A4 - DEMETRIOU STILLWELL SEE (2013) - A New Methodology For Measuring Land Fragmentation

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Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 39 (2013) 71–80

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A new methodology for measuring land fragmentation

Demetris Demetriou a,⇑, John Stillwell a, Linda See a,b
School of Geography, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, United Kingdom
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Schlossplatz 1, Laxenburg A-2361, Austria

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The presence of land fragmentation can indicate that an existing land tenure structure is problematic. It
Received 26 July 2012 can be a major problem in many regions because it restricts rational agricultural development and
Received in revised form 27 October 2012 reduces the opportunities for sustainable rural development although in some cases, it can prove bene-
Accepted 1 February 2013
ficial and desirable for social and environmental reasons. Whilst policies to counter land fragmentation
Available online 26 March 2013
require reliable measurement of the situation, current fragmentation indices have significant weak-
nesses. In particular, they ignore critical spatial variables such as the shape of parcels as well as non-spa-
tial variables such as ownership type and the existence or absence of road access for each land parcel.
Land fragmentation
Global land fragmentation index
Furthermore, there is no flexibility for users to select the variables that they think appropriate for inclu-
Multi-attribute decision-making method sion in the fragmentation index, and no variable weighting mechanism is available. The aim of this paper
Value functions, GIS is to introduce a new ‘global land fragmentation index’ that combines a multi-attribute decision-making
method with a geographic information system. When applied to a case study area in Cyprus, the new
index outperforms the existing indices in terms of reliability as it is comprehensive, flexible, problem spe-
cific and knowledge-based. The methodology can be easily applied to assess the quality of any existing
system for which evaluation criteria can be defined with values ranging from the worst to best
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction poorly organised at locations across space. Similarly, many authors

(e.g. Blaikie & Sadeque, 2000; DeLisle, 1982; Jabarin & Epplin,
Agricultural land fragmentation, also known as pulverization, 1994; Karouzis, 1971) consider land fragmentation as a serious
parcellization and scattering (Bentley, 1987), is defined in the liter- obstacle to optimal agricultural development because it hinders
ature as the situation in which a single farm or ownership consists mechanisation, causes inefficient production and involves large
of numerous spatially separated parcels (King & Burton, 1982; costs to alleviate the adverse effects, resulting in a reduction in
McPherson, 1982; Van Dijk, 2003) which may be small in size and farmers’ net incomes. This situation is even more pronounced to-
have irregular shapes. However, this type of land fragmentation is day because of increased agricultural market competition and the
associated with problems which involve a defective land tenure industrialization of the agricultural sector.
structure and generally with factors that prevent landowners from Although the term has these negative connotations that are the
exploiting their ownerships. In particular, in Cyprus, there are addi- focus of this paper, land fragmentation is not necessarily a problem
tional land fragmentation factors such as the lack of road access to in all cases (Bentley, 1987; Van Dijk, 2003) and there are some-
land parcels in certain areas and issues relating to ownership rights. times benefits relating to risk management, crop scheduling and
For instance, a parcel may be owned in undivided shares (shared ecological variety. Farmers have to minimise the potential risk of
ownership), i.e. it may belong to more than one landowner, or there climatic and natural disasters and having dispersed parcels may
may be dual or multiple ownership, i.e. the land is owned by one be one solution (Bentley, 1987; King & Burton, 1982; Tan, Heerink,
person whilst the trees growing on the land are owned by someone & Qu, 2006; Van Hung, MacAulay, & Marsh, 2007). Risk is also re-
else and a third party has ownership rights for water. duced through a greater variety of soils, crops and growing condi-
King and Burton (1982) characterise land fragmentation as a tions when several locations are being used (Van Hung et al., 2007).
fundamental rural spatial problem concerned with farms that are Crop scheduling occurs when parcels are scattered between vari-
ous locations at different altitudes so that crops mature at different
times. Ecological variety is realised through the formulation of a
natural mosaic of parcel shapes, crops and colours. In addition,
⇑ Corresponding author. some social reasons favour the existence of land consolidation such
E-mail addresses: demdeme@cytanet.com.cy (D. Demetriou), j.c.h.stillwell@- as communities where the self-sufficiency of families for food is a
leeds.ac.uk (J. Stillwell), see@iiasa.ac.at (L. See). necessity.

