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Virtual memory is one of many features used to make computers run more efficiently.

Users may
not even be aware that this cost-effective memory solution is in operation on their computers.

1. Function
o Computers use memory management to temporarily store memory data on a hard
drive instead of storing it on the physical memory or RAM (random-access
memory). In this way, virtual memory simulates the physical memory. Virtual
memory reduces the workload of the physical memory that is installed on a
computer by transferring memory that is not immediately needed to a location on
the hard drive until it is needed. The computer transfers it back to the RAM at this

o Virtual memory allows a computer to use its hardware more effectively, thus
increasing computer performance. The use of virtual memory can allow programs
and processes to run more fluidly on the computer. Virtual memory also can allow
a computer to process applications that may require more memory than is
currently installed.

o Virtual memory has no physical component, as does real or physical memory.
Users cannot add memory modules to increase virtual memory. In addition, the
more virtual memory that a computer uses, the slower its performance. Therefore,
it is not advisable to use large amounts of virtual memory on a a frequent basis.
2. 1959 to 1964
o The idea for virtual memory was introduced in 1959, but it was considered a
radical idea and was not initially accepted. The first machine with "one level
storage," or virtual memory, was created in 1959 by the Atlas Team at the
University of Manchester. However, the virtual memory technology was still
unstable. Improvements continued to be made and during the early 1960s
commercial operating systems such as the IBM 360/67, the CDC 7600 and others
were equipped with virtual memory.

1965 to 1975
o In 1965, "slave memory" or cache memory was invented by Maurice Wilkes. This
memory holds recent data and acts as a buffer between the processor and the
physical memory. It was 1969 when an IBM team, lead by David Sayre, proved
that virtual memory could control systems more efficiently than manual
programmer strategies could control them. From 1967 to 1975, experiments
continued to find the limitations and workings of virtual memory, and develop it
for stable use.

1985 and Onward

o Development of virtual memory and additions of the technology to systems sold
commercially continued, and in 1985 both Intel and Microsoft offered systems
using virtual memory. Since 1985, work on virtual memory technology has
continued, and fellow companies followed the lead of the pioneers at Intel and
Microsoft. Today, virtual memory is available from a variety of companies, and
has become a part of everyday computer life.

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