King PPG February 24, 2000

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One of America's Great Newspapers
inniniiiuum iiMMiiiafflniiiHwiiiHiw

50 CENTS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24. 2000 VOL. 73, NO. 208 22400 FINAL .

Tulsa superintendent
Hot so nice
while it lasted gets top city job
UK threatens
wm t ill uu 1 F to ground
its fleet
'1,. TWfcUH.''

I --TV 1.
j Won't accept strikes,
it Ss"AhW h i

US Airways says
f I
By Jim McKay
Staff Writer

Darya Conger, aka US Airways yesterday threat-

Mrs. Rick Rockwell, ened to ground its fleet on March 25
rather than subject passengers to
admits her marriage random strikes or other job actions
by its roughly 10,000 flight atten-
on TV was "an error dants.
The threat came in a letter to em-
in judgment" that ployees from Chairman Stephen M.
Wolf and President Rakesh Gang-w- al

she wants annulled. after the National Mediation

Board announced the beginning of a
People, Page C- -5 y
cooling-of- f period that must
precede a strike under rules of the
Railway Labor Act. The cooling-of- f
period will expire at 12:01 a.m.
THURSDAY March 25.
The Association of Flight Atten-
Weather Breezy with showers dants and the company will try to
late in the day. High 60, low 48. resolve their contract differences
PageA-- 2 before the deadline, but Wolf and
chief executive Gangwal said they
Road win, home loss Pitt wins on were left with few alternatives.
the road at Boston College, 70- - "While US Airways will continue
60; Duquesne loses at home to to negotiate to reach a fair and equi-- '
Fordham, Sports, Page
table agreement, if no agreement is
B-- 4
reached with the AFA, US Airways
is left with no choice but to shut
Thought for food H. J. Heinz Co. down the airline immediately after
is getting into organic and nutri- - - ....
tt"lwimi"T1-"'-nJ,-'""- ""; iiHwngiiMir'""' -
irn.nriiiniii-i-- i
in'i t
the cooling off period," they

tional foods just for the health Steve MellonPost-Gazett- e

wrote. "We sincerely hope that we
and profit of it. The Jolly John W. Thompson is congratulated yesterday after being named superintendent of Pittsburgh schools. From right are board member are not forced to take this step."
Green Giant is on a new and hip Jean Wood and Thompson's wife, Yvonne. AFA spokesman Jeff Zack said
"eat your veggies, they're good the company's response was a
for you" kick. Business, Page "crazy reaction" to the union's
Food, Page D-- l By Carmen J. Lee, Eleanor Chute dress the organization of the district's cen- JOHN W. THOMPSON
E-- l;
and trademarked cam- -
and Jane Elizabeth tral administration and also improve "the AGE: 55.
Out for the season The NHL Education Writers attitude toward central administration." BORN: Graham, N.C.
"It should no longer be top down, but bot-
suspends Bruins defenseman EDUCATION: B.S. in math, Livin-
Marty McSorley for the rest of W. Thompson, superintendent of tom up ... and more We need
gstone College, Salisbury, N.C; gradu-
the season for his Tulsa Public Schools, has been to become an education service center," he
John to the Pittsburgh school
ate degrees in education administra-
stick attack that knocked out
Canucks left winger Donald top job and could take over as
He also said he was concerned about
tion from North Carolina A&T State
University, Greensboro, N.C, and
United Way
Brashear. Sports, Page B-- l soon as Wednesday. where the district stands technologically, Appalachian State University, Boone,
saying he was surprised that Pittsburgh "is
Getting a buzz The drinks are
on the West Homestead police
Thompson's appointment was announced
last night by the city school board, which con-
ducted its nearly eight-mont- h search in se-
not further ahead." He said he'd work to im-
prove that, adding, "Everywhere I've been,
N.C; Ph.D. in education administra-
tion from University of North Carolina,
again beats
Chapel Hill.
cret. we've been at the top tin technology."
as seven volunteers get plas-
tered to help the police improve The board's vote was with board mem-
bers Jean Fink and Darlene Harris voting
Thompson will be Pittsburgh's first black
superintendent, a classification that didn't
EMPLOYMENT: Superintendent of
Tulsa Public Schools since January
annual goal
their skills in identifying and ar-
against his appointment. seem to faze him last night. 1994; former deputy commissioner
resting drunken drivers. The
Board President Alex Matthews praised "In all the positions I've held, I've been and chief of staff, Kentucky Depart-
Region, Page 7 A-1-
By Ervin Dyer
Thompson, saying he "knows how to move a the first black person," he said. "I just want ment of Education; former superinten-
Staff Writer
Martin a Padre Al Martin is school system. He's not the type of person to to be the superintendent of the Pittsburgh dent in several North Carolina school
stand still. You're going to see that this guy is Public Schools." districts; former high school math
dealt to the Padres for outfielder-f- The United Way of Southwestern
irst baseman John Vander on the move. I'm going to have to get my run- Matthews said Thompson's contract, in- .teacher and basketball coach. Pennsylvania is on a roll.
Wal and two minor-leagu- e right- ning shoes." cluding his starting date and salary, were be- - FAMILY: Wife, Yvonne Spikes, an For the second time in as many
handers. Sports, Page B-- l After his appointment was announced administrator at the University Center years, the organization has exceed-
last night, Thompson said he wanted to ad SEE SCHOOLS, PAGE 6 at Tulsa. ed its annual g goal by

