PKR 021000

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Lutens Exan 2 9 Spend oe Part A AI (10 points) ‘The real signal g(@ has @ spectrum G(a) as shown in the figure below, and is sampled every T, seconds by an ideal impulse train to generate the sampled signal git). Sketch the spectrum Ga) of the sampled signal g(t) when T; = 2rseconds. Sketch the spectrum of the output signal of the reconstruction filter whose input is) the frequency response ofthe reconstruction filter is given by H(@) = 2x rect(a/2) Is the output of the reconstruction filter an exact or scaled version ofthe signal gt)? Give reasons. (You must cleerly mark your axes, and all the meaningful frequencies as well as amplitude levels) aww) e = Sorts How) on we -\ ee Z coy. Ww) = a whew) Hee no} veconshuel Be ae na an mpl mp. ~ Argnal aw b day Damp Part A A12 (10 points) ‘The real signal g(t) has a spectrum G(o) as shown inthe figure below, and is sampled every T, seconds by an ideal impulse train to generate the sampled signal g(t). Sketch the spectrum Gia) of the sampled signal g() when T= x seconds. Sketch the spectrum of the output signal of the ‘reconstruction filter whose input is @(V): the frequency response of the reconstruction filter is given by H(qw) = w rect(a/2) Is the oulput of the reconstruction filter an exact or scaled version of the signal g(t)? Give reasons. (You must clearly mark your axes, and all the meaningful frequencies as well as amplitude levels.) Ele) w radfocc geokreh) ea a este 25 a vaafoce Cry es a bbe +f Gey “ile GC) is pewedie wepe pesetiety ceria tw) ~ = ate). The is Be Game 07 HOW) E Cw) ay eee heed: Brynn! RE) GEG te detec A241 (5 points) ‘A uniform quantizer operating on the samples has a data rate of 6 KBPS; the sampling rate is 1 KH However, the resulting signal-to-quantization noise ratio (SNR) of 30 dB is unsetisfactory, and at least an SNR of 40 dB is required. What would be the minimum data rate in KBPS of the system that ‘meets the requirement? What would be the minimum tranemission bandwidth required if ¢-ary ‘ignaling is used? Show all your stepalogc as necssay. eo ianeey DR, = b Kars Pal kg =o Bn pieces one bes ceplebl Te mortar ber SNR, 2 20 AB 15 OHA eh ce ays we weed be inert SWRe3 4 OAS Th bere 22h, b= LRRSPS ¢ [ei © pew AA bh Deges? Fy Sn exer | oe ‘ Les al 6B. et 2h [er 2 kn | [tm Bue? 4] 108,07 A31 (6 points) A signal m(t) has @ bandwidth of 2 Kitz and exhibits a maximum rate of change of 2 voltsecond. The signal is sampled at five times the Nyquist rate and quantized using a delta modulator. What should be the minimum step size to avoid slope overload? -4 Wo ee f= Sxarzkiysrekny GZ te | are) 2 2 veoh Tee y egoin! Fav olope overload avoidant, 6 EF a. Ts “| rex A22 (& points) A signal of bandwidth 1 kHz is sompled at 50% over the Nyquist rate, and each sampled is quantized to 8 bits. What is the data rate in KBPS? If 8-ary signaling is used to transmit the data, what is the ‘minimum required transmission bandwidth in kif? Show all your stepsilogic as necessary. Peleg Als feet we p28 be we D Raps? Bye ees fees kars Mo F 195,07) = [6,24 PMs Min Trang. Bu = [4KIE A32 (6 points) APCM system, at 10 KBPS with 10 bits/sample, has a satisfactory SNRg of 50 dB. Binary signaling &s required and the available transmission bandwidth is 3 KHz. A DPCM system has to be used t0 ‘wansmit the signal in the bandwidth specified. What is the required prediction gain (in dB) if the SNR of 50 dB is 10 be maintained? Your should show all relevant logic in arriving at the answer, Through 4 Channel -f Bw 3 keg, wil at) ar Ing We Cam owls hrangeih & ry lin ale) we Be gi . ef 6k OFS. rk 4s mG ox However, “6 bik ee a Sasa bn 7 a 4,7 (obs fey z abr pe ee te mainbe ie aac Ge Te vere, bois 4 bi 7 Bee feart gait mansh | cece Adi (5 points) Let x(t) be a periodic square wave with a fundamental period of 1 millisecond, Is it possible to sample this signal and reconstruct it exactly from the sampled signal? Explain your answer. XCH) hAS imfirihk band, atl, Ve ee ae bandlimileet, This mek peree des anA YeCemrhnck %Ch- A51 (10 points) A signal m(Q) = 2 cos (2x 10°1) frequency modulates (FM) a 1 MHz carrier to produce a (peak) frequency deviation of 4 kHz. Write he time-domain expression for the resulting FM signal grad)? What isthe value of the frequency deviation constant k? What is the bandwidth of the FM signal? 