task either.”
However one big problem that affects whole traveling industry is the availability of washrooms Giving details of safety at K2 base camp, he said that mattress are placed inside the tents
as many tourist places lack public toilets. which act as insulated seat and sleeping bags are placed upon them to enable the adven-
turer to sleep comfortably.

Network services
Moving on to network services, Vahydi highlighted that SCOM laid fibre optic line near K2 base
camp this year after which calls can be made through mobiles and wifi service can be used.
“Earlier, we used to carry satellite phones and sometimes, we used to go out of contact
for 12-14 days which perturbed the families of adventurers back home,” he said. “Now, 4G
network service has been installed at Concordia as well.”
He further appreciated Prime Minister Imran Khan’s efforts aimed at promotion of tour-
ism such as Clean and Green Pakistan and Billion Tree Tsunami and added that public’s
support was also needed for success of the two initiatives.
While visiting northern areas, local travelers should be forced to plant trees at places
where fertile land and conducive environment for plants is available, the CEO recom-
“International tourists demand cleanliness and the two schemes are proving vital in at-
tracting foreigners to Pakistan,” he said.

Besides, mobile signals are occasionally weak in far flung areas and at times,
they disappear for several days and as a result, travellers lose contact with the
rest of the world.
Sometimes, landslides or floods block roads and people remain stranded at one
place for several days while waiting for authorities to clear the path.
Finally, he lamented lack of hotels, resorts and rest houses at prominent ad-
venture sites of the country and said that people are forced to either camp or sleep He lamented that delegations from South Africa, Malaysia and US were due to visit Paki-
under open sky due to absence of proper accomodation. stan in 2020 however they were forced to call off the tour due to outbreak of Covid-19.
A Chief Operating Officer of an adventure club, on the condition of anonymity, said that infra- The number of international travelers in Pakistan in 2021 stands at a low level due to
structure was the biggest problem hindering the growth of adventure in Pakistan. global Covid-19 restrictions.
In other countries, government lends supports to all adventure and tourist sites but this was not “Recently, French adventurers wanted to visit K2 however insurance companies in their
the case in Pakistan and facilities are scarce in the country. country refused to offer insurance coverage because they know Pakistan is a risky destina-
He further added that the Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation, the dedicated tourism tion and government facilities are inadequate,” he said.
authority of Pakistan, was in a lamentable state. Safety measures in adventure sites of Pakistan are scant and because of this, a lot of
Adventurers and tourists have to use jeeps instead of cars and bikes because no attention has foreigners hesitate to visit the country. He called for improvement on this front to boost
been paid by the authorities to improve the terrain. adventure ecosystem of Pakistan.
He further regretted that road to Skardu was still under construction even after five years had Moving on to food, he said plenty of edible items and clean drinking water were avail-
lapsed since the development work kicked off. able in tourism sites of Pakistan however he demanded enhancing their availability to far
The official admitted that PTDC hotels were the best in Pakistan “but they are non functional.” flung areas near K2 base camp.
Talking about camping, he said that few sites lacked even most basic utilities however he appre-
ciated the government for introducing tourism friendly initiatives at Fairy Meadows and Kumrat Facilities at Skardu
Valley which enhanced the number of campers at the two sites. Elaborating the measures taken by the government for Skardu, he recalled that earlier, flights
The official highlighted that Neelum Valley was located near the Line of Control therefore the to the scenic city were only available from Islamabad and securing seats was a huge problem
situation at that place was usually uncertain and many tourists are afraid to visit that part of the because of fully booked flights.
country. “Nearly 80% of the time, people failed to book spaces on spot,” he elaborated.
Due to government efforts, airlines have introduced Skardu bound flights from major
How government can assist cities of Pakistan including Karachi, Sialkot and Lahore which has lent massive support to
The official remarked that first and foremost, the government should prioritise building roads to inac- adventurers and travelers.
cessible parts of the country and repairing broken paths. “The load of Skardu destined travellers on Islamabad airport has fallen due to this initia-
He further called upon the leadership to promote tourism on modern lines and give a new and tive,” he said.
updated look to PTDC’s website. Talking about Skardu he said there was little to no support from the government for the
Giving example of tourism websites of other regional countries, he was of the view that PTDC’s city.
webpage was outdated. Private hotels are present for tourists however the government needs to introduce special
“There is no doubt that the security situation improved 10 years ago and the government should facilities for visitors.
be appreciated for it,” he said. “The leadership has announced excellent plans for the tourism sec- He underlined the need to construct guest houses of international standard in the city.
tor and I hope they materialise in true spirit.” Moreover, cleanliness should be ensured at all tourist sites of the country along with
Muzaffar felt that more infrastructural development work, especially in the northern areas, was public washrooms.
the need of the hour to attract tourists from outside of Pakistan. With regard to Covid, he said facilities like Covid testing centres, socially distanced sit-
“Compared to other developing countries, our hotel and road infrastructure, particularly in the ting areas and quarantine spaces should be established. He was of the view that all these
northern areas, is not up to the mark. The potential is much more,” he highlighted. facilities would earn hefty revenue for the government.
Khurshid stressed that if promotion of tourism became the top priority of the government, then “When we travel to foreign countries and land at a particular city, there are tourist
this sector alone could boost the flow of dollars in the country. guides, travel books, brochures, maps, subway routes and similar stuff available that con-
He also recommended constructing public washrooms at all tourist places citing that it would tain details of how to navigate around the city and what places to visit,” he said. “Such
give a boost to camping activities in Pakistan. initiatives are needed at Skardu and travelers from Pakistan and foreign countries should
“Many people are reluctant to camp solely due to lack of washrooms,” he said. be made aware of the places of interest in and near the scenic city.”

