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Technical University “ Gh.

Asachi“ of Iasi
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services

Individual dwelling

Technical University “ Gh. Asachi“ of Iasi
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services

Content :
Written part

Project theme
Technical report
Enviornement data and location details
Calculus of thermal resistance
Timber volume roof
Snow load
Characteristic values of permanent loads
Active areas
Loads computation and grouping
Designing the foundation

Drawn part
The ground floor plan
The first floor plan
The basement plan
Foundation plan
Roof covering plan
Positioning of the rafters
The vertical section plan
Constructive details

Technical University “ Gh. Asachi“ of Iasi
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services

Project theme

The project consist in designing a individual dwelling with the basement,

ground floor and first floor functional layouts made by an arhitect. The building is
situated in the city of Pascani and is connected to all needed facilities such as electrical
system, gas system, water and sewage.
The designed building will have the maximum dimensions in horizontal plane
as 11.55 x 10.95 m, the height to the overhang 5.55 m, and to the ridge purlin 7.97 m.
The footprint on the ground of the building is 110.83 m 2.
The importance category of the building is D – building with low importance
and it has the IV class of importance such as buildings with low importance (acording
to P100-2013) .
In order to respect the structural safety under loads the arhitectural layouts will
be modified. The structure is a rigid one, made by load bearing walls made of
mansory, strengthened with concrete columns and beams (girdles and girders). The
floor slabs are monolith reinforced concrete elements. The stairs are made of
reinforced concrete. The roofing system has a complex shape with more than 4 slopes.
The foundation will be designed as rigid continuous beam made of monolith concrete.
Serving the client’s needs, the designer and the architect elaborated a dwelling
house cosisted of 3 levels: total basement ( underground floor ), ground floor and first
floor. All the rooms are properly oriented such that the mandatory ventilation and
illumination conditions are fullfiled.

Technical report

Enviornement data and location details:

Importance class γ i=−1;
Peak ground acceleration – 0.25g;
Snow load on ground – 2.0;
Maximum frost depth – 1m;

Climatic zone – III , Ꝋ e = -18°C.


Technical University “ Gh. Asachi“ of Iasi
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services

Surfaces :
Surfaces of the basement
Hallway&staircase 20.31 𝑚^2
Washroom 11.22 𝑚^2
Bathroom 4.3 𝑚^2
Bathroom 6.02 𝑚^2
Gym 16.24 𝑚^2
Media room 10.76 𝑚^2
Storage closet 3.76 𝑚^2
Technical room 14.23 𝑚^2
Total= 86.84 𝑚^2

Surfaces of the groundfloor

Hallway&staircase 20.31 𝑚^2
Living room 16.24 𝑚^2
Kitchen 14.23 𝑚^2
Office 10.76 𝑚^2
Vestibule 3.76 𝑚^2
Bathroom 4.3 𝑚^2
Bathroom 6.02 𝑚^2
Total= 75.62 𝑚^2

surfaces on the firstfloor

Master bedroom 13.54 𝑚^2
Dressing room 2.36 𝑚^2
Bedroom 1 8.17 𝑚^2
Dressing room 1 2.19 𝑚^2
Bedroom 2 8.55 𝑚^2
Dresing room 2 1.92 𝑚^2
Bedroom 3 11.44 𝑚^2
Dressing room 3 2.46 𝑚^2
Bathroom 4.3 𝑚^2
Bathroom 6.02 𝑚^2
Hallway&staircase 20.31 𝑚^2

Technical University “ Gh. Asachi“ of Iasi
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services

Building area in the basement:

The foundation is made out of concrete;
The slab over the earth, basement and ground floor are 13 cm thick and are made of
reinforced concrete;
The outer and inner load bearing walls are made of 25 cm thick mansory;
The stairs are made of reinforced concrete and are covered by a 2 cm layer of granite;
At the intersection of the load bearing walls there are columns with th cross-section of 25x25;
The roofing system is made of wood entirely and has a complex shape. It is covered with
ceramic tiles .

1. Calculus of thermal resistance:

Formula for calculation of the thermal resistance:

1 d 1
R=R i+ Σ R j+ R e = + Σ j + , where :
hi k j he

R – thermal resistasnce of the element (m 2 k /W ¿

R si – inner surface thermal resistance (m 2 k /W ¿

R se−¿ outer surface thermal resistance (m2 k /W ¿

Ri , R e −¿ superficial thermal resistance (m 2 k /W ¿

The folowing requirement must be satisfied:

R≥ Rmin ,where :

- For outter and exterior walls : Rmin =(1.25 ... 1.82) R ' min ;

- For the slab under the attic : Rmin =(1.18 ... 1.33) R ' min .

