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6 Ethical Principles

1. Eternal Law: The Bible, Law, Government… the saying goes… says so. The Rights
Theory: The rights are inalienable and that the duties could be easily derived from
the rights. If people had rights to “…., then they had obligations to ensure those
rights for others…”
2. Personal Virtues: I believe so, personal belief. Act in ways that convey a sense of
honor, pride and self-worth. Honest, truthful, courageous, temperate and high
3. Universal Duties: Role, Responsibility Aspect. If someone else in my shoe, he will
have done the same thing as well. How big corporations acts responsibly. Intentions
of performing the act.
4. Utilitarian Rules: Costs and Benefits
5. Distributive Justice: It is right because it is fair. Social and economic inequalities is
only acceptable if they could be shown to result in compensating benefits for
everyone. Everyone include the least advantaged members of our society, poor,
unskilled… little education or with native intelligence. Difference in benefits have to
be justified:
6. Contributive Liberty: It is right because it allows people to further contribute to the
society. Act to ensure greater freedom of choice. Essential for social productivity.
Never take any action that will interfere with the rights of everyone in DEVELOPING
contributive justice if individuals are not allowed to make informed choices among
alternative courses of action leading toward their own welfare. Opportunities for
informed choices.

(1), (2) can be the same or they do not have to agree. Although I am a catholic (1), I believe
in using contraceptives.
(3) Everyone else in my position will do the same thing as well
(4) Economic benefits. Can be tangible or intangible. Going for the option that was meant
for the majority. Or Minority as well: Although it only benefit the minority, the benefit is so
great that it outweigh the inconvenience of the majority.
(5) What is fair is not so clear. Equality or Equity?

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