0198-9715/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
72 D. Demetriou et al. / Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 39 (2013) 71–80

Land fragmentation is evident in many areas throughout the there is no flexibility for the user in the selection of variables used
world. In particular, whilst land fragmentation has been closely in the fragmentation index, and there is no mechanism to allocate
associated with Europe and Mediterranean countries (e.g. Falah, different weights to the factors selected. Moreover, other indices
1992; Karouzis, 1971), it is a topic that has been studied in many have been developed specifically for ecological land fragmentation
other countries and regions around the world (e.g. Blaikie & Sade- (McGarigal & Marks, 1995) which are not appropriate, however, for
que, 2000; Goland, 1993; Kjelland et al., 2007; Nguyen, Cheng, & agricultural land fragmentation. Therefore, these limitations
Findlay, 1996; Ram, Tsunekawa, Sahad, & Miyazaki, 1999; Soltow, clearly indicate the need for a new methodology for measuring
1983; Verry, 2001; Wan & Cheng, 2001). FAO statistics from 1986 land fragmentation (Demetriou, Stillwell, & See, 2011b).
to 2004 for six continents reveal that the smallest average holding Thus, in this paper we present a new methodology for measuring
size is found to be less than 5 hectares (ha) in 20 out of 24 Asian land fragmentation. This approach might be valuable, for example,
and 16 out of 20 African countries respectively. In almost half of when considering the application of land consolidation measures
the Central American and Oceania countries, the average holding (or other related measures) in a certain area. The methodology links
size is less than 5 ha. In contrast, 10 out of 10 South American multi-attribute decision making (MADM) with a geographic infor-
and 23 out of 28 European countries have an average holding size mation system (GIS) to build a model called LandFragmentS (Land
greater than 5 ha. Regarding Europe, the problem has been identi- Fragmentation System) (Demetriou et al., 2011b), which is a sub-
fied by many researchers (Bentley, 1987; Burton & King, 1982; Van system of LACONISS (LAnd CONsolidation Integrated Support Sys-
Dijk, 2003) which several of them focus on particular EU countries tem for planning and decision making) (Demetriou, Stillwell, &
such as Cyprus (Burton & King, 1982; Karouzis, 1971); Portugal See, 2012a; Demetriou, 2013). The new method results in a ‘global
(Bentley, 1990); Greece (Keeler & Skuras, 1990); Czech Republic land fragmentation index (GLFI)’ which is implemented in a case
(Sklenicka & Salek, 2008); Romania (Rusu, 2002); Bulgaria, Ger- study area in Cyprus and outperforms existing indices. It is compre-
many, Hungary, Romania and Slovenia (Thomas, 2006). European hensive since it takes a number of basic land fragmentation param-
Commission’s (2000, 2003, 2005) statistics show that although eters into account; it is flexible and problem specific in that the user
the average agricultural area per holding considerably varies with- may select which factors need to be included for a specific area under
in the EU, the distribution of holdings by size class indicates that investigation and may assign a different weight to each factor repre-
the large majority of European holdings (in 2003) are relatively senting its importance to the problem at hand; and it is knowledge-
small in size since 75.7% of all holdings across the EU-27 use less based by incorporating expert judgment through the definition of
than 5 ha. value functions (Beinat, 1997) for the criteria involved. A broader
Although the causes of land fragmentation vary from country to contribution of this research is that the methodology can be easily
country and from region to region, there is general agreement that applied to assess the quality of any existing system for which evalu-
there are four main factors that trigger fragmentation: inheritance; ation criteria can be stipulated that have values ranging from the
population growth; land markets; and historical/cultural perspec- worst to the best conditions.
tives (Bentley, 1987; King & Burton, 1982; Niroula & Thapa,
2005; Tan et al., 2006; Van Hung et al., 2007). Other factors noted
in more specific situations include: social and administrative de- 2. Measuring land fragmentation
crees (Bentley, 1987); long-established cultivation; shortages of
land and nucleated settlement; the piecemeal conversion of forests 2.1. Problems in agriculture associated with land fragmentation
and moorland to arable land (Grigg, 1980); and the privatisation
transition process, e.g. in ex-eastern block and central European Fig. 1 shows a cadastral plan of a highly fragmented area in Cy-
countries (Van Dijk, 2003). Depending on the cause, different pol- prus. It is apparent that the parcels are small with irregular shapes
icies are adopted for controlling land fragmentation that can be di- and many have no access to roads. Moreover, the figure shows an
vided into three categories: legislation restrictions (Niroula & example of 19 dispersed parcels that belong to a single landowner
Thapa, 2005), land management approaches such as land consoli- who owns a further eight shares in other parcels dispersed
dation (Thomas, 2006; Vitikainen, 2004) and land protection poli- throughout the area. According to Bentley (1987), the discussion
cies/programmes (Brabec & Smith, 2002). Although taking policy about the dispersion between parcels of a given holding and in par-
decisions requires a comprehensive study of the impacts of land ticular the distance from the farmstead began in 1826 with the
fragmentation, decision makers and planners very often need a publication of Johan Von Thunen’s ‘The Isolated State’, whose argu-
reliable indicator for quantifying the land fragmentation problem ment was based on the premise that the costs of farming increase
at the ownership level. with distance. In particular, when parcels are spatially dispersed,
Decisions on applying certain land management measures to then the travel time and hence the costs in moving labour, ma-
control fragmentation usually involve undertaking a land fragmen- chines et cetera from one parcel to another are increased (Bentley,
tation study, an environmental impact assessment and a feasibility 1987; Burton, 1988; Karouzis, 1977; Niroula & Thapa, 2005) and
study. The outcome of the former can be represented by an appro- therefore parcels at a greater distance are cultivated less inten-
priate index. However, there appears to be no standard or compre- sively (Van Dijk, 2003). Many case studies have proved the conse-
hensive measure of land fragmentation (Bentley, 1987; Van Hung quences of this problem in practice (DeLisle, 1982; Karouzis, 1971).
et al., 2007). Specifically, most authors have utilised a simple uni- Small parcel size and irregular shape are the dominant prob-
variate fragmentation measure such as the average number of par- lems of land fragmentation. The use of modern machinery becomes
cels per holding or the average holding size or the average parcel more difficult or could be impossible on tiny parcels and may re-
size at the regional or national level. More complex indices were quire an excessive amount of manual work in the corners and
developed in the 1960s and 1970s that incorporate more than along the boundaries (Bentley, 1987; Burton, 1988; Karouzis,
one factor (e.g. Dovring, 1965; Edwards, 1961; Igbozurike, 1974; 1977, 1980). Furthermore, irregular parcel shape prevents the
Januszewski, 1968; Simmons, 1964; Schmook, 1976) which remain proper cultivation of the land, especially for some crops (e.g. vines,
partial at best as they do not take all of the relevant factors into ac- olives) which need to be cultivated in rows or series. Moreover, the
count (Monchuk, Deininger, & Nagarajan, 2010). Current indicators implementation of soil conservation measures is difficult, the con-
appear to ignore non-spatial factors such as the ownership type for struction costs are higher, more fencing is needed, and roads,
each parcel and the existence or absence of road access to a parcel, which are usually adjusted to the shape of the parcels, have low
which may completely prevent parcel exploitation. Furthermore, geometrical (horizontal and vertical) standards, meaning that they
D. Demetriou et al. / Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 39 (2013) 71–80 73