brass sued Eight former

AHERF more than a million dollars.
officers and directors of the The 1999 total of $39.1 million
bankrupt Allegheny Health, Ed- topped expectations by $1.1 million
ucation and Research Founda- and continued the record-breakin- g

tion are named in an $80 million pace of the 1998 campaign, which
lawsuit filed by state Attorney
General Mike Fisher. Business,
Federal finished $1.6 million ahead of its
goal at $38 million.
Page E--
l All of which goes a long way to-

By John Murphy informer ward sustaining the agency's pro-

grams, which touch 800,000 people
in Allegheny, Beaver, Greene and
INDEX found dead Washington counties.
The group's annual meeting yes-
Ann 5 Magazine-Marria-
...C-- 1
terday at the Doubletree Hotel
Classified C7,F1

1 Movies ....C--

Neighbors.. ..A-1- 9
.. 5

4 in jail cell Pittsburgh, Downtown, was a ban-

ner event for United Way volunteers
and officials, who also celebrated
8 Obituaries.. 2
Sen. John
Crosswords ...C-- 7 Brian O'Neill ..A-1- 7 McCain By Bill Moushey
Divorces People
5 5
campaigns in Staff Writer SEE UNITED, PAGE A--
Editorials 6 The Region....A-1- 7
Spokane, Wash.,
Food 1 Perspectives..A-2- 7

yesterday. J. Z,,.,J' John Regis "Re Re" King Jr.,

Diana Jones ....C--


M. Spencer GreenAssociated Press
a convicted drug smuggler $1.63 million raised
turned informer, was found
8 Television
dead in his Allegheny County for Children's Hospital
8 2

Jail cell yesterday after doing

what he did best. Scattered on By Lane
PG Online extra the desk of his cell were scraps

ground to
For back Bush still confident, but others worry of notes about inmates who
King claimed had sold heroin to
him since his incarceration in
area residents and cor-
were the big winners

July. porate supporters of Children's

help you Hospital of Pittsburgh raised $1.63
By Terry M. Neal nomination. he once held over McCain: a seem- King penned his final note
compare Campaigning in California, ingly untouchable campaign trea- sometime after he was locked in million in 1999 for the hospital's
and Susan Glasser Free Care Fund.
Medicare The Washington Post Bush insisted that his organization sury and a sense of inevitability his cell at 8 p.m. Tuesday. Inves-
HMO plans check PG Online's was on track and remained upbeat about his candidacy. tigators aren't sure if he made The Free Care Friends Cam-
WASHINGTON Burning about his prospects. "We ran a Bush, who has raised more than the note to tell on the dealer or paign total, down slightly from 1998,
special report.
money faster than planned, second-- good race in Michigan, we turned $70 million, could now have as little to point investigators toward was announced at a dinner last
Visit m
night by the fund's sponsors:
some key decisions out a big Republican vote." Later, as $10 million left in his campaign the culprit if something hap-
and reeling from its loss in Michi- he added: "This is a marathon. I al- chest, according to several Repub- pened to him. and Radio and the Pitts-
gan on Tuesday, George W. Bush's ways knew that." licans close to the Bush team. On it, he stated he paid $200 burgh The money

presidential campaign struggled But campaign aides and other Just last week, Bush revealed for what he thought was heroin helps cover the cost of medical care
yesterday to maintain the percep- advisers were privately trying to that he had already spent his cam- from an inmate two cells down for patients who cannot otherwise
assess their efforts and examine paign fund down to $20 million. But afford it.
tion that Bush was the front-run-Ij-
the hall.
and the candidate best d posi-tywe- how their candidate managed to 'i

08136 26301' to claim the Republican , lose two of the biggest advantage SEE BUSH, PAGE SEE KING, PAGE 3 SEE HOSPITAL, PAGE A--2
A-2- 3

Federal informer found dead in Allegheny County Jail cell

l Allegheny County homicide detectives would not com- cocaine and 1,000 pounds of marijuana in this region in a were charged with selling drugs to a cooperating wit-
ment; neither would officials from the U.S. attorney's of- five-ye-
period. ness three times. The transactions were recorded on
Hours later, King, 36, apparently injected himself with fice, who used King as a witness in a large At the time of that arrest, King tried to attack agents video and audio tape. I
the substance and immediately went into cardiac ar- drug-rin- g case. with a knife. Later, he would admit that if he had
He was caught after another drug dealer turned in-
rest. From what guards saw when they found him dead Lightfoot said jail guards reported no unusual occur- been given the opportunity, he'd have killed both of the formant set King up. . , .