Exposed to exterior Exposed to unheated

Direction of the heat flow
hi he hi he
Ti Te
0,125 0,042 0,125 0,084

0,125 0,042 0,125 0,084
0,167 0,042 0,167 0,084

Technical University “ Gh. Asachi“ of Iasi
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services

The values of the minimum thermal resistance for new buildings:

Crt. No. Construction element ܴ௠Ԣ

1 Exterior walls 1,8
2 The upper slab from the last level 5,00
3 Slabs on the ground 4,5
4 The slab of the basement 4,8
5 The exterior walls of the basement 2,9

The details regarding the elements of envelope:


D2 D2

D3 D3


Technical University “ Gh. Asachi“ of Iasi
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services

D1. The upper slab from the last level :

Crt. No. Layer Thickness d[m] conductivity λ d/λ
[W/mk] ݉ ଶk/W
1 Cement mortar 0,03 0,93 0,032
2 Reinforced concrete slab 0,13 2,03 0,064
3 Mineral wool x 0,045 x/0,045
4 Wood boards 0,024 0,17 0,141

Ri=1/8 m2 k / W ;

Re =1/12 m2 k / W ;

R ' min =5 m2 k / W ;

R≥ Rmin ; Rmin = 1.2 x 5= 6m 2 k / W ;

1 dj 1
R= + Σ + = 1/8 + 0.032 + 0.064 + x/0.045 + 0.141 + 1/12 =
hi k j he

= 0.71+ x/0.045 ¿ 6 =¿ x=0.23 =¿ x=25 cm ;



Technical University “ Gh. Asachi“ of Iasi
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services

D2. Exterior walls above ground surface :

Crt. No. Layer Thickness d[m] conductivity λ d/λ
[W/mk] ݉ ଶk/W
1 Cement mortar 0,03 0,93 0,032
2 Mansory brick hollow 0,25 0,58 0,431
3 Water vapour barrier 0,001 0,17 0,006
4 PEX x 0,044 x/0,044
5 Cement mortar 0,01 0,93 0,011

Ri=1/8 m2 k / W ;

Re =1/24 m2 k / W ;

R ' min =1.8 m2 k / W ;

R≥ Rmin ; Rmin = 1.2 x 1.8 = 2.7 m 2 k / W ;

R= 1/8 + 0.032 + 0.431 + 0.006 + x/0.044 + 0.011 =
= 0.605 + x/0.044 ¿ 2.7 =¿ x=0.09 =¿ x=10 cm.

Te Ti

Technical University “ Gh. Asachi“ of Iasi
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services

D3. Exterior walls below the ground surface :

Crt. No. Layer Thickness d[m] d/λ
conductivity λ ݉ ଶk/W
1 Cement mortar 0,03 0,93 0,032
2 Reinforced concrete wall 0,25 2,03 0,123
3 lime mortar 0,005 0,64 0,008
4 Expanded polystyrene x 0,044 x/0,044
5 hidro isolation 0,002 0,17 0,012
6 Cement mortar 0,03 0,93 0,032

Ri=1/8 m 2 k / W ;

R ' min =2.9 m 2 k / W ;

R≥ Rmin ; Rmin = 1.2 x 2.9 = 3.77 m2 k / W ;

R= 1/8 + 0.032 + 0.123 + 0.008 + x/0.044 + 0.012 + 0.032 =
= 0.332 + x/0.044 ¿ 3.77 =¿ x=0.14 =¿ x=15 cm ;

Te Ti

Technical University “ Gh. Asachi“ of Iasi
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services

D4. The slab of the basement :

Crt. No. Layer Thickness d[m] d/λ
conductivity λ ݉ ଶk/W
1 ceramic tiles 0,05 2,03 0,025
2 Cement mortar 0,05 0,93 0,054
3 Reinforced concrete slab 0,13 0,64 0,203
4 Extruded polystyrene x 0,042 x/0,042
5 hidro isolation 0,002 0,17 0,012
6 gravel 0,2 0,7 0,286

Ri=1/6 m 2 k / W ;

R ' min =4.8 m 2 k / W ;