Fig. 1. A highly fragmented area in Cyprus.

have bends and high gradients. In addition, irregular shapes in- landowners consider it to be of secondary importance. Neverthe-
volve a complicated boundary network among parcels (e.g. of less, the landowners very often find ways and means to operate
hedges, stone walls, ditches), hence parts of a holding (especially the land and minimise potential conflicts with their co-landown-
the small parcels) will remain uncultivated at the margins of the ers. Similarly, parcels with dual or multiple ownership represent
parcels (Bentley, 1987; Burton, 1988; Karouzis, 1977). In addition, an anachronistic and undesirable situation because the involve-
neighbouring conflicts between landowners increase due to this ment of several landowners can cause conflicts between them,
problem. As a result, this problem decreases productivity and which sometimes prevent the appropriate exploitation of the land.
hence the income of the farmers. However, although the above is-
sues are straightforward and many authors have found a positive 2.2. Existing indices
relationship between farm size, productivity and net income
(Jian-Ming, 1997; Wattanutchariya & Jitsanguan, 1992), other Ideally, all the above factors which relate to land fragmentation
authors (Berry & Cline, 1979) support an inverse relationship be- should be taken into account in a comprehensive and reliable in-
tween farm size and productivity. Niroula and Thapa (2005) argue dex so that the problem is properly defined. However, none of
that this situation was a reality in the past but is no longer true in the existing indices combine all of these variables into a single
the present. equation, and there is no standard measure of land fragmentation
Lack of road access is commonplace, especially in highly frag- (Bentley, 1987; Van Hung et al., 2007). Most authors who have
mented areas. Access to a parcel is the primary factor that en- tried to measure fragmentation have used a simple average of
hances its value. Small fields often have no road access. Many the number of parcels per holding (either regional or national),
parcels without access are abandoned and remain uncultivated an average of the holding size and an average of the parcel size. Ed-
(Karouzis, 1977), although this is the kind of land conservation wards (1961) calculated a fragmentation index as the percentage
measure that in the long run is more sustainable than intensive of a holding’s land which is not adjacent to the farmstead, and
farming. Furthermore, the lack of an agricultural road network pre- Dovring (1965) computed fragmentation by measuring the dis-
vents the introduction of other agricultural infrastructure such as tance which a farmer would have to travel to reach each of his par-
irrigation and drainage systems. Moreover, this problem causes cels, returning back to his farmstead after each visit. Although
conflicts between neighbouring landowners, which may clog up these isolated indices are useful, each represents only one aspect
the local courts, e.g. part of a ‘front’ parcel may be used as road ac- of land fragmentation.
cess or path access to a ‘back’ parcel. In contrast, indices that incorporate multiple factors have been
Parcels with shared ownership very often involve landowner developed by Simmons (1964), Januszewski (1968) and Igbozurike
disagreements regarding the exploitation of a parcel, i.e. the kind (1974). Simmons (1964) proposed a land fragmentation index
of cultivation; execution of development works such as soil conser- which takes into account the number of parcels belonging to a
vation, drainage, irrigation, et cetera. Moreover, this form of owner- holding, the relative size of each parcel and the size of the holding.
ship is not preferred by land purchasers or developers and The formula for the Simmons land fragmentation index (FI) is:
74 D. Demetriou et al. / Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 39 (2013) 71–80

