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A balance sheet that organizes the asset and liability accounts into categories - Classified Balance
b. The principal amount of a long-term liability that is to be paid within the next 12 months –
Current Portion of a long-term liability
c. A form of balance sheet where liabilities and equities are presented to the right of the assets –
Account form
d. A balance sheet which included only three broad account groupings: assets, liabilities, and equity
– Unclassified Balance Sheet
e. Relevant details that are not included in the body of the financial statements – Notes to the
Financial Statements
f. Indication that the financial statements are truthful – Qualified Auditor’s Report
g. A form of balance sheet where liabilities and equity are presented below the assets – Report Form
h. The processes instituted by the management of a company to direct, monitor, and measure the
accomplishment of its objectives – Internal Controls
i. Borrowings that do not require repayment for more than one year – Non-current liabilities
j. Resources that do not have a physical form and whose value comes from the rights held by the
owner – Intangible Assets

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