several hours later, it appeared King had pulled the rences during hourly checks of each cell Tuesday night. agents, as well as the man who set him up. A search of At the county jail, King was placed on Pod-8-- after a
blood-fille- d syringe out of his arm, but then could do lit- King was found upright on his bed, leaning against a his vehicle produced a loaded, semiauto- .380-calib-
short stint in a cell block reserved for cooperating wit-
tle more than fall backward on his bed, the needle pierc- wall when a guard checked his cell during a morning matic revolver. nesses. Despite his status as a federal prisoner being
ing into the front of his shirt. count at 7:20 a.m. A jail physician pronounced King dead Before he became a government witness. King was held for trial, he was given a job as a worker on the floor,
The position of his body initially caused investigators at 7:40 am facing what could have amounted to life in prison under doing cleaning chores and other tasks usually reserved
to believe King overdosed on the drugs. Lightfoot refused to answer questions about the in- harsh directives laid down by the U.S. Sentencing Com- for short-tim- e inmates who already have been sen-
But they also are looking into whether the material volvement of illegal drugs in the death of an inmate. mission. The 1993 arrest was his third on d drug-relate-
King injected was a "hot shot," or poison, aimed at caus- Despite a long history of crime his arrest record charges.
As his case wound its way to a trial date, King's
ing a quick death for the longtime drug dealer and vio- goes back to when he was a teen-age- r King had long On the witness stand, King admitted to spraying mac-
lawyers offered to bring their client in as a cooperating
lent criminal who in the early 1990s became one of West- managed to avoid lengthy prison sentences in exchange hine-gun bullets into and fire bombing the home of the witness again, but officials of the U. S. attorney's officii
ern Pennsylvania's most prominent federal witnesses. for implicating others. parents of another drug dealer who owed him more
declined. :,!
Authorities are awaiting the completion of toxicology His latest foray into that domain was chronicled in than $126,000. He admitted breaking the legs of a man
tests to determine exactly what caused King's death. 1996 series "Protected he thought could inform on him. He stabbed people, bit This time, King was facing at least 30 years to lifft
the Pittsburgh 's Post-Gazette-

based on his past record. At best, he hoped to get be-

Yesterday, police interviewed other inmates on Pod 8-- Witness" as well as its 1998 series "Win at all Costs," off a man's nose and casually conceded that he contin-
ued to sell large quantities of drugs from jail after he be- tween 5 years if he pleaded guilty before trial, which

including the one two cells away. which examined how he managed to win light prison
sentences for providing information and testimony to came a federal witness. He also told others that he was expected to have been scheduled for sometime
King had been in the jail since his most recent arrest next month.
authorities. killed at least two people. He was never charged with ; (

in July on federal charges of selling cocaine and

steroids to an undercover agent. Facing more than 40 years in prison in 1993, King homicide. King is survived by his parents, John Regis and Bet-
After that arrest, federal agents, prosecutors and lo- struck a deal with federal authorities that resulted in his King was paroled in September 1997 and returned to ty Lew Spicuzza King of Lincoln Place;and four sisters',
being sentenced to five years in prison in exchange for Pittsburgh, where he worked at Heritage Harley David- Betsy Belgard of Los Angeles, Debby Weisen of Lincoln
cal police stopped using him as an informant and wit-
ness, but his note could provide investigators with use- his testimony. son, a West Mifflin motorcycle business owned by rela- Place, Jackie Celovsky of West Mifflin and Lori Jordan
ful information one more time, this time for the investi- On the witness stand, King admitted trying to pur- tives. ofWhitaker.
gation into his own death. chase 15 kilograms of cocaine from one of his under- On July 22, less than two years following his release, Friends will be received from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9, y

Calvin Lightfoot, the county jail warden, yesterday lings for $200,000. he was charged with distributing cocaine and steroids and tomorrow at George Irvin Green Funeral
had little to say about the circumstances of King's death Within weeks, King agreed to cooperate and fingered after an undercover operation by the U.S. Drug En- Home, 3511 Main St., Munhall. A Mass will be celebrat-
because, he said, the probe had just begun and because his Texas supplier, as well as a handful of others below forcement Administration. ed at noon Saturday in Holy Angels Church, 408 Baldwin
' ' J !
he wanted to "protect the integrity of the investigation." him in the organization, which distributed 330 pounds of King and his girlfriend, Laurie Diaz of McKeesport, Road, Hays.


received Thursday and Friday 4 Mass of Christian Burial in St. Alex HEIMER r, Krista Monroe, 8 Lu- - charge of local arrangements.'
Cont. from Page 2
is Church on Fri at 10:00 AM. Fami- HILDA Anne Romeo. Also seven great-
and pm at PAUL L HENNEY
7-- 9

MEMORIAL CHAPEL, INC. 5570 ly suggests contributions to the On Monday, Feb. 21, 2000, in Flor grandchildren and great great-twi- n LdSOTA ?