R≥ Rmin ; Rmin = 1.2 x 4.8 = 5.28 m2 k / W ;

R= 1/6 + 0.025 + 0.054 + 0.203 + x/0.042 + 0.012 + 0.286 =
= 0.746 + x/0.042 ¿ 5.28 =¿ x=0.19 =¿ x=20 cm ;



Technical University “ Gh. Asachi“ of Iasi
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services

Timber volume at the roof :

Type of Volume
b(m) h(m) l(m) No.
element (mc)
0.15 0.15 0.7 1 0.01575
  0.15 0.15 1.9 1 0.04275
  0.15 0.15 3.9 1 0.08775
  0.15 0.15 5.6 1 0.126
  0.15 0.15 6.9 1 0.15525
  0.15 0.15 7.5 1 0.16875
eave 0.25312
0.15 0.15 11.25 1
purlin 5
  0.15 0.15 12.3 1 0.27675
  0.15 0.15 4.05 1
  0.15 0.15 1.95 1
  0.15 0.15 3.65 1
  0.15 0.15 3.9 1 0.08775
  0.15 0.15 6.45 1
  0.15 0.15 1.9 1 0.04275
  0.15 0.15 2.5 2 0.1125
crest 0.15 0.15 2.49 1
  0.15 0.15 4.35 1
  0.15 0.15 5.01 3
  0.15 0.15 7.27 3
  0.15 0.15 9.36 2 0.4212
  0.15 0.15 1.46 1 0.03285
rafters 0.12 0.15 0.44 1 0.00792
  0.12 0.15 0.55 1 0.0099
  0.12 0.15 0.66 4 0.04752
  0.12 0.15 1.02 4 0.07344
  0.12 0.15 1.24 7 0.15624
  0.12 0.15 1.29 4 0.09288
  0.12 0.15 1.32 1 0.02376

Technical University “ Gh. Asachi“ of Iasi
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services

  0.12 0.15 1.79 4 0.12888

  0.12 0.15 2.01 7 0.25326
  0.12 0.15 1.98 1 0.03564
  0.12 0.15 2.09 4 0.15048

  0.12 0.15 2.55 3 0.1377

  0.12 0.15 2.77 6 0.29916
  0.12 0.15 3.08 1 0.05544
  0.12 0.15 3.32 3 0.17928
  0.12 0.15 3.52 1 0.06336
  0.12 0.15 3.54 7 0.44604
  0.12 0.15 4.09 3 0.22086
  0.12 0.15 4.29 3 0.23166
  0.12 0.15 4.31 5 0.3879
  0.12 0.15 4.62 1 0.08316
  0.12 0.15 4.86 4 0.34992
  0.12 0.15 5.08 4 0.36576
  0.12 0.15 5.85 5 0.5265
  0.12 0.15 6.15 1 0.1107
  0.12 0.15 6.62 3 0.35748


posts 0.15 0.15 1.95 2 0.08775

  0.15 0.15 0.74 8 0.1332
  0.15 0.15 1.2 1 0.027
  0.15 0.15 1.17 1
pads 0.15 0.15 0.85 12 0.2295
Braces 0.12 0.12 0.9 27 0.34992
collars 0.048 0.15 2.1 2 0.03024
[ m2]
0.03 174.03     5.2209
V'(m3)= 14.07
G [KN] = 85,14
[KN/m2] 0,768

Technical University “ Gh. Asachi“ of Iasi
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services

Technical University “ Gh. Asachi“ of Iasi
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services

Computing the design ultimate load :

ρ soft wood = 550 [kg/m3] ;

Roof area : 174,03 m2 ;

V timber =15.48 m3

Aupper slab = 110.857 m 2;

( mtimber x g ) x γ f
gd = = 103.68 [N/m 2 ¿ .
Aupper slab

Technical University “ Gh. Asachi“ of Iasi
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services

Dogav Grup MONACO tile

Technical characteristics :
Dimensions : 255 x 420 mm (±2%) ;
Number of tiles per m 2 : 14.5 [pieces] ;
Slope : 25° ;
Mass for a tile : 3.8 [kg] ;
Roof covering area : 174,03 m2 ;
Tiles required : 14.5 x 174.03 = 2523.4 [tiles] ;
Total mass of tiles : 3.8 x = 9589.05 [kg] ;
Total weight of the tiles : 95.89 [KN]
The characteristic value of unit area : gk = = 0.865 [KN/m 2 ¿ .

