Importance of Social Science: Social Science Is The Study of The Activities of The Physical and Social

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Importance of Social Science

by  cdadmin |  Posted on  January 20, 2020

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Social Science is the study of the activities of the physical and social
environment. Basically, it is the study of human relations or the scientific
study of human society. It deals with the humans-their relationships,
behaviour, development and resources they use and many kinds of
organizations they need to carry in their daily life like the workplace,
school, family, government, etc. It is important because its study helps us
to gain knowledge of the society we live in. Generally, Social Science focus
on the relationships among individuals in society. It is the mixture of many
subjects like History, Geography, Political Science, Economics, Sociology,
Social Psychology and many more.

The main definition of social science is – “The social sciences subjects are

those subjects which describe and examine the humans”. Social science is
the society related study — the primary reason for Social studies to help
students to develop the ability to make the right decisions. It increases the
social considerate of students.

Why Study Social Science?

  Social Science aware the students about our surroundings and the
incidents happened in the past. It has significance to develop an
international viewpoint. It is also important for the moral progress of
society. It helps to form the man social character. Study of Social Science
makes us an efficient citizen of a democracy, and it also helps us to solve
the practical problems in our daily life. It is essential for communities and
organizations. It also helps the students to know how different societies
are managed, structured and governed.

Subjects in Social Science:-

As we know, social science includes many subjects each subject give us

different knowledge like history provide the knowledge of the ancient
period, from this subject we come to know that what happened in the
past. Another subject is Geography from this subject we know about our
natural environment or natural vegetations like plants, animals, etc. We
also learn about the evolution of animals, water bodies, flora, fauna, the
impact of the environment in the present and future life, preservation and
conservation importance in our life. Political Science is the subject from
which we know about politics, democracy and the fundamental
proficiencies poverty rate in the world, citizenships, moral and virtues,
rights and duties etc. Economics is the subject from which we learn how to
manages the finances, about effective economic policies etc. From social
science, students know about the different culture and religion in the
world and how to value and respect our culture.

Aims of Teaching Social Science in Schools:-

1. It gives knowledge about civilization and culture.
2. It provides knowledge of social development.
3. It develops social behavior.
4. It  develops civil qualities.
5. It develops the power of thinking and reasoning.
6. It develops the feeling of universal brotherhood.
7. It develops modernization.
8. It develops suitable proficiency and good habits.
9. It develops the moral and social values.
10. It develops the all-round personality.

 Objectives of social science:-

Social science help students to know about the duties towards human

society and make us understand how a man can fulfil their needs.
Because of Social science students understand the fundamental rights in
our constitution, freedom fighters who fought for the nation. It also
provides knowledge of the social environment and nature. It also develops
the human qualities, desirable attitudes in students, and it also expands
the critical thinking and imagination of students. Students learn many
different things from social science like cultural and social beliefs,
religions, caste, nationalities, languages, festivals, clothing, food etc. From
these things, students come to know that in the society they live is
multicultured, diverse and interrelated between the countries, culture and

Social Science helps the students to know the importance of democracy,

freedom and rights and how to live in society. It makes the student
responsible, active and reflective towards the society. And also makes the
students well informed about the culture, religion and society; in short, it
makes the student well-informed citizen.

Social science
Social science is an academic discipline concerned with society and the
relationships among individuals within a society, which often rely primarily on
empirical approaches.
It includes anthropology, economics, political science, psychology and sociology.
In a wider sense, it may often include some fields in the humanities such as archaeology, history,
law, and linguistics.
Positivist social scientists use methods resembling those of the natural sciences as tools for
understanding society, and so define science in its stricter modern sense.
Interpretivist social scientists, by contrast, may use social critique or symbolic interpretation rather
than constructing empirically falsifiable theories, and thus treat science in its broader sense.
In modern academic practice, researchers are often eclectic, using multiple methodologies (for
instance, by combining the quantitative and qualitative techniques).
The term social research has also acquired a degree of autonomy as practitioners from various
disciplines share in its aims and methods.
Social Sciences
Reviewed by 
Updated Jul 5, 2021
What Are Social Sciences?
Social sciences are a group of academic disciplines dedicated to examining
society. This branch of science studies how people interact with each other,
behave, develop as a culture, and influence the world.


