Loveland Museum Art Incident: The " " Sculpture by Andre Serrano

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Loveland Museum Art Incident

A man stood quietly sobbing in a corner of the museum. “How could

you…destroy ART!?” Tears of outrage and disbelief swim in his eyes.

And there stands you, worldly America.

Several years ago, there was a similar “work of art” on display. The “Piss Christ”
sculpture by Andre Serrano. A crucifix displayed in the “artists” urine. Now there
was a labor of lengthy diligence.

I have never been more outraged. I was utterly livid. The oceans were the
only thing that stopped me. They were an obstacle I couldn’t overcome. Some
teenagers in Australia, where the display was then showing, were given the honor
of destroying it, instead. From the bottom of my grateful heart, thank you!

Two or three days prior to destroying the Loveland piece, I heard about the
display causing controversy. As an over-the-road truck driver, most of my news
and information comes over innumerable radio channels, spread across the entire

Coming off “home time” in Montana, I caught only partial snippets of the story.
After picking up a load of empty U.S. postal shipping trays in Spokane, WA, I was
on my way to delivery in Denver. This is called a “back haul.” There isn’t any real
product, just empty containers.

From the news stories, I knew there was a piece of art somewhere in Colorado.
That night, in Casper, WY, I was able to check on the internet and learned it was
on display in Loveland and I would be passing right by there. The stories called it
a Lithograph.

“Lithograph” definitions described them as etchings in stone or metal. That is

why I bought a crowbar from the Flying J in Cheyenne. I didn’t know what I would
find as far as the work itself or the construction of the display. I had no idea what
kind of security would be in place.
Whereas, upon hearing about the crucifix soaking in urine, I was utterly livid,
upon hearing about Jesus in a dress, having breasts, and being serviced by a man
with a big, ugly, red tongue, I was utterly calm and steadfast.

That doesn’t mean I was unafraid. My knees were unsteady and I asked God if
I was indeed the right person for the job. Was he sure there wasn’t someone who
had a recent prison conversion who better knew the ins and outs of serving time
and committing crimes? I didn’t really even understand about bail, etc.

Those doubts were fleeting. If I could be a trucker in New York, I could and
would do this. I put on the “Tougher Than Nails” T-shirt to draw strength from
Jesus and to help feel His nearness.

I wasn’t sure about whether or not to take the crow bar inside. I thought
about hiding it in the bushes outside. Fortunately, it fit perfectly inside my
doubled over fleece jacket.

The museum had a lot of people there looking at the display; the price of the
museum’s soul. (How cheaply they spent their soul.) It took from 45 minutes to
an hour and a half for an opening to occur so I could destroy the piece without
hurting anyone. I went through the lower part of the museum 2-3 times, the
actual room itself I circled an uncounted number of times, then I learned there
was an upstairs and toured the topographic display of the area.

When I saw the display case, I couldn’t tell whether it was glass or Plexiglas. If
it had been Plexiglas, the crowbar might have bounced off and not broken
immediately. That is why I hit it so hard and cut my fingers (minor scratches).
The bar went through real glass like butter. Two taps from any paperweight could
have done the job.

In the words of Mercy Me, “Such a tiny offering, compared to Calvary.

Nevertheless, I lay it at your feet.”

Before going any farther, let me introduce myself to some who might have
heard from me in the past. During the 2008 election, I posted on the Mike
Huckabee campaign website as Kathy4Huckabee.
Working as a trucker, I was trying to reach the truckers on the CB radio as
Grandma Kathy.

Over time, God had trained me not to move the truck even one revolution of
the tires without getting my Bible verse for the day.

Preachers say, when God says something in the bible 3 times, you need to pay
particular attention. During September and October before the art incident, 6
times God gave me the same verse or theme. I thought He was upset with the
truckers for being too hard headed and not accepting Him fast enough with the
rapture deadline drawing close so rapidly.

“There was a man of Royal Birth, who went on a long journey to be crowned
King. He was despised and rejected. When He left, His subjects sent a delegation
after Him and said, “We don’t want this man to be King over us.”