i¼1 a2 3. A new land fragmentation index
FI ¼ 2
3.1. The process
where n is the number of parcels belonging to a holding, a is the size
of a parcel and A is the total holding size. An FI value of 1 means that
To overcome the deficiencies associated with existing land frag-
a holding consists of only one parcel and values closer to zero mean
mentation measures, a new methodology has been developed that
higher fragmentation. The Simmons index becomes the Simpson in-
is comprehensive, flexible and problem specific. It is comprehen-
dex if it is subtracted from 1 (Shuhao, 2005).
sive since it is capable of handling any land fragmentation factor
Januszewski (1968) also developed an index, K, by combining
for which there are available data; it is flexible and problem spe-
the number of parcels per holding and their size distribution as
cific because the user may select which factors need to be taken
into account and may decide the weighting given to each compo-
Pn ffi nent factor for a specific project. The new method is also knowl-
K ¼ Pn pffiffiffi ð2Þ edge-based since expert judgement is incorporated through value
i¼1 a functions, and it is explicit because the index involves a rigid range
of values between 0 and 1. Value functions (Beinat, 1997) are
The values of K range from 0 to 1 where values tending towards 0
mathematical equations defined by experts reflecting the desired
indicate a high degree of fragmentation. This index has three main
values of a variable in a range of best to worst conditions. In partic-
properties: the degree of fragmentation increases proportionally
ular, the method measures how far the existing land fragmentation
with the number of parcels; the fragmentation increases when
condition is from the status of being ‘perfect’ (index equals 1), i.e.
the range of parcel sizes is small; and the fragmentation decreases
an ideal condition which in most cases may be theoretical or is met
as the area of large parcels increases and that of the small parcels
in areas where land consolidation measures have been imple-
decreases. Blarel, Hazell, Place, and Guiggin (1992) note that the
mented which are beneficial for agriculture. However, such an
Januszewski and Simmons indices are the most popular indices em-
ideal condition may not be desirable in some cases if they result
ployed for measuring land fragmentation.
in negative environmental or social impacts. On the other hand,
Igbozurike (1974) suggested a ‘relative index of land parcelliza-
the index measures how far the existing land fragmentation is
tion’. In contrast to the above indexes, this measure is based on the
from the ‘worst’ status (index equals 0). The proposed process is
average size of the parcels and the distance travelled by a farmer to
based on the multi-attribute decision making method (MADM)
visit all his parcels sequentially (i.e. in one round trip). This parcel-
and has five main steps as set out in Fig. 2.
lization index, Pi, for holding i is given by:
Although MADM is conventionally utilised for the assessment of
1 alternative solutions to a problem, in this context it is employed to
Pi ¼ Dt ð3Þ
S represent the performance of an existing system (i.e. a land tenure
system) compared to the performance of an ideal system. Initially
where S is the size of each parcel and Dt is the total round-trip dis- the planner selects the land fragmentation factors to be incorpo-
tance covering all parcels. King and Burton (1982) criticised this in- rated into the model and then assigns a relevant weight to each fac-
dex because distance was not clearly defined by the researcher and tor, representing the importance of the factor in a given project. Two
is overemphasised, and no account is taken of the number of par- methods are available for assigning weights in this model: the direct
cels. An example is quoted based on a holding with two parcels with rating method involving a numerical value and the qualitative rat-
size a and a distance of 10 km apart, which would give a Pi twice as ing method involving an ordinal seven level scale which is then
high as a holding with 10 parcels of size a, each 1 km from its transformed to a numerical scale (Demetriou, Stillwell, & See,
neighbours. 2012b). In both cases, the sum of the weights should be 1. Thus,
Another fragmentation index was defined by Schmook (1976) the planner may use various approaches for assessing weights e.g.
known as Po, which is the ratio between the area of a polygon the planner may ask (via an interview or a questionnaire) different
which circumscribes all the parcels of a holding and the area of groups of stakeholders, i.e. farmers, agriculturists, landowners, etc.,
that holding. The values of this index are always above 1, and a what the importance of each factor is. Thereafter, the scores associ-
high value of Po indicates intense fragmentation. This method ated with each of these factors are automatically calculated by the
has the advantage of taking into account both the holding size system to create a ‘land fragmentation table’ (Fig. 3). Each row
and the distance.
All of the above methods have certain limitations because only
a few variables are taken into account and hence other critical land
fragmentation factors are ignored. In particular, all of the current
indicators ignore core spatial factors such as the shape and the dis-
persion of the parcels (except for the Igbozurike index) and non-
spatial factors such as the ownership type of each parcel (i.e.
dual/multiple, undivided shares) and the existence or absence of
road access to a parcel. Another shortcoming is the fact that the
variables that are taken into account in each equation have the
same weight in terms of importance. For example, in the case of
Cyprus, the importance of distance between the parcels of a hold-
ing may be less than the shape or the number of parcels. Also, plan-
ners, policy makers and farmers may have different perceptions
about the importance of particular factors and hence may want
to utilise different weights for different variables. As a result, cur-
rent indices are not comprehensive and therefore incapable of rep-
resenting the problem of land fragmentation because they focus
only on some dimensions of the problem. Clearly, a new index that
will overcome these aforementioned shortcomings is required. Fig. 2. Outline of the LandFragmentS model.
D. Demetriou et al. / Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 39 (2013) 71–80 75