3 ee to* ts s (28.10 fk a yim aniwe) en Aga aa: Rp P fe fees : age or) Brey? & OOF —. 2 (4+ 85> Ad2 (5 points) Wares vors codon trent car nse cmpingefiait, Ste aft Lundevaempling, ie f,< 200 fr are 7 Bgl ts neh bandhinsbea- A52 (10 points) A signal mi(t) = 2 cos ( 2x 10° t) phase modulates (PM) 2 1 MHz carrer to produce a (peak) frequency deviation of 4 KHz. Write the time-domain expression for the resulting PM signal yd)? What is the value ofthe phase deviation constant ky? What is the bandwidth of the PM signal? Age deer laa prs kp UF) ) fe eet] a te) 4a Gos ( 2710" bay cos mee) | 2 aCAL+ BY) * ACen Part B (40 points) BL (20 points) ere) ‘An angle modulated signal is given by the following expré oem ere sage od) 5 co (ont+ Asin 500R 20a 1000 + 10sn 2000) —O «a. Determine the (peak) frequency deviation 4f in Hz. . Estimate the bandwidth, in Hz, of the angle modulated signal by Carson's rule. Ite angle modulated signal is « phase modulated signal with the phase deviation constant, kyis S ‘radians per volt, determine the message signal m (). 4 Ifthe angle modulated signal is a frequency modulated signal with a frequency deviation constant, ky ‘is 20,000 mradians/see per volt, determine the message signal m(). ook = Br soe TE + De Armle ae” \4 Ti lees en |e = | 20,008 Cos seep kh 2e,o00% eeeruk + 20,085 osueeaaae ~ bo, eee vadface => |4F 5 30 BBY ; 7 He Eo : (AF + oe)? a(so* DL (ez es) + Bw 2 & Le vet h ¢ eset] . . “ey lt)= p cos (web + Rpo™ ) 7 vad [sec |v At A kp = 2Qe,0re% [see] ‘ los kp Ay le) —-® ee etait ie = kg me) ES Gs bere antEys Tas Fee sg fos feo et OF Part B (40 points) B12 20 points) A message signal mit) = 4 cos 2x 1000t modulates a carrier frequency to produce a frequency modulated signal with a resulting modulation index (i. frequency deviation ratio) of 2 (a) What isthe estimate of the bandwidth of the FM signal ? (0) The message signal m(t) is replaced by a new message signal im(t) = 4 cos 2x 1000 + 4 cos 27 30001 What ts the estimate ofthe bandwidth ofthis new FM signal? (©) The message signal m(t) is replaced by a new message signal mi) = 4 cos 2x 3000 What isthe estimate of the bandwidth of this new FM signal? Use Carson’s rule in determining the bandwidth of FM signals, ee 2 ake 4. pr £7 TEAS Af: Ble AA Bye, ACA +44) > 2 (24+ kay ~ 3 5 b Rope eee eras Lh ™p 3 7 bf, AD Ante fer rggge hy = 2m Sf, Abr fren pets fl = web raat /zce fest ey rps eee : oe eet Bae ky 73 em changed Wim mew "pp be tg fixie + |4 £8 | Re eee ache a Ag+ 6w) coca cm Be FRI ce ; [ues Se eee ge ees cere > [ox 2 1K roy i Feeeeses cc ee nw oe Car changed), ae Re sme alae 24, Bue 23 ley, am (Es ycos eT lees » ~ z + 2 " \n oor oe mr) = acest aeert Tren 7 ke Bupe4> a(Af- 66) = a(2+3) ¥ B21 (20 points) ‘Two signals, mi(t) and m,(), are to be sampled, quantized, and multiplexed for transmission by binary signaling. Each ofthe signals bas a bandwidth of 2 kHz. The samples of the signal my() is uniformly distributed between —1.5 volts and 1.5 volts. The RMS value of the samples ofthe signal ‘m,(t) is one tenth the peak amplitude, Both signals are sampled at twice the Nyquist rate. Each of the signals mas ave mai SHR of 46 a Three types of quantizers are available: (1) uniform quantizer, (2) law quantizer with w= 255 and (3) A-law with A~87.6. Zero overhead is assumed for ‘framing and synchronization. Choose appropriate quantizer for each signal to minimize the data rate cand determine the minimum transmission bandwidth in Ki my fe axa ee beg = SANG ; ~ fn vrrnrbry 78 OS = ie 7 ™ : Aishilnbe, =p “P= 3 aaa uni fern Tot Unrfem Bren” s/s yah as Swe, + por te WIDE 2 wef ap [By BEE 1 Ma baw, per5t aa, (lm ot) | a a att eisie ar SwR pe = feces be), oD aisre iy bate 7 ut 4s t A-Lan, ee Lee Dt ~ [b-0%8H => n Foy m,, Cheer