Technical University “ Gh. Asachi“ of Iasi
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services

Snow load :

α1 α2

The action of snow was computed regarding the folowing assumptions :

The building is situated in the city of Pascani;

The importance class is : IV ;
The roof is designed in a complex shape with same slope for each section ;
The roof slope is : 15° ;
The building is not situated near tall buildings and trees ;
Does not have huge heat losses at the level of the roof.

Formula for computing the design snow load :

S= γ is x μ x c t x sk ;

Crt. No. γ ce ct μi sk s
1 1 1 1 0,8 2 1,6

The design snow load : S = 1600 [KN/m 2 ¿ ;

Technical University “ Gh. Asachi“ of Iasi
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services

Characteristic values of permanent loads

gk – characteristic value of permanent load on layer [ N/m 2];

gd – the design of permanent loads on layer [ N/m2];

γ f – the unit weight of the material [ N/m3];

γ – the unit wight of the material [ N/m 2];

d –the thickness of the material [m];
g – the gravitational acceleration g= 10 m/ s2 ;

Formulas :
gk =d x γ [ ];

gd =γ f x g k [ ];

roof covering
Crt. No. Element gk (N/m2) γF gd
1 Roof covering 865 1.35 1167.75
2 Timber 768 1.35 1036.8

Technical University “ Gh. Asachi“ of Iasi
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services

The upper slab from the last level :

no. crt Element d [m] ρg (N/m3) gk (N/m2) γF gd (N/m2)

1 Wood boards 0,024 5500 132 1,35 178,2

2 Mineral wool 0,25 1500 375 1,35 506,25
3 RC slab 0,13 26000 3380 1,35 4563
4 Mortar (lim-cem) 0,03 17000 510 1,35 688,5
Σ= 5935,95

Technical University “ Gh. Asachi“ of Iasi
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services

First floor slab :

no. crt Element d [m] ρg (N/m3) gk (N/m2) γF gd (N/m2)

1 Warm 0,008 6000 48 1,35 64,8

2 Cement mortar leveling 0,05 18000 900 1,35 1215
3 RC slab 0,13 26000 3380 1,35 4563
4 Mortar (lim-cem) 0,03 17000 510 1,35 688,5
Σ= 6531,3

Ground floor slab :

no. crt Element d [m] ρg (N/m3) gk (N/m2) γF gd (N/m2)

1 Warm 0,008 6000 48 1,35 64,8

2 Cement mortar leveling 0,05 18000 900 1,35 1215
3 RC slab 0,13 26000 3380 1,35 4563
4 Mortar (lim-cem) 0,03 17000 510 1,35 688,5
Σ= 6531,3

Technical University “ Gh. Asachi“ of Iasi
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services

Exterior walls above the groung surface :

no. crt Element d [m] ρg (N/m3) gk (N/m2) γF gd (N/m2)

1 Cement mortar 0,03 18000 540 1,35 729

2 Expanded polystiren 0,1 200 20 1,35 27
3 Cement mortar 0,005 18000 90 1,35 121,5
4 Brick wall 0,25 17000 4250 1,35 5737,5
5 Cement mortar 0,03 18000 540 1,35 729
Σ= 7344

Technical University “ Gh. Asachi“ of Iasi
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services

Exterior walls below the ground surface :

structural exterior walls (below ground)

no. crt Element d [m] ρg (N/m3) gk (N/m2) γF gd (N/m2)

1 Cement mortar 0.03 18000 540 1.35 729

2 Hidro insulation 0.002 400 0.8 1.35 1.08
3 Expanded polystyrene 0.15 200 30 1.35 40.5
4 Cement mortar 0.005 18000 90 1.35 121.5
5 Reinforced concrete wall 0.25 26000 6500 1.35 8775
6 Cement mortar 0.03 18000 540 1.35 729
Σ = 10396.08

Technical University “ Gh. Asachi“ of Iasi
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services

Inner walls :

no. crt Element d [m] ρg (N/m3) gk (N/m2) γF gd (N/m2)

1 lime mortar 0,02 17000 340 1,35 459

2 Brick wall 0,25 13500 3375 1,35 4556,25
3 lime mortar 0,02 17000 340 1,35 459
Σ= 5474,25

Technical University “ Gh. Asachi“ of Iasi
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services


no. crt Element d [m] ρg (N/m3) gk (N/m2) γF gd (N/m2)