 Social sciences are a group of academic disciplines that focus on how

individuals behave within society.
 Some social science majors include anthropology, psychology, political
science, and economics.
 Typical careers in the social sciences include working as an economist,
psychologist, social worker, or in law, government, non-profits, as well as
working in academia.
 Careers in social work and economics are among some of the fastest-
growing industries in the United States.
 Social sciences give us a better understanding of how to create more
inclusive and effective institutions.
Understanding Social Sciences
Social sciences help to explain how society works, exploring everything from the
triggers of economic growth and causes of unemployment to what makes people
happy. This information is vital and can be used for many purposes. Among other
things, it helps to shape corporate strategies and government policies.
Social science as a field of study is separate from the natural sciences, which
cover topics such as physics, biology, and chemistry. Social science examines
the relationships between individuals and societies, as well as the development
and operation of societies, rather than studying the physical world. These
academic disciplines rely more heavily on interpretation and qualitative research

The social sciences include:

 Anthropology
 Economics
 Political science
 Sociology
 Social psychology

History is also sometimes regarded as a branch of social science, although many

historians often consider the subject to share closer links to the humanities. Both
humanities and social sciences study human beings. What separates them is the
technique applied: humanities are viewed as more philosophical and less
scientific. Law, too, has some ties to social sciences, as does geography.

In the U.S., early education of social sciences begins in elementary school and
progresses throughout middle and high school with an emphasis on core social
sciences such as economics and political science. At the collegiate level, more
specialized disciplines are offered.

History of Social Sciences

The origins of social sciences can be traced back to the ancient Greeks. The
lives they led, and their early studies into human nature, the state, and mortality,
helped to shape Western civilization.

Social science as an academic field of study developed out of the Age of

Enlightenment (or the Age of Reason), which flourished through much of the
18th century in Europe. Adam Smith, Voltaire, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Denis
Diderot, Immanuel Kant, and David Hume were among the big intellectuals at the
time who laid the foundations for the study of social sciences in the Western

Individuals began to take a more disciplined approach to quantify their

observations of society, and over time, similar aspects of society, such as
linguistics and psychology, were separated into unique fields of study. 

Psychology is one of the fastest-growing fields of social science. Psychology
began as a medical field of study in the late-1800s. The American Psychology
Association formed in 1892 enlisting 26 members. The work of Sigmund Freud
throughout the early 20th century, including his landmark book Interpretations of
Dreams (1900) helped to bring theories of psychology into the Western world. In
1952, the very first edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders was. published.

Even in the first quarter of the 21st century, however, psychology has continued
to see rapid growth. According to the CDC, in 2019, 19.2% of adults had
received some form of mental health treatment in the past 12 months, an
astounding increase from even just 20 years ago.1  Although many still use
psychiatric medicine to treat their mental health issues, in recent years, many
people are seeking alternative treatments such as mindfulness and yoga in
addition to traditional talk therapy.

The history of economic thought goes back all the way to Ancient Greek
philosophers such as Plato, Aristotle, and Xenophon. Their works laid the
foundation for nearly all the social sciences, economics included. As travel
became easier in the 15-18th century and more nations were able to partake in
international trade, the school of mercantilism grew. Suddenly the economic
actions of many nations were motivated by the belief that a country should
maximize exports and minimize imports.

This predominating school of thought was challenged by writers such as Adam

Smith, commonly known as the father of modern economics. Smith's ideas, along
with those of Jean Jacques Rousseau and John Locke, promoted the idea of a
self-regulating economy and introduced the concept of what is today known
as classical economics. Adam Smith's book the Wealth of Nations is still studied
today and admired by many politicians.

Two other important economists who have shaped the way we think of the
subject today are Karl Marx and John Maynard Keynes. Karl Marx famously
challenged capitalism as an appropriate economic model by placing an emphasis
on the labor theory of value. While Marx's ideas are by no means widely
endorsed by today's politicians, his critique of capitalism has had a huge impact
on many thinkers.

On the other hand, the Keynesian school of economics is very popular amongst

today's economists. Keynesian economics is considered a "demand-side" macro-
economic theory that focuses on changes in the economy over the short run and
was the first to separate the study of economic behavior and markets based on
individual incentives from the study of broad national economic aggregate
variables and constructs.  

Social Sciences and Business

The subject matter of the social sciences—human behavior, relationships,
attitudes, and how these things have changed over time—is of course useful
information for any successful business to possess. Naturally, the social studies
field of economics is key to the business sector. In particular, behavioral
economists, who use psychology to analyze and predict the economic decision-
making processes of individuals and institutions are increasingly sought after by
some of the world's largest brands.

However, even the concepts of social sciences such as demography, political

science, and sociology are frequently applied in many different business
contexts. The fields of advertising and marketing, for example, often use theories
of human behavior from these fields to more efficiently market their products to

Social Science Careers

Typical careers in the social sciences include working as an economist,
psychologist, social worker, or in law, government, non-profits, as well as working
in academia. Many industries use economic analysis and quantitative methods to
study and forecast business, sales, and other market trends. 