ELIZABETH A. (CUMMINGS) Library Rd, BETHEL PARK. Mass American Cancer Society, 241 ida; beloved wife of the late Meier grandsons. Also, four great-nephew- s.

Heimer; beloved mother of Rabbi Memorial service Saturday, Age 70, of Carson City, NV., resi
Age 80, on Mon. Feb. 21, 2000 of of Christian burial will be celebrat- Fourth Ave, Pgh PA 15222-174-

Larry and Faith Heimer of Pitts February 26 at 2 p.m. in the Presby dent since 1993, died February 13,
Sheraden; beloved wife of Raymond ed Saturday at 1 p.m. at St. Joan of
burgh, Winston and Carol Heimer of terian Church of Coraopolis, Broad- 2000. Formerly of Los Angeles, CA.
F. Deller; mother of Donna Cuda, Arc Church. Interment will follow in
Queen of Heaven Cemetery. In lieu CT; preceded in death by three way and 5th, Coraopolis, PA 15108. and Robinson Twp., PA. She was
Linda Lauth and Kathleen Fyke; GRIMM born June 3, 1929 in Pittsburgh to
sister of Alice Smith, Patricia Lar-ki- n of flowers, donation can be made to MARY ANN brothers and three sisters; grand Memorials may be made in his
the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation, mother of Howard, Karl and Eileen name to the Presbyterian Church of the late Sylvester and Harriet
and the late John and Stephen Age 71, of West Mifflin, on Feb. Young. She is survived by her hus-
Cummings; also six grandchildren. 960 Penn Ave, 10th Floor, Pitts Heimer; also survived by nieces Coraopolis. Arrangements by CO
22, 2000. She worked as a beauti- band Russell of Carson City, NV.,
burgh, PA 15222. and nephews. Graveside services PE LAND'S, Coraopolis.
Friends received Wed. & Thurs. 7-- 9
cian's assistant at Dottie's Beauty sons Russell of Layton, UT., Bruce
& p.m. at WM. F. CON ROY Sa on in Sa. Hi II. She also was a for and interment will be held on Thurs
of Carson City, NV. and Kevin of

FLEMING day at Loyal Lodge Ceme- KING

FUNERAL HOME, 2944 Chartiers LILLIAN E. (GUTZEIT) mer employee of Mesta Machine. JOHN "RERE" Santa Clarita, CA.; seven grandchil-
tery, Fairfield, CT. Contributions
Ave., Sheraden. Funeral Mass in
On Sun.. Feb 20. 2000; Lillian E. Wife of the late Walter C; loving Age 36, of Lincoln Place, on Wed., dren and one ., Cre-
Holy Innocents Church Fri. 10 a.m. may be made to Ladies Hospital Aid
Flemina. of Pah., wife of the late mother of Larry Butler, Gene and Feb., 23, 2000; beloved son of John mation at Walton's Sierra Cremato
Society, University of Pitt Medical
Memorials may be made to Marian Scott Grimm and Robin Jakell; sis Regis 8 Betty Lew Spicuzza King of ry. Memorial Service will be held,
William Fleming; sister of Mina Re Center, 200 Lothrop St. Pgh. 15213 or
Manor, 2695 Winchester Dr., Pgh., ter of Dorothy Brozi; grandmother Lincoln Place; beloved brother of February 26, 2000 at St. Mary's Hosi
iser of Cincinnati OH; aunt of Lois Tree of Life Congregation, 5898
PA 15220. of Christopher and Megan Grimm, Betsy Belgard of LA, Debby Weisen pice Chapel, Reno, NV.
Neelv of Ross Twd. and Carol Hofer Wilkins Ave., Pgh. 15217. A Service
Rvan Fencik, Madison and Scott of Lincoln Place, Jackie Celovsky of
BiPRINZIO of Columbus OH. A Memorial ser of RALPH SCHUGAR CHAPEL.
Allen Butler. Visitation will be & 4
MARIA GIUSEPPINA vice will be held at the Passavant West Mifflin 8 Lori Jordan of Whi-take- r;