July 25, 2021 5


By Gibran Ashraf

The latest entry in The Conjuring franchise takes inspiration from the
only real-life instance of ‘demonic possession’ being tried as legal defence

With the reality of stabbing his landlord multiple times comes to pass or how is it that people can suddenly speak
dawning on him, Arne Johnson, in the recent horror- in a multitude of voices, possess hitherto little known
thriller “The Conjuring 3: The Devil Made Me Do It”, admits knowledge or a different language previously unexposed
while sitting in a police holding cell, that he is the one to to or exhibit powers of telekinesis or extreme strength.
blame for the murder. Even science – some practitioners of which now exist
“I invited this thing into me, and that’s the reason at the crossroads of reason and faith - are also at a loss
that he’s dead. So, you know, whatever happens to me, to explain just how can a person be “infected” or taken
I’ve got it coming,” says Ruairi O’Connor, who plays the over by a largely invisible entity from perhaps another
19-year-old Arne Cheyenne Johnson in the movie, with dimension.
tears rolling down his cheeks. Dr Mark Albanese, who studied medicine at Cornell
Debbie Glatzel, Johnson’s girlfriend at the time and
played by Sarah Catherine Hook in the movie, offers
A particular case of and has been practising psychiatry for decades, once
wrote about his colleague, Yale-educated and board-
some consolation to Johnson, convincing him that he
was somehow taken over by another entity.
interest in this regard, certified psychiatrist Dr Richard Gallagher - who teaches
at Columbia University and New York Medical College
“No, you don’t. Look, I was there. Whatever is going dating from 1963, is the and has consulted on numerous exorcisms, claiming
on, whatever happened that day, that was not Arne.” that people have a “spiritual dimension” as well and one
The movie follows the real-life story of Johnson who sentencing of an exorcist which must be taken into consideration when treating
had stabbed and killed his landlord, 40-year-old Alan
Bono of Brookfield in early 1981. The case later became in-
in the Madras High Court patients claiming possession.
It is unclear how the “spiritual dimension” is defined
famous after Johnson claimed in court that the devil had
made him carry out the deed.
after he attempted or what it may contain, gain access to “our” tangible di-
mension. Whether the demonic is part of the
The movie itself, however, is another chapter in the to exorcise ‘evil’ from spiritual dimension or another dimension
long chain of movies based on the exploits of the ghost altogether and whether crossings can be
hunting, husband and wife duo Ed and Lorraine Warren, a young woman who a trigger or whether there are doorways
captured with great creative liberty and reasonable acting
and directing in the Conjuring and Insidious series.
suffocated in the process or rifts between these dimensions and
who and how can travel across them be
The third instalment in The Conjuring series has been achieved.
directed by Michael Chaves, whose only previous feature- Dr Frank Pastore from Peekskill New
length directorial credit includes the critically panned The York in his letter in the New Oxford
Curse of La Llorona – albeit that movie too belongs in the same ter he attempted to exorcise evil from a young Review wrote that in soft sciences —
universe in which The Conjuring and Insidious movies are based. woman but who suffocated in the process apart such as psychiatry — measurements
The movie starts by following the possession – or as we later learn the curs- from suffering severe burns and lacerations to become limited.
ing of - 11-year-old David Glatzel, Debbie’s younger brother and then how the her body. “As Harry Stack Sullivan pointed
possession or curse is transferred to Johnson. The appellate court noted “It is not claimed for out regarding psychiatric phenom-
Later, it is discovered that there is more at play than just demon possession. the prosecution that the accused intended to cause ena, the observer influences the
