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3  APRIL 2-3, 2011  ISSUE 13

Welcome to

Catholic Church at Fort Gordon, GA

Fourth Sunday of Lent
Scripture Parish Staff
 Not as man sees does God see, because man sees the appearance but the LORD looks into the heart." (1
Samuel 16:7b)
and Ministries
 Even though I walk in the dark valley I fear no evil; for you are at my side (Psalm 23:4) Pastor: Fr. Damian Ilokaba
 "Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light." (Ephesians 5:14b) (706) 791-4307
 “Surely we are not also blind, are we?” (John 9:40) Co-Pastor: Fr. Samuel Aniekwe
Reflection (706) 791-4307
 How is the man “blind from birth” able to see Jesus? Contract Priest: Fr. Michael Roverse
(706) 791-2945
 It is said that saints “see the world differently.” What does this mean? NCOIC: Sgt. Sheronda Williams
 What “blindness” is present in our society? (706) 791-4308
 How may you locate your blind spots and see Jesus? Chapel Clerk: Vacant
We are all convinced that we desire the truth above all. Nothing strange about this. It is natural to man, an intel- (706) 791-2945
ligent being, to desire the truth. (I still dare to speak of man as “an intelligent being”!) But actually what we Deacons:
desire is not “the truth” so much as “to be in the right.” To seek the pure truth for its own sake may be natural to - George Foster (706) 860-2379
us, but we are not able to act always in this respect according to our nature. What we seek is not the pure truth, - Mike Marchek (706) 855-2107
but the partial truth that justifies our prejudices, our limitations, our selfishness. This is not “the truth.” It is only - David Kriegel (706) 869-9781
an argument strong enough to prove us “right.” And usually our desire to be right is correlative to our conviction PLC: VACANT
that somebody else (perhaps everybody else) is wrong.1 Music Director: VACANT
Merton, Thomas, Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander, Doubleday, NY, 1989 p. 78. (706) 791-2945
Retrieved from For the Ride Home by Ted Bergh ParishVision LLC 2011 MCCW: Dede O’brien
QUESTION OF THE WEEK Knights of Columbus:
Q: How often I may receive holy Communion on the ion time and receive a second time. Canon 921, #2, Ricardo Ruiz Jr. (706) 863-3435 or
however, allows anyone in danger of death, from any
same day?
cause (a heart attack, missile attack, natural disaster, Lectors: Tom Dean
A: The new Code of Canon Law, published in 1983,
etc.) to receive Communion as viaticum a second (706) 860-6946
states in Canon 917, "One who has received the
time during the same day whether in or outside of Ushers: Ron Shannon
blessed Eucharist may receive it again on the same
Mass. In fact, the Code strongly suggests that the (706) 868-5960
day only within a eucharistic celebration in which that
person receive again in such circumstances. Religious Education: VACANT
person participates, without prejudice to the provision
Cases where these canons might most frequently Flowers Ministry: Sherry Wodicka
of Canon 921, #2."
apply are those in which a person has attended Mass
That means, whenever, wherever, however a per-
on Saturday morning and then attends a Mass on Editor: Lola Rivera (706) 860-0604
son has received holy Communion, he or she may
Saturday evening to satisfy the Sunday obligation.
receive a second time on the same day if the person is
participating in the celebration of Mass. The person may receive at both Masses. The same
So, if the person has already received Communion applies for someone who attends a daily Mass in the
parish and then attends a wedding or funeral Mass in
Pastoral Council
in or outside of Mass, he or she may receive a second
time if it is during a Mass in which he or she is par- the evening. Again, the person may receive in both MIKE RIVERA, PRESIDENT
ticipating. A person may not just walk in at Commun- instances.
Retrieved from
There will be a designated offering on April 16-17, 2011 for Chaplaincy Endorsing Agencies.
Please know that this offering is directed by the office of the Chief of Chaplains. TINA RABY, FINANCIAL ADVISOR
Parish Council Financial Advisor, Tina Raby
Page 2

