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Reflection Paper on Course Organizational Behavior & Leadership in 21st Century


The Organizational Behavior & Leadership course focused on the behavioral traits of people

who work for an organization, the impact of these behaviors on the entire organization, and how

to manage an organization effectively as a team leader. Because of the knowledge I received, I

was able to change my own conduct in difficult situations and not act instinctively. This course

helped in understanding the issues and actions of employees that impact the organization and

how the things can managed more effectively through usage of leadership skills.

The key takeaway from this course is that motivation and individual needs are the most

important factors that influence employee behavior, and that it is critical to comprehend

organizational structure, policies, and procedures, management effectiveness, and team

dynamics, as these all impact co-worker interactions and contribute to employee conduct.. My

first employment was as an Assistant Sales Manager in a start-up where the culture was

welcoming and open communication was encouraged. Instead of keeping my ideas to myself, I

was able to communicate them and contribute to the team, which gave me a lot of confidence. I

felt like I belonged to the company and was accepted, which helped me be more productive and

contribute more to the company (Željko, 2019).

Secondly this course emphasized on team dynamics & leadership. I have learned the difference

between the terms "group" and "team." I learned in class that working in a group can result in a

higher score, but weak leadership skills and improper team building can generate a negative

work atmosphere and obstruct the achievement of the goal (Gorenak M, 2015). For instance; I

had a bad experience working in a team while working as an Assistant Sales Manager at my

first job. We split up our tasks and responsibilities as a three-person team. My task and that of

my other team member were completed on schedule, but our third team member kept chatting

and delaying her part of the work. We attempted to speak with her as a group but were

unsuccessful, so we gave up and did not take any further action. Now, with all of the work piling

up on us, it produced a bad work environment. This influenced our work behavior since we lost

interest in our jobs, which became a burden for both of us. Organizational behavior taught me

that instead of perceiving, I should have tried to understand her point of view and collaborate

with her. To develop a healthy work atmosphere and avoid conflict, members of a team must

support each other.

This course also assisted me in self-reflection and analysis at work. It assisted me in

reproducing my prior work and understanding how organizational culture, organizational

principles, and my supervisors'/leaders' behavior influenced my behavior, as well as what I

might have done and can do in the future to develop and be a more effective manager/leader.

Every person is unique, and he brings with him a distinct set of personal characteristics and

experiences that have an impact on the organization in which he works. It is critical for the

company to be open and welcoming to its employees, to respect their backgrounds, and to

allow them to grow in their own time. For a positive organizational atmosphere, it is critical that

each individual's perspective and learnings be appreciated.



FACTOR OF ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR. Inter disciplinary Management

Research, Volume 5, pp. 33-42.

 Gorenak M, F. M., 2015. The influence of organizational value on competencies of

managers. Ekonomie a Management, 18(1), pp. 67-83.

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