Fig. 3. A land fragmentation table of land fragmentation factors for each holding.

represents a holding or ownership and each column a land fragmen- analysis (SA): the weights of the criteria and the criterion scores
tation factor (LFF). Each element of the table represents a score of (or performance measures) (Malczewski, 1999; Triantaphyllou,
holding i and factor j. These scores are then standardised (if neces- 1997). LandFragmentS provides a SA operation for the former
sary) using appropriate methods (e.g. using value functions) to cre- source of uncertainty but not for the latter. The reason is that it
ate the standardised land fragmentation table. An ownership level is impossible to investigate systematically the potential sensitivity
land fragmentation index (LFIi) is computed by multiplying the of performance scores since they may result in considerably differ-
standardised score of each factor (fij) by the relevant weight of each ent values with an irregular pattern if value functions change.
factor (wj) and summing these up for each row or holding as follows: Therefore, standardisation methods need to be applied with
awareness. Value functions in particular need to be carefully con-
LFIi ¼ fij wj ð4Þ sidered by experts when analysing their behaviour, i.e. the sensi-
i¼1 tivity of each function during the process of its definition. The
system recalculates the land fragmentation indices based on se-
LFIs take values between 0 and 1. A global land fragmentation
lected one-at-a-time increases or decreases (for various percent-
index (GLFI) for the whole study area is then calculated as the
ages from 10% to 100%, at increments of 10%) in the value of a
mean of the LFIs:
particular weight and the proportional readjustment of the value
of the rest of the weights. Thus, a planner may compare the results
GLFI ¼ LFIi =n ð5Þ for various changes of weights and assess the sensitivity of each
factor for all land fragmentation indices. Although the current
or the mean weighted by the size of the holdings. The GLFI also method has been selected for simplicity, interesting alternative
takes values between 0 and 1. A median value could be considered methods allowing a global SA are the variance-based techniques
if the distribution of LFIs is skewed. In addition to LFI and GLFI, the that rely on Monte Carlo simulations allowing the simultaneous
contribution of each factor to the ownership level of land fragmen- exploration of alterations of weights for various factors (Delgado
tation is calculated as the percentage of the value relative to the & Tarantola, 2006).
whole value and the global contribution of each factor is estimated Clearly the GLFI quantifies the existing land fragmentation sta-
as the mean value of these percentages for all ownerships. tus of an area. However, it should be noted that the index only
A sensitivity analysis (SA) should then follow to assess how ro- measures the degree of fragmentation and not the potential im-
bust the outcome is regarding uncertainties and potential errors. pacts of land fragmentation on agriculture and rural development
The significant role of SA in spatial planning problems which com- more generally. Thus, GLFI can be utilised as an initial indicator for
bine GIS and multi-criteria decision methods (MCDM) has been planners suggesting that no land fragmentation problem exists and
noted by Delgado and Sendra (2004) and Ligmann-Zielinska and no measures are required or that there is a problem that needs fur-
Jankowski (2008). In particular, in the case of MADM, two impor- ther investigation in relation to the type of policies available that
tant elements need to be examined in the context of sensitivity were noted earlier.
76 D. Demetriou et al. / Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 39 (2013) 71–80

