2021W - DGD1 - CVG 3106 - Chap 1 - Review - Solutions

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CVG 3106 Winter 2021

Course Instructor: Sai Vanapalli
TA: Mingshu (Mike) Cheng (E-mail: mchen257@uottawa.ca )
DGD #1 - Solutions

CVG3106 – DGD #1 – Solutions

Review: Effective stress, Consolidation, and Shear Strength

Q1 Solution:

For the force analysis at point A corresponding to the critical instable condition,  A '   A  uA  0
The total stress,
 A  (10  9) clay ,sat  h w  1 1925  9.81/ 1000   h w  18.88  h w  kPa
The pore water pressure,
u A   6 w  kPa
For the critical instable condition corresponding to the minimum height of water, h min,
 A '   A  uA  18.88  hmin w   6 w  0
18.88 18.88
 hmin  6   6  4.075 m
w 9.81
18.88 18.88
 A '   A  u A  18.88  hmin w   6 w  0  hmin  6   6  4.075 m
w 9.81

CVG 3106 Winter 2021
Course Instructor: Sai Vanapalli
TA: Mingshu (Mike) Cheng (E-mail: mchen257@uottawa.ca )
DGD #1 - Solutions
Q2 Solution:
For normally consolidated clay, the primary consolidation settlement,
CH   '  ' 
S p  c 0 log  0 
1  e0  0 ' 
The compression index could be estimated using the following empirical correlation (Skempton 1944):
Cc  0.009  LL  10   0.27
The initial effective vertical stress at the center of the clay layer,
 3   3
 0 '   0  u0   4.5 sand ,dry  1.5 sand , sat   clay ,sat   1.5    w
 2   2
 4.5 15.7  1.5 18.9  17.3  3  9.81  95.52 kN / m 2
Foundation engineers often use an approximate method, i.e., 2:1 method, to determine the increase in
stress with depth caused by the construction of a foundation (see the figure below).

Then the increase in stress at depth z is (e.g., Equation 6.18, Textbook “Principle of foundation
engineering”, eighth edition, Das, B.M., 2016)
q0  B  L
 
 B  z  L  z 
The increase in stress in the clay layer is calculated as follows,
Q 890
q0    395.6 kN / m 2
B  L 1.5  1.5
Depth, z (m) B+z (m)  (kN/m2)
4.5 6.0 t =(395.6*1.5*1.5)/(6.0*6.0)=24.72
6.0 7.5 m=(395.6*1.5*1.5)/(7.5*7.5)=15.82
7.5 9.0 b =(395.6*1.5*1.5)/(9.0*9.0)=10.99

CVG 3106 Winter 2021
Course Instructor: Sai Vanapalli
TA: Mingshu (Mike) Cheng (E-mail: mchen257@uottawa.ca )
DGD #1 - Solutions
The average vertical stress increase due to a rectangularly loaded area can be approximately estimated
as (i.e., Equation 6.29, Textbook “Principle of foundation engineering”, eight edition, Das, B.M., 2016)
 t  4 m   b
 av 
24.72  4 15.82  10.99
  16.5 kN / m2
At the end of primary consolidation,  av '   av
Therefore, the primary consolidation settlement due to the square footing is
CH   '  av ' 
S p  c 0 log  0 
1  e0  0 ' 
0.27  3  95.52  16.5 
 log    0.028 m  28 mm
1  1.0  95.52 

CVG 3106 Winter 2021
Course Instructor: Sai Vanapalli
TA: Mingshu (Mike) Cheng (E-mail: mchen257@uottawa.ca )
DGD #1 - Solutions
Q3 Solution:

(a) Estimate the settlement of the saturated clay after 1year.

the reduction in void ratio at the end of primary consolidation,
e  av  '  av   0.24 MPa1  250 kN / m2  0.06
thus, the maximum settlement at the end of the primary consolidation,
e 0.06
Sc(max)  Hi  10m  0.330 m
1  ei 1  0.82
Volume coefficient of compressibility,
av  e  ' e   ' 0.24 MPa 1
mv    
1  eaverage ei  e f ei   ei  e  0.82   0.82  0.06 
1 1 1
2 2 2
1 4
 0.134 MPa  0.134 m / MN  1.34  10 m / kN
2 2

the coefficient of consolidation,

k 2.0cm / year
Cv    15.23 m2 / year
mv w 1.34 10 m / kN  9.8kN / m
4 2 3

the nondimensional time factor for t=1year,

Cv 15.23m2 / year
Tv  2 t  1year  0.1523

According to
  U% 

Tv     , for 0  U  60%;
4  100 
 1.781  0.933log (100  U %), for U  60%.

we can get the average degree of consolidation, U = 44%.
Thus, the settlement after 1 year,
Sc(t )  U  Sc(max)  44%  0.330m  0.145 m

(b) determine the time required for the settlement of 0.2m.