According to projections by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, economists are one of

the most sought-after workers in the US. The projected change in employment
for economists from 2019-2029 is 14%. Other social science-related careers are
expected to grow at a rate of 4%, which is the average for all occupations.2

The projected growth in employment for social workers from 2019-2029,
according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This is much higher than the average
of all other occupations which is 4%.3
Examples of Social Sciences
Nowadays, colleges and universities offer numerous social science programs.
For example, The University of California, Berkeley has 12 academic
departments categorized as social sciences. They are:

 African American Studies

 Anthropology
 Demography
 Economics
 Ethnic Studies
 Gender and Women's Studies
 Geography
 History
 Linguistics
 Political Science
 Psychology
 Sociology

Master's degree and Ph.D. programs at colleges and universities offer further

opportunities for deeper specialization.

Social Science FAQs

What Are Social Science Subjects?
Anthropology, Archaeology, Economics, Geography, History, Law, Linguistics,
Politics, Psychology, and Sociology are some of the most common subjects in
the social sciences.

Why Is Social Science Important?

The social sciences are important because they help people understand how to
not only analyze their own behavior, but also the behavior and motivations of
their peers. The social sciences also give us a better understanding of how to
create more inclusive, and effective institutions.

How Do You Become a Social Scientist?

Typically, the path to having a career in the social sciences begins by getting a 4-
year degree in one of the social science subjects offered by your institution. If
you're interested in pursuing a career in social work or psychology, these careers
often require additional certificates and licenses.

What Jobs Can You Get with a Social Science Degree?

Obtaining a degree in the social sciences can help land you a job as an
economist, psychologist, survey researcher, as well as opportunities in sectors
such as law, government, and academia.

Social Science is the study of the activities of the physical and social
environment. Basically, it is the study of human relations or the scientific
study of human society. It deals with the humans-their relationships,
behaviour, development and resources they use and many kinds of
organizations they need to carry in their daily life like the workplace,
school, family, government, etc. It is important because its study helps us
to gain knowledge of the society, we live in. Generally, Social Science focus
on the relationships among individuals in society.

Social science is an academic discipline concerned with society and the

relationships among individuals within a society, which often rely primarily on
empirical approaches.
It includes anthropology, economics, political science, psychology and sociology.
In a wider sense, it may often include some fields in the humanities such as archaeology, history,
law, and linguistics.
Positivist social scientists use methods resembling those of the natural sciences as tools for
understanding society, and so define science in its stricter modern sense.
Interpretivist social scientists, by contrast, may use social critique or symbolic interpretation rather
than constructing empirically falsifiable theories, and thus treat science in its broader sense.
In modern academic practice, researchers are often eclectic, using multiple methodologies (for
instance, by combining the quantitative and qualitative techniques).
The term social research has also acquired a degree of autonomy as practitioners from various
disciplines share in its aims and methods.

Social Science means understanding our own society, and understanding societies around the world.
And it’s very important, alongside the physical sciences to understand how humans behave and interact.

Social science scientific study of human society and social relationships (The concise Oxford English

We know that we need to think about how people improve their lives, how they can improve their
health, their well-being, their economic situation, but we need to understand a bit more of the dynamics
of how that happens.
“While physics and mathematics may tell us how the universe began, they are not much use in predicting
human behaviour because there are far too many equations to solve.” Stephen Hawking

Social Science is a sort of research that actually integrates everything from hard science at one end to
the individual’s life at the other. So it’s the individual, the individual’s mind, the community, the
community’s will, and moving all the way even to brain science and so on. And I think people tend to
think of social science as being sociology, but it’s so much more than that.

“Man, the molecule of society, is the subject of social science” Henry Charles Carey

If anything is going to progress successfully, whether it’s science or engineering or medicine, at the end
of the day it’s going to involve humans, and what we need to under is how they can be influenced by,
and benefit from, new developments that are made in other sectors in society. It involves looking at
people why they don’t progress while they are in deprived areas and left out of society, and the reasons
for those. So there’s a strong link, as far as I’m concerned, between social science and other sciences.

Social science is the explanation of outcomes and developments in the social world be that in the
economics or politics or whatever sphere you are interested in. it is the development of theoretical
knowledge and understanding about how the social world works, how it fits together.

It is the pinnacle of the hierarchy of sciences. It is about man and society, of understanding people. We
have to believe that it can tell us about the way society functions. We have to believe that we can use it
to make our society better.

Social science helps us understand our social world, it helps us understand how it works. And therefore,
in turn, it helps us try and develop the knowledge that’s necessary to improve the social world. So in
that sense social science offers enormous opportunities to inform the development of policy.

The fundamental concept in social science is “Power” in the same sense in which “Energy” is the
fundamental concept of physics. Bertrand Russell

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