Stations of the Cross Lenten Reconciliation Services Adoration on Holy Thursday

Our Parish will not provide special reconciliation There will be adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Friday April 8th at 1800 hrs (6PM) dates during Lent. Please know that our Pastor is following the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy
followed by soup. available for reconciliation every Saturday at 4 Thursday, April 23 until midnight. All are invited to
pm and Sunday at 8:15am. Parishioners are en- spend some time with the Lord, but since the Blessed
couraged to use these reconciliation services Sacrament can never be left alone, we
Lenten Schedule during Lent. are asking for at least one person to
Palm Sunday sign up for each hour. The sign-up
April 17. 8:30am and 10am sheet can be found on the MCCW
Holy Thursday Lenten Recipes table in the back hallway. Deacon
April 21 , 6pm Share your Lenten recipes with the parish. Foster will close with Benediction
Good Friday Please submit them at before midnight.
April 22, 3pm
Holy Saturday
April 23, 6:30pm
Easter Sunday
April 24, 8:30am and 10am DEB’S BLACK BEAN VEGETARIAN CHILI
Ingredients: 2 Tbsp Olive oil; 1 medium onion (chopped); 1 Tbsp jalapeno pepper; 1 cup red bell pepper
(chopped); 1 cup green bell pepper (chopped); 2tsp coarse salt; 1 tsp. Fresh ground pepper; 1 tsp. Minced
Ministries Sponsoring garlic; 1 tsp. Ground chili or cayenne pepper; 2 cups diced tomatoes; 16-oz (2 cans) black beans (in
juice); 2 cups fresh or frozen corn kernels; 3 cups fresh or frozen green beans; 1 1/2 cups canned vegeta-
Stations of the Cross ble broth; 1 1/2 cups frozen green peas; 1/4 cup fresh cilantro (chopped).
The following Ministries will sponsor our
Stations of the Cross during Lent. Heat oil in a large soup pot, add onions, stirring to wilt and lightly caramelize about 5 minutes. Add jala-
penos, bell peppers, and spices. Cook 3-4 minutes. Add tomatoes, black beans, corn, green beans and
April 8 (RE) vegetable broth. Stir and bring to simmer. When green beans are tender, add peas and heat through. Stir
April 15 (Youth) cilantro. Serve immediately in bowls with generous dollop of fat-free sour cream. Bon Appetite!!!
— Deb Rhoden, thank you for sharing your recipe—
Parishioners are welcome to bring their
soups any Friday during Stations of the

OUR COMMUNITY ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Boy Scouts Learn Values Based Leader- WIN a 2011 Worldwide Marriage Encounter
ship Through an Outdoor Program. Hyundai Sonata GLS "So do not be ashamed of your testimony to our
Boy Scouts of America is alive and well in our Lord". Does your Sacrament of Marriage witness
The Immaculate Conception Catholic
community. The BSA has been around for over
100 years, instilling
School Alumni Association at 811 Tel- the Sign of God's love? Let Worldwide Marriage
fair Street, Augusta is raffling a 2011 Encounter give you tools to increase your Sacra-
in our youth: leader-
Hyundai Sonata GLS. The drawing will mental Sign. The next weekend is June 10-12,
ship, life and survival
take place on April 11 at the school. A 2011 in Columbia, SC. Early registration is highly
skills, respect, faith,
limited number of tickets will be sold.
and courage. The recommended. For more information or to register
Proceeds will benefit Immaculate Con-
local Boy Scout
ception School. Tickets are $50.00 each. online, visit our website at: or call
Troop out of St Mary Tom and Kathy Lensie at (864) 576-0416.
For more information, call the school at
on the Hill Catholic
706-722-9964 or 706-589-6112.
Church is actively
seeking new membership. Please contact their Attention all Aquinas Alumni!
Scoutmaster, Dave Besel, at Pro-Life Mass & Rosary You are invited to the 5th Annual Spring Fling on May You can also visit Mass First Saturday of each month at 6, 2011, 7-10 pm at Aquinas High School Grand Dining
their website at: Saint Mary on the Hill, 9:15 am. Rosary Hall. Reconnect with old friends and share great memo-
troop8augusta at Preferred Health Center right after. ries! Enjoy complimentary refreshments!