“He was made King, however. When He returned, He said, “Bring those
subjects who didn’t want me to be their King and kill them here in front of me.”

Sometime during the night before the incident, God Himself said this was what
He had brought me to do. Everything else that had happened in my life had been
leading up to this point in time. I didn’t groan, but I wanted to. Taking up crosses
is not easy.

The Bible verse that morning was “On the Day of the Lord, those slain by the
Lord will be everywhere, from one end of the earth to the other. They will not be
mourned or gathered up or buried, but will be like garbage lying on the ground.” I
had a supremely ticked off Royal on my hands. Imagine the roaring public
outrage if anyone dared to treat Prince William as Jesus is treated.

God had told me I would speak for Him three times. I believe those times were
as Kathy4Huckabee, Grandma Kathy and now, somehow, through this Loveland
Art incident. (But that was not in my thoughts nor was it my intention at the start
of this incident.)

Go ballistic, people opposing God. Yes, God DOES speak to, and through, His
people. God is REAL!
Unfortunately, it seems to open a door to hear from the devil. Most of what I
hear is from the devil, trying to trip me up or ensnare me. Sometimes even the
Bible verses can be used that way. Do you think the devil can’t do a still, small

The question is always, “Do you buy it?” Do you buy what you just heard as
coming from the One True Lord? Or was it the devil trying to sell you counterfeit?
Counterfeits look so good, so close to the real thing. Don’t grasp them as lifelines
or anything of value.

But, I have found that when I speak for God, such as over the CB radio,
whenever it feels like the room has expanded, or the volume has expanded (not
increased) God is near, and what I hear is utterly reliable as having come from

The Bible says to always be ready to give an answer when asked about the
reason for our faith. My answer is the overpowering intensity of feeling and
emotion experienced whenever God comes close. In spite of my being the tough
old trucker that I am, I start crying when I feel those feelings and emotions
ramping up.

It is my sincere belief we can’t contain the full experience of that connection

with God in the bodies we have now as it is too powerful. We will need to wait
until we receive our glorified bodies and are like Christ before we can handle the
intensity. God is REAL!

A very REAL God, a very ticked off, Royal God has decided He has put up with
enough. It was never His intention for us to abandon justice and throw it under
the bus. (See Grace and Justice under “Part 9 – President Obama’s Role” this
website.) That is why it is right and good for me to have received fines. Jesus will
be restoring Justice during the soon-to-be arriving millennial reign.

But I know I will be rewarded, above the satisfaction I got from ripping such an
offense to shreds. It was my honor and pleasure.
Observations During and After the Incident

First I want to thank my excellent team of lawyers; Cliff Stricklin, a partner in

the law firm Holme, Roberts and Owen of Denver and Derek Samuelson of
Samuelson Law in Fort Collins, CO. Thank you both for your caring generosity,
standing protectively between me and the vultures who descended from all sides,
your negotiating skills, time, employee resources and hard-won expertise being
brought to bear on my case. You didn’t have to do it and you never gave up.

Normally a truck driver can get another job by Monday of the following week. I
never expected to be fired from my job. If I had given it any thought (at the time
it wasn’t a consideration), I would have expected a reprimand and probation, as it
was off duty, on my own time.

But when facing jail time, I found out, companies won’t hire you until it is
resolved. There are always renegade companies that will pay you under the
table. But Mr. Stricklin felt more illegal activity was inadvisable. ;o) Go figure.

Mr. Stricklin, his church, his secretaries and his father’s benevolence fund kept
me from being homeless under the bridges of Denver and made it possible to get
food and reach my new job. I had a little money after receiving my final pay, but
not enough to last almost 2 months. That is why I had to consider a plea bargain.

The restitution for damages is already completely funded. Thank you to God’s
blessed, dearly loved souls. He really knows how to pick them.

