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ECE382/ME482 Spring 2012 Homework 1 Solution February 24, 2012 1

Solution to Homework Assignment 1

6. For the system shown in Figure 2.79, page 131 of the text, with
s + 50
Gc (s) = 10, H(s) = 1, G(s) = , (1)
s2 + 60s + 500
we are asked to find the steady state value of the output assuming the input noise and
disturbance are zero.
Solution: From the reference input R(s), the system has forward path Gc (s)G(s) and
negative feedback path H(s). Thus
Y (s) Gc (s)G(s) 10 s2 +60s+50010s + 500
T (s) = = =   =
. (2)
R(s) 1 + H(s)Gc (s)G(s) s+50
1 + 10 s2 +60s+500 s + 70s + 1000

Using the final value theorem we conclude that

1 10s + 500 1
yss = lim y(t) = lim sT (s)R(s) = lim s 2
= . (3)
t→∞ s→0 s→0 s s + 70s + 1000 2

7. We are given the same system topology and asked to find the impulse response to the
reference input, assuming the initial conditions, the disturbance and the noise are zero.
This time
Gc (s) = 20, H(s) = 1, G(s) = 2 . (4)
s − 12s − 65
Solution We find that
Y (s) Gc (s)G(s) 20s + 80 10 10
T (s) = = = 2 = + , (5)
R(s) 1 + H(s)Gc (s)G(s) s + 8s + 15 s+5 s+3

where we have taken the partial fraction expansion of T(s) as a prelude to obtaining the
inverse Laplace transform. (The Laplace transform of an impulse of unit area is one.)
Inverting the Laplace transform we obtain

y(t) = 10e−5t + 10e−3t , t ≥ 0. (6)

8. We are given a new block diagram, see Figure 2.80, page 132 and asked to find the closed-
loop transfer function.
Solution: This problem can be solved by analyzing the block diagram or by drawing and
analyzing the equivalent signal flow graph. We choose one and then use the second to
check our work.
To analyze the block diagram, we redraw the diagram as having an inner and an outer
loop. We then apply the feedback formula twice. For the inner loop, the forward path
transfer function is

ECE382/ME482 Spring 2012 Homework 1 Solution February 24, 2012 2

and the negative feedback path transfer function is 5. The resulting closed loop gain is
s + 55
For the outer loop we then have forward path
10 1

s + 55 s
and negative unity feedback. Thus the closed-loop transfer function is
T (s) = . (7)
s2 + 55s + 50

Alternatively, we can use Mason’s signal flow formula as follows. Multiplying the gains of
the segments of the path from R(s) to Y (s) we find that
P1 = .
s2 + 5s
The two loop transfer functions are
−50 −10
L1 = and L2 = . (8)
s+5 s s+5
Note that this is the only possible way to choose the loops. The loops must be traversed
in the direction of the arrows on the segments. The graph determinant is

∆ = 1 − L1 − L2 (9)

since there are no non-touching loops. After some algebra, we find

s2 + 55s + 10
∆ = 1 − L1 − L2 = . (10)
s2 + 5s
The co-factor of the path P1 is just ∆1 = 1, the graph determinant after the loops that
contain P1 are broken. Thus
P1 ∆1 10
T (s) = = 2 . (11)
∆ s + 55s + 10

9. For the system shown in Figure 2.79, page 131 of the text, with
Gc (s) = 4, H(s) = 1, G(s) = , (12)
s2 + 10s + 5
we are asked to find the closed loop transfer function.
Solution: We reason as in Problem 6 and obtain
T (s) = . (13)
s2 + 10s + 25
ECE382/ME482 Spring 2012 Homework 1 Solution February 24, 2012 3

10. For the system of the previous problem, we are asked to find the unit step response of the
closed-loop system.
Solution To find the unit step response we must find the partial fraction expansion and
inverse transform of
20 20 20/25 −20/25 −4
T (s)R(s) = 2
= 2
= + + . (14)
s(s + 10s + 25) s(s + 5) s s+5 (s + 5)2
The inverse transform is
y(t) = 20/25 − 20e−5t /25 − 4te−5t , t ≥ 0. (15)

11. For the previous problem we are asked to find the steady state value of the output y(t).
Solution: The exponential goes to zero faster than t goes to infinity, thus we have
yss = lim y(t) = 20/25. (16)

12. We are given the differential equation

ÿ + 2ẏ + y = u, y(0) = ẏ(0) = 0, (17)
and asked to find the poles of the system. We are told that the input is a unit step.
Solution: The value of the input is irrelevant. The Laplace transform of the differential
equation is
s2 Y (s) − sy(0) − ẏ(0) + 2(sY (s) − y(0)) + Y (s) = U (s). (18)
Y (s) 1 1
= 2 = , (19)
U (s) s + 2s + 1 (s + 1)2
i.e. the system has a repeated pole at −1. Note that if the initial conditions had been
nonzero we would have gotten a different transfer function.
13. A truck tows a cart of mass m and the coupling element is modelled as parallel connection
of a spring with spring constant k and a damper with damping constant b. We are asked
to find the transfer function between the speeds of the vehicles. We are given m = 1000
kg, k = 20, 000 N/m, and b = 200 Ns/m, and told that the truck moves with constant
acceleration a = 0.7 m/s2 .
Solution Applying Newton’s Law, we find the differential equation describing the system
to be
mẍc + b(ẋc − ẋt ) + k(xc − xt ) = 0, (20)
where xc is the position of the cart, and xt is the position of the truck. Taking the Laplace
transform we obtain
ms2 Xc (s) + bs(Xc (s) − Xt (s)) + k(Xc (s) − Xt (s)) = 0, (21)
which yields the transfer function
Xc (s) bs + k
= 2
Xt (s) ms + bs + k
Since v = ẋ, V (s) = sX(s) − x(0), thus if we define our coordinate system to originate at
the original location of the cart we have Vc (s)/Vc (s) = Xc (s)/Xt (s).
ECE382/ME482 Spring 2012 Homework 1 Solution February 24, 2012 4

