Comparison of Arthroscopic Lavage, Needle Lavage Techniques and Lavage Volume

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Comparison of Arthroscopic Lavage and Needle Lavage

Techniques, and Lavage Volume on the Recovery of Colored

Microspheres From the Tarsocrural Joints of Cadaver Horses
Patrick G. Loftin, Warren L. Beard, Megan E. Guyan, and Brad J. White
Department of Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas

Corresponding Author Objective: To quantify recovery of colored microspheres from normal cadaver
Patrick G. Loftin tarsocrural joints using arthroscopic or needle lavage with 1–5 L of fluid.
Dominion Equine Clinic Study Design: Ex vivo experimental study.
2451 Lake Cohoon Rd. Animals: Adult Quarter Horse cadavers (n ¼ 8).
Suffolk, VA 23321
Methods: After euthanasia, 1.5  106 colored microspheres were injected into each
tarsocrural joint. Each joint was randomly assigned to receive lavage (5 L 0.9% NaCl)
Submitted October 2014
with an arthroscope (dorsomedial arthroscope and dorsolateral egress cannula) or three
Accepted June 2015 14 g needles (dorsomedial ingress, dorsolateral, and plantarolateral egress). Egress
fluid from each liter was collected separately over time and the number of microspheres
DOI:10.1111/vsu.12442 present in each recovered liter determined by spectrophotometry.
Results: A significant interaction was present between treatment group and liter of
fluid (P <.01). The number of microspheres recovered in the first liter of lavage fluid
was significantly higher in the needle lavage group than in the arthroscopic lavage
group (P <.01). For both groups, the number of microspheres recovered in the first liter
of lavage fluid represented a majority of the total microspheres collected and was
significantly different from each subsequent liter collected (P <.01). The number of
microspheres recovered did not differ between liters 2, 3, 4, and 5 within or between
treatment groups.
Conclusion: In this model, tarsocrural lavage with three 14 g needles was more
effective at removing colored microspheres from the joint than arthroscopic lavage,
suggesting that the number or placement of portals present may be more important than
portal size and flow rate. No difference in microsphere recovery was seen with lavage
volumes >1 L.

Septic arthritis is a common disease of horses and can be life recommended.9,15–17 These recommendations are based on
threatening without aggressive treatment.1,2 Treatment of clinical impressions and previous practice, but no data are
horses with septic arthritis involves analgesic, anti-inflamma- available to determine what volume is considered adequate.
tory, and local and systemic antibiotic therapies as well as Needle lavage has been reported to be effective in the
thorough joint lavage. Normal nucleated cell counts in the treatment of septic arthritis in a group of affected horses.11 In
equine joint are <1,000 cells/mL, but during sepsis, nucleated another multiyear retrospective study of septic arthritis, most
cell counts of 50,000–100,000 cells/mL may be reached.3 horses seen early in the study period were treated with needle
When neutrophils degranulate, collagenases and matrix lavage and those later in the study period were treated with
metalloproteinases are released,4–6 which degrade the collagen arthroscopic lavage. No difference in survival was observed
framework of articular cartilage. Over time, these enzymes, between these groups.18 This study did not compare lavage
bacterial toxins,7 and synovial fluid changes8 can permanently technique in a controlled manner, but the efficacy of needle
damage cartilage such that lameness may be irreversible even lavage was supported. Joint lavage with needles requires no
if the septic process is halted.9 special equipment and can be performed in the standing
Thorough lavage of an infected joint is utilized to remove patient, reducing treatment costs, and is within the capabilities
granulocyte enzymes, debris, and microorganisms. Lavage in of most equine practitioners. In cases where foreign body
horses can be performed arthroscopically,10 through large gauge contamination or severe fibrin accumulation are suspected,
needles,11 or by arthrotomy.12 Arthroscopic lavage is generally however, arthroscopic evaluation and debridement may be
advocated as being more effective than needle lavage9,10,13,14; necessary.10,11,16,19
however, there are no data that directly compare the 2 methods. Colored polysterene microspheres have been used as
In addition, thorough lavage with large volumes of fluid is markers to quantify tissue perfusion after systemic