Departing from history into fantasy, the movie claims that there is Satan wor- the death of the woman, or even to do her any grave observed, and one’s findings must
shipping and the occult involved as well. injury. However, deluded he might have been, the be held cautiously,” he warns, add-
The real Brookfield case was one of the more popular cases where lawyers accused was under the genuine impression that ing that the marginalization of religion
attempted to use demonic possession as a defence for a heinous crime. What the woman was possessed by an evil spirit and that in modern times has encouraged even honest sci-
added weight to the case was that this was one of the first known instances he could exorcise her effectively by means of this pro- entists to dismiss phenomena involving the supernatural.
where the clergy was officially involved in investigating the case and at some longed ritual.” He recommends being scientific enough to be open to the possibility
point in the ensuing trial were due to sit in the witness box. The court ended up rescinding the life in prison sen- that in some cases of mental illness the diabolic may be involved.
While the lawyers were not ultimately given any chance to either prove or tence awarded to the exorcist by the sessions court and in- Indeed, there is still a lot that science has yet to decipher about the hu-
disprove the concept of possession and its implications in a court of law, it stead sentenced him to spend three years of rigorous imprisonment. man mind and its workings. However, even if we are to decipher that, it is
helped bring a fringe concept into mainstream discourse. The Madras High Court, much like Superior Court Judge Callahan, consid- still a mystery how can a demonic “infection” of the spiritual dimension
Of course, the topic was already in public discourse ered the material evidence, testimonies and excluded the possibility of an oth- impact a human’s physical dimension and allow them to speak in differ-
at the time due to the presence of other wildly erworldly entity unexplainable by science. ent languages, voices and even obtain super strength, levitate, perform
popular films that explored the theme of The belief in black magic, the occult and the existence of djinns and unclean telekinesis to move around objects and affect the environment around
possession by ghosts or demons. The spirits is quite strong in the eastern culture and religions including Islam and them. Further, what is the matter that a soul is composed of (humans are
real-life duo of Ed and Lorraine Warren Hinduism. made of carbon and nitrogen-based flesh and bones) – or better yet – a de-
too had been working in their field mon comprise?
of the paranormal and demonology In the film, however, our protagonists are also confronted with another co-
for around 30 years at the time. nundrum. The demon, having possessed Johnson, has since left him. This is
Superior Court Judge Robert J. proved when the Warrens ask Arne to read a passage from the Bible. When
Callahan may have poured cold The court ended up rescinding the life in Arne reads the passage without any encumbrances, Lorraine exclaims disap-
water on any attempts to legally pointedly that he is not possessed.
prove a paranormal possession prison sentence awarded to the exorcist by These religious objects would’ve been enough to provoke an inhuman spirit
but one has to wonder why that if there was one present, she says.
could not be so. the sessions court and instead sentenced To this, a confused Father Newman asks: Does that mean he’s not possessed?
Ed Warren, played brilliant-
ly by Patrick Wilson, at one
him to three years of rigorous imprisonment A frustrated Ed Warren responds by saying: The fact that he can read from
the Bible just seals it.
point in the movie tells Ashley To Jonhson’s question of whether he is just plain “crazy”, Ed retorts: “Well,
LeConte Campbell, who is play- Indeed, as a subject, this was broached in much greater detail in the 1973 cult you’re not possessed. But that doesn’t mean that you weren’t”.
