July 16, 2002 (Page 10 of 64)

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Lanes closing at 10 p.m.

Inbound and outbound passing
lanes in the Liberty Tunnels will
close at 10 p.m. tonight so workers
Pizza makers head to court over name
can perform maintenance work for
' AT&T cellular customers.
Ove Abbato, owner of Tavap Inc., of Mansfield comparable lack of quality of the pizza tempt to pass off the goods is, we believe,
By Torsion at all
The lanes will reopen at 6 a.m. to- Avenue in Green Tree. served by defendant." pretty clear. I don't see an effort made
morrow, according to officials from
Staff Writer
The confusion is such that even America to tell the public that this isn't the Vincent's
Tavap does business as Vincent's Pizza of Forest Hills."
Sargent Electric Co., which is doing Dueling Vincents are headed to federal Pub, or a variation of that name, in Green Online got mixed up, once describing the
the work. court in a fight over pizza, with the inventor Tree and Scott, but its most prominent loca- home of the Vinnie Pie on its 'AOL Week- Complicating the issue, however, is the
, of the famed "Vinnie Pie," a Pittsburgh tion is at PNC Park. ender" Web site but then providing the fact that the Vincent's Pizza trademark ex-
STATION SQUARE icon, claiming an interloper is stealing his Neither Vincent could be reached yester- Mansfield Avenue address of the rival com- pired after the PNC Park restaurant in
name and his profits at PNC Park and else- day for comment, but the ballpark restau- pany. opened. Chianese registered the name
:sneak rant is at the root of the dispute. And when the Pittsburgh 1991, but according to the lawsuit, the trade-
Post-Gazett- e

preview of changes where.

Vincent's Pizza Park, a Forest Hills land- Although Abbato operated throughout reported last year that Vincent's Pizza was mark was canceled in 1998 because Chi-
' The
grand opening of Bessemer mark for pizza lovers since the 1950s, yes- the 1990s using the Vincent name, Freder- now available at PNC Park, the newspaper anese didn't file a document called an "affi-
Court at Station Square will be July ick Ziesenheim, lawyer for Chianese, said had to run a correction saying the paper davit of continued use." Pennsylvania State
terday filed a trademark infringement law-
the media are getting a be-
26-b- ut
suit against the owner of Vincent's Pizza the 2001 opening of the ballpark restaurant should have included the word "Pub" to Department records list the name aewithd-
- tour today. Pub of Greentree, which the original Vin- meant many more customers were sudden- avoid confusion. rawn."
Representatives from Forest City cent says is capitalizing on his reputation ly exposed to what they thought was the Ziesenheim said the PNC Park restau-
Ziesenheim, who is not Chianese's regu-
Etiterprises, owners of Bessemer while selling an inferior product. original Vincent's. rant, which has a neon sign identifying it as lar attorney, said he didn't know why the af-
' Court and Station "Vincent's Pizza Pub of Greentree," is delib-
Square, and the The lawsuit pits Vincent Chianese, the That has caused "extreme confusion" fidavit wasn't filed.
Hard Rock Cafe will host the preview. longtime owner of Vincent's Pizza Park on among the public, the lawsuit says, especial- erately trying to deceive patrons.
Bessemer Court is a $25 million " 'Vincent's' is in giant letters," he said, "I'm sure it was an oversight," he said.
Ardmore Boulevard in Forest Hills and on ly since "many of these patrons have also
entertainment complex that in- "and 'Greentree' is rather obscure. The at "I'll have to deal with that."
New Texas Road in Plum, against Vincent complained to Vincent's Pizza about the
, eludes three new buildings with
Shops and entertainment venues
and 'a floating boardwalkmarina
along the Monongahela River.
A highlight of today's preview is
the centerpiece of the new develop- -
-. ment, the Fountain at Bessemer

show set to music.