3.2. Land fragmentation factors different for arid and irrigated areas because legislation provides
a different minimum size of parcels. Value functions for this factor
3.2.1. Selection of factors and the shape of parcels have been created by a group of five ex-
The following eight factors were initially considered for inclu- perts based on the methodology described in Demetriou et al.
sion in the new index: dispersion of parcels; size of parcels; size (2012b). Fig. 4 presents a fifth-order polynomial function:
of holdings; shape of parcels; accessibility of parcels; number of      
parcels per holding; and type of ownership which is twofold, i.e. Vðxi Þ ¼ 1:71 1020 x5i þ 6:83 1016 x4i  9:97 1012 x3i
dual ownership and shared ownership. However, the factors/crite-      
ria involved in any MADM need to satisfy a number of require- þ 6:36 108 x2i  7:37 105 xi þ 5:58 103 ð7Þ
ments (Malczewski, 1999; Sharifi, Herwijnen, & Toorn, 2004), the
Fig. 5 shows a concave benefit fourth-order polynomial
most critical of which is the independence between the factors,
i.e. to avoid duplication of associated factors. Thus, after a refine-
ment process based on independence testing (Demetriou et al., Vðxi Þ ¼ 3:24 1017 x4i þ 1:10 1012 x3i  2:74 108 x2i
2011b), the following six variables were chosen:    
þ 2:82 104 xi  9:68 102 ð8Þ
 dispersion of parcels (F1);
 size of parcels (F2); In both functions, scores lower than xmin are standardised to 0,
 shape of parcels (F3); while scores higher than xmax are standardised to 1. A description
 accessibility of parcels (F4); of each function is provided in Demetriou et al. (2011b).
 dual ownership (F5); and
 shared ownership (F6). Shape of parcels (F3). The shape of parcels is represented by a
new parcel shape index (PSI) which takes into account the following
After the refinement process, these six factors satisfy all the rel- six geometric parameters: length of sides, acute angles, reflex an-
evant requirements. In particular, each factor is comprehensive in gles, boundary points, compactness and regularity. A detailed anal-
terms of clearly representing a part of the associated problem and ysis of this index is provided in Demetriou, See, and Stillwell, (2013).
each is measurable, i.e. objectively estimated. Moreover, the whole
set of factors is complete since all of the main aspects of the prob- Accessibility of parcels (F4). The system automatically de-
lem are covered. The factors are operational because they have tects if a land parcel has access to a road or not. If this is positive,
clear content. The number of factors is kept as small as possible then 1 is assigned to a special field for the relevant parcel while 0 is
although they provide adequate and reliable representation of assigned if it is negative. The ownership accessibility index is cal-
the problem and are independent so as to avoid duplication. It is culated as the average value of assigned 1s and/or 0s for the parcels
clear that these six factors exactly correspond to the six main asso- that belong to a holding. A potential weighting of the average
ciated sub-problems that constitute the land fragmentation prob- accessibility index using the size of a parcel, given that it is more
lem noted earlier. important to have access for a large parcel than a small parcel, is
not appropriate because the size of the parcels is a separate land
3.2.2. Calculation of factors fragmentation factor in the model, which would mean duplication Dispersion of parcels (F1). A basic measure of spatial disper- of factors.
sion is standard distance (Ebdon, 1985; Wong & Lee, 2005), the
spatial equivalent of the standard deviation, showing how loca- Dual ownership (F5). Similar to the accessibility of parcels,
tions or points are scattered around the spatial mean (Wong & dual ownership is represented by a binary function that takes val-
Lee, 2005). The spatial mean or mean centre of gravity is also an ues of 1 (dual ownership) or 0 (not dual ownership). This informa-
important spatial statistical measure of central tendency which tion is included in the original data. Thus, a dual ownership index is
indicates the average location of a set of points defined in a Carte- calculated as the average value of assigned 1s and/or 0s for the par-
sian coordinate system. Thus, standard distance measures the de- cels that belong to a holding. Potential weighting of the average
gree to which parcels (or more precisely the centroids of parcels) ownership index by the size of the parcels is prone to the same lim-
are concentrated or dispersed around their geometric mean. itation as noted earlier.
Although, in practice, the dispersion of holdings is dependent on
the location of the farmstead or the village where the farmer re- Shared ownership (F6). Similar to the two previous factors,
sides, the extra information needed is usually not available, so shared ownership is represented by a binary function that takes
the mean centre of parcels of a holding is a proxy criterion that values of 1 if a parcel is owned by more than one landowner or 0
gives an adequate representation of the dispersion of parcels. Thus
the dispersion of parcels (DoP) can be calculated as:
Pn 2 Pn 2
i¼1 ðxi  xhmc Þ þ i¼1 ðyi  yhmc Þ
DoP ¼ ð6Þ
where xi and yi are the co-ordinates of the centroid of parcel i and
xhmc and yhmc are the coordinates of the holding’s mean centre. This
is the only factor that needs standardisation since it may take any
positive value whilst all of the others have values between 0 and 1. Size of parcels (F2). The size of parcels is represented by an

ownership size index which is calculated as the mean value of the
size of all parcels belonging to a holding based on the value func-
tions and corresponding equations shown in Eqs. (7) (Fig. 4) and
(8) (Fig. 5) for arid and irrigated areas respectively. They are Fig. 4. The value function for the size of parcels in arid areas.
D. Demetriou et al. / Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 39 (2013) 71–80 77

Table 1
Results obtained by the maximum and mean standardisation methods.

Values Maximum standardisation mSM

10000 0.00 0.00
5000 0.50 0.33
3000 0.70 0.47
2500 0.75 0.50
2000 0.80 0.60
1500 0.85 0.70
1000 0.90 0.80
0 1.00 1.00
0 1.00 1.00
0 1.00 1.00

The minimum, maximum and mean values of the sample are 0, 10000 and 2500,
Fig. 5. The value function for the size of parcels in irrigated areas. respectively.

if it is not. This information is also included in the original data.

