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Name: Abby-Leigh McLinden Ivy Tech LIBR 206

Date:7/3/21 Practicum

Library Technical Assistant Program

Library Assistant Practicum
Ivy Tech Community College-Central Indiana

Journal for Week 4 - 8 Week Semester

20 Points

Remember that this journal is a place to “reflect.” That means very short
answers are not enough! Strive for a paragraph or two for each question.

This week in your journal, using the ideas in the lecture, please write about your
experience with time management in your practicum and in other work settings
that occur to you.

Have you felt pressed for time in your practicum or in some other job? What
techniques did you use to handle that?

In my practicum, no not really. At other jobs, yes I have. I don’t know what
techniques I used other than trying to find more efficient ways of getting done
what I needed to do? Time management is not a strong suit of mine. Mostly at
my jobs I’ve enjoyed, I’ve been able to focus on one task at a time instead of
needing to juggle things, so it’s not been so much an issue.

Have you seen employees with good time management skills? What did they

I don’t think I’ve ever paid too close of attention to what other people do as far as
time management. My mom talks to me about how she’s trying to get better at
her own time management, but her ways she’s going about it sound excessively

Assess the strengths and weakness of your own time management skills?

I’m good at tackling projects. I think if I had a list of projects and a clear
understanding of deadlines and priorities I’d be good at ordering what I’m doing
when. It might be I’m better than I think at time management—it’s when I’m at
home that time really gets away from me. Homework is stressful because I don’t
have a specific time someone else is defining as ‘worktime’— I’m the one doing
that, and I end up goofing up when I want to be working. But having set hours
when I’m at work helps me to focus on doing work-related things, and utilize my
time more effectively.
Name: Abby-Leigh McLinden Ivy Tech LIBR 206
Date:7/3/21 Practicum

Reflect on how well you set priorities for how to proceed with your tasks.
Where could you have improved?

I don’t like reflecting on my time management, because in some ways I feel like
to make significant improvements I’d have to do things more like my mom—
which is an extraordinarily stressful though. But that may not necessarily true. I
can do what I can manage, and I don’t have to put such excessive stress on

Generally priority-setting isn’t difficult—there’s a few things to do as a ‘when

there’s nothing else going on’ (which can be pretty often) and then there’s
Projects. Thursday and Friday we did a lot of work on Grab N Go bags, preparing
the next two weeks worth. Those were projects that needed to be done quickly,
but with as many hands as we had on the project we managed it pretty well.

Briefly describe what you did this week at your Practicum Library, including what
did you learn that was new.

Tuesday was busy, there was a good bit of shelving. I don’t remember what else
I did though to be honest. Thursday and Friday we did a lot of craft work. And
shelving. There’s always a good bit of shelving. And helping out various patrons
with their questions of course.

One thing I’ve learned is that kids are very distractable. I had a little girl give me
her and her sister’s tickets for our grand prizes drawing— they are supposed to
choose which prize they want and drop the tickets in herself. I asked her to fetch
her sister while I sorted out the piles, they had gotten very mixed up. She never
returned. So, don’t let the kids run off if I need them in just a minute!

How well do you think you performed your tasks this week?
Where could you have improved?

I think I did well on my tasks. I’m not sure I see an obvious way I could have
improved. Nothing was too complicated, the craft bags are just making sure all
the right things get into it.

Reflect on how well you have followed directions and set priorities for how to
proceed with your tasks thus far in your practicum.
Where could you have improved?

I think I followed directions pretty well. I’d say priorities were more set for me, but
that’s all right. It’s important for me to understand what’s important to get done
now vs what can be put off for slightly later. While time management is a skill I
need to work on, there’s really not been enough to do to really challenge me in
that way at my internship.
Name: Abby-Leigh McLinden Ivy Tech LIBR 206
Date:7/3/21 Practicum

Comment on your interactions with staff the past few weeks. What went well?
What might you have done differently to improve some interaction? Include
comments about interpersonal communication.

I think that staff communication has gone well. I talked to my coworkers about
work-related things when necessary, and when it was slow we also went off on a
tangent about the 100 worst movies (by IMDB ratings). And goofy names for the
chicks we’ve got in an incubator.

Being able to have conversations about non-work related things makes

communication better overall, at least to me. I get to know my coworkers as fully-
rounded people and not just as ‘coworkers’.

Comment on your interactions with patrons the past few weeks and the customer
service you were able to provide. Give examples of how you know you were
Did they say anything that made you think you had served their need?

All the inquiries I can think of were fairly simple things it’s easy to tell I succeeded
in. “Where’s the Thomas the Tank engine books?” They were all checked out, so
unfortunately I wasn’t successful there— though it occurs to me that I could have
offered regular train books, but I had 2 other kids who’d approached me while I
was working on that so I left that boy with his parents to find alternatives while I
went to help the other kids.

For the most part though it was obvious. I handed one kid a glue stick, I had my
coworker look up Spirit: Stallion of the Cimmaron books while I helped another
girl find what she was looking for (I’ve forgotten what she asked for specifically)
and so on. Adults often will say thank you, and/or prompt their kids to. I’m trying
to make a point to ask now too if there’s anything else I can do, especially if
there’s nobody waiting on me back at the desk.

Discuss how you have been demonstrating good work place survival skills,
including attending regularly, reporting to work on time, following rules, etc.,
…………… How could you improve in these areas?

I’ve been showing up on time, and checking to see how long it takes me to get all
my stuff stashed so I can be properly ready for work when my shift starts and not
5 minutes into it. I’ve never been given an official employee handbook, so I’ve
actually had to have it explained to me that the library requires closed-toe shoes
and hats are against dress code—but I’ve made sure to follow the rules after I
know them. My supervisors are understanding, especially since they didn’t
actually know the hat rule until I’d worn one in a few days.

I am very careful about getting to work on time, since I do struggle with having a
solid internal sense of time passing. I like following the rules, and I show up when
I’m scheduled to show up. I think I’m already pretty well settled on this.
Name: Abby-Leigh McLinden Ivy Tech LIBR 206
Date:7/3/21 Practicum

Submit a copy of this completed journal form in Module 4 of your IvyLearn


Weekly Journal Rubric (below)

Category Excellent Average Needs Work

Amount of Detail 4 2 0-1

Evidence of Learning 6 3 1-2

Evidence of 0-1
Deeper/Critical Thinking 4 2

Evidence of Ideas for

Improvement 6 3 1-2

Total Points

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