io =p Tiptree, ae in 7 fo beg, 10°37 464 7- geo 6 eae swe, lb oo a be m, Ym s Wri fern gene! ey pe law Pe A-law, we necaA fone BG et |e, Cherm Belaw ex fr-len, B28 4 B21 Coonbuercd) Raw Balk deh 3 & 42 Deira PINs Mine oe 3 % a = Bxio x8 + griexio =[44 KBPS ie pak Meh! 1h 4 KBPS - C xe ve overhead) ay Soyymnlny =D bo. as Dears ae 62% 4 ig Koy 2 oa ts B22 (20 points) ‘Two signals, m,(t) and m,(t), are to be sampled, quantized, and multiplexed for transmission by ng. Each of the signals has a bandwidth of 4 KE¥z. The samples of the signal (is 2.5 volts and 2.5 volts. The RMS value of the samples of the signal ‘may one’ Se scion hn ponk spline, Both signee are sampled at fvice the Nyquist rate. Each of the signals must have a minimum SNRo of 46 dB. ‘Three types of quantizers are available: (1) uniform quantizer, 2) law quantizer with W255 and (3) A-law with A=87.6, Zero overhead is assumed for framing and synchronization. Choose appropriate quantizer for each signal to minimize the data rate tnd determine the minimum ?aromisson bandh in RFE 2/16 Fag = ANZ voy oe ane ompie at Byafaanene HE] fs sed 2 My: Unter oe oshibnbes ) ps3 Ab Warfiny SNR ae + [bai sc eae “ => - 8 BG = ze ds MWn-blew , Suh, [ors a ona hg, towel]? eee Sa iy PF pee) mrt eng76]] 199 - de hes, M4 ce Sueg [ber bnt 47? Salas Brr Ccouknuext) Dale Lek (assmrg Ber pve rbenet)* f 6, + Fi, Soa Degos * fatal) Weeres: + Hex texte = per nets f ee ede a a | 67% & Phares etna 7 ” rere pete Coy. 2 6 7% teu KMy aw 2 Ges tay, Teens C11 20 points) An FM signal gnali)= 5 cos 2.10 + 2.5 sin 20,000xt) is input toa square-law nonlinearity (withthe characteristic: y =2 x”; where x isthe input and y isthe ‘outpit), and filtered by a bandpass filter to produce the output 2). The frequency response af the bandpass filter is shown below. Determine the output 2(9, and sketch its magnitude spectrum and phase spectrum. . He) che 2Mie : 1 Bws Bo kia =20lf 2-795 1485 2 awe Ba gu ao af ace (eb HOY ay: agile: i : saCate atcoslane’s #0) FT + 2 ay ar Sy Verjeceaty are 36k) y (bye arevs (acer? +e) & 2 2eF Ain Dusernl penne ara tf re anne ty enge eles soot) —O G se 2.tok & 5 Ain 7e ye) = 2g ces(an Fri Bignell ie pre he oy pers 4 weet Medalak~p IY ICE teat) Our teaae Arprel Pee fe bay Gy en + ye pnb a Bev? ' ; 25 = z,(5) cos(an(2 eta ntelét)) 4) in gy, ble ae CN ClrnHened) flee win post ent, me ies The bane pass fi folexing frresnere wav ew at artis, eee ah Peleg bevel nay + Fivsk + pper Boe bing Lawer Bite bane 0b 194 penein iIn@ wll “be vejeeted a Au a foes fret BrF ‘ with fae gn there fre, bee Gar gare asf Tf 47,66 + 7, C5) 698 wet cos(an uate) yeos (27 ab) (2 wenttt)] @. where J ts) ena) eo o.328 6 328) Joo F)s ~ ots and a (5) —0-325 eee ath) 2(@: ajcvs (27 craget) : = (chen) oss (27 ab) = (ery ces (27 Gene by) ae Clonkvwed) 9 brad gee (ayes (246 aay eb) jt a (GH) cos (2? er l)€ Gk +(?-2) gos (2% (role eye re py Sopa a The magni be ane P ew acti # eee eteactiay 9.2.7 4 Seer etatte Viet aeimeeclnt Hel a2 | tof -2 7-149 ° Coes cd Lee) in yada Ee rete ---e- 4 cabi -p -V95 rie [ wars io fae 2m eee alee wok: The prr® Ape bor Shown above wrap veseth *S alse C12 (20 points) ‘Assignal m(Q) frequency moduletes @ 100 kHz carrier to produce the following narrowband FM signal: @ vont) = 5 008 (2x.10°t+ 0.025 sin 2x 10°t). Generate (block diagram design) the wideband FM signal @ war(t) with a cartier frequency of 100, ‘MHZ and a (peak) frequency deviation of 75 kElz. Assume thatthe following are available for the design: 1. Frequency Multipliers of any (integer) value 2. A local oscillator whose frequency can be tuned to any value between 120 MHz to 500 MHz 3, Am ideal bandpass filter with tunable center frequency and bandwidth, Your block diagram design must clearly specify the carrer frequencies and frequency deviations at all logical points, as well asthe center frequency and bandwidth of the bandpass filter. 5 2 254 f,7 pf 2 802s ee % fou MiKy a Cente am sISLeay > ay ce) . ce tists pace | ROLE nbFr peau Qoo Mag ee Beene |

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