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A Resolution by The Michigan Republican State Committee Calling for Senator

Edward McBroom's Resignation, for Violation of His Oath and Weaponizing Politics
Against Individual Citizens

WHEREAS, American society is structured upon a foundation of God-given,

fundamental human rights enshrined and protected by the Constitution of the United
States and the Constitution of the State of Michigan; and

WHEREAS, Among those foundational rights are the right to free speech and the right
to counsel. The right of free speech is so fundamental that it is protected by the very
First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States; the right to counsel is found
in the Sixth Amendment and in all legal matters in Michigan in Article I, Section 13 of
the State Constitution; and

WHEREAS, The foundational right to free speech was grievously damaged by the
2021 sham impeachment of President Donald J. Trump. In that false impeachment, the
President was charged with "incitement of insurrection," a non -existent crime, based
on the President calling on supporters to peacefully demonstrate at the Capitol. The
President's statements contained no incitement to any illegal activity, and no court of
law could possibly find otherwise. Nevertheless, the false impeachment was supported
unanimously by Democrat members of Congress, joined by 17 disgraceful
Republicans. This politically motivated sham trial legitimized forthcoming assaults on
the First Amendment rights of all Americans; and

WHEREAS, The foundational right to co unsel was grievously damaged by politically

motivated sham complaints filed against attorneys affiliated with President Donald J.
Trump's campaign. These grievances led to the "preliminary, emergency" suspension
of the law license of former New York mayor Rudolph Giuliani, who has not been
given a trial or even an evidentiary hearing. More importantly, meritless complaints
calling for disbarment were filed against Michigan attorneys Scott Hagerstrom,
Stefanie Junttila, and Greg Rohl by Governor Gretchen Whi tmer, Attorney General
Dana Nessel, and Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson; and

WHEREAS, The Michigan Senate Oversight Committee Report on the November 2020
Election, adopted by Senators Ed McBroom, Lana Theis, and John Bizon, despite
conceding on Page 24 that the Michigan Court of Claims found that the manner in
which absentee ballots – comprising a majority of all ballots cast in that election –
were processed in an illegal manner, concluded that "citizens should be confident the
results represent the true results of the ballots cast by the people of Michigan"; and

WHEREAS, The Report referenced attorney Matt DePerno by name no less than eight
times in its effort to refute allegations made by DePerno and, clearly in reference to
DePerno, "strongly recommends citizens use a critical eye and ear toward those who
have pushed demonstrably false theories for their own personal gain"; and
WHEREAS, The Report alleges no facts to support its assertion that DePerno or
anyone else pushed any theory "for their own personal gain"; and

WHEREAS, It would be grossly inappropriate under any circumstances for a report

prepared by a committee of the Legislature to single out a constituent resident of
Michigan for derision; and

WHEREAS, The Report did not stop there, but continued to recommend "the attorney
general consider investigating those who have been utilizing misleading and false
information about Antrim County to raise money or publicity for their own ends,"
another clear reference to DePerno; and

WHEREAS, Attorney General Dana Nessel campaigned for office on a bad -faith
promise to "sue the Trump Administration all day, every day," and carried out on this
promise, using her office for partisan political attacks, including those related to the
2020 election. These attacks included seeking the disbarment of President Trump's
attorneys and sending legal threats to journalists exposing "DetroitLeaks" -- a
recording of Detroit election officials instructing poll workers to abuse social
distancing guidelines to intentionally impede poll challengers. Attorney General Dana
Nessel thereby sought to suppress facts exposing a conspiracy to commit serial
felonies under MCL 168.734; and

WHEREAS, It is unconscionable that a report prepared by the Legislature would

exhort a partisan attorney general with a history of abusing her office for partisan
political purposes to investigate and harass a Michigan resident based on wholly
unsupported accusations; and

WHEREAS, Attorney General Dana Nessel has agreed to carry out a har assment
campaign under false color of an investigation, expressly citing the Oversight
Committee's request;

WHEREAS, Senator Ed McBroom cannot be considered a neutral party with respect to

DePerno. DePerno was the attorney of record in a lawsuit against the Michigan House
of Representatives and then-Representative McBroom. Additionally, at the time the
suit was filed, Senators Lana Theis and John Bizon were also members of the House
of Representatives; and

WHEREAS, Senator McBroom opted not to recuse hi mself, not to refrain from
personal attacks against personal enemies, and not even to disclose his past
adversarial relationship to DePerno; and

WHEREAS, In the broader context of ongoing attacks against the American people’s
right to free speech and the right to counsel, the Report bolsters and encourages these
attacks in a transparent attempt to intimidate and silence all citizens exposing the
misconduct of election officials, challenging the results of the election, and
advocating for legal and policy remedies; and
WHEREAS, This Committee finds the Michigan Senate Oversight Committee Report
on the November 2020 Election to be the product of gross official misconduct. It is
improper that the report isolates an individual to make unsupported allegations that
the individual makes claims for personal profit, unconscionable that the report calls
upon the Attorney General to harass that individual based on said unsupported
allegation, and a compounding breach of ethics for Committee members to fail to
disclose their past adversarial legal relationship to the target of these allegations;
therefore, be it

RESOLVED, This Committee calls for the resignation of the author of the Michigan
Senate Oversight Committee Report on the November 2020 Election: Senator Ed
McBroom; and be it further

RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to our Republican

representatives and senators in the Michigan Legislature, to the Michigan Republican
Party, and to local news media.

The Chairman Edward McBroom and his colleges conducted a thorough investigation of the
allegations of Fraud and Misconduct resulting from our election systems and process of November
2020. They were unable to isolate individual or collective efforts to commit Fraud or willful

The Chairman and His colleges investigated the Antrim County miss-tabulation occurrence. They
interviewed the County Clerk and were provided a perfectly logical explanation.

As a Free Society we must diligently act to preserve our Constitutional Rights. We must demand that
our elected officials abide by their oath of office and act without malice and be circumspect in duty!
Not ordering a full Forensic Audit of the Device and it's Operating Software that created the mistrust
in the Antrim County election process, is a dereliction of duty!

Since when has a Free Republic or it's duly elected Political Servants UNLEASHED the Chief law
officer on its Citizens/Constituents? The Chair and His Committee's inaction (Forensic Audit) have
pitted Deep Pocket Private Entity's against Private Citizens with limited financial means, who dare to
challenge the November 2020 Election results. The Committee's failure to act on behalf of the Citizens
of Michigan, by ordering a Forensic Audit is dereliction of duty. At a Bare minimum the Chair and the
Committee should have recommended going forward the Legislator make Laws that compel tabulating
device manufactures completely divulge how the hardware operates and that all operating software be
mandatory open source!

If you aren't grieved and incensed enough yet, you ought to be when a sitting State Senator and his
Committee attack a Private Citizen for creating a legal defense fund. Unleashing the Attorney General
on the Citizen, claiming that they are using the fund to personally enrich themselves! I defy the Chair
or the Committee to present evidence of any legal defense fund that filed a profit and loss statement.
Rudimentary investment and legal knowledge of defending oneself from a legal attack would obviate
the personal enrichment “False Claim”.

By ignoring the role that the tabulation device and software played in such a chaotic November 2020
Election. It's tantamount to granting a Foreign Entity special rights that supersede a Citizens
Constitutional Rights to challenge Election result without the fear of being financially destroyed. Then
recommending that the AG try to cripple them preventing them from mounting a legal defense.

If you believe enough cause has been presented for the State Committee to call for Senator Edward
McBroom's resignation vote Yea, If not vote Nay

YEA_____________ NAY____________

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