ing Waterbury lawyer Martin J. classic, The Exorcist. Credited with really bringing demonic possessions into The exchange suggests a new possibility of demons or evil spirits possessing
Minnella (renamed in the mov- the mainstream discourse and sparking off an entire generation of movies and and de-possessing people almost at will. And if that is the case, why are not
ie as Meryl), that: “The court graphic novels surrounding the idea of possession by an external force. more people possessed?
accepts the existence of God There is even a homage to The Exorcist in the first act of the movie as The movie, though, throws up at least one way to have some sort of com-
every time a witness swears to Steve Coulter (playing Father Newman) arrives at the Glatzel house to dis- munication with the demonic dimension and be able to bring them into the
tell the truth. I think it’s about cover that David is possessed and requires an exorcism. As he steps out spiritual dimension through the practice of the occult.
time they accept the existence of the cab, he stands before the house in the light of an adjoining street John Noble, who plays Father Kastner in the movie wherein he is ap-
of the devil”. lamp, much the same way Max von Sydow did when playing as Father proached by the Warrens to help them with their case because he had experi-
Cultures and religions across Merrin in the 1973 classic. ence in breaking up a satanic cult – tells the husband and wife duo how defil-
the world have a deep belief While the faithful around the world acknowledge the presence of evil and ing holy land with rituals and committing acts of blasphemy granted them
in the paranormal and or the the malicious – just as much as they acknowledge the presence of the “Good” power which they used against those persecuting them. In The Exorcist, the
metaphysical. This is one rea- and the “Benevolent” perhaps as the necessary counterweight to demon was apparently trapped in a statute in the ruins of Babylon.
son why, as Ed rightly points even describe righteousness, what they can- In the film, the Warrens manage to solve a related crime in a different coun-
out, that even courts accept the not explain is how that ty to secure the evidence to convince the courts while Lorraine manages to
presence of or faith in at least one defeat the occultist by destroying her altar. The demon summoned devours
supernatural entity – God. the occultist’s soul, treating it as currency for an unfulfilled promise.
Judges in our part of the world In the real world, and the movie, Johnson is convicted and sentenced.
have often been known to cite not Legally, demonic or occultist practices are ruled out as the reason for mur-
only God’s existence but also bank on dering a middle-aged man.
divine laws in searching for meaning and Scientifically – as explored in The Exorcist – no logical reason for pos-
guidance in several cases. Yet, acceptance of the session exists so far. Split personality and psychosis, misdiagnosed for
paranormal as a legitimate and legal cause for occurrences long as possession can be deciphered but there remains, even amongst
is ruled and excluded from our laws. doctors and people of science - that there are those rare cases where even
We acknowledge the existence of and accept the Quran as sacrosanct and science fails to explain.
the provider of divine law – the basis of all laws in our part of the world. Yet, The Conjuring 3 – The Devil Made Me Do It, thus offers another
we do not accept actions attributed to entities mentioned in this sacred of fantastic exploration of the intersection between this world and the
texts. spiritual dimension along with the possibilities of what the occult can
One particular case is of interest in this regard. Dating from 1963, it is the theoretically do with some brilliant storytelling and acting by the two
sentencing and subsequent appeal of an exorcist in the Madras High Court af- leads Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga.

