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Nowadays, mobile phone has become an important part of our society, it is a useful tool

of communication for the studying, working, and social life in general. But, are we sure

that it is an effective tool of communication? Are we giving it the right use?

Unfortunately, not. It is necessary to ask ourselves this type of questions that will help

us to understand how the behaviour of the human being has changed with the arrival of

new technologies and how this influences our way of thinking and acting. Because, this

more than a necessity, it has become a lifestyle. The problem lies when we can not

control it and becomes an addiction which is shown as a fear to lose the mobile phone

or be far away from it. However, the excessive use of mobile phone brings negative

physical and psychological effects; moreover, it affects the way people communicate

with each other.

As we are in constant exposure to the screen of mobile phones, tablets and computers,

our physical health has been highly affected, firstly electronics devices are consequence

of this one, what is causing myopia in people, specially, the millennials who are most

prone to suffer from it, because the emission of the light of these devices gradually

deteriorate the vision. According to a study of the College National of Opticos-

Optometristas shows that by 2020, 33 % of adolescents will have myopia as a

consequence of improper use of these devices [ CITATION LaN18 \l 3082 ]. In second

place, the fingers also are another problem because, the use prolonged to mobile phone,

and repetitive movement in the fingers specifically, the thumbs, it causes a damage in

the nerve of our hands and sharp pain, this is called Tendinitis. In a recent investigation

by the Occupational Health and Safety Administration of Europe it is revealed that this

ailment occurs 13 and 15 times more among people who make this type of manual tasks

than in the rest of the population.[ CITATION ElC14 \l 3082 ].

On the other hand, mobile phones have negatively impacted our mental health in fact,

the Nomophobia is the new disease caused by this dispositive, and the symptoms of this

psychological syndrome are: panic attack, anxiety, tension, nausea, accelerated heart

rate, stress, depression etc and the number of people that suffer this disease is

increasing. A British study revealed in 2008 that 53% of mobile phone users suffer

nomophobia.[ CITATION Cle15 \l 3082 ] . Nomophobia is clearly visible in all those

individuals that use their mobile phone to communicate and keep in touch with their

employees, colleagues, friend and family. Nomophobia can be a source of psychological

suffering for the person affected as well as for those around him.

Certainly, that mobile phone has arrived to facilitate the life of people but, this is

making us useless, instead of, help us to evolve this has caused a setback as human

being as a result, we have become in robots, machines that depend of this all time; this

produces a distraction in the daily tasks which can bring serious consequences such as

for instance, car accidents caused by use of mobile phone while driving or will be a

pedestrian. Driving in a state of intoxication, speeding and not using the seat belt have

been the main causes, however, in recent years a new element is increasing that number

of accidents when driving: mobile phone; there are more likely to suffer an accident or

be the cause of it, if we are talking or sending a message while driving. Studies

conducted in different countries indicate that the percentage of drivers who use the cell

phone while driving has increased over the last 5 to 10 years, and ranges between 1%

and 11 %. [ CITATION OMS11 \l 3082 ]. In the case of pedestrians, the use of mobile

phones also supposes a security risk, such as when crossing streets. Studies conducted

in virtual reality environments have shown that using the mobile phone elevates the

distraction of pedestrians to a level that puts them at risk (Stavrinos, 2011), makes it
difficult to cross the streets and make them walk more slowly while having a call, even

more than when listening to music (Neider, 2010; Schwebel, 2012).

Finally, we should be aware of the state of dependence of mobile phone, and we realize

in time about the damage that this can produce if we do not use it with moderation and

responsibility, limit its use for academic purposes or just to the work things without

cross the line. Respect the person in front of you, looking at your face so, there is good

communication The happiness is not in a device,

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