Access Parish updates, current newsletters, and more Bible Study for Lent
The Religious Education Center is sponsoring a Bible Study for Lent called “The Passion of the Christ” on
Wednesdays beginning March 9th thru April 20th at Bld.
13, 10-11am. Contact Gail Fitzpatrick to register (706)
Page 3
Military Council of Catholic Women (MCCW) Military Archdiocese Website
MCCW is having a food drive donation for the months of March and April. All Do you need to request a baptism certificate? First Commun-
non-perishable items will be donated to Catholic Social Services. Please leave ion certificate? You may inquire any sacramental information
your non-perishable food items in the box at the MCCW table located at the you may need at
back of the church. Thank you!
MCCW Faith Study meets every Monday morning at 9:30, at the religious education
center building #13. We then meet for Mass at 11:30 at St Michaels. Contact Dede O’Brien Reconciliation and
if you need childcare.
COMING EVENT!!! MCCW will be supporting the Augusta Care Pregnancy Center for
First Communion 2011
The children who are candidates to receive First Communion
Mother's Day. More information to follow in the April bulletin.
this year will have their First Reconciliation on April 16th
at 10am. First Communion will be celebrated on Palm Sun-
Attention Ladies of the Parish day, April 17 at the 10 am Mass.
MCCW is currently taking nominations for the new MCCW Executive Board, all
women of the chapel are eligible to be nominated or nominate themselves for the
following positions; President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. If you Confirmation 2011
are interested in any of these positions and would like to be considered a candi- St. Michael’s Confirmation will be celebrated on April 27 at
date, please contact, Laura Pizzi @ 706-651-0688, Barbara Larson @ 706-592- 6:30pm. Please, join Bishop Richard Higgins, the Confir-
2220 or Lidia Huter (706) 447-4890` for a job description. mandis, their sponsors and their families in this special day.

Knights of Columbus 2011 Roman Missal CCD News

Please know that our meeting in No Religious Education
Changes this Sunday
March will be on Tuesday April The Fourth part of the Interactive DVD
12, 2011 in Bldg. 13 at 1830. series on “Changes to the Roman Mis-
Social and the meeting starts at sal” will be announced soon. Please, First Communion Retreat
1900 hours. Contact the Grand Knight Ricardo check our weekly bulletin for more in- In preparation for First Communion, there will be a
Ruiz Jr. if you have any question at formation, or contact Deacon Kriegel if “Parent and Kids Retreat” on Saturday April 9th, or (706) 863-3435. you have any question (706) 869-9781. 11am-4pm at the Good Shepherd Chapel. First Com-
munion candidates and parent/s (at least one) must at-
tend this retreat.
Bible Study!!
Saint Michael’s Bible Study on Tuesdays. The study will be using God and Coffee
the Little Rock Scripture Study on the Book of Psalms called Are there questions about your Faith would like to have answers for? Come and ask
“Psalms for All Seasons”. The group meets each Tuesday evening them. God and Coffee and RCIA on Sundays at 11:30AM. The location where we
in the Chapel Activity Room at 7-9 PM. On evenings when show- used to meet is under construction now, so we are using a provisional place at this
ing the series videos, the group will meet in Blg. 13 at the Religious moment. More information on location during Pulpit Announcements or contact
Education Center. Contact Tom Dean (706) 860-6946. POC Tom Dean (706) 860-6946. We truly apologize for the inconvenience.

Parish Council Meeting

St. Michael’s Parish Council Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday April 12, 2011. The meeting will
be at Good Shepherd Chapel (GSC), social room at 5:30 pm. Parish Council meetings are open to
all parishioners.
**Ministry coordinators, please submit your reports to the Council President if you have not done
it yet. Thank you. The Secretary.

Altar Servers New to our Parish?

We are always in need for Altar Servers. Let us know if
your son or daughter is considering to become one. Candi-
If you are a new parishioner and Youth of the Parish
have not registered yet, please take a Join us the first Sunday of each
dates need to be in 4th grade or higher, and have made
minute and fill out our registration
their First Holy Communion. Please, contact our Pastor if
form. You can find these registration Month at 10 am Mass.
you are interested. forms in the tables located in the
back hallway. You may give the Youth are encouraged to do
St. Michael’s Choir is form to our Pastor, or leave it in his the readings, serve as Ushers and
door. You can download the regis- present the gifts during Mass.
looking for Volunteers tration form from our website if this Contact our Pastor if you are in-
St. Michael’s is looking for volunteers that would like is more convenient for you, and send
to share their talents and gifts with our choir. Singers
it to Wel-
and musicians are welcomed! Ask our Pastor if you May 1st, 2011
come to St. Michael’s!
are interested. at 10 AM Mass.
Page 4

