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Chapter 6: Nursing Care for the Family in Need of Reproductive Life Planning

Reproductive Life Planning 2. Minus 18 from shortest = 1st

 Includes all decision an individual or a couple fertile day
make about having children including 3. Minus 11 from longest = last
o If and when to have children fertile day
o How many children to have Basal Body Temperature (BBT) method
o Length of time between children 1. Before rising bed in the
 Counselling may include the topics of avoiding morning
conception, increasing fertility and what to do 2. Working at night: longest sleep
if contraception has failed 3. Same time
4. 0.2 degree Celsius
Contraceptives Cervical mucus (Billing’s) method
 An ideal contraceptive should be o The cervical mucus method is
 Safe and effective based on careful observation
 Compatible with religious and cultural of mucus patterns during the
beliefs, personal preferences of user course of your menstrual cycle
and partner Two – day method
 Free of bothersome side effects o Two days in a row observe
 Affordable and needing few vaginal secretions
instructions for use o Fertile: stretch 10 to 12 cm
 Free of effects on future pregnancy Symptothermal method
after discontinuation o Combination of CERVICAL
Categories of Commonly used Birth Control Methods: o Observe for puson pain; left or
I. Natural Family Planning right side
 Also called “periodic abstinence o Cervix
methods” Standard days method: CycleBeads
o No chemical or foreign material o It identifies a fixed fertile
into the body window in a woman's menstrual
o Failure rate: 2% to 25% cycle when pregnancy is most
o Need for couple to be likely. CycleBeads®, a visual
conscious of time period when tool, helps women track their
woman is most likely to be cycles to know when they are
fertile fertile.
 Abstinence Ovulation detection
o 0% failure rate o helps determine the time in the
o Most effective method to menstrual cycle when getting
prevent STIs pregnant is most likely.
 Lactation Amenorrhea Method (LAM) The test detects a rise in
o Safe method luteinizing hormone (LH) in the
o Failure rate: 1% to 5% if urine. A rise in this hormone
1. Infant under 6 mos of signals the ovary to release the
age egg.
2. Breastfeeding with no Marquette model
supplements o using urine fertility biomarkers
3. Menses had not collected at home that measure
returned hormone levels. These
2. Coitus Interruptus biomarkers can be used in
o 82% effective conjunction with cervical mucus
o Does not prevent STIs or basal body temperature and
3. Postcoital douching an algorithm to confidently
o Ineffective determine the woman's fertile
 Fertility Awareness Methods window
Calendar (rhythm) method II. Barrier Methods
1. Gather data for 6 months
Place a chemical or latex barrier between the
cervix and advancing sperm
1. Spermicides
2. Male and Female condoms
3. Diaphragm
4. Cervical cap
Side effects and Contraindications
o Not effective if uterus is prolapsed,
retroflexed or anteflexed
o Cystocele or rectocele
o Higher number of UTIs, herpes virus
infection or papillomavirus infection
o History of toxic shock syndrome (TSS)
a staphylococcal infection introduced
through the vagina
o Allergy to rubber or spermicides
o History of recurrent UTIs
To prevent TSS
o Wash hands
o Do not use a diaphragm during
menstrual period
o Do not leave a diaphragm in place
longer than 24 hours
o Be aware of S&S
III. Hormonal Contraceptives
1. Oral
2. Transdermal
3. Intravaginal
4. Intramuscular
5. Subdermal hormone implants
IV. Intrauterine Devices (IUDs)
1. Copper T380
2. Levonorgestrel – releasing intrauterine
system (Mirena or liletta)
3. Levonorgestrel – releasing intrauterine
system 13.5 mg Skyla
4. Levonorgestrel – releasing intrauterine
system 19.5 mg Kyleena
V. Surgical Methods
1. Tubal Ligation
2. Vasectomy
VI. Emergency Postcoital Contraception
1. High – dose progestin – based pills
2. Insertion of copper IUD
3. Ulipristal acetate (known as ella)
VII. Termination of Pregnancy
1. Class IV heart disease
2. Chromosomal defect
3. Unwanted as result of rape or incest
4. Unwanted due to financial, age and
not wanting to be single parent,
wanting no more children

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