240 Veterinary Surgery 45 (2016) 240–245 © Copyright 2016 by The American College of Veterinary Surgeons
Loftin et al. Comparison of Arthroscopic Lavage, Needle Lavage, and Lavage Volume in Horses

injection.20–25 After collection, the dye in each microsphere is group, a 5.5 mm diameter arthroscopic cannula with blunt
released using specific solvents and measured using spectro- obturator (Karl Storz Veterinary Endoscopy, Goleta, CA) was
photometry. Although not used for this purpose previously, placed in the dorsomedial pouch of the tarsocrural joint in a
these 15 mm microspheres approximate the size of granulo- routine manner (Fig 1B),26 and the obturator was replaced with
cytes, making them a useful marker for measuring efficacy of a 30° 4 mm diameter arthroscope (Karl Storz Veterinary
joint lavage in removing particulate matter. Endoscopy). A 3.2 mm diameter egress cannula (Karl Storz
The objective of this study was to compare the efficacy of Veterinary Endoscopy) was placed in the dorsolateral pouch of
lavage of the tarsocrural joint in recently euthanatized horses the joint. All accessible areas of the dorsal tarsocrural joint
using 2 commonly employed clinical methods, arthroscopic were examined throughout arthroscopic lavage.26 One liter
lavage and needle lavage. We hypothesized that microsphere bags of 0.9% NaCl (Abbott Laboratories, North Chicago, IL)
removal would be similar between the 2 treatment groups and were used for lavage through a flow-controlled infusion pump
that no significant change in microsphere recovery would (Masterflex L/S Easy-Load II, Cole-Palmer, Vernon Hills, IL).
occur after 2 L of lavage fluid. Fluid flow was maintained such that there was steady flow of
fluid through egress portals without excessive joint distension
or extravasation. Flow rate was recorded for each joint. Egress
MATERIALS AND METHODS fluid was collected using open-mouthed glass containers held
directly below each egress portal, such that egress flow was not
Quarter Horses (n ¼ 8) aged 3–21 years (mean 9.8  6.6 affected (Fig 1). All egress fluid was recovered over time and
years), weighing 422–535 kg (mean 485  43 kg) and euthan- each liter of lavage fluid was collected separately. Immediately
atized for reasons other than musculoskeletal disease, were after collection, 5 mL of detergent (10% polyoxyethylenesor-
used for the study. Horses were euthanatizd with an overdose bitan monooleate) was added to each liter of recovered fluid,
of barbiturate and all procedures were performed immediately resulting in a 0.05% solution, to prevent clumping of the
after euthanasia. For each horse, pairs of tarsocrural joints recovered microspheres. As a control to quantify any loss of
were randomly assigned, by coin toss, to be lavaged using microspheres during processing, 1  105 15 mm blue polysty-
three 14 g needles or an arthroscope and egress cannula. Order rene microspheres (Dye Trak, Triton Technology, Inc.) were
of treatment was also randomly assigned by coin toss. Horses added to each liter of recovered lavage fluid and measured
were positioned in dorsal recumbency, the tarsocrural joint separately from the yellow microspheres.
was clipped circumferentially from distal tibia to proximal A stir bar was placed in each collected liter of lavage fluid
metararsus, aseptically prepared, and 1.5  106 15 mm, to maintain uniform microsphere distribution and the entire
polystyrene yellow microspheres (Dye Trak, Triton Technol- contents were pipetted into 50 mL conical polypropylene
ogy Inc, San Diego, CA) were injected intra-articularly centrifuge tubes. The tubes were centrifuged at 1,500  g for
followed by 30 mL 0.05% polyoxyethylenesorbitan mono- 5 minutes at room temperature, and the supernatant was
oleate (Tween 80, Croda International Plc, East Yorkshire, aspirated to a safe level above the microsphere pellet. The
England) to disperse and prevent clumping of the micro- microsphere pellets of four 50- mL tubes were combined into a
spheres. Limbs were maximally flexed and extended for single 50 mL tube. Each emptied tube was rinsed with 100%
5 minutes to further disperse the microspheres in the joint ethanol, which was added to the combined contents. These
before lavage. tubes were centrifuged at 1,500  g for 5 minutes, the
For needle lavage, 14 g, 3.81 cm needles were placed supernatant was aspirated to a safe level above the micro-
centrally in the dorsomedial, dorsolateral, and plantarolateral sphere pellet, and the contents of each 50 mL tube transferred
pouches of the tarsocrural joint, with the dorsomedial needle to a 15 mL conical polypropylene centrifuge tube. Empty
acting as the ingress portal (Fig 1A). In the arthroscopic lavage 50 mL tubes were rinsed with 100% ethanol, which was added