p.m. Thurs. at the JEFFERSON KATHERINE ,. "on

89, formerly of Arnold, on Febru- Retirement Center, Zelienople, Sun.
HERRLY also aunts 8. uncles, nieces 8i
MEMORIAL FUNERAL HOME, MADELINE 'DOLLY' nephews. Friends received Thurs- Of McKeesport, on TuesdayrFeb- -
ary 20, 2000, in Florida. Mother of Feb. 27. at 3:30 PM. Friends invited.
Arrangements by MCDONALD INC.. 301 Currv Hollow Rd., Pleas Age 57, unexpectedly on Febru day & Friday & p.m. ruary 22, 2000, mother of Kothy
Joseph, Anna (Santucci) of Verona, ant Hills where Service will be held
4 9
Sloan, Detroit, Ml, Tony MagdiC)'
Mrs. Antonio Gildina (Garry) Ca- LINN FUNERAL HOME INC. ary 22, 2000, of Kennedy Twp., lov GEORGE IRVIN GREEN FUNER-
Fri. Noon. Memorial contributions ing wife of George Herrly Jr.; moth AL HOME, INC., 3511 Main Street, McKeesport; sister of Michael
brera. Four grandchildren and five may be made to the American Can urosT, wniieuaK eoro. rrienas ore.
Sister of o Car-mell-
FUCHS er of Mark A. (Lori) Herrly; sister Munhall. (A selected Golden Rule
REGINA M. cer Society. of Bill Rizzo of Ingram. Family to Member). Mass of Christian Burial being received 8. p.m. Thur?-- .
4 7-- 9

Dell'Arciprete. Friends re- day, WILLIAM H. CRAIG FUNER

p.m. Thursday Wednesday, Feb. 23, 2000, Re- -
On receive friends Thursday pm. 9 will be in Holy Angels Church, on
ceived and2-- 4 7-- 9
gina M. Fuchs, of Avalon, formerly only 8. Friday & pm. at MC- - 7-- 9
Saturday at Noon. AL HOME, 3000
and Friday at JOHN B. GIUNTA

of Troy Hill; wife of the late Joseph GUMM DERMOTT FUNERAL HOME, Keesport. Mass of Christian burial
FUNERAL HOME, INC. 1509 5th 10 a.m. St. John the Baptist Ukr.
Ave, Arnold, PA. Christian funeral
Fuchs; survived by her son Kenneth GEORGE C. INC., 334 Forest Grove Rd., KOZUB
Fuchs (and his wife Rebecca) of Ft. Myers, died suddenly on
68, of Kennedy Twp. (Family owned & op- ROSE MARIE Church, McKeesport. Interment St.
Mass, Saturday at 10 a.m. in Mt. St. John Parish Cemetery.
Bellevue; grandmother of Mallory Monday, February 21, 2000. He was erated since 1886). Mass of Chris- Of Monroeville, on Wednesday,
Peters Roman Catholic Church, and Ezekiel Fuchs. Friends re- February 23, 2000, age 74; beloved
born in Hackettstown, NJ, a son of tian Burial 10 am. Saturday at St.
New Kensington.
ceived Friday p.m. 7--
the late George H. and Helen Malachy Parish. wife of Thaddeus J.; mother of Mcdonough :i'V
9 2--

DORDAS LAWRENCE T. MILLER FUNER Gumm. He was a Veteran of the Karen Berg, and John & Timothy
KSENIAA. AL HOME, INC., A PURSUIT OF HOWARD Kozub; also 10 grandchildren and On Saturday, February 19, 2000,.
Navy serving from 1951 to 1957. He
EXCELLENCE AWARD FIRM, 460 EMMA LOU seven Friends age 95; beloved mother of Leo E; of
On Tuesday, February 22, 2000, was the of Allegheny Dis-
Lincoln Ave., Bellevue, where ser Peacefully on Monday, February received at GENE H. CORL INC., Churchill and the late Jack and Ber"
Ksenia A. Dordas, age 94, at Wex- tributing, Inc. of Pittsburgh, PA,
ford House Royal Pavilion; beloved vice will be held Saturday, time lat- 21, 2000; dearly beloved mother of FUNERAL CENTER OF MONRO- nard McDonough; also survived by
and a salesman for O.M. Scott and ten grandchildren; and 21 great:
wife of the late James A. Dordas; er. If desired memorials may be Sons; George also was a member of Thomas, Charles, Ora Lee, Vergel, EVILLE. 4335 Northern Pike (1
made to Assumption School, North Curtis, Alleane Howard, Josephine block east of Mosside grandchildren; sister of Katherine"
dear mother of Arthur J. Dordas, MinideLights Miniature Club. Mr. Blvd.-Rout- e

Ruffing, and Francis Jumpier.,

Elaine Christ, Sophia Randall and Jackson Ave., Pgh. PA 15202. Gumm is survived by his loving Zellous, Eleanor Martin, Lorraine 48) Visitation
. p.m. Thursday, 9 4

Harris and the late Ernest Howard, p.m. Friday. Mass of Chris Friends received PM FRIDAY 6-- 9

Demetra "Becky" Craig; mother-in-la- wife of 47 years, Lois M.; his chil- & 7-- 9

GELLER Jr.; also forty-fou- r grandchildren; tian Burial in St. Bernadette ONLY at the THOMAS L. N I ED FU- -
of George Christ, Nevin Craig dren, George A. of IN, Robert T.
EUGENE M. seventy-eigh- t Church, Saturday 10:30 a.m. CORL NERAL HOME, INC. 7441 Washing
and the late Donald Randall; also Age 70, on Tues., Feb. 22, 2000, of
(Penny) Gumm of MD, Sherry E.
ton St., Swissvale. A Mass of Chris-
survived by five grandchildren and (Mark) Rodgers, Laurie A. Gumm, and a host of other relatives and FAMILY DIRECTORS,
Beechview; beloved husband of friends. Visitation Thursday and tian Burial in St. John Fisher!
eleven sister Sadie Ann; loving father of Renee
both of IN, John P. (Lynda) Gumm

Church, Sat at 9:300 AM.