If anyone would like to help by restoring the aid I received, please send
reimbursements Payable To: Cliff Stricklin, HRO, 1700 Lincoln Street, Suite 4100,
Denver, CO 80203-4541. That way they won’t be penalized for caring and can
pass it along to help someone else somewhere along the soon-to-arrive bumpy

Second, I want to make it very clear there were no swat teams holding guns to
my head (as a relative in Montana heard), I didn’t scream anything (as born out by
the stories themselves saying the yelling didn’t start until after the pounding), and
I didn’t lie down like a cross to make any statements. The policeman ordered me
to lie down so he could search me and cuff me.
I only said 4 things when they started shouting questions at me. When
someone shouted to call the police: I turned around and sat down on the bench
and said, “Yes, call the police, I’m done.”

In response to the bawling man in the corner, who weakly tried to push me
away from the case twice: I said, “It wasn’t art,” when he asked how I could
destroy ART?! Imagine a man, fully grown, worshipping and bawling over such
meaningless drivel, trying to fill a life nearing its completion, with emptiness and
counterfeit. Any school age artists could reproduce like quality, although they
would be vastly enriched by never having been contaminated through seeing it.

When some woman asked what I thought art was, I couldn’t think of anything
brilliantly scathing enough in a short period of time, so I told her, “It’s none of
your business.” She’s probably the one who wanted $1500 for emotional

Someone in the crowd asked why I had done it: I said, “It’s NOT OK to hurt my

Since then, I have heard or read someone asking just “who did I think I was
butting into their business.” They apparently either couldn’t or wouldn’t take
care of business themselves. The people of Loveland couldn’t even get the
matter on the council agenda. And thanks to sitting on their hands (at least some
dear souls were on the street), or wickedly benefiting from the stimulation or
cheering on an equally wicked hurt being inflicted on God, I was able to seize the
opportunity to end it, myself.

Who I am is a wife who married young, only to be rejected. The Lord is my

soon to be husband and witness on my behalf against that rejection.

When my family seemed to have no more use for or interest in me, I offered
myself to God. Other people with no resources, or still others guarding their
retirements, can’t speak up against injustice as easily as I can.

I’m an ordinary, everyday person who just happens to really love, admire and
respect my Lord Jesus Christ. I would like to introduce Him.
From Proverbs 8:22-31 (This is Jesus describing Himself.) “The Lord brought
me forth as the first of His works…I was appointed from eternity, from the
beginning…I was there when He set the heavens in place, when He marked out
the horizon on the face of the deep, when He established the clouds above and
fixed securely the fountains of the deep, when He gave the sea its boundary, so
the waters would not overstep His command, and when He marked out the
foundations of the earth. Then, I was the craftsman at His side. I was filled with
delight day after day, rejoicing always in His presence, rejoicing in His whole
world and delighting in mankind.”

I believe Jesus started His ministry so late in life because He was savoring being
among the people He loved. They RAN to Jesus when they heard He was coming
or was in the area. The people, including us, for whom He laid down His life.
There can be no question about His deep, rich love for us. The question is how
deep is our love for Him?

If we are going to know and love our Lord Jesus, it has to be all of the real Him.
He is the same yesterday, today and forever. We can’t pick and choose facets of
Him. He comes as a package deal, just like you. Jesus is not only a turn-the-other-
cheek lamb. That was a once only deal, when He voluntarily harnessed his
power and might and stood in OUR place. At no other time did He ever allow
anyone to abuse Him or take the upper hand, even verbally, let alone physically.

Meekness is defined as strength held in check.

Jesus is a warrior prince. He is the warrior in the book of Daniel who was late
in arriving to answer Daniel’s prayers because the war was being prolonged by
the Prince of the Persian Kingdom. Jesus seems to have a great fascination and
interest in wars. (I believe it is because that is when people seek Him, entrust
Him, grow in love and learning from Him and communicate with Him the most.)
As this warrior, He foretells the outcome of many long ages of warfare, since
then, proven infallibly true. [Digging latrines originates from Jesus visiting the
camps of his warriors at night when the camps were sleeping. It was logistics in
preparation and anticipation of His visits.] America could learn from that!
Now you know how the disciples could be told about the coming crucifixion of
Christ and not have recognized it or been prepared for it when the actual events
arrived. Jesus has told us over and over He will not hold back His strength
forever. A time of reckoning is coming sooner than you know. God let’s humans
have what they think they want. The result is called the Tribulation, the 2nd
coming of Christ, and the Millennial reign.