Figure 1 Ingress portals were placed in the dorsomedial pouch of the tarsocrural joint in both groups. (A) Egress needles were placed in the
dorsolateral and plantarolateral pouches in the needle lavage group. (B) An egress cannula was placed in the dorsolateral pouch in the arthroscopic
lavage group. Egress fluid was collected using open-mouthed glass containers that allowed recovery of all egress fluid without affecting egress flow.

Veterinary Surgery 45 (2016) 240–245 © Copyright 2016 by The American College of Veterinary Surgeons 241
Comparison of Arthroscopic Lavage, Needle Lavage, and Lavage Volume in Horses Loftin et al.

to the 15 mL tube. All 15 mL tubes were filled to 10 mL with

100% ethanol, centrifuged at 1,500  g for 5 minutes, and
stored at 4°C until all samples were collected for final analysis.
When all samples were collected, the supernatant above
the microsphere pellet in the 15 mL centrifuge tubes was
aspirated to a safe level and the remaining ethanol was allowed
to evaporate. In more concentrated samples, a yellow tint
could be seen in the supernatant. For these samples the entire
10 mL of ethanol was allowed to evaporate, leaving the
prematurely eluted dye in the centrifuge tube. When all
samples were dry, 150 mL of n,n-dimethylformamide (Sigma-
Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) was added to each centrifuge tube to
release the dye from the microspheres. The 15 mL centrifuge
tubes were vortexed then centrifuged at 1,500  g for
5 minutes.
Peak absorbance at 448 nm for yellow microspheres and Figure 2 Number of microspheres recovered per liter of lavage fluid for
672 nm for blue microspheres was quantified using n,n- the needle lavage group and the arthroscopic lavage group. Differing
dimethylformamide as a blank (SmartSpec 3000, Bio-Rad superscript letters indicate significant differences between treatment
Laboratories, Inc, Hercules, CA). Samples measuring over 1.3 groups and liter of lavage fluids. LS mean  SE.
absorbance units (AU) were diluted to remain in the linear
region of the spectrophotometer. Standard curves for yellow
and blue microspheres were created using known dilutions of the total microspheres recovered were in the first liter, then 11,
each sphere color. Samples below 0.07 AU were recorded as 3, 3, and 4% for liters 2, 3, 4, and 5, respectively.
0.07 AU, as this was the lower limit of detection as determined The lavage flow rate was higher for the arthroscopic
by the standard curve. Any sample with a negative AU was lavage group (0.57  0.02 L/min) than the needle lavage group
recorded as 0.0 AU. Total microsphere numbers recovered per (0.36  0.02 L/min; P <.01). There was no difference in the
liter of collected egress fluid were calculated and totaled. number of blue microspheres in each liter of sample after
egress fluid collection for the arthroscopic (55,793  7,912) or
needle (59,458  7,626) lavage groups (P ¼.39).
Data Analysis
Generalized linear models were used to determine potential
associations between the number of yellow microspheres
recovered with the treatment, the liter of fluid administered
over time (1–5), and the potential interaction between Our study was performed to assess tarsocrural joint lavage
treatment and liter number (JMP 9.0, SAS Institute, Cary, efficacy of 2 techniques using colored microspheres as a
NC). Blue microsphere recovery and lavage flow rate were quantifiable marker. Needle lavage with three 14 g needles,
also compared between treatment groups. All models included with dorsal and plantar egress, was more effective at removing
an effect to account for repeated measures from an individual colored microspheres from the tarsocrural joints of horse
horse. Results are reported as least square means  standard cadavers than an arthroscope and dorsal egress cannula. The
error. Statistical significance was set at P <.05. flow rate using arthroscopic lavage was higher than for needle
lavage. The majority of the microspheres were removed in the
first liter of lavage fluid in both treatment groups.
It has been reported that joint lavage with large gauge
RESULTS needles is not as effective as using arthroscopic cannulas,
because arthroscopic lavage has the advantage of larger
Significant interaction was detected between treatment diameter cannulas, higher flow rate, and the ability to provide
group and liter of lavage fluid. Significantly more targeted lavage.13,27 Experimental evaluation of various treat-
(630,866  29,334) yellow microspheres were recovered in ments for septic arthritis in the horse has been reported28–31;
the first liter from tarsocrural joints in the needle lavage group however, evaluation of needle and arthroscopic lavage is limited
than the arthroscopic lavage group (258,872  31,443; to retrospective studies.10,11,18,32,33 Reported survival is com-
P <.01; Fig 2). Significantly more microspheres were parable in adult horses treated with needle lavage (81–84%)11,18
recovered in the first liter from both treatment groups than to those treated with arthroscopic lavage (86–89%).10,18
from subsequent liters (P <.01). There was no significant Variability within and between these studies prevents direct
difference in microsphere recovery within or between comparison of lavage technique, but both methods have proven
treatment groups for liters 2–5 (Fig 2). In the needle lavage effective.
group, 88% of the total recovered microspheres were present The objective of our study was to compare needle and
in the first liter, 6% in the second, and 3, 1, and 2% in liters 3, 4, arthroscopic lavage using clinically relevant techniques.
and 5, respectively. In the arthroscopic lavage group, 79% of Needle lavage in the tarsocrural joint is often performed