6 July 25, 2021

Photos: File

By Maheen Irfan

The book ‘MEDJACK: the extraordinary journey

of an ordinary hack’ explores how industries like
healthcare, which are inherently reluctant to change,
can be ‘hacked’ into breaking out of that inertia
When thought of as a verb, the suffix ‘jack’ generally suf- were both quick and innovative. Each
fers from a nefarious connotation. For instance, the term ‘Igniter,’ according to the rules set by
‘to hijack’ – or to seize any vehicle unlawfully, usually its founders, gets five minutes and 20
through force or the threat of it – would be what usually slides to present their idea. However,
comes to mind. Similarly, in the context of technology CCIT’s Ignite sessions had one more
and science, one may think of hacking, viruses and other requirement: all ideas presented at
cyber attacks when asked to reflect on the term – nothing Ignite had to healthcare centric. CCIT
good in both cases. held its first Ignite event in 2014 at
So what could the suffix be used for in terms of AKU on the back of its success, held
healthcare and medicine? What of the term ‘medjack’ three more such events for the next two
in particular? In its most used form, the word is a con- years. In one particularly interesting such Ignite ses- vour innovators, it is not highlighted to what extent
traction for ‘medical device hijack’, a type of cyber at- sion (held in 2016), CCIT conducted its session as part these policies impacted participants who shared their
tack that targets weaknesses in the medical devices of a larger AKU conference National Health Science and work with CCIT thus far.
of a hospital. Over the course of 2015, 2016 and 2017, Research Symposium, which was themed specifically The book mainly chronicles Another interesting theme touched on in the book
the word gained sinister prominence after a string of around ‘Mind and Brain.’ For this purpose, this Ignite is that of narrative medicine. While the chapter cov-
medjacking incidents targeted several hospitals in the session was also focused specifically around that topic. the journey of Critical Creative ers CCIT’s inclusion of reflective writing into their
fashion described. Chapter three on the other hand, authored by Waqaas programme what is extremely interesting is the point
The writers of the book ‘MEDJACK: the extraordinary Akmal, focuses on the Hackathons held by CCIT. Medi- Innovative Thinking forum, raised in the chapter about the importance of journ-
journey of an ordinary hack’ seek to repurpose the cal Hackathons, inspired by MIT’s Hacking Medicine aling in the field of medicine. As the authors of the
word. Instead of the damaging disruption wrought by Institute, are two to three-day events planned around a which was founded in 2013 chapter Komal Dayani and Haider Ali note, writing
cyber crime and cyber warfare, they want readers to helps one better understand someone else’s mindset.
think of a more positive disruption – one that concerns ment of entrepreneurial skills. The Moreover, the practice of combining storytelling with
inspired and innovative thinking. What if an entire chapter highlights their learnings medical education in medicine, as the authors explain,
healthcare system could be ‘medjacked’ into rethink- through the hackathons. has been around for a few decades and is important in
ing its entire mechanism and philosophy? However, by the end of chapter helping readers feel empathy and compassion. More-
four, one thing that seems to be over, an ‘empathy gap’ is what is missing in contem-
missing in each of the chapters is porary medicine as is identified in the book. With this
that while each chapter chronicles backdrop, the authors introduce CCIT’s joint initia-
the experiences of each of CCIT’s tive with Aga Khan University Hospital’s psychiatry
The writers of the book seek to initiatives it doesn’t delve deep department to conduct reflective writing workshops
into each of these experiences in 2016. Through the course of the chapter, other en-
repurpose the word medjack. but rather presents an overview deavors taken by the CCIT since then, to inculcate nar-
of each of them. As a reader, it rative medicine, along with the learnings from those
Instead of cyber crime, they would have been far more inter- initiatives, is shared. This includes a virtual course on
esting if the chapters gave specific innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship with nar-
want readers to think of a more examples of ideas presented dur- rative medicine being an integral part of it. Another
ing Ignite events, hackathons or important point noted here in the chapter is the im-
positive disruption through incubation. If the jour- portance of including art and science of story-telling
neys of any specific candidate or into healthcare for the purpose of medical innovation.
The topic may seem daunting to those like me – those their particular ideas were chron- As explained here, it’s important to go farther than
with no expertise in the healthcare sector. Like its icled as specific examples, then disease or profit based frameworks and shift to more
much of its potential audience, I had to jump into it as a reader, it would have been far patient-focused approaches.