' '
of Mayme Hughes of Denver and of NJ; his brother Thomas W.
predeceased by one granddaughter. Gumm of PA,; his sister Candy Sal- McNEAL
Stephanie, Mark, Keith and Dale Lincoln Ave., E. Liberty. Funeral Age 84, of Polish Hill, on Tues.
Friends will be received at JOHN A. erno of NJ; and six grandchildren.
Geller; cherished brother of Bar-
A memorial funeral service cele- service Friday 11:00 am Mount Feb. 22, 2000; wife of the late Frank ELIZABETH (SCHNUTH) a
Age 104, entered into eternal rest
bara Guerrazzi, Geraldine Kolleda, Ararat Baptist Church. Interment J. Kuszaiewski; beloved mother of
tre Ave. At Devonshire Street Anita Rebosky, Joseph, Ron, Robert
brating his life will be held at the on February 22, 2000, of Houston
Thursday and Friday and 7-- 9
FT. MYERS MEMORIAL GAR- Restland Cemetery. Gloria M., Francis R. and the late
TX, formerly of Pgh.; wife of the

pm. Funeral Saturday St. Nicholas and Ralph Geller; proud grandfa- Robert F. Kuszaiewski; mother-in-la-
DENS FUNERAL HOME on Thurs- late Alexander C. McNeal; born: In
Greek Orthodox Cathedral 11:00
ther of seven. In lieu of flowers do-
day, Feb. 24, at 3 PM. Memorial
JACKSON of Susan E. (Mroz) Kuszaiews-
nations can be made to the y Neuro-oncolog- JOSEPH J. ki; grandmother of Claire J. and Castle Shannon, PA. on Nov.' 25,,
am. Trisagion service Friday 7:30 contributions in his memory may be Died February 21, 2000, after an 1895, the daughter of the late Will:
pm. Mrs. Dordas was a teacher with
Research Fund, co Brain Ellen T. Kuszaiewski; sister of the
made to the Kidney Foundation of extended illness. Beloved husband iam and Emma (Schaacke)
Tumor Center, Lillian Kaufmann late Pearl Sipes and Lillian Thomp-
the Pittsburgh Public Schools retir- Bldg., 3471 5th Ave., Suite 802, Pgh. S.W. Florida, 4836 Candia St., Cape of Elizabeth Jackson; loving father Schnuth; beloved mother of Emma
ing in 1970. Remembrances may be Coral, FL, 33904. son. Friends received at the
PA 15213, Attn: Agnes. "Please don't of Joseph J., James John, Janice J., WALTER J. ZALEWSKI FUNER- (Robert) Brownleeof Houston, TX.,'
made to St. Nicholas Greek Ortho- cry for me, iust hold those dear to and Jacqueline J. He is also sur- whom she resided with for the pdst
dox Cathedral. AL HOME, 3201 Dobson Street-Polis- h
me. Raise a glass and drink to me vived by seven grandchildren, p.m. 25 years, and the late Charles Mc-
Hill Thurs. 8. Fri. & 4 7-- 9

and celebrate my life." Please ioin GURTNER James, Julie, John, Quentin, Court Neal; grandmother of Eric and Deb-
ERNEST Funeral Mass Sat. in Immaculate
RICHARD Gene's family in the celebration of LOUIS R. "Pete" ney, Katie, and Jacob; brother of Heart of Mary Church at 10 a.m. bie McNeal, Elissa McNeal, Keith
Suddenly, on Monday February his life, Sat., Feb. 26, 2000, to be held Of Bethel Park, age 68, on Tues., Agnes Andreziewski, Mary Smola and Diana Brownlee, and Jane and
21, 2000; beloved husband of Rita at Gaetano's Restaurant, 1617 Feb. 22, 2000, former husband of and Nicholas Jackson. World War LAGATELLA Jim Murphy; 8
DeTemple Ernest; dear father of Banksville Rd. from (343-6640- ), Mary Wilkins; father of Frannie Veteran and Battalion
ft LOIS ROSE also survived by many nieces,
Daria Martin, Christopher Ernest, 1 PM to 5PM. Casual dress. No visi- and her husband Ken Roehl of Chi- 504; 50 year member of Sheet-Met- Lois Rose Lagatella, 88, of Lynch- nephews, and many friends; sister
Barbara Huber, Dane Ernest & the tation. Arrangements by NEELY'S. cago, IL and Stephen and his wife Workers Union Local 12. Visita- burg, VA died Tuesday, February of the late Emelia Klink, Pearl
Maggie Gurtner of Mt. Lebanon and tion Wednesday, Thursday, 22, 2000 at her residence at Westminster-Can- Klink, Lillie Tewes, Hilda Phillips,
late Richard Ernest Jr.; also seven 7-- 2-- 4