242 Veterinary Surgery 45 (2016) 240–245 © Copyright 2016 by The American College of Veterinary Surgeons
Loftin et al. Comparison of Arthroscopic Lavage, Needle Lavage, and Lavage Volume in Horses

with dorsomedial and plantarolateral portals,29,34,35 with the recovered in subsequent liters of lavage. With arthroscopic
addition of a third needle reported in clinical cases.11 lavage, the use of multiple liters of fluid is fast and easily
Arthroscopy of the tarsocrural joint for elective procedures performed during evaluation and debridement in the joint.
is commonly performed with dorsomedial arthroscope and Lavage flow rate is lower during needle lavage, meaning each
dorsolateral instrument and egress portals.26 The use of every additional liter of fluid used increases time of treatment. This
available portal has been recommended to achieve the most can be important if lavage is being performed standing, where
complete evaluation of a septic joint,36 but description of patient compliance must be taken into account. For removal of
portal placement for joint lavage in retrospective studies and particulate matter, such as neutrophils and microorganisms, 1–
review articles is not available.1,2,10,11,14,16,18,19,32,36,41 Dor- 2 L lavage may be sufficient; however, in cases of joint sepsis,
somedial and dorsolateral portal locations, however, have been where inflamed synovium and fibrin can be present, increased
described for lavage of tarsocrural joints during experimental volumes may be necessary for thorough debridement.
treatment of clinical and induced cases of septic arthritis,31,37 The colored microspheres used were slightly larger than a
which mimics the investigators’ clinical practice. granulocyte and should provide a good estimation of joint
Higher lavage flow rates were achieved with arthroscopic lavage efficacy, acting similar to particulate matter or white
lavage than needle lavage, likely because of the larger blood cells. Measurement of the known quantity of blue
cannulas used. Despite this difference in flow rate, joint lavage microspheres added to the lavage fluid after recovery indicated
using needles was more effective in removing microspheres a 40–45% loss of microspheres during laboratory processing.
from the joint. As stated previously, the use of multiple portals The reason for this is unknown. It is possible that some
in treating septic arthritis has been recommended for complete microspheres were lost during removal of supernatant from
evaluation of the joint,36 and in this model it appears the centrifuged tubes, although care was taken to avoid disturbing
addition of a second plantar egress portal was also beneficial in the microsphere pellets. Also, elution of dye in stored samples,
increasing lavage efficacy. It cannot be determined from our as visibly occurred with high concentrations of yellow
study design whether it is the number of portals, placement of microspheres, may have occurred to some extent in all
portals, or a combination of the two that increased microsphere samples. While a visible color change in the ethanol used to
removal. No previous objective measure of joint lavage store the microspheres before analysis was not seen in most
efficacy in horses is available to dictate the standard of care, samples, it is possible enough dye was lost to alter
and further investigation is necessary to evaluate the effects of spectrophotometer measurements. Although a large percent-