Waltzing Waters
display with a "liquid fireworks"
100-fo- ,

- - -- -- -
,'i t




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extended its request that area hos-

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eries requiring type 0 blood. I I ' , , 'I ,.,t-- - ,,, ,, ',"' .2'17c4s,
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Despite last week's appeal for ad- 4
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ditional donors, only s of two-third-

the needed blood was collected and

the supply of type 0 blood remains 4 t ,
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Convict sent to
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tenuous, said Dr. Joseph Kiss, the - -
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blood bank's medical director. ' , ,

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North Carolina
Hospitals are being advised to :.,.... -- ,'?'',,-,---- -
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continue emergency blood conser- ,,,1:: , t ,
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vation measures to preserve type 0 By Torsten Ove

blood, which may include delaying .. , Staff Writer
some surgeries for the next few .

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- $ ;,! ' ' . . , ' - .'" -- 1,.-

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days. Patients are also being en- ,,.'' .,' ,' John Michael Matvia, who
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eouraged to donate and bank their ,..'"--,,,

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threatening to kill a federal
The decision to postpone opera-
, ,,' judge, is now North Carolina's

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basis. Procedures that require a high ..k iS

'volume of blood, like liver transplants,

are likely to be delayed, said Deborah
: Ervin, blood bank
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U.S. District Judge James
McClure yesterday 'spared
Matvia a prison term for violat-
1 '''
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If enough donors come forward, ' ' 1
that he be supervised from now
the restrictions could be lifted as
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''',,,,.,..''''"'";'''.. on by the federal probation of-

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early as tomorrow, she said. . ',' .
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. '47".' ,,''
..- I ' ' fice nearest his new home in
Andy StarnesPost-Gazett- e Bolivia, N.C.
HIGHLAND PARK Matvia, 51, an auto body tech-
nician formerly from North
New playground open
FIRE DAMAGE ESTIMATED AT $100 000 Braddock, will have to abide by
Jim Costanza, owner of Jimmy's Post Tavern, stands in the burned-ou- t kitchen of his restaurant at 110 Smithfield Street which was the site the terms of probation that he
The sound of children laughing of a grease fire on Friday. The fire destroyed the first floor kitchen and damaged the heating and air conditioning. The fire was ruled was supposed to follow here, in-
as they played yesterday on the new accidental and damage was estimated at $I 00,000 Costanzo said he hopes to reopen as soon as possible. Costanza also owns Jimmy's cluding getting a psychiatric
swings, slides and other equipment Downtown Pizza and Lounge, which is across the street from the restaurant. Costanza said that it is still uncertain when the entire treatment for his mental prob-
at the Farmhouse Playground in restaurant will reopen, but he hopes to reopen the second floor soon. Until then, he hopes that his customers will be able to find the food lems.
Highland Park told city General they like at his restaurant across the street. McClure, brought in for the
Services Director Dale Perrett that case from Central Pennsylva-
he'd done the right thing. nia, sentenced Matvia last Octo-
Perrett was joined by Mayor Tom ber to five years' probation, for
Murphy, City Councilman Jim Peri threatening to kill U.S. District
and others in cutting a ribbon to Judge Donald Ziegler and other
open the farmhouse, a longtime fix- judges.
ture in the neighborhood, and an ad-
jacent playground.
The project involved

