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CAL Extra

Class Goals Renting and Driving a Car

Lexical Focus – Words and Expressions Related to Cars

Discourse Focus – Transactional Talk (Renting a Car)

Cultural Awareness – Traffic Sings in the US


Do you consider yourself a good or a bad driver? How well do

you know your car? Are you able to identify and fix problems
in your car? Which ones?


1 Vocabulary

A. Parts of a car

Match the parts of the car below to their definitions.

(a) Gear shift (b) Bumpers

(c) Rearview mirror (d) Windshield
(e) Blinkers (f ) Headlights
(g) Trunk (h) Jack
(i ) Steering wheel (j ) Dashboard

( ) a bar fixed on the front and back of a car to protect it if it hits

( ) a piece of equipment used to lift a heavy weight off the
ground, such as a car, and support it while it is in the air;
( ) the small lights on a car that you flash on and off to show
which way you are turning;
( ) the part in front of the driver in a car that has the controls on it;
( ) a mirror inside a car etc that lets the driver see the area
behind the car;
Renting and Driving a Car 
( ) a wheel that you turn to control the direction of a car;
( ) one of the large lights at the front of a vehicle, or the beam
of light produced by this;
( ) the part at the back of a car where you can put bags, tools
( ) a metal rod that you move in order to control the gears of a
( ) the large window at the front of a car, bus etc.

B. Types of cars

Provide simple definitions of the types of cars listed. If possible,

give examples.

a) Compact:

b) Convertible:

c) Station wagon:

d) Sedan:

e) Pick-up:

f) Van:

g) Truck:

h) SUV:

C. Collocations

Match the words from the box with their correct complement.
a) , , , diesel;
b) , , , tank;
c) , , , service;
d) , , , rates;
e) , , , insurance;
f) , mileage;
g) limit.
Renting and Driving a Car 
Daily Unlead Annual
Medical Half Rental
Private Annual Extra
Super Fill-up Self
Full Special Leaded
Speed Empty Weekly

2 Steps While Renting a Car

Listed below you’ll find some common questions you’ll have to

answer or ask while renting a car. In pairs, decide when you
would say (S) / listen to (L) them.

1) How much more do I pay for extra insurance? ( )

2) May I have your driver’s license, please? ( )
3) What kind of insurance are you interested in? ( )
4) Do you have any special rates? ( )
5) Where else can I return the car? ( )
6) What type of car are you looking for? ( )
7) Would you like extra insurance? ( )
8) May I have your credit card? ( )
9) How long are you renting it for? ( )
10) Is there a discount? ( )
11) How much more do I pay for an extra driver? ( )
12) Could you please fill out these forms? ( )
13) Where would you like to return the car? ( )
14) Can I return my car at the airport? ( )
15) Until what time can I return the car? ( )
16) Couldn’t you explain to me how the car works?
(headlights, break, windshield wipers, alert , blinkers) ( )
17) If I decide to keep the car for more than a week,
do I get a special price? ( )
18) Can’t you do better than that? ( )
19) What type of car would you like? ( )
20) Will there be any other people driving the car? ( )
21) Do you have an emergency service? ( )

3 Signs

Check the following common traffic signs in American streets,

roads and highways. Decide what they mean by writing a proper

Renting and Driving a Car 

Renting and Driving a Car 


Write about the best and worst cities to drive in. If you don’t
drive, write about the best and worst means of transportation
you have used on your trips.


Renting and Driving a Car 

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