despite zero experience as a healthcare professional or more interesting and engaging to
an entrepreneur for that matter. One may think, as I learn about them. For instance,
initially did, what benefit someone not directly linked at the end of chapter four, a list
to the field may gain from reading about startups. And of Incubate teams is shared and
yet, I have to admit, I was pleasantly surprised. along with each of the teams, a One thing missing is that while
The book mainly chronicles the journey of Critical brief description of their ideas
Creative Innovative Thinking (CCIT) forum, which was and the current status of those each chapter chronicles a
founded in 2013 by two fourth year medical school stu- ideas is provided. However, if one
dents at Agha Khan University (AKU) along with Dr or two of those specific ideas and particular CCIT initiative, it doesn’t
Asad Mian, who was then an Associate Professor of their status thus far in completing
Emergency Medicine there with a mission to promote those incubations was discussed delve deep into each experience
biomedical and healthcare-related creative ideas and in detail, then that would have
innovations. Each chapter of the book is penned by a been extremely fascinating to and presents only an overview
different person however, all authors have been mem- learn more about. Same was also
bers of the CCIT from whereas the primary editor is the done in chapter one, where a table One more thought-provoking theme of the book is
founder of CCIT himself. outlining a few examples of the Ig- ‘jugaar,’ which as is explained in the book, is a nec-
In the beginning of the book, it is highlighted that nite event titles and their respec- essary tool in medicine for any developing country to
the healthcare industry possesses an inherent reluc- tive content was shared. However, survive, even more so now than ever during a global
tance to change. A significant point that was also high- a detailed account of those Ignite pandemic. Innovation and jugaar together can help
lighted early on in the book was the fact that develop- ideas were not shared. create quick and cost-effective solutions to resolve ur-
ing countries tend to ‘leapfrog’ outdated technology. Another significant hurdle that gent healthcare problems. With limited resources,
The developing world tends to skip past the bypassing is mentioned in the book is that at jugaar has the potential to innovate in the pandemic.
stages of technologies in many cases and often ends up the outset, AKU’s policies when it Based around this theme, CCIT designed a ‘jugaar ini-
adapting the latest technology once its already been came to Intellectual Property own- tiative challenge’ between March and April 2020 – dur-
tried and tested. With this backdrop, the book sets the ership policies were not in favour ing the first phase of the coronavirus pandemic. Since
stage for what CCIT set out to do, which is create a fo- of innovators who may present this was a virtual hackathon due to the pandemic, it
rum to critically solve the healthcare problems of the their ideas at a forum that is part of enabled people from all across the world to participate
world today. specific medical theme or a particular branch of medi- AKU. This would massively impact the participator’s and the virtual characteristic of the event, also made
While the first chapter outlines CCIT objectives and cine with the goal to come out of the event with plans decision to share their ideas and would have been a it cost effective and ‘jugaar’-like in a sense. A total of
briefly touches on its journey over the years. Chapter for solutions around that theme. huge obstacle in this process. While it is shared that 1,441 participants were able to take part in the virtual
two, three and four provide further insight into each Similarly, chapter four (written by Rafeh Ahmed and since then, certain policies have hackathon and once again there were several qualita-
of CCIT’s initiatives. In chapter two, authors Sarosh Ir- Muhammad Mohsin) focused on CCIT’s experi- been amended tive learnings taken away from the project. Thus, this
fan Madhani and Maryam Siddique talk about CCIT’s ence with incubation, which focused on to fa- illustrates the importance of jugaar in innovation for a
Ignite talks. Ignite talks, as is explained in the growth and develop- country like Pakistan.
this chapter, were initially begun Thus, through a myriad of approaches and varied
by Brady Forrest and Stephen themes, CCIT’s initiatives have set out to ap-
Lead and were later taken One more thought-provoking proach medicine differently. There’s an in-
over by the O’Reilly tentionality with which this project has
group in the United theme is ‘jugaar,’ which as been conceived, and conscientious and
States. The pur- concentrated efforts have been made to
pose of Ignite is explained in the book, is a address different aspects of medicine
was to serve and moreover, it has provided people
as a channel necessary tool in medicine for any within medicine and outside the
to pres- field of medicine, a platform to
ent ideas developing country to survive present, grow and nurture
that their ideas.