Thus, a shared ownership index is calculated as the average value SM assigns a value of 0.75 for the mean score of the sample, i.e.
of assigned 1s and/or 0s for the parcels that belong to a holding. 2500, whilst the mSM assigns the value of 0.5 for the same score
Similar to the last two factors, the potential weighting of the aver- which is exactly half, i.e. the mean of the standardization range
age shared ownership index is prone to the same limitations as from 0 to 1. The latter outcome indicates that the mSM balances
outlined above. the standardisation process by precisely assigning values based
on the original scores. In accordance with this, the mSM assigns
3.3. Standardisation smaller values to the other scores compared to those assigned by
the maximum SM. As a result, large scores are not favoured over
As noted earlier, the only land fragmentation factor that needs small scores and vice versa when standardised because of the
standardisation (further to the six shape parameters) is the disper- way the mSM operates.
sion of parcels (DoP) since it may take any positive value (in It is worthwhile noting that the median is not an appropriate
metres). There are no factual data available on this index so it is measure for this case because usually there are many holdings that
hard for experts to define a value function based on their judg- include only one parcel, i.e. the DoP is 0. Thus, the DoP is skewed
ment. In addition, the DoP is measured on a ratio scale, i.e. values towards small values and this fact will bias the standardisation.
are real and may vary considerably from project to project; hence The mSM overcomes this limitation by using the mean value and
a more generic standardisation method is recommended. therefore produces better results.
The DoP could be standardised using a linear cost function, i.e.
the higher the DoP, the worse it is. This function presents a propor- 4. Case study
tional increase of standardised values from 0 to 1 based on the
minimum and maximum DoP scores, respectively. Sharifi et al. LandFragmentS has been applied to the case study area in Cy-
(2004) review a series of linear standardisation methods. The max- prus (Demetriou et al., 2011a). The extent of the study area is
imum standardisation appears to be the most appropriate for this around 200 hectares with 480 parcels/shares and 253 landowners.
factor because the DoP is measured on a ratio scale; thus the rela- The cadastral plan was stored in a GIS as a shapefile with three re-
tive differences must be preserved and hence the standardised val- lated database tables containing data regarding parcels, landown-
ues are proportional to the original values. However, maximum ers and ownership. Three issues are investigated: four weighting
standardisation may present a disadvantage in the situation when scenarios; a comparison of the GLFI with existing indices; and a
the minimum and maximum values of the sample are extreme. For sensitivity analysis focused on changes in the weights.
example, a holding with one parcel has a DoP of zero while a hold-
ing with several parcels may have a DoP of several kilometres. 4.1. The effect of changing the weights of the factors
Thus, we introduce the so called mean standardisation method
(mSM) by adding 1 to the formulae similar to that undertaken Land fragmentation at both levels, i.e. ownership and global, has
for the calculation of parcel priority index (PPI) (Demetriou, been calculated based on four scenarios. In scenario 1, all six crite-
Stillwell, & See, 2011a), which balances the potential extreme min- ria have been given the same weight. In scenario 2, weights were
imum and maximum values by taking into account the mean of the
sample. Therefore the modified formulae are:
ðSi  min SÞ  0:5
Ei ¼ 1  ðif Si 6 meanSÞ ð9Þ
meanS  min S
ðSi  meanSÞ  0:5
Ei ¼ 1  þ 0:5 ðif Si > meanSÞ ð10Þ
max S  meanS
where Ei is the standardized value of score Si and min S, max S, -
meanS are the corresponding statistical values for all the scores in
the dataset.
Table 1 presents an example of the standardisation of the values
obtained using both methods. This example includes ‘extreme’ val-
ues, i.e. three 0s and one value of 10,000 so as to show the differ- Fig. 6. The impact (%) of each factor in the land fragmentation problem for each
ence between the two methods. It is apparent that the maximum scenario.
78 D. Demetriou et al. / Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 39 (2013) 71–80