grandchildren. Friends received GELLER the late Danny Gurtner; grandfa and at BRADY MEMORIAL terbury. Born December and William Schnuth. Friends re-
EUGENE M. ther of Dan & Sabrina Gurtner and HOME, 1151 Southside Ave., Spring 27, 1911 in Pittsburgh, PA. She was ceived Thursday PM, & Friday 9 4

Age 70, on Feb. 22, 2000, of Beech-vie- Savanna & Nicholas Roehl; brother HillCity View. Funeral Mass of the daughter of the late Thomas Eu & PM at the FAMILY OWNED
received at THOMAS J. GMITER

FUNERAL HOME, INC. 2323 E. beloved husband of Sadie of Mary Lou and her husband Harry Christian Burial, St. Peter Parish gene and Josephine Monteverde & OPERATED READSHAW FU-
Ann; loving father of Renee McCar Rees. Friends will be received St. Peter Church, Friday, 9:30am. Lagatolla. She was a retired school NERAL HOME, INC. 1503 Browns-
Carson St. S. S. Funeral Prayers
Friday 9:15 AM. Mass of Christian thy, Kimberly Schreiber, Stephanie, Thurs. BEINHAUER, 2828 teacher with the Pittsburgh Public ville Rd., Carrick, where a Funeral
Mark, Keith and Dale Geller; cher- Washington Road, Peters Town- JALAYER School system with thirty five years Service will be on Saturday at 1 PM;
Burial in St. Peters Church, Prince
ished brother of Barbara Guerrazzi, ship, Blessing Service FARANGIS
of service. Miss Lagatella received with Reverend David Verzilli offici-
of Peace Parish at 10 AM.
Geraldine Kolleda, Anita Rebosky, will be held Sat. 11AM at Queen of Age 94, on Wednesday, February her Bachelor of Arts from the Cam ating. Interment Old Union Church
EVANS Joseph, Ron, Robert and Ralph Heaven Cemetery Chapel. Every 23, 2000, of Pennsbury Village died egie Institute of Technology in 1934 Cemetery in Myoma, PA. In lieu of
MARION E. (BENNETT) Geller; proud grandfather of seven. one please meet at the Funeral in Ohio Valley Hospital. Born Janu and her Masters of Education from flowers, family requests memorials
Of Pgh., on Tuesday, Feb. 22, In lieu of flowers donations can be Home. Woodruff Family Services, ary 10, 1906 in Iran. Wife of the late the University of Pittsburgh in 1952. be sent to Reverend David Verzilli,
2000; beloved wife of the late Will- made to the y Neuro-bncolog- Re-
LLP Gmolamreza Javidpour; mother of She was a member of Holy Cross 10--
1 Montgomery Dr., Canfield, OH.
iam J. Evans; loving mother of Will- search Fund, co Brain Tumor Cen- Simin Zaltash of Robinson Twp., Catholic Church in Lynchburg. In 44406, or Stoneham United Method-
iam C. Evans of York, PA and Myr- - ter, Lillian Kaufmann Bldg., 3471 Parvin Safavin of Iran. Friends addition to her parents, she was pre ist Church, 12110 Hale Lane
le J. Gilchrest; sister of Merle Ben- 5th Ave., Suite 802, Pgh. PA 15213, 10:00 am to 1:00 pm Satur
HARMON ceded in death by two brothers, Eu 77363.
nett, Janet Woods and Jean Keller; Attn: Agnes. "Please don't cry for day followed by service at the gene Lagatolla and Richard M '
also survived by seven grandchil me, iust hold those dear to me. BOGAN-WOL- FUNERAL HOME,
Lagatella. Miss Lagatella is sur MIDDLEMISS '
Mrs. Ethel S. Harmon, 87, of Nat
dren; six The Raise a glass and drink to me and 430 Washington Ave., Bridgeville. ALICE "JOAN" (ANISKO)
rona Heights, PA, on Wed., Feb. 23, vived by her niece, Barbara Laga
family desires no visitations. A me- celebrate my life." Please ioin Woodruff Family Services, LLP. Age 69, of Oakdale, on Feb. 21
2000; daughter of the late Charles & tella Evans and her husband, Rob
morial service is being planned for Gene's family in the celebration of 2000. She was a member of the Good
Araminta (Rhodes) Adams; widow KERR ert of Amherst, VA; her nephews,
a later date. Interment-private- . his life, Sat., Feb. 26, 2000, to be held Shepherd Presbyterian Churchi
of Harry L. Harmon Sr. 1979; moth- MARIAN ROSE "MITZIE" John Thomas Water and his wife,
rangements by LAUGHLIN'S. at Gaetano's Restaurant, 1617 Mary of Spokane, Wash and Rich Oakdale and a member of their
Banksville Rd. from er of Bonnie L. Goldberg with whom On February 22, 2000, beloved Women's Assoc.; she was also a
ard Lagatella, Jr. of San Diego,
(343-6640- ),