Photos: File/Creative Common

July 25, 2021 7

By Nabil Tahir

When it comes to the men’s game, tape-ball cricket in the

streets is where most of Pakistan’s
professionals get their start. For
women looking to begin their
cricketing journey, there is
no such option. One grass-
roots tournament now
seeks to fix that

Girls cannot or are not allowed to

travel far away to play matches. Some
are not allowed to dress up for the game.
Others are stopped for fear of injury. Most
girls opt for tape-ball as there is less risk of that
Ramin Fatima

eighth, I played for U19 professional hard-ball then comes to the reflexes and then speed,” he said, add- cricket tournament held by Khelo Kricket, is a ray of hope.
team at the national level,” she said. ing that he in his academy focuses on these areas to make For the last five years, this tournament has given the
In the corner of every city across Pakistan, you will often observe She added that she didn’t know that there is any cricket the female players stronger. women an opportunity to build up a team and play tape-
group of people, young and old, mostly men, playing cricket on team for women during her early days. “Many of the girls ball cricket in a safe environment. The tournament is held
the streets. In the middle of a residential street, with a wicket don’t know that there was a women’s cricket team. The The first step to national level in Ramazan, a time of the year when cricket is happening
set up in the middle, often inconveniencing cars driving by, reason is that we see no girls going up to play local tourna-
Hafsa, who had played both tape-ball and hard-ball cricket, all around the city. This tournament provides them with
there will a batsman, a baller, fielders all enthusiastically en- ments unless someone from their family is from a cricket referred to tape-ball cricket as a first step towards professional a ground to play under the same conditions as the male
joying one of the country’s favourite pastime. You will even see background,” she added. cricket. “Like me, there are thousands of girls who have played players.
some observers, either neighbours or the staff members of the tape-ball cricket. This type of cricket is more fun than profes- Hadeel Obaid Chinoy, the founder of Khelo Kricket, took
members, maybe even construction labourers taking a break Held back by social pressure sional cricket,” she said. the initiative five years ago to give the girls an opportunity
from their work, sitting and enjoying and passing commentary One of the common “In tape-ball crick- to test their skills and opt for further training. “We started
on the ongoing game. This most famous type of cricket in the reasons for the girls et, you get a chance this off with the aim to provide the girls with a safe place
country is called tape ball. not playing cricket to hit the ball hard to play and a tournament to test their skills. The interested
One important point to note however is that unfortu- is the restrictions out of the park. players are encouraged to register their teams or as indi-
nately, when we look at the opportunities of tape-ball and limitations It’s more fun. viduals who are later pooled in with a team, to come and
cricket on a professional level, the ratio men participating they have from The batter targets play,” she told The Express Tribune.
is far substantially higher than women. One of the most their families. the ball to hit the Talking about indoor cricket, Hadeel said that there is
common reasons female players don’t come forward is the Ramin Fatima, boundary while no point in getting the girls to play in an artificial environ-
restrictions they get from their own families. an 18-year-old the bowler aims ment. “Unless the player doesn’t want to go forward and
In Pakistan, especially in Karachi, which is said to be the cricketer, said that to bowl quick de- play for just fun, then indoor cricket is good but if they plan
region of origin of tape-ball cricket, the streets are filled the girls cannot or liveries to get the to go forward and play for the national team, then coming
with tape-ball cricket matches during the month of Rama- are not allowed to hold of the batter. out in the ground is a must. This is why we hold our tour-
zan. Tournaments for men are held with big prize money. travel far away This is training nament out in the ground so that the girls can train them-
Even aside from Ramazan, night tournaments are held to play matches. for both play- selves according to different conditions,” she said.
throughout the year. “This is just one ers with the bat
of the restrictions. and ball,” added
Some girls are not Hafsa. I used to play with boys on the street
allowed to dress
up for the game.
Ramin, On the
other hand, says
and then by grade 6, inter-house
We started this off with the aim Some are not al- that the condi- tournaments in school When I reached
to provide the girls with a safe lowed just because
they will get an in-
tions of tape-ball
cricket are much grade 8, I played for U19 professional
place to play and a tournament jury. Most of the girls
opt for tape-ball as there is less risk
more difficult than