Now you know how YOU can be told about these coming events and not
recognize or be prepared for them when the actual events have arrived.

We must stop allowing God to be removed from schools, courtrooms and

government. It is NOT OK to board over His cross with a box, cover His cross with
a bag, soak His crucifix in urine, depict Him as something He despises or ban
prayers to Him from every public venue. And He certainly never wanted us to
abandon His estate, which He entrusted to our care, to predators and enemy

Every Emperor, King, President and Religious leader have always had one fear
they could never overcome. Public opinion.

Public opinion is always drawing lines. Free speech does not cover yelling
“Fire” in crowded public places. We do not consider allowing money to be
counterfeited. The public will voice their opposition to marketing pedophilia
how-to books, airport security overstepping its bounds, and will express great
empathy for a homosexual teen who kills himself after having a sex act published.

Where is the public outcry in God’s defense? Are His feelings and honor less
worthy than that of a troublemaker, counterfeiter, pedophile, air traveler or

{Loveland cultural services director Susan Ison said she is saddened by Wiggins’ decision.
“I know there are a lot of people who would have loved to have seen this on display here,” she said.
“I’m disappointed, but I understand. It’s important for us to honor his (Wiggins’) feelings about this.”

Too bad Ms. Ison couldn’t dredge up any importance in honoring God’s feelings
in all these matters.
{“The controversial image has been demonized as “pornographic”, “obscene”
and “depicting Jesus in a sex act” when none of this is true.” “I deplore the
violence and intolerance of this act and call upon those organizing the protests
against this piece to restrain their angry mob at once.” – Bud Shark-Artwork

Loveland, you need a new Cultural Services Director and need to relegate her
and Bud Shark to the outdated and irrelevant pile. Their stewardship, eye for
good art and discernment skills are lacking in any kind of substance at all and
what little they have emit an offensive and foul odor.

Bud Shark cooperatively demonstrated one of satan’s, the spirit of antichrist’s

and George Soros’ favorite tactics of repeating a lie often enough to get it
accepted as fact. It goes hand in hand toward completion of yet another end-
times prophecy of truth being thrown to the ground. These days, truth mumbles
up out of the dust.

Come to think of it, your news media could use an upgrade as well. They are
hopelessly inept reporting the facts. They saw they originally had one fact correct
and worked feverishly to change it. I am 57 years old as reported in early stories,
not 47. I was born in 1953. Was 47 supposed to make me look more like a
fearsome, out of control, angry mob?

Now you know how inaccurate, tainted and biased all your news stories are,
especially those with data.

The Balance of Good People

I also saw a lot of good in people. A stranger paid my bail and later prayed for

Two men told me their stories about God. One while I was being processed in
and the second while I was being processed out.

I saw the desperation of the women in the cell block. Many unable to function
and cheaply spending their lives lying in bed. Others cleaning feverishly for an
opportunity to earn a soda. One woman offering me her place at a table.
Another interested in seeking more information about believing in God, after her
mother-in-law laid the foundation.

Many people at the police station confided their support in various ways. Two
people helped me get my cell phone plugged in and charging while I waited.
When I was suddenly dumped out on the street with nowhere to turn and no idea
what to do next, all my cash having been drained for the first of the never ending
fines and fees of overblown government, facing a media gauntlet, I was slipped a

A woman had a vehicle waiting to help me get away. As I went to leave

through the door, a different woman nodded with a twinkle in her eye. The
woman in the vehicle later paid for my motel room that night, helped me through
the minefield of Pre-trial Services and all their paperwork the next morning and
gave me a ride to the Denver trucking terminal.

By then the devil had his return shots firmly lined up. See “Resurection
Christian Fellowship” and “My Son”, this website.

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