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Name: Abigail McLinden Ivy Tech LIBR 206

Date: 6/18/2021 Practicum

Library Technical Assistant Program

Library Assistant Practicum
Ivy Tech Community College-Central Indiana

Journal for Week 2 - 8 Week Semester

20 Points

Remember that this journal is a place to “reflect.” That means very short
answers are not enough! Strive for a paragraph or two for each question.

Using what you learned in your IvyLearn lecture on interpersonal communication

this module, discuss your own interpersonal communication skills. Discuss your
own eye contact, body language, appearance, use of space, writing and other
skills. Talk about your strengths and areas for improvement. Try to relate your
comments to your practicum and other work experience.

Well this week was pretty terrible for giving experiences I can look back on for
communication. For two out of three of my shifts I was alone in the back room,
dealing with crafts for the majority of my time at work. Still I think overall I am a
good communicator. I have autism so it’s actually been a weak point for me—but
I’ve worked at it and I believe I have improved a lot. Sometimes I’ll have
something come out wrong, but don’t we all?

The reflection is a bit difficult for me. I don’t consciously think about what I need
to do to communicate better in general— I run on instinct at this point. Honestly I
have to say a lot of my improvements in communication are more down to the
Lord helping me, than any actual conscious effort on my part to say “I need to
improve in this way”— and I think that’s the system I should continue with.

Pick two points from the lecture on customer service that seemed especially
important or useful to you and tell why.

I think the two most important were “Do the right thing (ethically)” and “Attitude is

Doing the right thing, in an ethical sense, is just so important in general. It’s also
something that matters a lot to me personally. As it relates to the workplace, it
means you are a trustworthy and reliable employee and person the patrons come
to. Being ethical means that you’ll be clear and consistent on what you do.

Attitude is everything is also an important statement. A bright and cheerful

attitude brings out better reactions from coworkers and patrons than a grouchy
one. There’s power in how you conduct yourself, not just in the people around
you but also in yourself as well. If you focus on the positive, it’s easier to be
Name: Abigail McLinden Ivy Tech LIBR 206
Date: 6/18/2021 Practicum

Tell on what basis you identified good or bad customer service.

I am trying to think of bad customer service experiences I’ve had, and thinking
about it I don’t think I’ve had a lot I’d consider ‘bad’. Some better than others

I’d say truly ‘bad’ customer service leaves the customer not having what they
came for, or an alternative that they’re happy with. ‘Basic’ customer service might
fulfill the customer’s needs, without imparting any particular goodwill. Think those
fast-food cashiers who are mentally checked out, but do get you your food. Good
customer service is when the customer gets what they want and need, and walks
away thinking that it was a good interaction. Good customer service is what
might draw a customer back to a particular service-person, or to the institution as
a whole.

Comment on your interactions with patrons this week and the customer service
you were able to provide. Give examples of how you know you were successful.
Did they say anything that made you think you had served their need?
If you didn’t have patron contact, talk about an experience when you were a
patron or customer and how you think the staff member did interacting with you.
Or talk about a patron/staff interaction you witnessed during your practicum thus

Well as said earlier, I had very little interactions with patrons this week! I did do
some very basic things. I recall one little boy who asked for sea books. I made
sure to ask if he wanted sea animals or just the sea. He said he just wanted
books about the sea, but he found an octopus book on the way that he grabbed
too. I know that I was successful because he took his books, and his mom made
sure to thank me.

I think it was last week, but I also did have a time where about 3 people were
approaching me for help about the same time. Someone approached me in the
stacks. I went to the computer to check up on their inquiry, and someone walked
up and asked me a question. I felt the need to ask one of the people who had
been there longer than I how to handle it. And then the first person had vanished
on me, and I couldn’t find someone to help, and then when I was walking up to
the second person, a third approached me. One of my coworkers did show up
and talk to the second person while I was still handling the third. I think overall I
did well, the only person lingering around waiting for help was the second and I
made sure to communicate that I was new and wanted to get a second opinion,
and I don’t believe she was left waiting too long. I also did not get flustered and
overwhelmed, which is a thing I’ve struggled with before.
Name: Abigail McLinden Ivy Tech LIBR 206
Date: 6/18/2021 Practicum

Comment on your interactions with staff this week. What went well? What might
you have done differently to improve some interaction? Include comments about
interpersonal communication.

Overall I think my staff interactions were on the ‘basic but functional’ end. There
were no particularly difficult challenges relating to talking to my other coworkers
this week. I had some opportunity to chat with one in particular about non-work
related things, which I did enjoy. I also did have an opportunity to balance
communication vs getting the job done.

At the Huntington City-Township Public Library they have a silhouette cutter for
staff use. One shift, I spent the majority of my time using it to cut animal ears out
for a craft. I noticed that the cutter was cutting one side out once, and then the
other twice. I refrained from saying anything that day as it was more important to
just get the ears cut out. However the next work-day one of my coworkers was
cutting out some more ears, as we had run out, and I mentioned what I’d noticed.
She finished cutting out the few that remained but said she’d discuss it with the
expert on using the machine.

Briefly describe what you did this week at your Practicum Library, including what
did you learn that was new.

I honestly do not remember what I did Monday at all. I suspect craft-related

things though, we were very busy with them this week. Tuesday I spent the
majority of my time cutting out animal ears. Thursday I spent practically all my
shift making grab and go craft bags of bubble wrap alligators. I have learned a bit
about using the software of a silhouette cutter and the actual machine.

I’ve also learned that I need to make sure when I make a system for putting
together a bag, or a similar task, I need some sort of very visual reminder for
where I am and what I need to do next.

How well do you think you performed your tasks this week?
Where could you have improved?

I think I did well at my tasks this week. I mostly did very tedious things that didn’t
require a lot of thought. I did make a goof that I caught before it went anywhere
and forgot to add some parts to the alligator grab n go bags. I caught it myself
and fixed it. But I do need to be more aware of my tendency to zone out make
sure my system doesn’t rely on me remembering something minor.

Submit a copy of this completed journal form in your IvyLearn course in

Module 2.
Name: Abigail McLinden Ivy Tech LIBR 206
Date: 6/18/2021 Practicum

Weekly Journal Rubric

Category Excellent Average Needs Work

Amount of Detail 4 2 0-1

Evidence of Learning 6 3 1-2

Evidence of 0-1
Deeper/Critical Thinking 4 2

Evidence of Ideas for

Improvement 6 3 1-2

Total Points

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