the average degree of consolidation,
S 0.2 m
U  c (t )   60.6%
S c (max) 0.330 m
Then the nondimensional time factor,
Tv  1.781 0.933log(100 U %)  1.781 0.933 log(100  60.6)  0.292
Therefore, the time required
T H 2 0.292  10m 

t v   1.92 year
Cv 15.23m2 / year

CVG 3106 Winter 2021
Course Instructor: Sai Vanapalli
TA: Mingshu (Mike) Cheng (E-mail: mchen257@uottawa.ca )
DGD #1 - Solutions
Q4 solution:
(a) Determine the coefficient of consolidation, Cv, and the compression index, Cc;
The coefficient of consolidation,
T H2
Cv  v ,90 dr
Tv,90  1.781  0.933log(100  U %)  1.781  0.933log(100  90)  0.848
(You can also obtain this value from the Table 2.11 in your textbook, “Principles of foundation
engineering (Eighth edition, Das 2016) ”.)
t90  20min
Haverage 17.0 mm
Hdr    8.5 mm
2 2
0.848   8.5 mm 
Tv ,90 H dr2
Cv    3.06 mm 2 min
t90 20 min
The compression index,
e e 0.95  0.91
Cc  1 2   0.133
2 '   140 kPa 
log   log  
 1 '   70 kPa 

(b) Based on the assumption that a uniform surcharge of Δσ=70 kN/m2 was to be applied instantaneously,
estimate the maximum primary consolidation settlement in the field, Sc(max), using the Cc obtained from
the laboratory test;
H0   '  
Sc (max)  Cc log  0 
1  e0  0 ' 
2m  70 kPa  70 kPa 
  0.133  log    0.041 m
1  0.95  70 kPa 

(c) In fact, the loading was gradually applied during construction; the resulting surcharge can be
approximated as shown in Fig. 3(b). Calculate the settlement for time = 30 and 120 days after the
beginning of loading. Also determine the time required for the clay layer to reach the average degree of
consolidation, U=90%. (Hint: Use Olson's ramp-loading solution chart (Fig. 4).

CVG 3106 Winter 2021
Course Instructor: Sai Vanapalli
TA: Mingshu (Mike) Cheng (E-mail: mchen257@uottawa.ca )
DGD #1 - Solutions

U ≈17%

U ≈70%

U =90%
Tv =0.132 Tv =0.529
Tv =1.050

Fig. 4. Olson's ramp loading solution: plot of U versus T v.

Tc 
tc  60 days  60 24  60  86400min (Fig. 3(b))
Cv  3.06 mm2 min
For drainage on both sides of the clay layer in the field (Fig. 3(a)),
H 2m
H dr  0   1 m  1000 mm
2 2
Cv tc  3.06 mm min    86400 min 

Tc  2   0.264
1000 mm 
H dr
a. For t = 30 days,

Cv t  3.06 mm min    30  24  60 min 


Tv  2   0.132
1000 mm 
H dr
From Fig. 4, for Tc  0.264 , and Tv  0.132 ,
U 17%
Sc (t 30 days )  Sc (max) U   0.0411000 mm   17%   6.97 mm

CVG 3106 Winter 2021
Course Instructor: Sai Vanapalli
TA: Mingshu (Mike) Cheng (E-mail: mchen257@uottawa.ca )
DGD #1 - Solutions
b. For t = 120 days,
Cv t  3.06 mm min   120  24  60 min 

Tv  2   0.529
1000 mm 
H dr
From Fig. 4, for Tc  0.264 , and Tv  0.529 ,
U  70%
Sc (t 120 days )  Sc (max) U   0.0411000 mm    70%   28.70 mm
Moreover, the variation of settlement vs. time is shown in the following figure.

c. For U=90%,
From Fig. 4, for Tc  0.264 , and U=90%,
Tv  1.050
T H 2 1.050   1000 mm 

t  v dr   343137 min  238 days

Cv  3.06 mm2 min 

CVG 3106 Winter 2021
Course Instructor: Sai Vanapalli
TA: Mingshu (Mike) Cheng (E-mail: mchen257@uottawa.ca )
DGD #1 - Solutions
Q5 solution:

The stresses at failure are calculated as follows:

1’=1=3+(3) p'=(1’+3’)/2 q'=(1’-3’)/2
Test No. 3’=3 (kPa)
1 82.8 329.2 206 123.2
2 165.6 558.6 362.1 196.5

(a) Analytical method:

According to the relationship between Mohr-Coulomb failure envelope, i.e.,  f  c '  f 'tan  ' , and
the Mohr circles at failure, the following equation can be derived,
 '  '
1 f '   3 f 'tan 2  45    2c 'tan  45  
 2  2
Based on the test results at failure, we have
 2 '   '
 329.2  82.8  tan  45  2   2c ' tan  45  2 
    

558.6  165.6  tan 2  45   '   2c ' tan  45   ' 
    
 2  2
Therefore, the effective shear strength parameters are derived as
c’ = 30 kN/m2, ’ = 28 ̊.