Pray For Our Military
h Weekend Masses
deployed and cannot be wit
ase remem ber in yo ur prayers all those who are frie nd s durin g the ir Saturday 17:00
Ple ilies and
es. Remember their fam Sunday 08:30 & 10:00
their families and love on e is one of the m, or you know any deploy
. If you r lov e on ou r dai ly
deployments too or her name, so we can inc
lude it in Daily Mass
son nel sen d us his
military per Mon, Wed, Thurs. 11:30
request to lolarivera@ym
prayers. Send your prayer Mon-Friday DDEAMC 11:45

Penance/ Reconciliation
CPO Ronny Amaya Saturday 16:00
SFC Kevin Sabo COL Mark Ziemba
Sunday 08:15
(Also by Appointment)
LTC Karl Strellner SFC Nathan Varner
Susan Wersal SrA James Varner Rosary
Kristopher Nichols Saturday 16:30
Sunday 08:00

Books of the Bible Communion (Sick/Homebound):

Deacon George Foster

Bible Study - The Book of Corinthians Deacon George Foster
The book of 1 Corinthians was a letter written by the Apostle Paul during the first-century church. Paul wrote
this letter to the believers in Corinth, to reprove them for their errant beliefs and practices. The central theme of
this letter was to drive home the truth that as believers they were expected to conduct themselves in a way that
Deacon Mike Marchek
identified them with Jesus Christ, not with the pagan culture surrounding them.
Corinth was an ancient city in Greece, approximately 48 miles southwest of Athens. The city was part of a
Deacon David Kriegel
major Mediterranean trade route and was relentlessly bombarded with commercial traffic. To add to the may-
hem, a major part of their culture included a pantheon of Greek gods and goddesses, including the Temple of Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
Apollo built in honor of Aphrodite, the goddess of love, lust and fertility. This temple employed more than Deacon Mike Marchek
1,000 prostitutes where nearly the entire Corinthian society practiced their rituals of worship. The people of
Corinth were an incredibly wealthy civilization, highly schooled in Greek philosophy, and followed the beliefs Adoration
and practices of the Epicureans, those who maintained the age-old "eat, drink and fornicate" way of thinking. Wednesday 18:30
The Corinth environment made it extremely difficult for believers to maintain their faith, constantly having to Religious Education (RE)
face the familiarity and enticement of their culture. It was into this setting that Paul wrote his first letter, to Sunday 11:30
rebuke them for going back to many of their old sinful habits. The Corinthians had quickly fallen away from (RSO and RE Complex)
the original teachings of Jesus Christ that they had once so readily accepted. Among the things they struggled
with the most were divisions among the church, materialism and greed, lawsuits among fellow believers, mar-
riage issues including fornication, idolatrous sacrifices, attacks on spiritual leadership, and the most prominent,
sexual perversion. But Paul offered the Corinthians a message of hope. While many of them struggled daily
with the temptations around them, he taught them that "No temptation has overtaken you except such as is
common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with
the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it."(10:13)

There are many incredible revelations provided in the book of First Corinthians regarding Christian conduct,
including how to approach and observe communion, how to fulfill specific ministries within the church, and in-
depth instruction for prophecy, and the appropriate conduct for prophets and their wives. All of these things
were important to the survival and growth of the Corinthian church, one of Paul's deep concerns.

Overall, First Corinthians 11:1 speaks volumes of how the Corinthians were to conduct themselves: "Imitate
me, just as I also imitate Christ." In other words, in the things that Paul practiced that were examples of the St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.
character of Jesus Christ, they were to imitate him. Many of the things they were practicing did not fall into Be our protection against the wickedness and
what Paul preached or lived. While he was reproving them, he was lovingly reminding them of their obligation snares of the devil.
to present themselves worthy of their calling in Christ Jesus. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do
Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host— by the
Written by: Amy Miller, Retrieved from Divine Power of God -thrust into hell,
Satan and all the evil spirits, who roam through-
out the world seeking the ruin of souls.

Bulletin Announcements Attendance: 334
Bulletin announcements must be submitted to by Sunday 3 PM. Offering: $1,588.38

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