1 Granite 0,02 28000 560 1,35 756

2 Cement mortar 0,03 18000 540 1,35 729
3 RC steps 0,1975 25000 4937,5 1,35 6665,625
4 Lime mortar 0,03 16000 480 1,35 648
Σ= 8798,625

Technical University “ Gh. Asachi“ of Iasi
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services

Loads computation and grouping :

In order to compute the axial compression force the following values were used :

Crt. No Source of loads Max values [N/m2]

1 Roof covering 1167.5
2 Supperior slab 5935.95
3 Current slab 6531.3
4 Structural exterior walls (above ground) 7344
5 Structural exterior walls (bellow ground) 10404.18
6 Structural interior wall 5474.25
7 Steps 8798.625
8 Snow Loads 1600
9 LL Slabs 1500
10 LL Stairs 3000
11 LL Balconies 2500

N1 = (S +
groof + g ¿slab ¿ x A loaded

gwall x h wall x l wall + ( ¿+ gslab ) x A loaded =N 2

gwall x h wall x l wall+ ( ¿+ gslab ) x A lo aded=N 3

gwall x h wall x l wall+ ( ¿+ gslab ) x A loaded =N 0

Technical University “ Gh. Asachi“ of Iasi
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services

Active area inner walls :

Active area outter walls :

Technical University “ Gh. Asachi“ of Iasi
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services

Exterior walls :
In order to compute the axial compression force on the exterior walls we have
computed each axial force for each level respectively ;
We summed up all the axial forces for each level and we obtained the maximum axial
compression force on the exterior wall;

Legend :
- Ai – Active area for each section of wall ;

- N ij – Axial compression force for each slab (from top to bottom) ;

- N 0 i – Maximum axial compression force ;

- A wall – Area of wall ;

- Lwall – Length of wall ;

- N max – maximum compression load ;

Compression force [N]

Active areas [m2] Ne1 134432.7
A1 1.4 Ne2 385020.9
A2 1.4 Ne3 385020.9
A3 1.4 Ne4 630792.5501
A4 1.4 N0e 1535267.05
Ext walls A5 5.4
A6 2.8 Awall [m2] 4.5
stairs 3000 Lwall [m] 18.04

Nmax 85103.49502 N/m

Σ= 13.8 Nmax 85.1 KN/m

Technical University “ Gh. Asachi“ of Iasi
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services

Inner walls :
In order to compute the axial compression force on the inner walls we have computed
each axial force for each level respectively ;
We summed up all the axial forces for each level and we obtained the maximum axial
compression force on the inner wall;

Legend :
- Ai – Active area for each section of wall ;

- N ij – Axial compression force for each slab (from top to bottom) ;

- N 0 i – Maximum axial compression force ;

- A wall – Area of wall ;

- Lwall – Length of wall ;

- N max – maximum compression load ;

Active areas [m2] Compression force [N]

A1 1.4 Ni1 236328.79
A2 2.8 Ni2 461708.298
A3 1.4 Ni3 461708.298
A4 1.4 Ni4 351775.305
A5 5.33
A6 1.4 Awall [m2] 5.58
A7 0.58 Lwall [m] 22.95
Int Walls A8 4.05
A9 0.5 N0i 1511520.69 N
A10 0.5
A11 0.5 Nmax 65861.46797 N/m
A12 0.5 Nmax 65.86 KN/m
A13 2.4
A14 0.5
A15 1
Σ= 24.26

Technical University “ Gh. Asachi“ of Iasi
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services

Designing the foundation:

-> Outter wall :

Strength check :
N 0 +G f
Peff = ≤ 1.2 x PN ;
G f = b x h x 1 x γ concrete = b x 0,4 x 1 x 24 = 9,6 b ;

Af = b x 1 ;

P N = 150 KN/m2

N max =85.1KN/m 2

85.1+9.6 b
≤180=¿ b = 0.5 m ;

-> Inner wall :

Strength check :
N 0 +G f
Peff = ≤ 1.2 x PN ;
Gf = b x h x 1 x γ concrete = b x 0,4 x 1 x 24 = 9,6 b ;

Af = b x 1 ;

P N = 150 KN/m 2 ;

N max =65.86 KN/m 2 ;

65.86+9.6 b
≤180=¿ b = 0.40 m ;


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