a $140,000 renovation of the historic


'amilly sues in jail inmate's death As conditions of his release,

McClure ordered Matvik to un-
dergo mental health treatment
and follow other standard pro-
farmhouse, which had suffered fire visions of probation, such as
damage last year, plus a new By Bill Heltzel Early on the morning of May 26, 2001, he not leaving Western Pennsylva-
$206,000 playground. Rinds came Staff Writer "He should have had better care. was wracked by a violent seizure, fell and cut nia.
from insurance proceeds, the his head. He became confused and weak and But Matvia didn't listen. He
leghe Regional Asset District and The family of a man who died of a seizure in We hope the lawsuit bring will bled so profusely, Kontos said yesterday, that refused to get a psychiatric
neigh orhood needs" funds con-
the Allegheny County Jail last year has filed a other inmates were ordered to clean his cell. evaluation, moved to- - North
trolled by Murphy and Ferlo. wrongful death lawsuit against a doctor, the about changes and prevent future Flaugherty, the guard responsible for Mey- Carolina without permission
::' : Murphy, noting that in the past county and jail officials. ers' group of cells, allegedly took no action, and wouldn't tell the Pitts-
some of the city's other new play- Timothy Meyers of the Hill District experi- deaths." even after Meyers' condition worsened and burgh probation office his ad-
grounds have been damaged by ar- enced a violent seizure, fell and cut his head, other inmates pleaded for help. Not until dress.
son or vandals, called on Highland and asked for medical help. The lawsuit claims Darlene Meyers, sister of Timothy Meyers Flaugherty's shift ended, several hours after On May 5, he called the pro-
Park residents to be vigilant. that a guard ignored Meyers' condition, he the seizure, was Meyers taken to the infir- bation office to say he was leav-
wasn't taken to the infirmary for several hours mary. ing Pittsburgh and then disap-
U.S. DISTRICT COURT and a nurse couldn't verify his medical history Jail policy did not require the presence of a peared. On May 22, he called
A doctor then evaluated him by telephone, pre- doctor on weekends. A nurse, Cathleen and said he was living in North
scribed an inadequate amount of e anti-seizur-
Rumph, examined Meyers. His right arm was Carolina, but he refused to say
'CM1.1 sues disk drive firm medicine and refused Meyers' request to stay the jail change its medical procedures. He did shaking and he explained that he was having a where.
in the infirmary Eleven hours later, he suf- not recommend criminal charges. seizure, the lawsuit says. She called Majkic,
Carnegie Mellon University has
Federal marshals tracked
filed a federal patent infringement fered another seizure and died. He was 32. Meyers was jailed 10 days before his death the doctor on call, described Meyers' condition him down and brought him
The lawsuit, filed in Allegheny County Com- on a charge of unlawful use of a vehicle. He and offered her opinion that Meyers was shak-
suit against Riiitsu Ltd., claiming the back to Pittsburgh, where he
' Japanese mon Pleas Court, names as defendants Dr. couldn't afford bail, attorney Kenneth Haber ing his arm voluntarily.
company is selling hard spent about a month in the A-
'disk drives using magnetic record-la- g Dushan Majkic, corrections officer Thomas said, so he remained in jail to await a hear- Neither the nurse nor doctor had any way of llegheny County Jail.
technology developed at CMU. Flaugherty, Warden Calvin Lightfoot, Alleghe- ing. checking previous jail records that detailed his Matvia's case began in' April
The suit, filed in U.S. District ny County Correctional Health Services Inc., Meyers had hepatitis C, the AIDS virus and medical history. She was not named as a de- 2001 when he walked off his Job
Court in Pittsburgh, said CMU and the county. The health services company a seizure disorder that resulted from a 1995 fendant.
is a nonprofit group run by the county Health brain abscess, according to the inquest, but at Mascari Auto Center in Mc-
patented its magnetic recording de- At 8 a.m., Meyers suffered another seizure
Meyers did not disclose his medical history and at 9:20 a.m., he was pronounced dead. Candless, called the FBI and
vice in 1997 after it was invented by Department. told an agent he was going to
three researchers at the Data Stor- The lawsuit was filed by Meyers' sister, Dar- when intake officers screened him. "1 can tell you we are continuing to make
"kill federal judges." He' also
age System Center, which was es- lena Meyers, who is executrix of his estate. The lawsuit contends that jail personnel improvements in health care at the jail,"