FERITO PM to 5PM. Casual dress. No visi

she lived, Larrv Harmon, Arlington, wife of Herbert Kerr; mother of R- member of the American Legion
TX, Jack L. Harmon, Wilmington, ichard & Thomas Kerr; sister of Cal.; her great nieces, Courtney Th-
tation. Arrangements by NEELY'S. omas and Laurel Water and great- - Women's Auxiliary 171. Beloved
Of Bethel Park, age 81, on Tues NC, Dennis L. Harmon, Hollywood, Robert DeRenzo & the late Beatrice
nephew, Glen Water. Graveside ser wife of Kenneth W.; loving mother
day, February 22, 2000, in St GRAPER MD, Glenn L. Harmon, Statesville, Glumac; grandmother of Zachary of William James and David John
Frances Hospital; wife of the late WILLIAM E. NC. Randall L. Harmon, Saxon Michelle, Patrick, 8 the late vices will be conducted at 11 :00 a.m
Tuesday, February 29, 2000 at Cal Middlemiss; sister of James Anisko
Donald S. Ferito; beloved mother of On Tues, Feb 22, 2000; William E. burg, PA, Mrs. Raymond (Ethel L.) Stephanie. Friends received at the of Atlanta GA; grandmother! pf
Graper of Pine Twp; beloved hus Waltenbaugh, Rochester Hills, Ml, BAGNATO FUNERAL HOME,
vary Cemetery, Pittsburgh, under
Gracetta (Frank) Mastandrea, D. Michelle Ann, Kenneth William and
Stephen (Marilyn) Ferito, George band of Claudia Deswarte Graper; Mrs. William (Joyce L.) Locker-ma- n,
Chartiers Blvd., Carnegie, Wed. 9 the direction of MCCABE BROS.,
INC., FUNERAL HOME, 6214 Wat Samantha Lee; great grandmother
M. (Denise) Ferito, Mary Kay father of Patrica Williams, Judith Allison Park, PA; 22 grand PM, Thurs. 9 PM. Blessing 7--
of Justin Tyler and Emily Michelle,
(Paul) Hindes, Joseph (Laurel) Schroeder, Claudia Shank, Wayne children; 22 Service Friday 10 AM. nut St., Shadyside. Visiting hours at
the Funeral home Monday, 4 pm 8 Visitation will be and 9 PM, 4 7--

Kassouf, Angela (Bill) Dipner and E., William J. and Richard A. Grap sister of Marlin Adams, Natrona, Wed. 8. Thurs. at the JEFFERSON
Mavbelle Sterling, Jamestown, NY; KIER 7--
9 p.m. In lieu of flowers, the fami
Mary (Kent) Vestal; sister-in-la- of er; brother of Jean Frederick of ly requests those wishing to make MEMORIAL FUNERAL HOME,
preceded by bros, Kenneth, Pete, ROBERT WILLIAM
Dorothy Pipes; also survived by Freedom, PA and Bernard Graper INC., 301 Curry Hollow Rd., Plsast
of NC; also survived by 14 grand James 8 Vaughn Adams, sister, Age 93, of Coraopolis on Tuesday, memorial contributions consider
fourteen grandchildren and eleven ant Hills, where service will be hejd
g reat-- ra ndch i d ren t predeceased children; and seven great-gran- Marie Callisan. Visitation Thurs. 7 February 22, 2000. Beloved husband the Staff Emergency Loan Fund, co
10 AM Friday. Inlerment Jefferson
g d

9 pm & Fri. DUSTER for 70 yrs. of Chrystell Erickson Randolph Mason Womans College
by grandson Anthony E. Mastan- children. Friends received on Thurs 4&
Memorial Park. ?.,;.!
PM at SIMONS FUNER F.H. INC., E. 10th Ave., Tarentum, Kier. Father of the late Joan Marti Development Office, 2500 River-mo-
drea. Mrs. Ferito was a long time and
4 9

Avenue, Lynchburg, VA 24503.

member of Bethel Women's Club. AL HOME, INC. 7720 Perry Hwy., PA (724) Service Saturday er. Proud grandfather of Robert Ctoit. on Page 4
11:00 AM in Funeral Home, Martier, Frank Martier, Jjody Pick- - Whitten Monelison fiapel is in
and Library Golden Agers. Friends, f

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