assigned to each of the first five criteria in the following descend- patterns and the correlation coefficient between the two indices
ing order of importance: extremely high, very high, high, interme- is very high (r = 0.98). One difference between these two indices
diate, moderate and low. In contrast, the weights in scenario 3 have is that the Januszewski index gives higher values with a minimum
been assigned in ascending order of importance, whilst in scenario of 0.36, an average of 0.84 (maximum value is 1 for both indices)
4, they were assigned based on the judgement of the first author and a narrow spectrum of values (standard deviation of 0.19). In
as: very high, high, extremely high, extremely high, intermediate contrast, the Simmons index gives lower values with a minimum
and high. The resulting GLFIs for each scenario (1–4) are 0.51, of 0.16, an average of 0.79 and a wider range of values (standard
0.56, 0.49 and 0.52, respectively. This outcome reveals that there deviation equals 0.26), as shown in Fig. 7.
is no combination of weights that results in a considerably differ- On the other hand, the new index (LFI) clearly results in consid-
ent picture regarding existing land fragmentation in the case study erably lower values compared to both existing indices (although
area. The maximum difference, i.e. between the minimum and the minimum value of the Simmons index is lower) as shown by
maximum GLFI (scenarios 2 and 3 respectively) is not significant, the distribution in Fig. 7 and revealed by the values of the basic sta-
i.e. 13.0%. Thus, it is clear that a land fragmentation problem exists tistics: minimum 0.22; maximum 0.84; and average (GLFI) 0.514. It
in this area since the GLFI is around 0.5 in all scenarios, i.e. the cur- is also noteworthy that no holding achieves the maximum LFI va-
rent situation is around 50% from the optimum and this suggests a lue of 1 whilst in contrast, around 50% of holdings were assigned
deficiency in the tenure system. Empirically, it could be said that a this highest value by both existing indices. The lower spectrum
GLFI of greater than 0.7 implies a satisfactory situation where 1 of values of this index (with standard deviation equal to 0.143)
means no land fragmentation problem and 0 suggests very serious compared with the other two indices is obvious from the disper-
land fragmentation. This assumption could be investigated in more sion of points in Fig. 8.
detail by considering other economic indices regarding agricultural Based on the above results, it could be argued that both of the
production or farmer income but is not undertaken here. existing indices underestimate the problem of land fragmentation
Fig. 6 shows the impact (%) that each factor makes to the land with higher average values, i.e. around 0.8 in both cases in contrast
fragmentation problem for the four noted scenarios. Although the to the GLFI of around 0.5. The reason is that both existing indices
impact is influenced by the weight assigned to each factor, it seems take into account only a few land fragmentation parameters hence
that some factors achieve the highest or among the three highest reflecting only some aspects of the problem and ignoring critical is-
contributions to this problem, independent of the weight. In partic- sues. On the other hand, the GLFI combines six land fragmentation
ular, F1 (the dispersion of parcels) has the highest negative impact parameters and hence represents a more reliable picture of the
in scenarios 1, 2 and 4 with values 26.3%, 42.18% and 28.32%, problem. As a result, existing indices may lead to incorrect deci-
respectively; followed by F6 (shared parcels) with the highest sions. It is interesting to note that in the study area, a land consol-
(44.0%), second highest (23.7%) and third highest (19.57%) contri- idation project was carried out with successful results in practice
bution in scenarios 3, 1 and 4 respectively. F3 (parcel shape) has meaning that land fragmentation was a real problem in this area.
the second highest contribution in scenarios 3 (18.92%) and 4
(25.33%) and the third highest contribution in scenarios 4.3. Sensitivity analysis
1(18.92%) and 2 (18.95%). Other factors have less influence. This
outcome suggests that factors F1, F6 and F3 are responsible for Fig. 9 shows the maximum percentage difference in absolute
the land fragmentation problem in the case study area compared values (called sensitivity) of the GLFI for the minimum to maxi-
to factors F2, F4 and F5, which have less influence in this particular mum change, i.e. 0–100% for either an increase or decrease in the
context. weight of each factor. A general outcome is that the GLFI is not sig-
nificantly sensitive to changes in the weights because even for a
4.2. LandFragmentS versus existing indices 100% weight change, the maximum change in the index is around
8.90%. This reveals stability in the outcomes and hence reliable pol-
The indices computed in LandFragmentS, i.e. the LFI and GLFI, icy decisions can be taken based on these indices. The percentage is
were compared with the two most popular existing indices, shown in the bottom row of each panel of the table and reveals
namely the Simmons and Januszewski indices, all of which provide that factors F4 and F5 are equally the most sensitive for both in-
values on a scale of 0 to 1. The distributions of these indices across creases and decreases in weight; F6 is a little bit less sensitive;
all of the landholdings in rank order are presented in Fig. 6. Fig. 6 F1 is sensitive only to a decrease and F2 and F3 are not sensitive.
suggests that both of the existing indices present very similar Hence, factors F4, F5 and F6 are the most critical. However, in this

Fig. 7. The comparison of Simmons, Januszewski and LFI’s distributions.

D. Demetriou et al. / Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 39 (2013) 71–80 79

Fig. 8. Comparison of the values of the three land fragmentation indices.

they ignore several important variables. Hence they may be mis-

leading in terms of the consequent decision making that might en-
sue. In comparison, the GLFI has been shown to be a more reliable
and robust measure of land fragmentation and significantly out-
performs the existing indices. In addition to the above, a new
transformation process called the ‘mean standardisation method’
(mSM) has been introduced. The mSM is better than similar exist-
ing methods such as maximum standardisation because the former
produces more balanced values compared to the latter since it
takes into account not only the minimum and maximum scores
but also the mean score of a sample. Thus, it is appropriate in cases
where a sample includes extreme values.
This paper has also shown that MADM can be used not only for
assessing a discrete number of alternative solutions as applied
Fig. 9. The sensitivity of GLFI for either an increase or decrease in the weight of each
more conventionally, but also for exploring and measuring the per-
factor. formance of an existing system compared to an ideal system for
which evaluation criteria can be defined with an explicit range of
values representing the worst and best conditions.
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