14. For the system shown in Figure 2.79, page 131 of the text, with
Gc (s) = 15, H(s) = 1, G(s) = , (23)
s3 + 50s2 + 4500s + 1000
we are asked to find the closed-loop transfer function and its zeros and poles.
Solution: Using the method of Problem 6, we find that
T (s) = (24)
s3 + 50s2 + 4500s + 16000
which has no zeros and 3 poles. According to Matlab, the poles are −23.1519 ± 61.5861i
and −3.6961.
15. For the system shown in Figure 2.79, page 131 of the text, with
K(s + 0.3) 1
Gc (s) = , H(s) = 2s, G(s) = , (25)
s (s − 2)(s2 + 10s + 45
we are asked to find the closed-loop transfer function from the disturbance Td (s) to the
output Y (s).
Solution: Using the method of Problem 6, the forward path transfer function is G(s)
and the negative feedback path transfer function is G(s)H(s)Gc (s). We obtain after some
algebra that
Y (s) G(s) 1
= = 3 . (26)
Td (s) 1 + G(s)H(s)Gc (s) s + 8s2 + (2K + 25)s + (0.6K − 90)

P2.25 For the block diagram of Figure P2.25(b), we are asked to determine the transfer func-
tions from the reference and disturbance inputs to the output.
Solution: Working backward from Y (s), we find that
Y (s) = G(s) R(s) − (G(s)R(s) + Td (s)) + Td (s) + G(s)R(s) = G(s)R(s), (27)
so the transfer function from reference input to the output is G(s) and the transfer function
from the disturbance input to the output is zero.
AP2.2 We are asked to find the transfer function from input r1 to output y2 in the coupled
systems of Figure AP2.2., and then select G5 (s) to decouple the two systems.
Solution: The problem can be solved using the block diagram or the signal flow graph.
However, it is easier to solve it using the signal flow graph. We have two paths from R1 (s)
to Y2 (s),

P1 = G1 G5 G4 (28)
P2 = G1 G2 G6 G3 G4 , (29)

and two loops

L1 = −G1 G2 H1 (30)
L2 = −G3 G4 H2 . (31)
ECE382/ME482 Spring 2012 Homework 1 Solution February 24, 2012 5

Accordingly the graph determinant is

∆ = 1 − L1 − L2 + L1 L2 = 1 − (−G1 G2 H1 ) − (−G3 G4 H2 ) + (−G1 G2 H1 )(−G3 G4 H2 ). (32)

Since both loops touch both paths, the path co-factors are both one. Thus
Y2 P1 ∆1 + P2 ∆2 G1 G5 G4 + G1 G2 G6 G3 G4
= = (33)
R1 ∆ ∆
and if G5 (s) = −G2 (s)G6 (s)G3 (s), the numerator will be zero. Since there is no path from
r2 to r1 , this will suffice to decouple the systems.

DP2.3 We are given the input r(t) = t, t ≥ 0, and the output

y(t) = e−t − (1/4)e−2t − 3/4 + (1/2)t, t ≥ 0,

and asked to find the transfer function G(s) = Y (s)/R(s).

Solution: We simply take the ratio of the Laplace transforms, and after some algebra
1 1 3 1
Y (s) s+1 + 4(s+2) − 4s + 2s2 1
G(s) = = = . (34)
R(s) 1/s2 (s + 1)(s + 2)

CP2.5 We are asked to use Matlab to compute (a) the closed loop transfer function, (b) the
step response to a 10 degree step input, (c) the step response with a different moment
of inertia, and to comment on the results of the closed step response with a prescribed
Solution A Matlab script that accomplishes the computations and plots the results is
given below.

%Part (a) Create feedback system

a=1; b=8; k=10.8e+08; J=10.8e+08; num=k*[1 a]; den=J*[1 b 0 0];
sys=tf(num,den); sys_closedloop=feedback(sys,[1]);

% Part (b) and (c)

% Nominal case
angle=10*pi/180; %Convert angle to radians

% Case J reduced by 80%

J=10.8e+08*0.8; den=J*[1 b 0 0];
sys=tf(num,den); sys_closedloop=feedback(sys,[1]);

% Case J reduced by 50%

J=10.8e+08*0.5; den=J*[1 b 0 0];
ECE382/ME482 Spring 2012 Homework 1 Solution February 24, 2012 6

sys=tf(num,den); sys_closedloop=feedback(sys,[1]);
sys_angle=sys_closedloop *angle;
figure (1)
xlabel(’Time (sec)’)
ylabel(’Spacecraft attitude (deg)’)
title(’Response to step change of 10 deg. in desired attitude’)
legend(’Nominal (solid)’,’J reduced by 80% (dashed)’,...
’J reduced by 50% (dotted)’)

The spacecraft simulations are shown in Figure below. We see that as J is decreased,
the time to settle down decreases. Also, the overshoot from 10 degrees decreases as J
decreases. Thus, the performance seems to get better (in some sense) as J decreases.

Response to step change of 10 deg. in desired attitude

Nominal (solid)
16 J reduced by 80% (dashed)
J reduced by 50% (dotted)
Spacecraft attitude (deg)



0 20 40 60 80 100
Time (sec)

Figure 1: Comparison of Step Responses of Satellite Attitude

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