the hard-ball. “The weight of the
hard-ball team at the national level
to test their skills of injury,” she told The Express Tribune.
One of the other limitation that There are not many
ball is light. If there is wind, you
will get more swing which is diffi-
Hafsa Khalid
Hadeel Obaid Chinoy Ramin indicated was that she and
her brother use to play cricket to-
tournaments for girls. cult for both baller and batter. But
at the same time, it increases the “We do get issues from some of the girls that they don’t
For women, it’s the other way around. Except for gether on the street, but once they They will only get attracted focus, and you learn to have more have a ground to play, so we are working on this to pro-
the street cricket that they play with their siblings and decided to go to the academy for fur- control on the ball,” she said. vide them as many opportunities at the ground to enhance
friends, there is no tournament, with the exception of ther training, it took her six months and motivated once they have She added that more advantage is their skills. I am also a part of PCB’s cricket association,
one, is held for women. Khelo Khawateen, organised
by the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB), is an indoor cricket
just find an academy that inducts
female players.
ground to play. We organise a given to the baller in tape-ball crick-
et. “This form of cricket is played on
and we are working with PCB to bring something up for
the girls but that is for the future. Currently, we are trying
tournament under their initiative, Cric4U that is held “My brother and I went together tournament once a year but cemented pitches, which are slippery to create a platform where you can scout talent and a path
once a year. to find an academy to get training. and gives the bowler an increased for the girls to get to the national team,” she explained.
My brother had dozens of options more tournaments for female pace. Pacers are the ones getting the Talking about the tournament rules, she said that they
The seeds of passion
Pakistan has seen a number of great players who have come
but I couldn’t find a single academy
that trains female players. Then
players should be held to get most advantage,” she said.
The coach of a women cricket
have different rules of the game to make it more fun. She also
informed that not only the amateur girls come out to play but
from street cricket to represent the Pakistan national team. after searching many academies, I them into this sport team of Credo College, Raja Naveed also the players who have represented Pakistan team at dif-
Pacers like Wasim Akram, Shoaib Akhtar, Mohammad Sami, found Customs academy that had said that some schools and colleges ferent levels. The team Athletic Club, has been the winner
Umar Gul, Sohail Tanvir, Mohammad Amir, Junaid Khan – are a separate training plan for female Raja Naveed hold a tournament for their stu- for the past four editions and is a fan favourite team this year
all products of tape-ball cricket. The same goes for the Women’s players,” she said, adding that there dents but that too is limited to their due to the presence of its professional players.
national team, where most players have come from tape-ball are very few opportunities for fe- inter-house tournaments. “There She added that they live-stream the tournament on so-
cricket backgrounds. male players who want to become cricketers. are not many tournaments for the girls. They will only get cial media, try to get more sponsors and give good prize
Hafsa Khalid, a Pakistan Women A team player who Mohsin Khan, a fitness trainer at National Coach Cen- attracted and motivated once they have ground to play. money to the teams so that the players are motivated to
started off playing cricket at the age of five outside her ter who also runs an academy and a women’s cricket team We organise a tournament once a year but more tourna- join the game on the ground.
home with boys, said that every female player had grown known as the Athletic Club, says that female players face ments for female players should be held to get them into In the tournament, a wide delivery bowled in the
up playing tape-ball cricket on the streets before they opt fitness issues while playing. this sport,” he said. middle of the over is counted as a legal delivery but give
for professional cricket. “There are many players who only come for the tour- two runs to the opponent team. If the last of the over is
“I used to play with boys on the street outside my house. nament and don’t play cricket or work on their fitness A ray of hope – Khelo Khawateen bowled wide, that has to be bowled again and gives the
I played there, and then by grade six, inter-house tourna- throughout the year. That is where they face challenges. For passionate female players don’t get enough opportunity to opponent one run. The matches are played with eight
ments in school were held. Soon when I reached grade Stamina is the most common issue among female players, showcase their cricketing skills, Khelo Khawateen, a women’s overs an inning.

8 July 25, 2021

Photos: Khelo Kricket

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