portal size, number, and location on lavage efficacy. Based on age of microspheres were lost through processing, the fact that
our results, however, placement of multiple egress portals, this loss was not different between treatment groups still
including plantar egress, is supported for lavage in the allows comparison of lavage efficacy between arthroscopic
management of septic arthritis. and needle lavage.
Arthroscopy allows evaluation of articular cartilage and Limitations of our study include the use of clinically
synovium, removal of debris, and debridement of fibrin clots normal tarsocrural joints in equine cadavers and the unknown
and pannus, which may occlude needles in these cases of joint behavior of microspheres once injected into the joint. Horses
sepsis.10,11,16,19 The above complicating factors were not with septic arthritis may have proliferative synovium and
evaluated in our study, because we were solely comparing the fibrin accumulation that will likely affect lavage efficacy.
mechanical efficacy of the lavage techniques themselves. The These changes may affect arthroscopic and needle lavage to
benefits of arthroscopic lavage in the treatment of septic different degrees.
arthritis are not in question; however, our study highlights the In our study, tarsocrural joint lavage using 14 g needles
utility of lavage with large gauge needles. Whether the same with 2 egress needles was more effective at removing colored
results would be obtained in standing or clinically affected microspheres in a normal cadaveric joint than arthroscopic
horses is not known. lavage with a single dorsal egress cannula. The increased
Current recommendations for the treatment of septic number of portals or the placement of a plantar portal in the
arthritis in horses include lavage with a range of 2–6 L of needle lavage group may be the reasons for greater
sterile polyionic fluid2,38–41 or simply large volumes of microsphere removal. If so, adding portals and placing at
fluid,9,15–17 but evaluation of effective lavage volume has not least 1 plantar egress can be performed easily during
been performed. Comparison of lavage volume was performed arthroscopic lavage. There was no significant change in
in people with osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis and lavage recovery of microspheres after 1 L of lavage in normal
with 3–10 L was more efficacious in improving pain and tarsocrural joints. Our study demonstrates the efficacy of
function than lavage with 0.25–1.0 L.42–44 No difference was needle lavage and a lesser lavage volume than typically
detected at volumes >3 L. Though these disease processes recommended and emphasizes the importance of multiple,
differ from septic arthritis, these studies demonstrate a widely spaced egress portals.
practical limit to the benefit obtained from increasing lavage
The results of our study show that recovery of micro- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
spheres decreases markedly after 1 L of lavage. Between 79%
and 88% of recovered microspheres were present in the first The authors thank Drs. James Lillich and Elizabeth Santschi for
liter of lavage fluid, with very few additional microspheres their assistance in preparing the manuscript. Funding provided by

Veterinary Surgery 45 (2016) 240–245 © Copyright 2016 by The American College of Veterinary Surgeons 243
Comparison of Arthroscopic Lavage, Needle Lavage, and Lavage Volume in Horses Loftin et al.

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