"He should have had better care," she said should have known anyway. Meyers had been threatened to kill Allegheny
tablished to address magnetic Health Department spokesman Guillermo
at a news conference arranged by attorney there before on drug and aggravated assault Cole said. "These improvements include rec- County Common Pleas Judge
recording problems. Bob Colville and Ray Scheib, a
:7: The suit says Nitsu, of Tokyo, George Kontos. "We hope the lawsuit will bring charges, and his medical history had been not- ommendations made by the coroner as a re- retired Common Pleas Court
and its various subsidiaries are vio- about changes and prevent future deaths." ed. A few days before his death, the lawsuit sult of the inquest." He would not comment
Last year, an inquest was held and county judge.
lating the patent by making and says, he told jail staff that he took Dilantin to on the lawsuit or on specific details of
Matvia was particularly up-
selling hard disk drives using Coroner Dr. Cyril H. Wecht recommended that prevent seizures. changes at the jail. set at how Ziegler handled two
UMU's invention. civil cases in the 1990s in which
Matvia was a party. He said he
BRIGHTON HEIGHTS was dissatisfied about the set-
tlement of one of his suits,
claiming that he was coerced
Dog attacker gets jail
Pittsburgh firefighter will
.s IV
Elliot man on trial in Edinboro students' slayings into settling because of an
agreement between Ziegler and
spend the next five months in jail for the attorneys.
killing his neighbor's dog. Hairston is accused of homicide, robbery, Matvia, who admitted in
Sheldon Henry 42, of Brighton By Jim McKinnon der the guise of selling3 pounds of marijuana court that he is paranoid, had
and Johnna A. Pro abuse of a corpse, arson and conspiracy in the for $7,200.
Heights, a Pittsburgh firefighter for Jan. 3, 2000 shooting deaths ofJoseph Clayton,
sent letters and made calls in
more than 17 years, was convicted in Staff Writers In his opening statement, Tranquil li said 2000 to Ziegler's chambers, the
21, and Jeremy Lindsay, 20, both of Erie. Their that Paxton told Hairston that he had "lick," a
April of cruelty to animals, criminal bodies were found in a 1995 Infinity that had
FBI and the U.S. attorney's of-
Inischief anci reckless endangerment. A charred shoe, a melted cigarette lighter slang term for setting someone up for a rob- fice expressing his anger. He al-
and the remainder of a shirt were put into evi- been set ablaze on Voeghtly Street, behind a bery, and Hairston agreed to help. so called a former
Henry stabbed a dog vacant warehouse near the Veterans Bridge. reporter
, named Cinnamon, which belonged
dence yesterday as prosecutors began their In the deal, Hairston was supposed to get from the Pittsburgh Tnbune-
: bis neighbor, Ron Jochymek. case in the trial of an Elliot man accused in the Hairston, who previously had pleaded guilty Clayton's sound system and UK Tranquil li Review and said he intended to
shooting deaths of two Edinboro University of to murder in the case, was facing said, He also told the jury Hairston gave Pax-
Henry admitted that he was drunk
, e
"kick down Judge Ziegler's
Pennsylvania students whose bodies were left 20 to 40 years in jail. He subsequently withdrew ton a box of bullets and then went to
nn the night of the incident and that door and grab him off the
he drove his pickup truck away
inside a blazing car. the plea and opted for a trial. wait in an alley with a can of gasoline. bench."
'Wool the scene while he was under The case against Craig A. Hairston, 24, who Lindsay's college roommate, William Pax- "Without those bullets, those boys don't die," After Matvia was charged,
the influence. is expected to testify in his own defense, is be- ton, 23, of the North Side, was convicted last Tranquil li said. Chief U.S. District Judge D.
!: Allegheny County Common Pleas ing heard in the courtroom of Allegheny Coun- year of two counts of e murder and first-degre-
But defense attorney Joseph Chester; who Brooks Smith ordered all feder-
Judge David Cashman yesterday
al-:s- o
ty Common Pleas Judge Kevin Sasinowski. other charges in the deaths. Paxton, who au- disputes the confession, told the panel that al judges in Pittsburgh to re-
ordered Henry to pay a $300 fine, "In this case, there's a litany of crimes laid thorities said was the trigger man, is serving his client only agreed to be a jitney driver for cuse themselves. McClure, who
attend safe driving school and at the feet of that man," prosecutor Mark Tran- two consecutive life sentences. He told police Paxton in exchange for receiving a sound presides in Williamsport, took
a drug and elcohol evaluation. quilli said, pointing to Hairston. he lured Clayton to Pitteurgh from Ene un- over the case.
t ) r, 9

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