(b) Graphical method 1, Mohr-Coulomb failure envelope method, i.e.,  f  c '  f 'tan  ' :

CVG 3106 Winter 2021
Course Instructor: Sai Vanapalli
TA: Mingshu (Mike) Cheng (E-mail: mchen257@uottawa.ca )
DGD #1 - Solutions
(c) Graphical method 2, Modified failure envelope method, i.e., q '  m  p ' tan  :

 m  c 'cos  '  c '  m / cos  '  26.5 / cos 28   30 kPa
 
 tan   sin  '  '  arcsin  tan    arcsin  0.4696   28 

CVG 3106 Winter 2021
Course Instructor: Sai Vanapalli
TA: Mingshu (Mike) Cheng (E-mail: mchen257@uottawa.ca )
DGD #1 - Solutions

Q6 Solution:
(a) According to Terzaghi’s effective stress principle,
1 f '  1 f  u f  3 f '   3 f  u f
, .
The effective principle stresses at failure are calculated as follows:
3fkPa) 1fkPa) 3f'kPa) 1f'kPa)
100 270 115 285
200 460 240 500
300 660 380 740
The Mohr circles are drawn in the figure below. Therefore, the effective shear strength parameters,
c '  35 kN / m 2 ,  '  15 .

(b) According to the pore pressure equation (Skempton 1954),

 u  B    3  A    1    3  
For saturated soil (i.e., degree of saturation is one), B = 1, thus the excess pore water pressure
generated during undrained shearing up to failure followed by consolidation
u f
u f  A f   d  f  Af 
  d  f
Thus, the pore water pressure parameter at failure, A f are calculated as follows:
Pore water
Pore water
Confining pressure, Deviator stress, pressure
Specimen pressure at failure,
 (kPa) ()f (kPa) parameter at
∆uf (kPa)
failure, Af
A 100 170 -15 -0.088
B 200 260 -40 -0.154
C 300 360 -80 -0.222

CVG 3106 Winter 2021
Course Instructor: Sai Vanapalli
TA: Mingshu (Mike) Cheng (E-mail: mchen257@uottawa.ca )
DGD #1 - Solutions

The average value, A f 

 0.088     0.154     0.222    0.155
According to the relationship between Mohr-Coulomb failure envelope, i.e.,  f  c '  'tan  ' , and the
Mohr circles at failure, the following equation can be derived,
 '  '
1 f '   3 f 'tan 2  45    2c 'tan  45  
 2  2
When the confining pressure, 3f= 250 kPa,
1 f '  1 f  u f  3 f    d  f  Af   d  f  250 1.155  d  f
3 f '  3 f  u f  3 f  Af   d  f  250  0.155  d  f
We have
 250  1.155   d     250  0.155   d   tan 2  45  15   2  35  tan  45  15 
 f   f 
 2   2 
   d  f  298 kPa
(c) Overconsolidated.
Reason: (i) effective cohesion c '  35 kN / m 2  0 ;
(ii) Skempton’s pore pressure parameter, A f   0.155  0 . Typically, for normally
consolidated clays, A f  0.5 ~ 1.0 ; for overconsolidated clays, A f   0.5 ~ 0 (e.g., Page 63,
Textbook “Principle of foundation engineering”, eight edition, Das, B.M., 2016).

CVG 3106 Winter 2021
Course Instructor: Sai Vanapalli
TA: Mingshu (Mike) Cheng (E-mail: mchen257@uottawa.ca )
DGD #1 - Solutions
Q7 Solution:

(a) Determine the undrained shear strength using the plot of Mohr circle.

The Mohr circle at failure is presented as follows:

 3 f  100kN / m2
1 f  3 f  d  f 100kN / m2 180kN / m2  280 kN / m2
Draw a horizontal line to the top of Mohr circle, the intersection of the horizontal line with the ordinate
is the undrained shear strength,
Su  90 kN / m2

(b) Determine the pore water pressure at failure.

According to the relationship between Mohr-Coulomb failure envelope, i.e.,  f  c '  f 'tan  ' , and
the Mohr circles at failure, the following equation can be derived,
 '  '
1 f '   3 f 'tan 2  45    2c 'tan  45   .
 2  2
Also, we have
1 f '  1 f   uw  f
 3 f '   3 f   uw  f

CVG 3106 Winter 2021
Course Instructor: Sai Vanapalli
TA: Mingshu (Mike) Cheng (E-mail: mchen257@uottawa.ca )
DGD #1 - Solutions
1 f   uw     3 f   uw   tan 2  45   '   2c ' tan  45   ' 
 f   f 
 2  2

 280kN / m2   uw    100kN / m2   uw   tan 2  45  30   2  20kN / m2  tan  45  30 
 f   f 
 2   2 
  uw  f  44.6 kN / m2


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